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like: share

share in sth: I try to get the kids to share in the housework. share
share sth (with sb): Both drivers shared the blame for the accident. share
share sth: They shared a common interest in botany. share
a view that is widely shared share
shared values share
share sth with sb: People often share their political views with their parents. share
share in sth: I didn't really share in her love of animals. share
share sth: Men often don't like to share their problems. share
The two friends shared everything—they had no secrets. share
share (sth with sb): Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? share
The group listens while one person shares (= tells other people about their experiences, feelings, etc.). share
Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids. share
The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas. share
Bob told Jess he wanted to share his life with her. share
John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing. share
We shared the pizza between the four of us. share
Rita shared her money out among her six grandchildren. share
Profits are shared out yearly. share
Sue shares a house with three other students. share
There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing? share
shares in British Telecom share
a fall in share prices share
share capital share
a share certificate share
How much was your share of the winnings? share
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market. share
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
We all did our share. share
share of sth: Everyone must accept their share of the blame. share
I've had my share of luck in the past. share
I've done my share of worrying for one day! share