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3000TH: นัก nakH so, so much, a person who…
5000FR: tant so much, so many
5000FR: tellement so much

I realize that i love her so much. Tôi nhận ra tôi yêu cô ấy rất nhiều. Verbs 2.5

I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Tôi bực mình vì bạn uống nhiều bia quá. * 094

like: so much
(1) to be so much the ~er, increasing, more and more
(2) claw, shaft
leave somebody alone, so much the worse for kệ thây
much less ~, so much the worse for ~ thây kệ
to must need to do sth even more, so much the more one needs to ... càng phải

1460 You watch TV all the time. You shouldn't watch TV so much. Cậu suốt ngày xem vô tuyến. Cậu không nên xem vô tuyến nhiều thế.
1477 She shouldn't watch TV so much. Cô ấy không nên xem nhiều vô tuyến như thế.
2959 Since he got so much bad press, it wouldn't just blow over. Everybody knew him now. Vì anh ấy bị lên án trên báo chí quá nhiều nên chuyện sẽ không chỉ qua đi. Giờ mọi người đều đã biết anh ấy.

He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him. alter
You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. bound
I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work). chain
I never expected those few items to come to so much. come to sth
disgusted (with sb/sth/yourself): I was disgusted with myself for eating so much. disgusted
dislike sb/sth: Why do you dislike him so much? dislike
He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized him. to... extent
You'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate. fat
He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him (= when he left). glad
Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon). level
He wouldn't have minded so much if she'd told him the truth. mind
Need you have paid so much? need
He never so much as smiled (= did not smile even once). never
proud that...: She was proud that her daughter had so much talent. proud
Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. rarely
It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money. realistic
We have so much to do. so
The article was just so much (= nothing but) nonsense. so
I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. so
It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). so
Off she went without so much as (= without even) a 'goodbye'. so
We are very busy—so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year. so
I told the boys off for making so much noise. tell sb off (for sth/for doing sth)
She took the money without so much as a thank you. thank you
used to doing sth: I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime. used
I wish I hadn't eaten so much. wish

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