Beginner Level Advanced Level



queue hàng đợi

EVP queue
EVP queue
Reihe hàng đợi Menschen

3000TH: คิวรถ khiuM rohtH bus station (transportation queue)
5000FR: file line, queue
GBENDE: queue Reihe
GBENDE: 排长队 queue Warteschlange
CORE: queue + + + + + + +
SAT: queue + A file of persons waiting in order of their arrival, as for admittance. 
WNS: (n.) [queue] waiting line

ENDE: queue Reihe
ENDE: queue Warteschlange

like: queue
follow one another, life in, queue up nối đuôi
pig-tail, queue (of hair) đuôi sam

I joined the end of the queue. end
form sb/sth (up) (into sth): to form a line/queue/circle form
form (up) (into sth): Queues were already forming outside the theatre. form
a long queue at the till till

file les fichiers seront placés dans la file d’attente