Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000D: đúng right sehr
OXF3000D: rất very sehr

ENDE: right sehr
ENDE: very sehr

I think you speak very well. Tôi thấy bạn nói rất là giỏi. * 025
And the bag is really very reasonable. Và túi xách tay thực sự là rất rẻ. * 056
Our grandfather is very old. Ông của chúng tôi rất già. * 070
I find him very handsome. Tôi thấy rằng ông ấy quả thật rất đẹp trai. * 093

like: sehr
sehr rất
sehr gut rất tốt
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ... kính thưa quí ông và quí bà,...
flitzen (sehr schnell rennen) chạy vùn vụt

sehr 非常 fēicháng
sehr gut 很好 hěn hǎo
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ... 尊敬的女士们先生们 ,... zūn jìng de nǔe shì men xiān shēng men, .....
flitzen (sehr schnell rennen) 飞奔 (很快地跑) fēibēn (hěn kuài de pǎo)

Nach dem Flug ist er müde und sein Gepäck ist sehr schwer. Sau chuyến bay anh cảm thấy mệt và hành lý thì rất nặng. (Lektion 3, Nr. 22)
Danke für die Information, das ist sehr nett. Tốt quá. Cám ơn nhiều. (Lektion 4, Nr. 33)
Der Kurs ist heute sehr gut. Tỉ giá hôm nay rất tốt. (Lektion 5, Nr. 47)
Die Rühreier sind sehr gut. Món trứng chiên ngon tuyêt. (Lektion 9, Nr. 82)
Ich esse nicht sehr häufig Fleisch. Anh không có ăn thịt thường. (Lektion 9, Nr. 85)
Das Essen schmeckt dort sehr gut. Thức ăn ở đó rất ngon. (Lektion 9, Nr. 91)
Das ist sehr einfach. Wissen Sie, wo der Markt ist? Đơn giản thôi. Anh có biết chợ nằm ở đâu không? (Lektion 11, Nr. 108)
Trang ist sehr hungrig. Sie entscheidet sich, ein Menü zu bestellen. Trang rất đói. Cô ấy quyết định gọi một suất ăn. (Lektion 12, Nr. 115)
Lass uns zum Salatbuffet gehen, ich bin sehr hungrig und ich liebe den griechischen Salat. Chúng ta đi ăn búp phê salat đi. Anh đói và anh thích món salat Hy Lạp. (Lektion 12, Nr. 117)
Ich mag dieses Essen wirklich sehr. Em thật thích món này lắm. (Lektion 12, Nr. 120)
Tri ist ein sehr guter Koch und er mag es, Freunde einzuladen. Tri là một đầu bếp giỏi và anh ấy thích mời bạn bè. (Lektion 14, Nr. 153)
Das Essen war sehr gut. Es war sehr nett von dir, dass du mich eingeladen hast. Bữa ăn ngon tuyệt. Cám ơn anh đã mời em. (Lektion 15, Nr. 163)
Sie ist wegen der großen Fenster sehr hell. Do có cửa sổ rộng nên mọi thứ sáng sủa hơn. (Lektion 16, Nr. 170)
Danke. Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich diese Wohnung fand. Cám ơn. Anh rất may mắn khi tìm được căn nhà này. (Lektion 16, Nr. 171)
Das Wetter wird sehr kalt und nass und Tri braucht neue Kleidung. Trời rất lạnh và ẩm ướt và Tri cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 247)
Okay, ich kenne ein sehr gutes Geschäft, in dem wir beide etwas finden werden. Ok, em biết một cửa hàng rất tuyệt, ở đó cả hai chúng ta sẽ tìm được thứ gì đó. (Lektion 22, Nr. 272)
Tri und Trang sind jetzt sehr müde und hungrig. Tri và Trang hiện rất đói và mệt. (Lektion 23, Nr. 275)
Das ist eine sehr gute Idee. Vielen Dank! Một ý tưởng tuyệt vời. Cám ơn em nhiều. (Lektion 24, Nr. 309)
Es gibt einen sehr netten Juwelier in Berlin. Meine Oma arbeitet dort. Có một tiệm kim hoàn rất tốt ở Berlin. Bà em làm việc ở đó. (Lektion 25, Nr. 315)
Meine Großmutter hat einen sehr wertvollen Ring aus Spanien. Bà em có một cái nhẫn rất quý từ Tây Ban Nha. (Lektion 25, Nr. 319)
Es war ein sehr kleines Geschäft im Außenbezirk der Stadt. Đó là một cửa hàng rất nhỏ nằm ở ngoại ô thành phố. (Lektion 26, Nr. 327)
Er war von der langen Reise sehr müde. Anh ấy mệt do chuyến đi kéo dài. (Lektion 27, Nr. 341)
Nach dem Unfall ist Tri sehr an Medizin interessiert. Sau vụ tai nạn Tri rất quan tâm đến y dược. (Lektion 33, Nr. 436)
Sie war sehr groß. Cô ấy rất cao lớn. (Lektion 34, Nr. 462)
Nein, er ist dunkelhaarig, elegant und sehr hübsch. Không, anh ta tóc màu đen, rất lịch thiệp và đáng yêu. (Lektion 34, Nr. 469)
Das ist eine sehr gute Idee. Ich gehe sowieso lieber ins Theater. í hay đó. Dù sao anh vẫn thích đi nhà hát hơn. (Lektion 34, Nr. 478)
Nam ist sehr dünn. Sie ist vier Jahre alt. Nam rất gầy. Nó bốn tuối. (Lektion 35, Nr. 482)
Sie muss immer Märchen erzählen, weil sie eine sehr gute Geschichtenerzählerin ist. Cô ấy luôn phải kế một câu chuyện cố tích, vì cô ấy là một người kế chuyện rất hay. (Lektion 35, Nr. 487)
Am Ticketschalter musst du sehr lange warten. Am besten benutzt du den Fahrscheinautomaten. Ở quầy bán vé anh phải đợi rất lâu. Tốt nhất là anh dùng máy bán vé tự động. (Lektion 37, Nr. 532)
Es ist ein sehr regnerischer und stürmischer Tag. Trang schaut aus dem Fenster heraus. Đó là một ngày mưa bão. Trang nhìn ra cửa số. (Lektion 38, Nr. 537)
Tri vermisst seine Familie sehr. Tri rất nhớ gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 579)
Das ist sehr nett! Sie können glücklich sein. Ich habe keine Familie mehr. Thật là tuyệt. Chắc cô hạnh phúc lắm. Tôi không còn gia đình nữa. (Lektion 41, Nr. 587)
Das ist gut. Oder wir laufen. Laufen ist sehr gesund. Tốt. Hay chúng ta chạy đi. Chạy rất tốt mà. (Lektion 42, Nr. 607)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich möchte Folgendes reklamieren: Kính thưa quí ông và quí bà, tôi muốn phàn nàn về sự việc sau đây: (Lektion 47, Nr. 669)
Ich finde deine Fotos sehr gelungen. Em thấy những bức ảnh của anh rất thành công. (Lektion 57, Nr. 814)
Sie leidet wirklich sehr unter ihrem Liebeskummer. Chị đã thực sự chịu đựng rất nhiều về sự buồn khổ vì tình. (Lektion 61, Nr. 868)
Die Reparatur von Tris Auto war sehr teuer. Việc sửa xe ô tô của Trí quá đắt. (Lektion 69, Nr. 981)
Auch darüber, dass er abgeschleppt wurde, hat er sich sehr geärgert. Và cũng về việc xe bị kéo làm anh rất bực mình. (Lektion 69, Nr. 982)
Tri ist ein sehr fröhlicher und humorvoller Mensch. Trí là một người rất vui vẻ và hóm hỉnh. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1050)
Du hast mit Freunden gegenüber von uns gesessen und hattest ein sehr charmantes Lächeln. Anh ngồi ăn cùng bạn bè đối diện và có một nụ cười rất quyến rũ. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1058)
Dieser Bassist ist auch sehr begabt. Người đàn bát này cũng rất có năng khiếu. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1113)
Sehr gut, das klingt nach einem gelungenen Abendprogramm! Rất tốt, điều này nghe có vẻ mang đến một chương trình đêm thành công! (Lektion 78, Nr. 1115)
Leicht angeheitert amüsieren sie sich und haben scheinbar sehr viel Spaß. Hơi ngà ngà say họ vui chơi và rõ ràng là rất thích thú. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1122)
Zwillinge sind schnell und sehr flexibel. Song sinh thì nhanh nhẹ và linh hoạt. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1134)
Er besitzt Führungsqualität und ist sehr großzügig. Sở hữu tài lãnh đạo và rất phóng khoáng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1139)
Mein Vertrag geht noch über zwei Jahre, ich bin sehr fleißig und werde oft gelobt. Hợp đồng của anh còn hơn hai năm nữa, anh rất chăm chỉ và thường được thưởng. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1165)
Es ist sehr dringend. Việc này rất gấp. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1242)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi ông bà, (Lektion 89, Nr. 1317)
Sehr geehrte Frau ..., Kính gửi bà .. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1318)
Sehr geehrter Herr ..., Kính gửi ông .. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1319)
Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Kính gửi quý khách hàng (Lektion 89, Nr. 1320)
Sehr geehrte Kunden, Kính gửi các quý khách hàng (Lektion 89, Nr. 1321)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính thưa quý ông, quý bà (Lektion 91, Nr. 1362)
Sehr geehrte Frau ..., Kính chào bà .. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1363)
Sehr geehrter Herr ..., Kính chào ông .. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1364)
Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Kính thưa quý khách hàng (Lektion 91, Nr. 1365)
Das ist mir sehr peinlich. Tôi thấy rất ngại / rất xấu hổ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1483)
Das hört sich sehr interessant an! Chuyện này nghe có vẻ hay đấy. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1498)
Das ist sehr nett von Ihnen. Anh / Chị thật chu đáo. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1499)
Im Sommer war ich in einer sehr interessanten Ausstellung. Mùa hè trước tôi đã đi xem một cuộc triển lãm rất thú vị. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1538)
Montag passt mir sehr gut. Thứ hai tôi thấy rất phù hợp. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1551)
Wir erwarten, dass Sie über sehr gute PC-Kenntnisse verfügen. Chúng tôi mong đợi rằng anh / chị có kiến thức rất tốt về máy tính. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1746)
Das Verhältnis mit den Kollegen war sehr gut. Wir haben auch in der Freizeit viel gemeinsam unternommen. Quan hệ với đồng nghiệp rất tốt. Chúng tôi cũng đi chơi cùng nhau nhiều trong thời gian rỗi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1765)
Dieses Praktikum war sehr lehrreich und nützlich für mein Studium und meine persönliche Entwicklung. Khóa thực tập rất giàu kiến thức và hữu ích cho việc học đại học và sự phát triển cá nhân của tôi . (Lektion 103, Nr. 1768)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi: Ông / Bà .... (Lektion 105, Nr. 1805)
Mein Studium habe ich mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1811)
Ich habe mein Studium mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen und schon über sieben Jahre Berufserfahrung. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi và đã có trên bảy năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1812)
Über eine Einladung zu einem persönlichen Gespräch würde ich mich sehr freuen. Tôi rất mong được nhận thư mời đến phỏng vấn của ông / bà. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1827)
Ich habe Ihr Unternehmen auf einer Messe kennengelernt und bin seither sehr daran interessiert für Sie zu arbeiten. Tôi đã làm quen với công ty của ông / bà ở một hội chợ triển lãm và từ đó tôi rất quan tâm được làm việc cho công ty. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1954)
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem neuen Flachbildschirm. Tôi rất hài lòng với màn hình phẳng mới này. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2040)
Ich fand Ihre Präsentation sehr interessant. Tôi thấy bài thuyết trình của anh / chị / ông / bà rất thú vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2120)
Ich finde die Idee der Kollegin sehr interessant. Tôi thấy ý kiến của nữ đồng nghiệp rất thú vị. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2155)
Dieses Projekt ist sehr wichtig. Dự án này rất quan trọng. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2183)
Sie sind sehr motiviert. Anh / Chị rất nhiệt tình. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2225)
Das ist sehr wertvoll. Cái này rất giá trị. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2271)
Danke, es war sehr gut. Cám ơn, rất ngon. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2455)
Ich schreibe Ihnen, weil ich von Ihrem Service sehr enttäuscht bin. Tôi viết thư này vì tôi rất thất vọng về dịch vụ của quý vị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2469)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Kính gửi ông/bà (Lektion 126, Nr. 2523)
Sehr geehrter Herr ... Kính gửi ông ... (Lektion 126, Nr. 2524)
Sehr geehrte Frau ... Kính gửi bà... (Lektion 126, Nr. 2525)

My watch is not very accurate. accurate
Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active. active
admiration for sb/sth: I have great admiration for her as a writer. admiration
+ speech: 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly. admit
You must admit that it all sounds very strange. admit
advertise sth: We advertised the concert quite widely. advertise
I didn't like it that much. Also, it was much too expensive. also
She was not only intelligent but also very musical. also
He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him. alter
Although the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm. although
I am not altogether happy (= I am very unhappy) about the decision. altogether
This painting is very good—Ellie always was very good at art (= so it is not very surprising). always
She writes very amusing letters. amusing
angry with/at sb about/for sth: I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. angry
annoyed (with sb) (at/about sth): He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness. annoyed
This interruption is very annoying. annoying
She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. appearance
He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself. appearance
She knows the local area very well. area
We didn't arrive back at the hotel until very late. arrive
A job interview is a very artificial situation. artificial
She comes from a very artistic family. artistic
The decor inside the house was very artistic. artistic
The old house is full of atmosphere (= it's very interesting). atmosphere
I've never seen two people so attached to each other. attached
We've grown very attached to this house. attached
Small children have a very short attention span. attention
Your new glasses are very attractive. attractive
It's been a very mild autumn this year. autumn
acutely/painfully (= very) aware aware
He was well aware of the problem. aware
There's not an awful lot of room. awful
I had an awful job persuading him to come (= it was very difficult). awful
This box is very awkward for one person to carry. awkward
In spite of their very different backgrounds, they immediately became friends. background
I thought it was a very bad article. bad
The kids took the dog's death very badly (= they were very unhappy). badly
I miss her badly. badly
She gets very bad-tempered when she's tired. bad-tempered
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thanks.' be
The doctor behaved very unprofessionally. behave
They behaved very badly towards their guests. behave
You took that bend very fast! bend
We're the best of friends (= very close friends). best
I see her most weekends but not very often in between. between
She is very bitter about losing her job. bitter
She had a beautiful face with very good bone structure. bone
born into sth: She was born into a very musical family. born
She was very short of breath (= had difficulty breathing). breath
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). brilliant
a broad smile/grin (= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused) broad
He was like a brother to me (= very close). brother
She's built up a very successful business. build sth up
The principal is a very busy woman. busy
a very busy life busy
It was getting worse by the minute (= very fast). by
He can be very tactless sometimes. can
She's a very capable teacher. capable
I've never been very good at cards. card
care about sth: She cares deeply about environmental issues. care
They care an awful lot about each other. care
My school career was not very impressive. career
I'm very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I do it). careful
It's a classic case (= a very typical case) of bad planning. case
The flat is very central—just five minutes from Princes Street. central
chance of sth: Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. chance
an outside chance (= a very small one) chance
We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. chance
buildings that are very simple in character character
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
You can live very cheaply in Italy. cheaply
The sport has a very clean image. clean
Cats are very clean animals. clean
The photo wasn't very clear. clear
She explained everything very clearly. clearly
That (= what you just did) wasn't very clever, was it? (= it wasn't sensible) clever
It was a very close finish. close
There's a close resemblance (= they look very similar). close
Jo is a very close friend. close
She is very close to her father. close
She and her father are very close. close
We're a very close family. close
Their birthdays are very close together. close
They're not millionaires, but they're certainly very comfortable. comfortable
These new shoes are not very comfortable. comfortable
comment that...: A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high. comment
commitment (to sb/sth): She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. commitment
Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments. commitment
The children are very good company (= pleasant to be with) at this age. company
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days. competitive
The instructions look very complicated. complicated
It's all very complicated—but I'll try and explain. complicated
Conditions are ideal (= the weather is very good) for sailing today. condition
confirm sb in sth: I'm very happy to confirm you in your post. confirm
The instructions on the box are very confusing. confusing
a very confusing experience confusing
The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person. considerably
a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) consumer
When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast. contrast
contribution (to sth): He made a very positive contribution to the success of the project. contribution
He played very controlled football. controlled
It is very convenient to pay by credit card. convenient
She's very conventional in her views. conventional
The reorganization has created a lot of bad feeling. create
The supervisor is always very critical. critical
critical of sb/sth: Tom's parents were highly critical of the school. critical
Ben is very sensitive, he just can't take criticism. criticism
We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one). crop
London was very crowded. crowded
We have a very crowded schedule. crowded
I found him crying his eyes out (= crying very much). cry
The political cultures of the United States and Europe are very different. culture
They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs. curious
She feels very cut off living in the country. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
It's been a long day (= I've been very busy). day
dear to sb: Her daughter is very dear to her. dear
Dear Sir or Madam dear
They were deeply disturbed by the accident. deeply
deeply held beliefs/convictions/views (= that sb feels very strongly) deeply
define sth: We need to define the task ahead very clearly. define
Babies have very delicate skin. delicate
I don't want to depend too much on my parents. depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth)
She felt very depressed about the future. depressed
Looking for a job these days can be very depressing. depressing
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
I nearly died when I saw him there (= it was very embarrassing). die
People often give very different accounts of the same event. different
She finds it very difficult to get up early. difficult
My boss is making life very difficult for me. difficult
She has a very direct way of speaking. direct
I am very unhappy with the direction the club is taking. direction
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment. disagreement
I was very disappointed with myself. disappointed
an infectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to sb very easily) disease
dislike sb/sth: Why do you dislike him so much? dislike
Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. distance
He's doing very well at school (= his work is good). do
I'm not very good at drawing. drawing
I need a stiff drink (= a very strong drink). drink
a hard (= very harmful) drug such as heroin drug
a soft drug (= one that is not considered very harmful) drug
I'm afraid this cake has turned out very dry. dry
The play was going very well until one of the actors suddenly dried up. dry up
Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. effective
You dealt with the situation very effectively. effectively
a very efficiently organized event efficiently
The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government. embarrassing
This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position. embarrassing
Much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing. embarrassment
Emotions are running high (= people are feeling very excited, angry, etc.). emotion
This is a very emotional time for me. emotional
They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well). employer
encourage sb: We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public. encourage
enjoy sth: We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York. enjoy
highly/really/thoroughly/very enjoyable enjoyable
enthusiastic about sb/sth: You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea. enthusiastic
Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls. especially
It was cold there even in summer (= so it must have been very cold in winter). even
We see them very seldom, if ever. ever
The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her. excite
excited (at sth): I'm really excited at the prospect of working abroad. excited
excited (by sth): Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. excited
excited (to do sth): He was very excited to be asked to play for Wales. excited
Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. experience
In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. experience
experienced in sth/in doing sth: He's very experienced in looking after animals. experienced
She's very young and not very experienced. experienced
express yourself + adv./prep.: Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well. express
He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized him. to... extent
The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. to... extent
I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her. extremely
Sue's face was a picture (= she looked very surprised, angry, etc.) as she listened to her husband's speech. face
The punishment was very fair. fair
We'll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long). fairly
I think you'll find it fairly difficult (= you do not want to say that it is very difficult). fairly
He has always treated me very fairly. fairly
familiar to sb: The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. familiar
She lives in a very fashionable part of London. fashionable
These biscuits are great favourites with the children. favourite
He feels the cold a lot. feel
She felt her mother's death very deeply. feel
(+ adv./prep.): This is something I feel strongly about. feel
Its skin feels really smooth. feel
Feelings are running high (= people are very angry or excited). feeling
find sb/sth + adj./noun: We found the beds very comfortable. find
a very fine performance fine
It was a meal fit for a king (= of very good quality). fit
Top athletes have to be very fit. fit
I feel really fighting fit (= very healthy and full of energy). fit
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
This is the place for me (= I like it very much). for
Help in the form of money will be very welcome. form
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
friendly to/toward(s) sb: Everyone was very friendly towards me. friendly
Your friendship is very important to me. friendship
Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? from
He'd had a very full life. full
She's very lively and full of fun. fun
The engine's making a very funny noise. funny
Oh very funny! You expect me to believe that? funny
In general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare. in general
He wrote a very generous assessment of my work. generous
This soap is very gentle on the hands. gentle
a very genuine person genuine
You got in very late last night. get
She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches. get
I'm not getting on very fast with this job. get on with sth
He's getting on very well at school. get on
She got herself into a real state (= became very anxious) before the interview. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
glad about sth: 'He doesn't need the pills any more.' 'I'm glad about that.' glad
He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him (= when he left). glad
'How did your interview go?' 'It went very well, thank you.' go
good (to sb): He was very good to me when I was ill. good
good (of sb) (to do sth): It was very good of you to come. good
He is a very good man. good
He's very good with children. good
This is very good news. good
Sorry, my English is not very good. good
Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied). grade
Recovery from the disease is very gradual. gradual
It's not a very grand house. grand
grateful (to sb) (for sth): I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. grateful
I would be most grateful if you would keep this matter confidential. grateful
The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done. grave
Local people are gravely concerned. gravely
She seemed in great spirits (= very cheerful). great
People's reaction to the film has varied greatly. greatly
Your help would be greatly appreciated. greatly
He's gone very grey. grey
She's very good at handling her patients. handle
This matter has been handled very badly. handle
You don't look very happy today. happy
happy for sb: I'm very happy for you. happy
He said some very hard things to me. hard
She's a very hard worker. hard
I find his attitude very hard to take (= difficult to accept). hard
Don't be too hard on him—he's very young. be hard on sb/sth
I have a splitting headache (= a very bad one). headache
Your (very) good health! (= said before drinking alcohol to express good wishes for sb's health and happiness) health
helpful to sb: The booklet should be very helpful to parents of disabled children. helpful
I called the police but they weren't very helpful. helpful
a war hero (= sb who was very brave during a war) hero
She must be very proud of herself. herself
She never got very high in the company. high
highly successful/skilled/intelligent highly
It is highly unlikely that she'll be late. highly
His teachers think very highly of him (= have a very good opinion of him). highly
It's very windy—you'd better hold on to your hat. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
She has high hopes of winning (= is very confident about it). hope
To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry (= it upset him very much). horror
Cook in a very hot oven. hot
Britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very restricted. hour
'Her behaviour was very odd.' 'How so? ' how
How he wished he had been there! how
He's really very human when you get to know him. human
She wasn't feeling very hungry. hungry
If this is your idea of a joke, then I don't find it very funny. idea
His public image is very different from the real person. image
Image is very important in the music world. image
It's a matter of the greatest importance to me. importance
He was very aware of his own importance (= of his status). importance
important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. important
She gives the impression of being very busy. impression
She was very impressive in the interview. impressive
'Was he very angry?' 'Indeed he was.' indeed
I was very sad indeed to hear of your father's death. indeed
She's a very independent-minded young woman. independent
'Please come with us.' 'Very well then, if you insist.' insist
interested (in sth/sb): I'm very interested in history. interested
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
involved with sb/sth: You're too emotionally involved with the situation. involved
She had a will of iron (= it was very strong). iron
I found her extremely irritating irritating
He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). job
I didn't expect them to jump for joy at the news (= to be very pleased). joy
To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed. judge
keen (to do sth): John was very keen to help. keen
keen (that...): We are keen that our school should get involved too. keen
keep sb/sth doing sth: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. keep
My mother will kill me (= be very angry with me) when she finds out. kill
a very kind and helpful person kind
You've been very kind. kind
The weather was very kind to us. kind
'Do have another.' 'That's very kind of you (= thank you).' kind
She's very nice when you get to know her. know
The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer. land
very large sums of money large
He's a very large child for his age. large
The concert was cancelled at a very late stage. late
Some children are very late developers. late
I've had too many late nights recently (= when I've gone to bed very late). late
learn (about sth): She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture. learn
learn (that)...: We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. learn
He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling very left out. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
My day-to-day life is not very exciting. life
Many of these children have led very sheltered lives (= they have not had many different experiences). life
He became very weak towards the end of his life. life
They were very happy throughout their married life. life
He's very like his father. like
He ran like the wind (= very fast). like
This animal's intelligence is very limited. limited
live sth: She lived a very peaceful life. live
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
She still has an awful lot (= a very large amount) to learn. lot
I care a lot about you. lot
She spoke in a very loud voice. loud
She has a very low opinion of her own abilities. low
low forms of life (= creatures with a very simple structure) low
Training was given a very low priority. low
Yogurt is usually very low in fat. low
a very low-scoring game low
The news made him very happy. make
make sth of sb/sth: This isn't very important—I don't want to make an issue of it. make
He has no manners (= behaves very badly). manner
I've known her for a great many (= very many) years. many
Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely valuable. mark
As a couple they are not very well matched (= they are not very suitable for each other). match
He worked out the very difficult mathematics in great detail. mathematics
matter with sb/sth: Is something the matter with Bob? He seems very down. matter
Matters came to a head (= the situation became very difficult) with his resignation. matter
Your friendship means a great deal to me. mean
Duncan and Makiko were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners). mean
I'm feeling very guilty—I've been meaning to call my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it. mean
What do you mean, you thought I wouldn't mind? (= of course I mind and I am very angry) mean
Accurate measurement is very important in science. measurement
There's not much meat on her (= she is very thin). meat
The baby is very mentally alert. mentally
I felt extremely fit, both physically and mentally. mentally
mind (that)...: Mind you don't cut yourself—that knife's very sharp. mind
miss sb/sth: She will be greatly missed when she leaves. miss
The weather has been very mixed recently. mixed
Moments later (= a very short time later), I heard a terrible crash. moment
He led a very moral life. moral
a very moral person moral
Much as I would like to stay, I really must go home. much as
She's very musical. musical
She has a very narrow view of the world. narrow
My work is very specialized in nature. nature
She is very sensitive by nature. nature
The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future (= very soon). near
She summarized her plan very neatly. neatly
Giraffes have very long necks. neck
Our next-door neighbours are very noisy. neighbour
nervous (about/of sth): Consumers are very nervous about the future. nervous
I felt really nervous before the interview. nervous
She was of a nervous disposition. nervous
Our new neighbours are very nice. nice
nice about sth: I complained to the manager and he was very nice about it. nice
You look very nice. nice
We all had the flu last week—it wasn't very nice. nice
'It's not very good, is it?' 'No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).' no
The engine is very noisy at high speed. noisy
The streets were very noisy throughout the night. noisy
My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call. normal
Huge numbers of (= very many) animals have died. number
I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health. occasion
This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal. occasionally
They're very odd people. odd
It's most odd that (= very odd that) she hasn't written. odd
She's been behaving very oddly lately. oddly
She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired). open
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
In my opinion, it's a very sound investment. opinion
The meal was very ordinary. ordinary
Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly. organize
a very organized person organized
That's not a very original suggestion. original
The school was originally very small. originally
Their house is very similar to ours, but ours is bigger. ours
Overall, this is a very useful book. overall
He's parked very badly. park
She was very good in the part. part
The lecture was not particularly (= not very) interesting. particularly
'Did you enjoy it?' 'No, not particularly (= not very much).' particularly
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
The past month has been really busy at work. past
She's very patient with young children. patient
The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath (= very quickly). pause
high-performance (= very powerful) cars performance
The children all have very different personalities. personality
She was very beautiful but seemed to lack personality. personality
Physically, she hadn't changed much. physically
The TV report painted a much rosier picture of the employment situation than research shows to be the case. picture
The picture isn't very clear tonight. picture
It would be a great pity if you gave up now. pity
She's always very eager to please. please
pleased (with sb/sth): She was very pleased with her exam results. pleased
Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb). pleased
One of the hotel's plus points is that it is very central. plus
One of the hotel's plus points (= good features) is that it is very central. point
+ speech: 'It's not very far,' she pointed out. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
a hugely/immensely popular singer popular
Skiing has become very popular recently. popular
I'm not very popular with my parents (= they are annoyed with me) at the moment. popular
She has made her position very clear. position
We've had a very positive response to the idea. positive
His family have been a very positive influence on him. positive
power (to do sth): He has the power to make things very unpleasant for us. power
Bob's very practical. He does all the odd jobs around the house. practical
They always sing his praises (= praise him very highly). praise
She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely. precisely
She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances. preserve
The principle behind it is very simple. principle
There are no prizes for guessing (= it is very easy to guess) who she was with. prize
Many of the performers were very professional. professional
The room is very long in proportion to (= relative to) its width. proportion
proud to be/have sth: I feel very proud to be a part of the team. proud
At the push of a button (= very easily) he could get a whole list of names. push
She put it very tactfully. put
Her new job has put a great strain on her. put
She's very clever but her manner does tend to put people off. put sb off
Question 3 was very difficult. question
These cakes are very quick and easy to make. quick
He replied to my letter very quickly. quickly
He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset. quiet
It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). rain
Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). raise
It was a rare (= very great) honour to be made a fellow of the college. rare
+ adj.: I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration. rate
The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. real
'Did you enjoy the book?' 'Not really ' (= 'no' or 'not very much'). really
We have every reason (= have very good reasons) to feel optimistic. reason
It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make. reasonable
There was very poor reception on my phone. reception
The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it). recommend
He stammered something and went very red in the face. red
refusal to do sth: His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying. refusal
regard sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): Her work is very highly regarded. regard
He held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her). regard
He gave up teaching in 2009, much to the regret of his students. regret
relationship (with sb): She has a very close relationship with her sister. relationship
She had a very relaxed manner. relaxed
His wife is very religious. religious
Very little of the house remained after the fire. remain
The photocopier reproduces colours very well. reproduce
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist. resist
In this respect we are very fortunate. respect
a much loved and highly respected teacher respect
The car responds very well to the controls. respond
The house is on a very busy road. road
She was very rude about my driving. rude
sad (to do sth): We are very sad to hear that you are leaving. sad
He's not very reliable, but I like him just the same. all/just the same
I'm not very good at saving. save
Thanks for doing that. You saved my life (= helped me a lot). save
I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company. say
I was scared to death (= very frightened). scared
We were scared stiff (= very frightened). scared
I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). scene
She witnessed some very distressing scenes. scene
It's only a scratch (= a very slight injury). scratch
The sea was very rough. sea
The aerial doesn't look very secure to me. secure
He has a very good sense of direction (= finds the way to a place easily). sense
I think that's a very sensible idea. sensible
sensitive to sth: My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. sensitive
sensitive about sth: He's very sensitive about his weight. sensitive
sensitive to sth: She's very sensitive to criticism. sensitive
sensitive to sth: She is very sensitive to other people's feelings. sensitive
Prolonged separations of this kind are damaging to very young children. separation
We take threats of this kind very seriously. take sb/sth seriously
The food was good but the service was very slow. service
sharp with sb: He was very sharp with me when I was late. sharp
It was very sharp of you to see that! sharp
The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). sharp
We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). sharp
Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). shelter
She has a very short memory (= remembers only things that have happened recently). short
She's very shy with adults. shy
Her mother's very sick. sick
She has very good sight. sight
He has very little sight in his right eye. sight
There was a deafening silence (= one that is very noticeable). silence
I got it for a silly price (= very cheap). silly
We have very similar interests. similar
The brothers look very similar. similar
This machine is very simple to use. simple
He was dancing around and singing at the top of his voice (= very loudly). sing
Dear Sir/Sirs sir
Dear Sir or Madam sir
My best friend has been like a sister to me (= very close). sister
skilled in/at sth/doing sth: She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers. skilled
Furniture-making is very skilled work. skilled
She takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended). slight
It was a very old house with sloping walls. slope
slow doing sth: They were very slow paying me. slow
You look very smart in that suit. smart
Dogs have a very good sense of smell. smell
I do love it so. so
It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). so
We are very busy—so much so that we won't be able to take time off this year. so
The stores are packed solid (= very full and crowded) at this time of year. solid
sorry (about sth): We're very sorry about the damage to your car. sorry
What sort of time do you call this? (= I'm very angry that you have come so late.) sort
I'm really busy—can you sort it? sort
There is very little storage space in the department. space
He made the announcement in a speech on television. speech
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
This ladder doesn't seem very stable. stable
Mentally, she is not very stable. stable
People tend to work hard at this stage of life. stage
Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. stand
The standard of this year's applications is very low. standard
In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. standard
Things didn't look too hopeful at the start of the year. start
I enjoyed my stay in Prague. stay
She's not very steady on her feet these days. steady
Her arms and legs were like sticks (= very thin). stick
I find him very hard to stomach. stomach
She was looking at me in a very strange way. strange
She's been acting very strangely lately. strangely
it is stressed that...: It must be stressed that this disease is very rare. stress
He was feeling very stressed and tired. stressed
She's on a very strict diet. strict
She's very strict about things like homework. strict
They were always very strict with their children. strict
She was brought up very strictly. strictly
She strikes me as a very efficient person. strike
She was undoubtedly a very striking young woman. striking
The temptation to tell her everything was very strong. strong
This is an issue I feel strongly about (= I have firm opinions about). strongly
life as a struggling artist (= one who is very poor) struggle
She was surprised by the book's success (= that it had sold a lot of copies). success
successful (at sth/at doing sth): I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. successful
The play was very successful on Broadway. successful
Such advice as he was given (= it was not very much) has proved almost worthless. such
Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers. such
He can be very helpful, but only when it suits him. suit
Jo and I are very well suited. suited
It's very hot here in summer. summer
suppose sb/sth (to be/have) sth: suppose sb/sth + adj.: She had supposed him (to be) very rich. suppose
You don't sound very sure. sure
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way). suspicious
It was all very suspicious. suspicious
He is liable to abrupt mood swings (= for example from being very happy to being very sad). swing
She was very sympathetic when I was sick. sympathetic
taste (in sth): She has very expensive tastes in clothes. taste
He has very good taste in music. taste
Careful—the fabric tears very easily. tear
tell sb sth: The advertisement told us very little about the product. tell
It tends to get very cold here in the winter. tend
I had a terrible job (= it was very difficult) to persuade her to come. terrible
I'm not terribly interested in politics. terribly
The people (that) I spoke to were very helpful. that
The people I met there were very friendly. the
Theirs are the children with very fair hair. theirs
This breed of cattle has a very thick coat. thick
He is as thin as a rake (= very thin). thin
He found the whole thing (= the situation) very boring. thing
All things considered (= considering all the difficulties or problems), she's done very well. thing
She's very fond of sweet things (= sweet foods). thing
She had thought very deeply about this problem. think
think sth: You're very quiet. What are you thinking? think
She's very thorough and conscientious. thorough
We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. thoroughly
The work had not been done very thoroughly. thoroughly
They're very different, though they did seem to get on well when they met. though
She keeps her flat very tidy. tidy
They were cold, hungry and tired out (= very tired). tired
Shopping can be very tiring. tiring
Young people today face a very difficult future at work. today
It's very rude to stick your tongue out at people. tongue
She's none too (= not very) clever. too
Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened. underneath
understand (that...): I quite understand that you need some time alone. understand
understand sb doing sth: I quite understand you needing some time alone. understand
You're putting me in a most unfortunate position. unfortunate
I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant. unimportant
Unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install. unlike
It's very unlike him to be so late. unlike
He was very unpleasant to me. unpleasant
She said some very unpleasant things about you. unpleasant
She has a very unusual name. unusual
Up to now he's been very quiet. up to sth
I understand how upset you must be feeling. upset
They don't seem to value honesty very highly. value
The dial records very slight variations in pressure. variation
Apples come in a great many varieties. variety
The students' work varies considerably in quality. vary
The quality of the students' work varies considerably. vary
very small very
very quickly very
'Do you like it?' 'Yeah, I do. Very much.' very
'Is it what you expected?' 'Oh yes, very much so.' very
'Are you busy?' 'Not very.' very
The new building has been very much admired. very
I'm not very (= not at all) impressed. very
I'm very very grateful. very
I'm afraid this can't wait. It's very important. wait
This sleeping bag is very warm. warm
I enjoyed the movie but I thought the ending was very weak. weak
The economy is very weak. weak
The weather is very changeable at the moment. weather
These cases weigh a ton (= are very heavy). weigh
Your letter was very welcome. welcome
The conference was very well organized. well
These animals make very good pets if treated well (= with kindness). well
She took it very well (= did not react too badly), all things considered. well
Jack is doing very well at school. do well
His books are not well known. well known
We thought she was arrogant, whereas in fact she was just very shy. whereas
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
There are wide variations in prices. wide
Standards vary widely. widely
It makes me wild (= very angry) to see such waste. wild
She's very willing. willing
Our house can be very cold in (the) winter. winter
It was very wise to leave when you did. wise
Things have worked out quite well for us. work out
I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did. worse
My hair is very fine. Yours is much thicker. yours