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egg quả trứng

I mix three eggs with this powder. Tôi trộn ba quả trứng với bột này. Verbs 3

A boiled egg? Một quả trứng luộc à? * 033
A fried egg? Một quả trứng chiên à? * 033
An omelette? Một quả trứng tráng à? * 033

like: quả trứng

Tri macht einen Spaziergang durch das Stadtzentrum. Tri đi dạo qua trung tâm thành phố. (Lektion 11, Nr. 102)

a bird's nest with two eggs in it bird
to boil an egg for sb boil
crack sth + adv./prep.: She cracked an egg into the pan. crack
two dozen eggs dozen
The fish lay thousands of eggs at one time. egg
a boiled egg egg
a chocolate egg (= made from chocolate in the shape of an egg) egg