Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP accusation
EVP categorization/categorisation
EVP civilization/civilisation
EVP compensate
EVP compensation
EVP conversation
EVP dissatisfaction
EVP dissatisfied
EVP generalization/generalisation
EVP modernization/modernisation
EVP organization/organisation
EVP realization/realisation
EVP satellite
EVP satisfaction
EVP satisfactory
EVP satisfied
EVP satisfy
EVP Saturday
EVP sensation
EVP unsatisfactory
EVP transatlantic
EVP personalization/personalisation
EVP versatile
EVP versatility
EVP characterization/characterisation
EVP neutralization/neutralisation
EVP cessation
EVP digitalization/digitalisation
EVP utilization/utilisation
EVP materialization/materialisation
EVP crystallization/crystallisation
EVP condensation
EVP improvisational

OXF3000ZH: 会话 非正式会谈 conversation
OXF3000ZH: 满意 快事 赔偿 satisfaction
OXF3000ZH: 使满意 使满足 satisfy
OXF3000ZH: 令人满意的 satisfying
OXF3000ZH: 星期六 saturday
3000TH: สนทนา sohnR thaH naaM conversation
3000TH: สตางค์ saL dtaangM satang
3000TH: พอใจ phaawM jaiM to be satisfied
3000TH: วันเสาร์ wanM saoR Saturday
5000FR: organisation organisation
5000FR: satisfaire to satisfy
5000FR: contenter to satisfy, please
5000FR: samedi Saturday
5000FR: conversation conversation
5000FR: satisfaction satisfaction
5000FR: satellite satellite
5000FR: accusation accusation, indictment
5000FR: satisfaisant satisfactory, satisfying
5000FR: compenser to compensate for, make up for
5000FR: acceptable acceptable, satisfactory
5000FR: compensation compensation, clearing
5000FR: ordonnance prescription, organisation, edict, ruling
5000FR: mondialisation internationalisation, globalisation
5000FR: sensation sensation
5000FR: réparation repair, repairing, correction, compensation
5000FR: indemnisation indemnification, compensation
5000FR: mécontent discontented, dissatisfied, displeased
5000FR: stabilisation stabilisation
5000FR: mécontentement displeasure, dissatisfaction
OXF3000N cuộc đàm thoại cuộc trò chuyện conversation
OXF3000N sự làm cho thỏa mãn toại nguyện sự trả nợ bồi thường satisfaction
OXF3000N làm thỏa mãn hài lòng trả (nợ) chuộc tội satisfy
OXF3000N cảm thấy hài lòng vừa ý thoả mãn satisfied
OXF3000N đem lại sự thỏa mãn làm thỏa mãn làm vừa ý satisfying
WNS: (a.) [satisfactory]
WNS: (a.) [satisfied] quenched, slaked
WNS: (n.) [compensation] recompense, payment
WNS: (n.) [conversation] talk
WNS: (n.) [organisation] group of people who work together
WNS: (n.) [satellite] orbiter
WNS: (n.) [satisfaction] contentment
WNS: (n.) [sensation] public excitement

ENDE: sat sass

Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thứ năm, thứ sáu, thứ bảy Dates and Time
Does my answer satisfy your question? Câu trả lời của tôi có thoả mãn câu hỏi của bạn không? Verbs 2.5
satisfy thoả mãn Verbs 2.5
I am not satisfied with this answer. Verbs 2.5
This is a multi-national organisation. Đây là một tổ chức đa quốc gia. Economics
Vietnam wants to become a member of the World Economics Organisation Việt Nam muốn trở thành một thành viên của tổ chức kinh tế thế giới. Economics
organisation tổ chức Economics
Both Germany and France participate in that multinational organisation. Cả nước Đức và nước Pháp tham gia tổ chức đa quốc gia đó. Economics
Every organisation needs profit to exist and develop. Mọi tổ chức cần lợi nhuận để tồntại và phát triển. Economics
Our satellite is going to arrive in Uranus in three days. Vệ tinh của chúng tôi sẽ đến Sao Thiên Vương trong ba ngày. Astronomy
That is a Russian satellite. Đó là một vệ tinh của Nga. Astronomy
satellite ve tinh Astronomy
I want to fly to Saturn. Tôi muốn bay đến Sao Thổ. Astronomy
Saturn Sao Thổ Astronomy
Form an organisation. Hình thành một tổ chức Verbs 5
They sell a missile to that terrorist organisation. Họ bán một tên lửa cho tổ chức khủng bố đó. Military
terrorist organisation tổ chức khủng bố Military

like: sat
they sat side by side họ ngồi bên cạnh nhau

583 Enzo came into the room, took o his coat, and sat down. Enzo vào trong phòng, cởi áo khoác và ngồi xuống.
1216 Julius is playing tennis on Saturday. Julius sẽ chơi quần vợt vào ngày Thứ bảy.
1243 I'm playing tennis with Satomi tomorrow. Mai tôi đi chơi quần vợt với Satomi.
1304 Farid can't meet us on Saturday. He's working. Farid không thể gặp chúng tôi Chủ nhật này. Anh ấy còn làm việc.
1502 Does Amanda have to work on Saturdays? Amanda có phải làm việc Thứ bảy không?
1696 Saturday? Cậu có nghĩ là sẽ có nhiều người đến bữa tiệc hôm Thứ bảy không?
2147 We whispered so that nobody could hear our conversation. Chúng tôi đã nói thầm để không ai có thể nghe thấy cuộc trao đổi của chúng tôi.
2364 A friend of mine is getting married this Saturday. Một người bạn của tôi sẽ cưới Thứ bảy này.
Satomi gets the same salary as me.'> 2619 Satomi gets the same salary as me.'> Satomi's salary is the same as mine. > Satomi gets the same salary as me. Satomi gets the same salary as me.'> ☊ Lương của Satomi bằng của tôi.> Satomi được nhận lương bằng của tôi.
2674 The phone rang just as I sat down. Điện thoại reo đúng lúc tôi ngồi xuống.
2700 Pablo will be away until Saturday. > Pablo will be back by Saturday. Pablo sẽ đi vắng đến Thứ bảy. > Pablo sẽ trở về trước Thứ bảy.
2960 So he sued and was awarded compensation for damage to his reputation. Vì thế anh ấy đã kiện và được đền bù cho tổn thất về danh tiếng của anh ấy.

Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats. animal
She had no answer to the accusations. answer
He sat watching her as she got ready. as
Saturn's atmosphere atmosphere
He sat in bad-tempered silence. bad-tempered
a legal battle for compensation battle
Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. because
He sat beside her all night. beside
I sat down between Jo and Diana. between
a brief visit/meeting/conversation brief
terrestrial/satellite channels channel
I sat and watched everyone very closely (= carefully). closely
The subject came up in conversation. come up
a telephone conversation conversation
I had a long conversation with her the other day. conversation
The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election. conversation
Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right. conversation
to get into conversation with sb conversation
to get into a conversation with sb conversation
The conversation turned to gardening. conversation
I tried to make conversation (= to speak in order to appear polite). conversation
Desperately he struggled to keep the conversation going. conversation
I see no point in continuing this conversation. conversation
She tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of marriage. conversation
He felt a sudden alarm at the turn the conversation was taking. conversation
She sat with her legs crossed. cross
Is there a postal/mail delivery on Saturdays? delivery
firms attempting to meet/satisfy their customers' demands (= to give them what they are asking for) demand
deny sth: to deny a claim/a charge/an accusation deny
enough money to satisfy all your desires desire
'Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?' 'It makes no difference (to me).' make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
He tended to dominate the conversation. dominate
I sat down at the water's edge. edge
They were engaged in conversation. engaged
estimate sth (at sth): The satellite will cost an estimated £400 million. estimate
We are expected to work on Saturdays. expect
If you're going to make accusations, you'd better get your facts right (= make sure your information is correct). fact
fall into sth: I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train. fall
We sat in front of a roaring fire. fire
fit (to do sth): He won't be fit to play in the match on Saturday. fit
Saturday's League game against Swansea game
a gap in the conversation gap
I got into conversation with an Italian student. get into sth
We're going sailing on Saturday. go
Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied). grade
A jumble sale will be held in the village hall on Saturday. hall
We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang. hardly
It's impossible to hold a conversation with all this noise. hold
They sat in rows. in
Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow. introduction
a summer/holiday/Saturday/vacation job job
I sat up with a jump (= quickly and suddenly). jump
to launch a communications satellite launch
We were just making light conversation. light
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
I sat down to open the mail. mail
I'm sorry I won't be able to make it (= for example, to a party) on Saturday. make it
Rachel and David are getting married on Saturday. married
They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday. match
mean (that)...: Did he mean (that) he was dissatisfied with our service? mean
I thought we might go to the zoo on Saturday. might
If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back. money
You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays (= because it is so crowded). move
The topic arose naturally in the conversation. naturally
They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen. neat
to satisfy/meet/identify a need need
We sat next to each other. next to
Let's go out on Saturday night. night
He sat taking notes of everything that was said. note
He sat down in the chair opposite. opposite
I sat opposite him during the meal (= on the other side of the table). opposite
order sb to do sth: The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees. order
David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question. pause
aerial/satellite photographs photograph
satellite pictures picture
play against sb: France are playing against Wales on Saturday. play
I don't know how to make polite conversation. polite
conversation practice practice
a private conversation private
If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. purchase
relationship (to sth): This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation. relationship
to meet/fulfil/satisfy the requirements requirement
He won't rest (= will never be satisfied) until he finds her. rest
The children sat on the floor in a ring. ring
We sat in a row at the back of the room. row
to gain/get/derive satisfaction from sth satisfaction
a look/smile of satisfaction satisfaction
She looked back on her career with great satisfaction. satisfaction
He had the satisfaction of seeing his book become a best-seller. satisfaction
She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. satisfaction
The company is trying to improve customer satisfaction. satisfaction
He was enjoying all the satisfactions of being a parent. satisfaction
a satisfied smile satisfied
a satisfied customer satisfied
satisfied with sb/sth: She's never satisfied with what she's got. satisfied
I'm satisfied that they are telling the truth. satisfied
Nothing satisfies him—he's always complaining. satisfy
The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone. satisfy
The food wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger. satisfy
to satisfy sb's curiosity satisfy
The education system must satisfy the needs of all children. satisfy
We cannot satisfy demand for the product. satisfy
She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college. satisfy
satisfy sb: Her explanation did not satisfy the teacher. satisfy
satisfy sb of sth: People need to be satisfied of the need for a new system. satisfy
satisfy sb/yourself (that)...: Once I had satisfied myself (that) it was the right decision, we went ahead. satisfy
a satisfying meal satisfying
a satisfying experience satisfying
It's satisfying to play a game really well. satisfying
He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday. season
She sat back in her seat. seat
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. secretly
The first episode of the new series is on Saturday. series
She has a weekly session at the health club on Saturdays. session
We sat and watched the sun setting. set
We sat down in the shade of the wall. shade
We do our shopping on Saturdays. shopping
She sat on the side of the bed. side
satellite links to the other side of the world side
She sat sideways on the chair. sideways
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
Her accusations reduced him to silence. silence
She sat and stared at the letter in front of her. sit
He went and sat beside her. sit
sit doing sth: We sat talking for hours. sit
He sat down on the bed. sit down, sit yourself down
They sat down to consider the problem. sit down, sit yourself down
He sat there ever so quietly. so
'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) speak
'Shall we meet on Friday this week?' 'No, let's stick to Saturday.' stick to sth
She sat down stiffly on a chair by the wall, aware that they were looking at her. stiffly
an unpleasant subject of conversation subject
We sat in the sun. sun
swing sth: He sat on the stool, swinging his legs. swing
satellite/terrestrial/cable/digital television television
He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction. together
Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation (= for example by telling a rude joke). tone
a conversational tone tone
turn sth: He sat turning the pages idly. turn
satellite/cable/digital TV TV
She sat in her usual seat at the back. usual
They have a valid claim to compensation. valid
He sat on the wall and watched the others playing. wall
This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident. wheel
wild accusations wild
He sat by the phone, wishing it would ring. wish
She repeated their conversation word for word to me. word for word

organisation plus grande devient l’organisation, plus il y a de règles
satisfaire ils ne satisfont pas aux conditions requises
contenter tu te contenteras d’être le chauffeur
samedi elle organisera une fête samedi
conversation notre conversation a duré deux heures
satisfaction il rougit de satisfaction modeste
satellite on aurait sûrement des images satellites animées
accusation il s’agit d’une accusation très grave
satisfaisant je ne trouvais pas d’emploi satisfaisant en région
compenser le gouvernement entend-il compenser totalement ces pertes?
acceptable une personne doit avoir un revenu acceptable
compensation nous avons offert une compensation aux provinces qui ont perdu de l’argent
ordonnance le policier ignore si l’ordonnance est encore en vigueur
mondialisation je suis pour une mondialisation avec des règles éthiques
sensation il y a une sensation de flottement quand tu cours
réparation les travaux de réparation ont été arrêtés
indemnisation jamais une période d’indemnisation n’a été aussi longue
mécontent je regrette que vous soyez mécontent mais je ne puis rien y faire
stabilisation la stabilisation du fonds est primordiale
mécontentement les exemples de mécontentement sont nombreux et variés