Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP appearance
EVP arrange
EVP arrangement
EVP assurance
EVP branch
EVP branch
EVP brand
EVP brand-new
EVP disappearance
EVP endurance
EVP entrance
EVP fragrance
EVP frank
EVP frankly
EVP frantically
EVP grand
EVP grandchild
EVP granddad
EVP granddaughter
EVP grandfather
EVP grandma
EVP grandmother
EVP grandpa
EVP grandparent
EVP grandson
EVP granny
EVP grant
EVP grant
EVP guarantee
EVP guarantee
EVP ignorance
EVP ignorant
EVP immigrant
EVP insurance
EVP intransitive
EVP Mediterranean
EVP orange
EVP orange
EVP perseverance
EVP prance
EVP public transport
EVP quarantine
EVP range
EVP range
EVP ranger
EVP rank
EVP rearrange
EVP remembrance
EVP restaurant
EVP strand
EVP strange
EVP strangely
EVP stranger
EVP strangle
EVP tolerant
EVP transcript
EVP transfer
EVP transfer
EVP transform
EVP transformation
EVP transfusion
EVP transient
EVP transistor
EVP transition
EVP transitional
EVP transitive
EVP translate
EVP translation
EVP translator
EVP transmission
EVP transmit
EVP transparent
EVP transport
EVP transport
EVP transportation
EVP tyranny
EVP tyrant
EVP veteran
EVP warranty
EVP wrangle
EVP transatlantic
EVP reassurance
EVP exuberant
EVP exuberance
EVP exuberantly
EVP transfix
EVP verandah
EVP transit
EVP tranquil
EVP tranquility
EVP encumbrance
EVP brandish
EVP encumbrance
EVP transmitter
EVP hindrance
EVP self-aggrandizement/self-aggrandisement
EVP remonstrance
EVP tranquilize/tranquilise

OXF3000ZH: 出现 来到 外观 appearance
OXF3000ZH: 整理 分类 排列 arrange
OXF3000ZH: 整理 排列 安排 arrangement
OXF3000ZH: 枝条 支流 部门 branch
OXF3000ZH: 商品 烙印 brand
OXF3000ZH: 入口 进入 入场 entrance
OXF3000ZH: 庄严的 伟大的 grand
OXF3000ZH: 孙子 孙女 外孙 grandchild
OXF3000ZH: 孙女 外孙女 granddaughter
OXF3000ZH: 祖父 外祖父 grandfather
OXF3000ZH: 祖母 外祖母 grandmother
OXF3000ZH: 祖父或祖母 祖父母 grandparent
OXF3000ZH: 孙子 外孙子 grandson
OXF3000ZH: 授予物 拨款 grant
OXF3000ZH: 保证 担保物 guarantee
OXF3000ZH: 保险 保险费 insurance
OXF3000ZH: 橙子 桔子 orange
OXF3000ZH: 排列 把…分类 range
OXF3000ZH: 横行 社会阶层 rank
OXF3000ZH: 餐馆 饭店 菜馆 restaurant
OXF3000ZH: 陌生的 奇怪的 strange
OXF3000ZH: 奇怪的 陌生地 strangely
OXF3000ZH: 陌生人 新来者 stranger
OXF3000ZH: 转移 调动转移 transfer
OXF3000ZH: 改变 改造 变换 transform
OXF3000ZH: 翻译 translate
OXF3000ZH: 翻译 译文 译本 translation
OXF3000ZH: 透明的 易识破的 transparent
OXF3000ZH: 运输 运输工具 transport
3000TH: กล้วยหอม gluayF haawmR bananas (fragrant)
3000TH: ตาทวด dtaaM thuaatF great grandfather (maternal)
3000TH: ทับทิม thapH thimM pomegranate
3000TH: ทางเข้า thaangM khaoF way in, entrance
3000TH: บรั่นดี branL deeM brandy (loanword)
3000TH: ปู่ย่าตายาย bpuuL yaaF dtaaM yaaiM grandparents
3000TH: แปลว่า bplaaeM waaF to be translated ...
3000TH: ร้านขายอาหาร raanH khaaiR aaM haanR restaurant
3000TH: ส้มเขียวหวาน sohmF khiaaoR waanR green orange (fruit)
3000TH: สีแสด seeR saaetL red-orange
3000TH: แสด saaetL orange
3000TH: เหลน laehnR great grandchild
3000TH: ถ่ายทอด thaaiL thaawtF to broadcast, transmit, relay
3000TH: นักแปล nakH bplaaeM translator
3000TH: ประกัน bpraL ganM to guarantee, insure, assure
3000TH: ปั่น bpanL to spin (transitive), to blend
3000TH: ปากซอย bpaakL saawyM entrance into a lane (top of soi)
3000TH: ยายทวด yaaiM thuaatF great grandmother (maternal)
3000TH: ลำดับ lamM dapL to arrange, put in order, organize
3000TH: สาขา saaR khaaR branch, branch office, chain store
3000TH: ขนส่ง khohnR sohngL to transport, bus station (transport send)
3000TH: คณะ khaH naH faculty, school, branch of study, department; group, party
3000TH: น้ำส้ม naamH sohmF orange juice, orange soda
3000TH: พาหนะ phaaM haL naH transportation
3000TH: ภัตตาคาร phatH dtaaM khaanM restaurant (large)
3000TH: ระดับ raH dapL class, grade, level, degree, caste, row, rank
3000TH: รับประกัน rapH bpraL ganM to guarantee
3000TH: สีส้ม seeR sohmF orange
3000TH: ใส saiR to be clear, transparent
3000TH: หลานชาย laanR chaaiM nephew, grandson
3000TH: หลานสาว laanR saaoR niece, granddaughter
3000TH: เอก aehkL first rank
3000TH: โอน o:hnM to transfer
3000TH: ฐานะ thaaR naH status, rank
3000TH: เปลี่ยน bpliianL vary, alter, vary, transform, change
3000TH: เปลี่ยนแปลง bpliianL bplaaengM to change to, become, transform, alter, turn into
3000TH: ย่า yaaF grandmother (father's mother)
3000TH: ยาย yaaiM grandmother, your mother’s mother and women of that age
3000TH: อิหร่าน iL raanL Iran
3000TH: โดย dooyM by (means of transportation)
3000TH: ตำแหน่ง dtamM naengL position (rank)
3000TH: ธุระ thooH raH business, affairs, errands
3000TH: ฝรั่งเศส faL rangL saehtL France, French
3000TH: ยี่ห้อ yeeF haawF brand, trade name
3000TH: วิชา wiH chaaM subject, knowledge, branch of knowledge
3000TH: ส้ม sohmF orange
3000TH: หลาน laanR nephew, niece, grandchild
3000TH: แอบ aaepL to hide (intransitive), secretly (put before verbs)
3000TH: คัน khanM classifier for cars, and other transportations
3000TH: จัด jatL to arrange
3000TH: ชั้น chanH class, rank, grade, floor (in a building)
3000TH: แปล bplaaeM to translate
3000TH: ร้านอาหาร raanH aaM haanR restaurant
3000TH: คิวรถ khiuM rohtH bus station (transportation queue)
3000TH: น้ำส้ม naamH sohmF orange juice, orange soda
3000TH: ปั่น bpanL to spin (transitive), to blend
3000TH: ตา dtaaM grandfather (mother’s father and men of that age), eye
3000TH: ปู่ bpuuL grandfather (father's father), father-in-law (husband's father), crab
3000TH: รถ rohtH car, general word for transportation
5000FR: son his, her, its; sound; bran
5000FR: disposer to arrange, set
5000FR: fixer to fix, arrange, set
5000FR: accorder to grant
5000FR: air air, appearance
5000FR: entrée entrance
5000FR: transport transportation
5000FR: franc frank; franc
5000FR: disposition arrangement, disposition
5000FR: transformer to transform
5000FR: portée range, reach, scope
5000FR: émission transmission, broadcasting, programme
5000FR: traduire to translate
5000FR: garantir to guarantee
5000FR: marque brand, mark
5000FR: transfert transfer
5000FR: concours entrance exam, competition
5000FR: mine mine; appearance, look, mien
5000FR: transmettre to forward, transmit
5000FR: attribuer to award, grant, attribute
5000FR: rang rank, row
5000FR: assurance insurance, confidence
5000FR: transporter to transport, carry
5000FR: transmission transmission
5000FR: disparition disappearance
5000FR: garantie guarantee
5000FR: transférer to transfer
5000FR: branche branch
5000FR: étrange strange, odd
5000FR: drôle funny, strange
5000FR: franchement frankly
5000FR: transition transition
5000FR: transformation transformation, change
5000FR: restaurant restaurant
5000FR: ampleur extent, scope, range
5000FR: apparition appearance, apparition
5000FR: gratuit free, gratuitous, unwarranted
5000FR: provenance origin, strange
5000FR: apparence appearance
5000FR: bizarre strange, odd
5000FR: violation violation, transgression
5000FR: traduction translation
5000FR: uranium uranium
5000FR: transparence transparency
5000FR: arranger to arrange
5000FR: transaction transaction
5000FR: transparent transparent, see-through, evident
5000FR: arrangement arrangement, layout, order, agreement
5000FR: classement classification, ranking
5000FR: francophone French-speaking, French speaker, francophone
5000FR: tolérance tolerance
5000FR: acheminer to forward, dispatch, transport
5000FR: iranien Iranian
5000FR: mutation transfer, transformation, mutation
5000FR: gamme range, scale
5000FR: allure speed, pace, walk, look, appearance
5000FR: ménager to handle, arrange; domestic
5000FR: virer to turn, change, transfer, kick out
5000FR: étendue area, expanse, duration, extent, range
5000FR: grand-père grandfather
5000FR: allocation allocation, granting, allotment, allowance
5000FR: brandir to brandish, wield, wave
5000FR: transit transit
5000FR: franchise frankness, exemption, duty-free, franchise, deductible
5000FR: grand-mère grandmother
5000FR: orange orange
5000FR: transitoire transient, interim, provisional
5000FR: ignorance ignorance
5000FR: filial filial; branch office
5000FR: octroyer to grant, bestow
5000FR: farce joke, prank, hoax, farce
5000FR: immigrant immigrant
5000FR: boursier grant-holder, scholarship holder; stock
5000FR: véhiculer to transport, convey
5000FR: parfum perfume, scent, fragrance
5000FR: éventail fan, range
5000FR: concéder to grant, concede
5000FR: caution deposit, guarantee, bail
5000FR: émetteur transmitter, issuer
OXF3000N sự xuất hiện sự trình diện appearance
OXF3000N sắp xếp sắp đặt sửa soạn arrange
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sắp đặt sự sửa soạn arrangement
OXF3000N ngành nhành cây nhánh song ngả đường branch
OXF3000N nhãn (hàng hóa) brand
OXF3000N sự đi vào sự nhậm chức entrance
OXF3000N rộng lớn vĩ đại grand
OXF3000N cháu (của ông bà) grandchild
OXF3000N cháu gái granddaughter
OXF3000N cho ban cấp sự cho sự ban sự cấp grant
OXF3000N cháu trai grandson
OXF3000N sự bảo hành bảo lãnh người bảo lãnh cam đoan đảm bảo guarantee
OXF3000N sự bảo hiểm insurance
OXF3000N quả cam có màu da cam orange
OXF3000N dãy hàng loại phạm vi trình độ range
OXF3000N hàng dãy sắp xếp thành hàng dãy rank
OXF3000N nhà hàng ăn hiệu ăn restaurant
OXF3000N xa lạ chưa quen strange
OXF3000N lạ xa lạ chưa quen strangely
OXF3000N người lạ stranger
OXF3000N dời di chuyển sự di chuyển sự dời chỗ transfer
OXF3000N thay đổi biến đổi transform
OXF3000N dịch biên dịch phiên dịch translate
OXF3000N sự dịch translation
OXF3000N trong suốt dễ hiểu sáng sủa transparent
OXF3000N sự vận chuyển sự vận tải chuyên chở phương tiện đi lại transport
WNS: (a.) [fragrant] pleasant-smelling
WNS: (a.) [frank] candid, blunt, forthright
WNS: (a.) [grand] luxurious, opulent, sumptuous
WNS: (a.) [ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
WNS: (a.) [random] arbitrary
WNS: (a.) [strange] unusual
WNS: (a.) [tolerant] respecting others
WNS: (a.) [transparent] see-through, sheer
WNS: (n.) [appearance] visual aspect
WNS: (n.) [arrangement] placement
WNS: (n.) [assurance]
WNS: (n.) [branch] limb
WNS: (n.) [brand] make
WNS: (n.) [clearance] headroom
WNS: (n.) [franchise] dealership
WNS: (n.) [grandfather] gramps, grandad
WNS: (n.) [grandmother] grandma
WNS: (n.) [grant] monetary aid
WNS: (n.) [guarantee] warrant, warrantee
WNS: (n.) [ignorance] lack of knowledge
WNS: (n.) [immigrant]
WNS: (n.) [insurance] indemnity, protection
WNS: (n.) [Koran] Quran, al-Qur'an, Islam Holy Book
WNS: (n.) [memorandum] memo
WNS: (n.) [orange] orangeness, color between red and yellow
WNS: (n.) [orange] citrus fruit
WNS: (n.) [range] stove, kitchen stove
WNS: (n.) [range] scope, reach, orbit, compass
WNS: (n.) [range] large tract of grassy open land where livestock graze
WNS: (n.) [range] mountain range, range of mountains
WNS: (n.) [rank] status
WNS: (n.) [restaurant] eating place
WNS: (n.) [soprano] voice range
WNS: (n.) [trance] spell
WNS: (n.) [ranch] cattle ranch, cattle farm
WNS: (n.) [transaction] commercial dealing
WNS: (n.) [transfer] transportation, transferral, conveyance
WNS: (n.) [transition] conversion, changeover
WNS: (n.) [transmission] automobile transmission
WNS: (n.) [transport] transportation, shipping
WNS: (n.) [veteran] veteran soldier
WNS: (n.) [warrant] court warrant
WNS: (v.) [arrange] set up, order
WNS: (v.) [arrange] set up, put in systematic order
WNS: (v.) [translate] interpret in another language
WNS: (v.) [rank] rate, place, range, order, grade
WNS: (v.) [branch] fork, divide into branches
WNS: (v.) [transfer] transmit, transport, channel
WNS: (v.) [transform] transmute, metamorphose

orange cam Basics 2
orange Màu cam Colors
The first orange Quả cam đầu tiên Ordinal numbers
grandmother Family
grandfather ông Family
France Pháp Countries 1
restaurant nhà hàng Places
My family went to France last year. Gia đình của tôi đã đi đến Pháp vào năm ngoái. Past
The farmers want to export apples to France. Những nông dân muốn xuất khẩu táo đến Pháp. Verbs 3
Which country is between Spain and France? Nước nào ở giữa Tây Ban Nha và Pháp? Prepositions 2
We ran out of food. Chúng tôi đã hết thức ăn. Common Phrases 3
They want to know the wine list in this restaurant. Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. Abstract Objects 1
My grandmother wrote her testament. Bà tôi đã viết di chúc của mình. Abstract Objects 1
I do not represent that restaurant. Tôi không đại diện cho nhà hàng đó. Verbs 4
She gifts me a coconut branch. Cô ấy tặng tôi một cành dừa. Miscellaneous
branch cành Miscellaneous
My grandfather used to be a professional high jump athlete. Ông của tôi đã từng là một vậnđộng viên nhảy cao chuyên nghiệp. Sports
My grandmother is sick. Bà của tôi bị bệnh. Medical
My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back. Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. Medical
My grandparents have always back pain in winter. Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. Medical
I need an insurance for my skirt. Tôi cần một bảo hiểm cho cái váy của tôi. Economics
insurance bảo hiểm Economics
The bank has many transactions every day. Ngân hàng có nhiều giao dịch mỗi ngày. Economics
transaction giao dịch Economics
She only likes famous brands. Cô ấy chỉ thích các nhãn hiệu nổi tiếng. Economics
brand nhãn hiệu Economics
Both Germany and France participate in that multinational organisation. Cả nước Đức và nước Pháp tham gia tổ chức đa quốc gia đó. Economics
He is the director of the insurance company. Anh ấy là giám đốc của công ty bảo hiểm. Economics
Where is Uranus? Sao Thiên Vương ở đâu? Astronomy
Our satellite is going to arrive in Uranus in three days. Vệ tinh của chúng tôi sẽ đến Sao Thiên Vương trong ba ngày. Astronomy
Uranus Sao Thiên Vương Astronomy
He is a very strange person. Anh ấy là một người rất lạ. Adjectives 3
Since yesterday I have started to feel very strange. Từ ngày hôm qua, tôi đã bắt đầu cảm thấy rất lạ. Adjectives 3
strange lạ Adjectives 3
You need to postpone this transaction. Bạn cần phải hoãn giao dịch này. Verbs 5
My grandmother is eating betel. Bà của tôi đang ăn trầu. History
The little boy is going to buy betel for his grandmother. Cậu bé đang đi mua trầu cho bà của mình. History
France is a capitalist country. Pháp là một nước tư bản. History
There are many paranormal stories about that key. Có nhiều câu chuyện huyền bí về chiếc chìa khoá đó. Paranormality
paranormal huyền bí Paranormality
exuberant chứa chan Reduplicative Words 2

like: ran
the little child ran light-footedly em bé chạy nhon nhỏn

125 How much are these oranges? Chỗ cam này giá bao nhiêu?
357 They always like to eat in restaurants. Họ luôn thích đi ăn nhà hàng.
590 Cecilia's grandfather died when he was ninety (90) years old. Ông của Cecilia chết lúc ông ấy chín mươi tuổi.
609 I eat an orange every day. > Yesterday I ate an orange. Tôi ăn một quả cam mỗi ngày. Hôm qua tôi có ăn một quả cam.
706 What was Jose doing when the phone rang? Jose đang làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
708 What did he do when the phone rang? Anh ấy đã làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
774 Have you been to France? — No, I haven't. Cậu từng đến Pháp chưa? - Chưa.
1004 Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant. Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng.
1013 Oranges are imported into Canada. Cam được nhập khẩu vào Canada.
1123 Is Franz working today? Franz hôm nay có làm việc không?
1374 I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might opa restaurant. Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng.
1390 I had a party last week, but Imran and Latifa couldn't come. Tuần trước tôi có một bữa tiệc nhưng Imran và Latifa đã không đến được.
1416 The phone rang eight (8) times and Samiya didn't answer. She must not be at home. Chuông điện thoại reo tám lần mà Samiya không nghe. Cô ấy hẳn là đã không ở nhà.
1427 It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good. Đấy là nhà hàng đắt khách nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon.
1432 The Garcias have six (6) childrand three (3) dogs. They must have a big house. Nhà Gracia có sáu con và ba con chó. Họ hẳn phải có một ngôi nhà to.
1535 I had to visit my grandfather in the hospital last week. Tuần trước tôi phải thăm ông tôi ở bệnh viện.
1549 I like orange juice. Tôi thích nước cam.
1635 Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant. Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi.
1656 This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây.
1682 Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not. Có nhà hàng trong khác sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không.
1947 You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?" Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?"
2078 We ran ten (10) kilometers without stopping. Chúng tôi đã chạy mười kilometre không nghỉ.
2087 Ramona lives alone. She's lived alone for fteen (15) years. It's not strange for her. Ramona sống một mình. Cô ấy đã sống một mình được mười lăm năm. Điều đó không lạ gì với cô ấy.
2089 I bought some new shoes. They felt strange at rst because I wasn't used to them. Tôi đã mua giày mới. Lúc đầu nó lạ chân vì tôi chưa quen với nó.
2166 I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. Tôi là khách thứ hai phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng.
2197 I found Franz in my room reading my email. Tôi thấy Franz trong phòng tôi đọc thư điện tử của tôi.
2202 A man ran out of the house shouting. Một người đàn ông đã la hét chạy ra khỏi ngôi nhà.
2311 Have you ever been to the south of France? Cậu đã đến miền nam nước Pháp bao giờ chưa?
2320 The bicycle and the car are means of transportation. Xe đạp và xe hơi là những phương tiện giao thông.
2379 The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua.
2435 Both restaurants are very good. > Both of these restaurants are very good. Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt.
2436 Neither restaurant is expensive. > Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive. Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt.
2437 We can go to either restaurant. I don't care. Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm.
2438 I haven't been to either of those restaurants. Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến.
2506 Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant? Người mà tôi thấy đi cùng với cậu trong nhà hàng là ai?
2562 This milk tastes a little strange. Sữa này vị hơi lạ.
2674 The phone rang just as I sat down. Điện thoại reo đúng lúc tôi ngồi xuống.
2746 IN my mother's opinion, the food AT this restaurant is the best. Theo ý kiến mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất.
2771 I wrote a check FOR ve hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. > I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company. Tôi đã viết một tờ cheque năm trăm dollar cho công ti bảo hiểm.
2792 Always be polite and nice to strangers. They might be the boss at your next job. Hãy luôn luôn lịch sự và tử tế với những người lạ. Họ có thể là ông chủ của cậu trong công việc tiếp theo.
2818 Many countries are not tolerant of foreigners. Nhiều nước không khoan dung với người nước ngoài.
2849 My grandfather is already ninety (90) years old and needs somebody to care for him, so we take turns looking after him. Ông tôi đã chín mươi tuổi và cần người chăm sóc ông. Nên chúng tôi thay phiên nhau trông ông.
2862 I knew he was strange because everybody had warned me about him. Tôi biết là anh ấy kì lạ vì mọi người đã báo trước với tôi về anh ấy.
2906 Megan and I ran into each other on the subway on Monday. Megan và tôi đã bắt gặp nhau trên tàu điện ngầm hôm Thứ hai.
2907 His novels have been translated from English into thirty (30) languages. Các tiểu thuyết của ông ấy đã được dịch từ tiếng Anh ra ba mươi ngôn ngữ.
2962 My parents were away on business when I was a child, so my grandparents brought me up. > My grandparents raised me. Bố mẹ tôi đi làm xa khi tôi còn bé nên ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn. > Ông bà tôi đã nuôi tôi lớn.
3000 The lone ranger got on his horse and rode o into the sunset. Người kị sĩ cô đơn lên ngựa và phi về phía mặt trời lặn.

Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip. accident
+ adv.: John's been acting very strangely lately. act
the latest addition to our range of cars addition
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. in addition (to sb/sth)
admit doing sth: She admitted having driven the car without insurance. admit
You must admit that it all sounds very strange. admit
it is advised that...: It is strongly advised that you take out insurance. advise
He ran after her with the book. after
an insurance agent agent
fighter/transport/military aircraft aircraft
His sister was his ally against their grandparents. ally
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. alternatively
The insurance company will refund any amount due to you. amount
I rang the bell, but there was no answer. answer
The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run. appearance
I don't want to go to the party, but I suppose I'd better put in an appearance (= go there for a short time). appearance
the early appearance of daffodils in spring appearance
the appearance of organic vegetables in the supermarkets appearance
the physical/outward/external appearance of sth appearance
She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. appearance
The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel. appearance
He gave every appearance of (= seemed very much to be) enjoying himself. appearance
Judging by appearances can be misleading. appearance
To all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead. appearance
When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well). appearance
They really are apples and oranges. apples and oranges
They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges. apples and oranges
It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges. apples and oranges
The invention would have a wide range of applications in industry. application
apply for sth: to apply for a job/passport/grant apply
Viewing is by appointment only (= only at a time that has been arranged in advance). appointment
You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation. appreciate
arrange sth: The party was arranged quickly. arrange
She arranged a loan with the bank. arrange
Can I arrange an appointment for Monday? arrange
We met at six, as arranged. arrange
arrange how, where, etc...: We've still got to arrange how to get to the airport. arrange
arrange to do sth: Have you arranged to meet him? arrange
arrange that...: I've arranged that we can borrow their car. arrange
arrange for sth (to do sth): We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport. arrange
arrange with sb (about sth): I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away. arrange
The books are arranged alphabetically by author. arrange
I must arrange my financial affairs and make a will. arrange
She arranged the flowers in a vase. arrange
travel arrangements arrangement
arrangement for sth: I'll make arrangements for you to be met at the airport. arrangement
She's happy with her unusual living arrangements. arrangement
new security arrangements arrangement
There are special arrangements for people working overseas. arrangement
We can come to an arrangement over the price. arrangement
arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents arrangement
arrangement with sb (to do sth): You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank. arrangement
arrangement that...: They had an arrangement that the children would spend two weeks with each parent. arrangement
plans of the possible seating arrangements arrangement
the art of flower arrangement arrangement
Article 10 of the European Convention guarantees free speech. article
an artistic arrangement of dried flowers artistic
automatic transmission (= in a car, etc.) automatic
The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. bar
The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. base
Where's the bathroom? (= for example in a restaurant) bathroom
a battle with an insurance company battle
It's strange how she never comes to see us any more. be
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
to make the bed (= arrange the covers in a tidy way) bed
He was shot from behind as he ran away. behind
A peal of church bells rang out in the distance. bell
Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy. between
Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte. bid
We ran up a massive hotel bill. bill
The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. bit
The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. blue
'How are you going to France?' 'We're going by boat (= by ferry ).' boat
He doesn't bother much about his appearance. bother
He drank a whole bottle of wine. bottle
the bottom end of the price range bottom
the branch of computer science known as 'artificial intelligence' branch
the anti-terrorist branch branch
The bank has branches all over the country. branch
Our New York branch is dealing with the matter. branch
She climbed the tree and hid in the branches. branch
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
You pay less for the supermarket's own brand. brand
You pay less for the store brand. brand
brand loyalty (= the tendency of customers to continue buying the same brand) brand
Champagne houses owe their success to brand image. brand
the leading brand of detergent brand
call sb: They called their first daughter after her grandmother. call
They go camping in France every year. camp
We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. can
We drank a can of Coke each. can
Don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away. cancel
Don't worry about the travel arrangements. They're all being taken care of. take care of sb/sth/yourself
Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber. chamber
The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. charge
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
a cheap restaurant/hotel cheap
The police ran a check on the registration number of the car. check
a bright, cheerful restaurant cheerful
free-range chickens chicken
There is a wide range of choices open to you. choice
Sandy had to tell his tale in halting Italian. Since Franco spoke no English, he had no choice in the matter. choice
There are plenty of restaurants to choose from. choose
He chopped a branch off the tree. chop sth off (sth)
Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances. circumstance
You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance. claim
claim (on sth) (for sth): You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. claim
You can make a claim on your insurance policy. claim
On a clear day you can see France. clear
clear about/on sth: Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? clear
The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). close
Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations. come up to sth
News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France. come in
commission sth: Publishers have commissioned a French translation of the book. commission
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. committee
comparison of A and B: a comparison of the rail systems in Britain and France comparison
a complete stranger complete
To complicate matters further, there will be no transport available till 8 o'clock. complicate
This entrance is in constant use. constant
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
Such databases are being used in a wide range of contexts. context
He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. continuously
contribute to sth: Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. contribute
National Insurance contributions contribution
A truck ran out of control on the hill. be/get/run/etc. out of control
Orange County county
strange creatures from outer space creature
to cross France by train cross
cry for sth: She ran to the window and cried for help. cry
With a cry of 'Stop thief!' he ran after the boy. cry
She drank the whole cup. cup
A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation. curb
The winner cut ten seconds off (= ran the distance ten seconds faster than) the world record. cut sth off
a dark handsome stranger dark
a heated/wide-ranging/lively debate debate
decide (that)...: She decided (that) she wanted to live in France. decide
Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914. declare
An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport. decline
Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant. decorate
to be in a deep sleep/trance/coma deep
a delicate fragrance/flavour delicate
describe (sb/sth) doing sth: Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky. describe
The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs. design
disadvantage (of sth): One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport. disadvantage
That new restaurant was a big disappointment. disappointment
protection against sexually transmitted diseases disease
dismiss sb/sth as sth: Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks. dismiss
Doctor Franks (= as a title/form of address) doctor
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
the front/back door (= at the entrance at the front/back of a building) door
Tears ran down her face. down
Nine per cent of commuters used public transport in 2008 and the trend is downwards. downwards
She took to drink (= often drank too much alcohol) after her marriage broke up. drink
drink sth: I drank far too much last night. drink
Would you like a drop of brandy? drop
I was born in the East, but now live in San Francisco. east
I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. either
an elegant room/restaurant elegant
Our favourite restaurant was closed, so we had to go elsewhere. elsewhere
it embarrasses sb to do sth: It embarrassed her to meet strange men in the corridor at night. embarrass
It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents. embarrassing
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
These two products are from opposite ends of the price range. end
Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. enemy
We will have to engage the services of a translator. engage
I can't come to dinner on Tuesday—I'm otherwise engaged (= I have already arranged to do something else). engaged
I get a lot of enjoyment from my grandchildren. enjoyment
the entrance to the museum/the museum entrance entrance
A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour. entrance
the front/back/side entrance of the house entrance
an entrance hall/lobby entrance
I'll meet you at the main entrance. entrance
to be granted/refused entry into the country entry
Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events. event
Where exactly did you stay in France? exactly
The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example. for example
Tours are arranged all year round (January excepted). except
Our school does an exchange with a school in France. exchange
The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good). excited
The garden was transformed at great expense. expense
He's arranged everything, no expense spared. expense
an expensive car/restaurant/holiday expensive
The school is extending the range of subjects taught. extend
He's been granted an extension of the contract for another year. extension
an extensive range of wines extensive
I used to live in France; in fact, not far from where you're going. in (actual) fact
She gave false information to the insurance company. FALSE
All our family came to Grandad's eightieth birthday party. family
far (from, away, below, etc.): The restaurant is not far from here. far
a fashionable address/resort/restaurant fashionable
She loved all her grandchildren but Ann was her favourite. favourite
feature sb/sth as sb/sth: The film features Cary Grant as a professor. feature
There is no entrance fee to the gallery. fee
fight against sb: My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain. fight
The film was shot on location in France. film
The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final. final
We've found a great new restaurant near the office. find
She ran her fingers through her hair. finger
furniture available in a range of finishes finish
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country. firmly
Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? fit in (with sb/sth)
a flower arrangement flower
Lufthansa fly to La Paz from Frankfurt. fly
Can you translate this letter for me? for
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
forms of transport/government/energy form
Rearrange the letters to form a new word. form
It is time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis. formal
John Marsh, formerly of London Road, Leicester, now living in France formerly
They ran forward to welcome her. forward
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. foundation
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution freedom
the man from (= representing) the insurance company from
translating from English to Spanish from
a piece of fruit (= an apple, an orange, etc.) fruit
They sell a full range of hair and beauty products. full
gain sth: to gain entrance/entry/access to sth gain
The path ran gently down to the sea. gently
The flowers gave off a fragrant perfume. give off sth
He drank three whole glasses. glass
a government department/agency/grant government
grab (sth): She grabbed the child's hand and ran. grab
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
It's not a very grand house. grand
The wedding was a very grand occasion. grand
a grand design/plan/strategy grand
New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale. grand
The children are staying with their grandparents. grandparent
grant sth: My request was granted. grant
grant sb sth: I was granted permission to visit the palace. grant
She was granted a divorce. grant
He was granted a licence to mine in the area. grant
The bank finally granted me a £500 loan. grant
grant sth to sb/sth: The bank finally granted a £500 loan to me. grant
These lands had been granted to the family in perpetuity. grant
I just took it for granted that he'd always be around. take it for granted (that...)
She seemed to take it for granted that I would go with her to New York. take it for granted (that...)
Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. take sb/sth for granted
We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted. take sb/sth for granted
student grants (= to pay for their education) grant
He has been awarded a research grant. grant
We visited Grandma's grave. grave
grow sth: I didn't know they grew rice in France. grow
to give a guarantee of good behaviour guarantee
He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. guarantee
They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. guarantee
We provide a 5-year guarantee against rust. guarantee
The watch is still under guarantee. guarantee
The television comes with a year's guarantee. guarantee
a money-back guarantee guarantee
guarantee (of sth): Career success is no guarantee of happiness. guarantee
guarantee (that...): There's no guarantee that she'll come (= she may not come). guarantee
guarantee sth: Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed. guarantee
guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. guarantee
guarantee to do sth: We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. guarantee
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
guarantee sth: Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final. guarantee
guarantee sb sth: These days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job. guarantee
I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment. habit
I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair. hair
She ran into the hall and up the stairs. hall
happy (with sb/sth): Are you happy with that arrangement? happy
Their grandchildren are a constant source of happiness. happiness
We had hardly sat down to supper when the phone rang. hardly
He hated it in France (= did not like the life there). hate
a strange relationship built on love and hate hate
I'll have the salmon (= for example, in a restaurant). have
There has to be a reason for his strange behaviour. have to
health insurance health
a high branch/shelf/window high
I don't think that branch will hold your weight. hold
The meeting was described as 'a frank and honest exchange of views'. honest
She has her very own brand of humour. humour
He has some very strange ideas about education. idea
illegal immigrants/aliens illegal
Who is immediately above a colonel in rank? immediately
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress people. impress
The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. impress
an informal arrangement/meeting/visit informal
In the first instance, notify the police and then contact your insurance company. in the first instance
life/car/travel/household, etc. insurance insurance
to have adequate insurance cover insurance
insurance (against sth): to take out insurance against fire and theft insurance
insurance premiums (= the regular payments made for insurance) insurance
Can you claim for the loss on your insurance? insurance
an insurance broker/company insurance
He works in insurance. insurance
the France-Scotland rugby international international
Can you translate this passage into German? into
introduce sth: The company is introducing a new range of products this year. introduce
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
I find it strange that she doesn't want to go. it
blackcurrant jelly jelly
to join the ranks of the unemployed join
Two orange juices, please. juice
She jumped up and ran out of the room. jump
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
Employers are using immigrants as cheap labour. labour
law (against sth): the 1996 law against the hiring of illegal immigrants law
He ran the entire length of the beach (= from one end to the other). length
He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people. even/much/still less
My grandfather lost his life (= was killed) in the war. life
She ran lightly up the stairs. lightly
He ran like the wind (= very fast). like
The candles are arranged like so (= in this way). like
a branch line line
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
the transition from liquid to vapour liquid
A little while later the phone rang. little
live to do sth: She lived to see her first grandchild. live
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). look
I don't like the look of that guy (= I don't trust him, judging by his appearance). look
Poetry always loses something in translation. lose
a low range of hills low
Finally my luck ran out and they caught me trying to climb the outer wall. luck
Plug the transformer into the mains (= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room). main
'Where do you export to?' 'France, mainly.' mainly
made in France (= on a label) make
an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) marriage
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids. may
to go out for a meal (= to go to a restaurant to have a meal) meal
I always found him a little strange, if you know what I mean (= if you understand what I mean by 'strange'). mean
This restaurant is meant to be excellent. be meant to be sth
We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport. means
The load was lifted by means of a crane. by means of sth
I have vivid memories of my grandparents. memory
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
The phone rang in the middle of the night. middle
He gave his mind to the arrangements for the next day. mind
What did you miss most when you were in France? miss
mix sth: With this range of paints, you can mix your own colours. mix
At that very moment, the phone rang. moment
It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident. more
a chain/range of mountains mountain
A number of industries sprang up around the mouth of the river. mouth
Cars must not park in front of the entrance (= it is not allowed). must
Mystery surrounds her disappearance. mystery
The shop sells only a narrow range of goods. narrow
I'll make the necessary arrangements. necessary
She craned (= stretched) her neck to get a better view. neck
Britain's nearest neighbour is France. neighbour
Most of the translation he did for me was complete nonsense. nonsense
My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call. normal
She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed. notice
I called him but he ran off. off
to live on a pension/a student grant on
France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers. operate
Regular servicing guarantees the smooth operation of the engine. operation
students at opposite ends of the ability range opposite
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
orange peel orange
an orange tree orange
freshly squeezed orange juice orange
orange groves (= groups of orange trees) orange
orange blossom orange
a pale shade of orange orange
purples and reds and deep shining oranges orange
yellow and orange flames orange
There was a warm orange glow in the sky. orange
arranged in order of priority/importance/size order
The results, ranked in descending/ascending order, are as follows: order
an organ transplant/donor organ
She ran out into the corridor. out
He ran out the door. out
Let's go out this evening (= for example to a restaurant or club). out
He got thrown out of the restaurant. out
He drank his beer out of the bottle. out
They have gone over to France. over
They ran over the grass. over
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. overcome
The school is taking a party of 40 children to France. party
I was forced to ask passing strangers for money. passing
I called out to him as he ran past. past
Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house. pause
pay sth: to pay a bill/debt/fine/ransom, etc. pay
She had decided to settle permanently in France. permanently
She's always worrying about her personal appearance. personal
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
The President made a personal appearance at the event. personal
The phone rang and Pat answered it. phone
physical appearance physical
I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small. picture
He arranged the documents in neat piles. pile
All the arrangements are now in place for their visit. in place
a floor plan (= showing how furniture is arranged) plan
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
plant sth: a densely planted orange grove plant
play sb: France are playing Wales tomorrow. play
play against sb: France are playing against Wales on Saturday. play
to explore/consider/investigate a wide range of possibilities possibility
The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills. possibility
Use public transport whenever possible (= when you can). possible
They drank a pot of coffee. pot
A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available. powder
Visits are by prior arrangement. prior
They are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom. prisoner
He was a prisoner of his own ignorance. prisoner
Win a car in our grand prize draw! prize
We need new product to sell (= a new range of products). product
There isn't much profit in running a restaurant these days. profit
promise sth to sb: He promised the money to his grandchildren. promise
promise sb sth: He promised his grandchildren the money. promise
This may be the band's last public appearance together. public
There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. publicity
pull sth/yourself + adj.: John pulled himself free and ran off. pull
The painting is by a pupil of Rembrandt. pupil
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
The future of public transport is not in question. in question
Quite frankly, I don't blame you. quite
They drank quite a lot of wine. quite a lot (of sth)
The child was now out of her range of vision (= not near enough for her to see). range
These missiles have a range of 300 miles. range
our new range of hair products range
Most of the students are in the 17-20 age range. range
There will be an increase in the range of 0 to 3 per cent. range
It's difficult to find a house in our price range (= that we can afford). range
This was outside the range of his experience. range
The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. range
There is a full range of activities for children. range
This material is available in a huge range of colours. range
He shouted angrily at anyone within range. in/within range (of sth)
The cat stayed well out of range of the children. out of range (of sth)
She hid away in her house, out of range of prying eyes. out of range (of sth)
She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. rank
He rose through the ranks to become managing director. rank
Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank. rank
Promotion will mean that I'm immediately above him in rank. rank
He was soon promoted to the rank of captain. rank
officers of junior/senior rank rank
a campaign to attract more women into the military ranks rank
officers, and other ranks (= people who are not officers) rank
The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment). rank
rank sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty. rank
She is currently the highest ranked player in the world. rank
top-ranked players rank
rank sb/sth as sth: Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence. rank
rank (sb/sth) + adj.: Last year, he was ranked second in his age group. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
rank sb/sth + noun: The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering. rank
rank as sth: It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win. rank
(+ adv./prep.): The restaurant ranks among the finest in town. rank
This must rank with (= be as good as) the greatest movies ever made. rank
Health and education rank highly with voters. rank
You just don't rank (= you're not good enough). rank
read to sb/yourself: He liked reading to his grandchildren. read
A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear. rear
the rear entrance of the building rear
We arranged to meet in reception at 6.30. reception
The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics. recognition
The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it). recommend
the recording of financial transactions recording
The remaining twenty patients were transferred to another hospital. remaining
remember sb/sth doing sth: I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards. remember
That smell reminds me of France. remind sb of sb/sth
Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees. removal
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
She's our representative in France. representative
My request was granted. request
You are requested not to smoke in the restaurant. request
What is the minimum entrance requirement for this course? requirement
a research project/grant/student research
I'll call the restaurant and make a reservation. reservation
We have a reservation in the name of Grant. reservation
The hotel restaurant is open to non-residents. resident
an Italian restaurant restaurant
We had a meal in a restaurant. restaurant
We went out to a restaurant to celebrate. restaurant
a restaurant owner restaurant
a self-service restaurant restaurant
a restricted range of foods restricted
retire to sth: My dream is to retire to a villa in France. retire
Oranges are rich in vitamin C. rich
They ate and drank a ridiculous amount. ridiculous
The church bells rang. ring
The doorbell rang loudly. ring
He rang up the police station. ring
ring (up): David rang up while you were out. ring
She rang to say she'd be late. ring
He rose to the rank of general. rise
She rose through the ranks to become managing director. rise
It would be better to transport the goods by rail rather than by road. road
Bush ran a second time in 2004. run
The river ran dry (= stopped flowing) during the drought. run
The tears ran down her cheeks. run
run sth + adv./prep.: We ran a cable from the lights to the stage. run
The car ran off the road into a ditch. run
A shiver ran down my spine. run
The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow. run
She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. run
I ran my eyes over the page. run
Holmes ran a fine race to take the gold medal. run
They turned and ran when they saw us coming. run
The dogs ran off as soon as we appeared. run
He ran home in tears to his mother. run
He ran through the names on the list. run through sth
He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. run away (from sb/...)
We ran out of fuel. run out (of sth)
the running costs of a car (= for example of fuel, repairs, insurance) running
There are several brands and they're not all the same. same
The interviews were given to a random sample of students. sample
tomato/cranberry/chilli, etc. sauce sauce
The goalie saved Johnson's long-range shot. save
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot. save
Here was corruption on a grand scale. scale
The thieves got scared and ran away. scared
The transition from school to work can be difficult. school
scream out (in/with sth): People ran for the exits, screaming out in terror. scream
We used the branch of an old tree as a seat. seat
service-sector jobs (= in hotels, restaurants, etc.) sector
Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. security
Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? see to sth
select sb/sth: a randomly selected sample of 23 schools select
the random selection of numbers selection
Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products. sell
to sell insurance sell
We guarantee (an) excellent service. service
He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. settle
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
Rita shared her money out among her six grandchildren. share
He kept a sharp lookout for any strangers. sharp
There are two restaurants on board ship. ship
I'm going to France for a short break. short
show sth to sb: If there's a letter from France please show it to me. show
a side door/entrance/window side
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
What are our sleeping arrangements here (= where shall we sleep)? sleep
The child slipped from his grasp and ran off. slip
As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped and I fell. slip
As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents. small
Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) smoking
They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power. smooth
Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. social
Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research. source
They bought a villa in the South of France. south
He speaks with a strange accent. speak
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
spread sth: Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance? spread
She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. spread
He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. spring
Everyone sprang to their feet (= stood up suddenly) when the principal walked in. spring
The attacker sprang out at her from a doorway. spring
freshly squeezed orange juice squeeze
a staff restaurant/meeting staff
The children ran up/down the stairs. stair
What star rating does this restaurant have? star
She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'. star
They were granted refugee status. status
The branch was sticking up out of the water. stick up
The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers. strain
A strange thing happened this morning. strange
She was looking at me in a very strange way. strange
strange (that)...: It's strange (that) we haven't heard from him. strange
strange (how...): It's strange how childhood impressions linger. strange
That's strange—the front door's open. strange
I'm looking forward to the exam, strange as it may seem. strange
There was something strange about her eyes. strange
Strange to say, I don't really enjoy television. strange
a strange city strange
to wake up in a strange bed strange
Never accept lifts from strange men. strange
strange to sb: At first the place was strange to me. strange
She felt strange sitting at her father's desk. feel strange
It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange. feel strange
She's been acting very strangely lately. strangely
The house was strangely quiet. strangely
strangely shaped rocks strangely
Strangely enough, I don't feel at all nervous. strangely
There was a complete stranger sitting at my desk. stranger
They got on well together although they were total strangers. stranger
We've told our daughter not to speak to strangers. stranger
stranger to sb: She remained a stranger to me. stranger
Sorry, I don't know where the bank is. I'm a stranger here myself. stranger
stranger to...: He must have been a stranger to the town. stranger
He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance. strength
The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. strike
strip (sth) off: We stripped off and ran down to the water. strip
a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) student
Fran was studying the menu. study
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
to suck the juice from an orange suck
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. supply
a transport plane carrying food and medical supplies for refugees supply
She walked carefully down the stairs, supported by her grandson. support
the membranes surrounding the brain surround
survive from sth: Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. survive
a transport system system
A table for two, please (= in a restaurant). table
I'd like to book a table for tonight (= in a restaurant). table
The dog ran up, wagging its tail. tail
take sb to do sth: The boys were taken to see their grandparents most weekends. take
Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. take off
He took in every detail of her appearance. take sth in
The telephone rang and Pat answered it. telephone
a temporary measure/solution/arrangement temporary
The phone rang. the
He drank a glass of whisky, then another and then another. then
We lived in France and then Italy before coming back to England. then
There's a restaurant around the corner. there
Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. though
The sand ran through (= between) my fingers. through
I ran up and threw my arms around him. throw
I didn't finish the test—I ran out of time. time
Times have changed since Grandma was young. time
She ran up the stairs two at a time. at a time
the Japanese ambassador to France to
I'd love to go to France this summer. to
She ran her tongue over her lips. tongue
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up. turn up
The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case. twist
The dog squeezed under the gate and ran into the road. under
Is the television still under guarantee? under
I've joined the ranks of the unemployed (= I've lost my job). the unemployed
We should present a united front (= an appearance of being in agreement with each other). united
You look nice with your hair up (= arranged on top of or at the back of your head). up
This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses. use
The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless. useless
What is needed is a frank exchange of views. view
They're on an exchange visit to France. visit
Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages. wage
She rang the bell and waited. wait
In the Middle Ages England waged war on France. war
With a wave and a shout he ran down the road to meet us. wave
wave sth (about/around): A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically. wave
Unfortunately they ran into a snowstorm along the way. way
I just hoped the branch would take my weight. weight
What about a trip to France? what about...?
He had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang. when
You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. whether
The microphone was making a strange whistling sound. whistle
The people (who) we met in France have sent us a card. who
We drank a whole bottle each. whole
a wide range/choice/variety of goods wide
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
His dearest wish (= what he wants most of all) is to see his grandchildren again. wish
The genie granted him three wishes. wish
We are now within range of enemy fire. within
a word-for-word translation word for word
to be frantic with worry worry
When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me. would
write to sb: She wrote to him in France. write
The sentence had been wrongly translated. wrongly
'We're off to France soon.' 'Oh yeah? When's that?' oh yeah?
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you
Her grandchildren keep her young. young

son un ami ingénieur du son m’aide pour les arrangements
disposer la France dispose d’unités navales basées à Djibouti
fixer nous avons fixé une date limite
accorder les banques ont cessé d’accorder des prêts
air tu as l’air fatigué
entrée à l’entrée de son couloir, je me suis arrêté
transport il nous faut un transport plus rapide
franc le vétérinaire avait un regard franc
disposition elle tenait de notre père une disposition mélancolique
transformer cela s’est transformé en un match physique
portée Linux est à présent à la portée du grand public
émission une émission de télé passe, les écrits restent
traduire elle peut être traduite dans un langage mathématique précis
garantir il faut garantir la sécurité du personnel
marque il y a des marques sur les portes
transfert le transfert aura lieu sous deux semaines
concours vous avez gagné le concours?
mine je haussai les épaules et fis mine de rire
transmettre voilà comment se transmettre les maladies!
attribuer son mari attribuait cette apathie à sa naissance
rang nous sommes assis au premier rang
assurance tout mon argent sert à payer l’assurance médicale
transporter il transporta des milliers d’hommes ici
transmission cette transmission est vraiment excellente
disparition les condors sont en voie de disparition
garantie je ne puis vous donner cette garantie
transférer le trafic est transféré d’un ou de plusieurs canaux sémaphores
branche la situation économique de la branche s’est légèrement détériorée
étrange j’ai fait un rêve étrange
drôle je ne trouve pas ça drôle
franchement franchement, cela ne m’étonne pas
transition la transition a démobilisé les forces sociales
transformation la recherche scientifique est constamment en transformation
restaurant j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant
ampleur une réflexion de grande ampleur s’impose
apparition l’araignée a fait une nouvelle apparition
gratuit hé, un spectacle gratuit!
provenance les investissements en provenance de l’extérieur diminuent
apparence les apparences sont trompeuses
bizarre les effets de la maladie sont bizarres
violation cela constitue une violation de sa probation
traduction alors, lis la traduction
uranium la séparation du plutonium de l’uranium est relativement facile
transparence nous préférons le dirigisme à la transparence
arranger c’est moi qui ai tout arrangé
transaction le montant de la transaction n’a pas été dévoilé
transparent il faut que les choses soient transparentes
arrangement j’ai conclu un arrangement avec le diable
classement tes classements aux courses ont été excellents l’an dernier
francophone nous devons parler français avec les francophones
tolérance vous apprendrez la tolérance
acheminer d’autres produits doivent être acheminés au port
iranien la puissance iranienne est inquiétante
mutation il peut identifier une mutation chez les patients affectés
gamme nous avons déjà une bonne gamme de programmes
allure les voitures filaient à vive allure
ménager cela permettait aussi de ménager la surprise
virer il vire encore une fois à droite
étendue il fut surpris de l’étendue de son savoir
grand-père c’est grand-père qui me l’a fait comprendre
allocation il dirigeait l’allocation des ressources
brandir il brandit longuement les poings sous l’ovation
transit le fric est en transit. bouge pas
franchise vous parlez avec une grande franchise
grand-mère elle est allée chez sa grand-mère
orange ils cultivent des oranges
transitoire il y a installé l’administration transitoire
ignorance tu m’as aimé par ignorance!
filial il fallait créer une entreprise filiale
octroyer on continue à octroyer des brevets pour des séquences
farce c’est une vraie farce et c’est honteux
immigrant nous avons aidé de nouveaux immigrants à s’établir
boursier en un an, sa valeur boursière a été divisée par 350
véhiculer je peux véhiculer ça sans aucun problème
parfum divers sont les parfums des fleurs
éventail le gouvernement finance un éventail d’initiatives de recherche
concéder le dollar a concédé une partie du terrain gagné
caution le prévenu doit également régler une caution de 80.000 euros
émetteur on va s’acheter un émetteur et on va se promener dans une van