Beginner Level Advanced Level



after this, afterwards, later (on), in the future sau này

OXF3000N sau này về sau rồi thì sau đấy afterwards
OXF3000N về tương lai sau này ở phía trước tiến về phía trước forward

like: sau này
künftig sau này, trong tương lai 将来的, 今后的 jiānglái de, jīnghòu de
künftig sau này, trong tương lai

This pesticide kills insects on contact (= as soon as it touches them). contact
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind (= make sb suffer because it will be good for them later). cruel
He lost his looks (= became less attractive) in later life. look
I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference (= because it might be useful in the future). reference