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OXF3000N rất nhỏ nhỏ xíu tiny

like: rất nhỏ
winzig rất nhỏ 微小的 wēixiǎo de
winzig rất nhỏ
der Bruchteil phần rất nhỏ

Es war ein sehr kleines Geschäft im Außenbezirk der Stadt. Đó là một cửa hàng rất nhỏ nằm ở ngoại ô thành phố. (Lektion 26, Nr. 327)
Tri vermisst seine Familie sehr. Tri rất nhớ gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 579)

He started playing the piano at an early age. age
an outside chance (= a very small one) chance
He learnt to play the piano at an early age. early
miss sb/sth: She will be greatly missed when she leaves. miss
The school was originally very small. originally
I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small. picture
The dial records very slight variations in pressure. variation
very small very