Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP self-confidence
EVP self-confident
EVP self-service
EVP self-conscious
EVP self-worth
EVP self-aggrandizement/self-aggrandisement

5000FR: artisan craftsman, self-employed
5000FR: retenue deduction; restraint, self-control
OXF3000: tự self-

like: self-
(1) Chinese character
(2) Buddhist temple, pagoda
(3) from, since
(4) oneself, on one’s own, self-
(5) otherwise known as, alias

He claims he acted in self-defence. act
self-catering holiday apartments apartment
flood sb with sth: The words flooded him with self-pity. flood
knock sth: The criticism had knocked (= damaged) her self-esteem. knock
to practise self-restraint/safe sex practise
a self-service restaurant restaurant
self-control self-
self-addressed self-
self-taught self-
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital

artisan nous sommes les artisans de notre propre destin
retenue je me suis racontée sans aucune retenue