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incessantly, without interruption, non-stop ra rả

like: ra rả

2990 In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát hiện ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ.

Why don't you just admit defeat (= recognize that you cannot do sth) and let someone else try ? admit
He now realized that it had been a bad decision on his part. bad
That had happened long before (= a long time earlier). before
It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true. brain
Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age. brain
breathe sth: Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air. breathe
I'm sorry, they aren't here. They checked out this morning. check out (of...)
to make a cheque out to sb cheque
it comes out that...: It came out that he'd been telling lies. come out
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
The reorganization has created a lot of bad feeling. create
discover (that)...: It was a shock to discover (that) he couldn't read. discover
it is discovered that...: It was later discovered that the diaries were a fraud. discover
discovery (that...): She was shocked by the discovery that he had been unfaithful. discovery
In 1974 Hawking made the discovery (= he discovered) that black holes give off radiation. discovery
it disturbs sb to do sth: It disturbed her to realize that she was alone. disturb
The play was going very well until one of the actors suddenly dried up. dry up
Much to her embarrassment she realized that everybody had been listening to her singing. embarrassment
find that...: We found out later that we had been at the same school. find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb)
Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). fine
After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter. get
'How did your interview go?' 'It went very well, thank you.' go
indicate that...: She indicated that I was to sit down. indicate
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
indicate (that...): Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. indicate
The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. not least
They realized that he had gone mad. mad
He means trouble (= to cause trouble). mean
Need you have paid so much? need
occur that...: It didn't occur to him that his wife was having an affair. occur to sb
point that...: I should point out that not one of these paintings is original. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
It is essential that we present a united front (= show that we all agree). present
realize (that)...: I didn't realize (that) you were so unhappy. realize
it is realized that...: There was a cheer when it was realized that everyone was safely back. realize
recognize that...: We recognized that the task was not straightforward. recognize
the discovery that the world is round round
She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care). shoulder
'Yes and no.' 'What is that supposed to mean?' (= showing that you are annoyed) be supposed to do/be sth
Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. take sth in
wrong (sth to do): I realized that it was the wrong thing to say. wrong
Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months. your