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OXF3000D: vượt qua cross schief

ENDE: awry schief
ENDE: cross schief
ENDE: skew schief

like: schief

analyse what, how, etc...: We need to analyse what went wrong. analyse
Everything's gone badly wrong! badly
Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong? blame
Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= something that is likely to go badly wrong). disaster
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong. idea
joke about sth: They often joked about all the things that could go wrong. joke
His mouth twisted into a wry smile. mouth
Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong. naturally
Jim permitted himself a wry smile. permit
I did it on my own responsibility (= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong). responsibility
a thatched/slate, etc. roof roof
She is not short of excuses when things go wrong. short
He gave her a wry look, something between amusement and regret. something
Slate splits easily into thin sheets. split
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
The experiment went terribly wrong. terribly
The relationship started to go wrong when they moved abroad. go wrong
What else can go wrong (= what other problems are we going to have)? go wrong