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EVP sexual

OXF3000ZH: 性的 性别的 sexual
5000FR: sexuel sexual
5000FR: homosexuel homosexual
OXF3000: tình dục sexual
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexual
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexually
CORE: sexual + + + + + + +
NGLS: sexual + Concerning or connected with the physical activity that can produce babies
WNS: (a.) [homosexual] gay
WNS: (a.) [sexual]

ENDE: sexual geschlechtlich

like: sexual
to copulate, couple, have sexual intercourse giao cấu
to have sex, sexual intercourse giao hợp
forbid sexual intercourse giới sắc
sex act, sexual activity hành động tình dục
impotent, with out sexual power liệt dương
cloud and rain, rain clouds, nimbus; sexual intercourse, love making mây mưa
feel sexual urge, feel aroused ngứa nghề
swoon during sexual intercourse, fall sick after sexual intercourse phạm phòng

sexually active teenagers active
Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. attraction
social/sexual/criminal behaviour behaviour
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
protection against sexually transmitted diseases disease
It was his first sexual encounter (= first experience of sex). encounter
a criminal/serious/minor/sexual, etc. offence offence
the sexual/reproductive organs organ
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
to have sexual relations (= to have sex) relation
sexual behaviour sexual
They were not having a sexual relationship at the time. sexual
Her interest in him is purely sexual. sexual
sexual orientation (= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual ) sexual
a sexual partner (= a person who you have sex with) sexual
sexually abused children sexually
She finds him sexually attractive. sexually
sexually explicit sexually
Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys. sexually
The disease is a threat to anyone who is sexually active. sexually
sexual union union
sexual urges urge

sexuel il y a des pervers sexuels partout
homosexuel il n’avait plus honte d’être homosexuel