Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP regain

5000FR: regagner to win again, regain, get back, make up
CORE: regain + + + + + + +

like: regain
to rest (to regain one’s health), convalesce an dưỡng
to regain power giành lại thực quyền
to recover from a shock, regain consciousness, come to hoàn hồn
to come to, regain consciousness lai tỉnh
pull oneself together, regain self-control (after a fright) lại hồn
to regain one’s composure lấy lại bình tĩnh
to regain one’s composure lấy lại bình tỉnh
to restore national sovereignty, regain national independence phục quốc
to regain appetite (after an illness) trả bữa
to wake up, regain consciousness; conscious tỉnh dậy

regagner vous pouvez regagner votre ville