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scope cái tầm mức

EVP microscope
EVP scope
EVP telescope

IELTS: scope + : 眼界 见识 (活动、影响等的)范围
5000FR: portée range, reach, scope
5000FR: ampleur extent, scope, range
5000FR: envergure wingspan, breadth, scope
5000FR: lunette telescope, glasses
NGLS: scope + area or range of things that something includes or deals with
SAT: scope + A range of action or view. 
WNS: (n.) [horoscope] prediction of the future

ENDE: scope Bereich
ENDE: scope Oszilloskop
FN: scope n Scope
FN: scope n Diversity

I need a new telescope. Tôi cần một cái kính viễn vọng mới. Astronomy
telescope kính viễn vọng Astronomy
I do not believe in horoscopes. Tôi không tin vào tử vi. Paranormality
horoscope Tử vi Paranormality

like: scope
give full scope to one's abilities dụng võ

1796 I don't have a telescope, but I know somebody who does. Tôi không có kính viễn vọng nhưng tôi biết một người có nó.

The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction. point
a powerful telescope powerful
That question is not within the scope of this talk. within

portée Linux est à présent à la portée du grand public
ampleur une réflexion de grande ampleur s’impose
envergure quel projet d’envergure se fait instantané- ment?
lunette portez-vous des lunettes ou verres de contact?