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crow quạ

OXF3000N qua ngang qua across
OXF3000N sự quảng cáo nghề quảng cáo advertising
OXF3000N quảng cáo advertisement
OXF3000N chọc tức làm bực mình làm phiền quẫy nhiễu annoy
OXF3000N chọc tức làm bực mình làm phiền quẫy nhiễu annoying
OXF3000N bị khó chịu bực mình bị quấy rầy annoyed
OXF3000N về một bên qua một bên apart
OXF3000N quả táo apple
OXF3000N quân đội army
OXF3000N (adv prep.)xung quanh vòng quanh around
OXF3000N thái độ quan điểm attitude
OXF3000N quả bóng ball
OXF3000N quán bán rượu bar
OXF3000N quả bom đánh bom thả bom bomb
OXF3000N làm phiền quấy rầy làm bực mình bother
OXF3000N tung ra khắp nơi truyền rộng rãi phát thanh quảng bá broadcast
OXF3000N quăng ném thả đánh gục sự quăng sự ném (lưới) sự thả (neo) cast
OXF3000N thành trì thành quách castle
OXF3000N quần áo clothes
OXF3000N quần áo y phục clothing
OXF3000N liên quan dính líu tới sự liên quan sự dính líu tới concern
OXF3000N có liên quan có dính líu concerned
OXF3000N kết quả hậu quả consequence
OXF3000N cân nhắc xem xét để ý quan tâm lưu ý đến consider
OXF3000N sự cân nhắc sự xem xét sự để ý sự quan tâm consideration
OXF3000N quầy hàng quầy thu tiền máy đếm counter
OXF3000N tiến trình quá trình diễn tiến sân chạy đua course
OXF3000N sân sân (tennis...) tòa án quan tòa phiên tòa court
OXF3000N cây Thánh Giá nỗi thống khổ sự băng qua cross
OXF3000N quăn xoắn uốn quăn làm xoắn sự uốn quăn curl
OXF3000N quăn xoắn curly
OXF3000N phong tục tục lệ thói quen tập quán custom
OXF3000N thuế nhập khẩu hải quan customs
OXF3000N chu kỳ chu trình vòng quay vòng theo chu kỳ đi xe đạp cycle
OXF3000N giải tán (quân đội đám đông) sa thải (người làm) dismiss
OXF3000N huyện quận district
OXF3000N làm mất yên tĩnh làm náo động quấy rầy disturb
OXF3000N váy quần áo mặc (quần áo) ăn mặc dress
OXF3000N sự tiết kiệm sự quản lý kinh tế economy
OXF3000N hiệu ứng hiệu quả kết quả effect
OXF3000N có kết quả có hiệu lực effective
OXF3000N có kết quả có hiệu lực effectively
OXF3000N có hiệu lực có hiệu quả efficient
OXF3000N có hiệu quả hiệu nghiệm efficiently
OXF3000N sự nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng emphasis
OXF3000N kẻ thù quân địch enemy
OXF3000N người quản trò người tiếp đãi chiêu đãi entertainer
OXF3000N môi trường hoàn cảnh xung quanh environment
OXF3000N kinh nghiệm trải qua nếm mùi experience
OXF3000N rộng rãi bao quát extensive
OXF3000N vô cùng khắc nghiệt quá khích cực đoan sự quá khích extreme
OXF3000N bay sự bay quãng đường bay fly
OXF3000N quả trái cây fruit
OXF3000N quà tặng gift
OXF3000N thói quen tập quán habit
OXF3000N cầm sờ mó tay cầm móc quai handle
OXF3000N ý tưởng quan niệm idea
OXF3000N (thuộcquan niệm tư tưởng lý tưởng ideal
OXF3000N sự quan trọng tầm quan trọng importance
OXF3000N quan trọng hệ trọng important
OXF3000N quan trọng trọng yếu importantly
OXF3000N không quan trọng không trọng đại unimportant
OXF3000N không quan trọng không trọng đại unimportant
OXF3000N việc xảy ra việc có liên quan incident
OXF3000N thật vậy quả thật indeed
OXF3000N sự thành lập lập cơ quan trụ sở institution
OXF3000N sự thích thú sự quan tâm chú ý làm quan tâm chú ý interest
OXF3000N làm thích thú làm quan tâm làm chú ý interesting
OXF3000N có thích thú có quan tâm có chú ý interested
OXF3000N cuộc hành trình (đường bộ) quãng đường chặng đường đi journey
OXF3000N xét xử phân xử quan tòa thẩm phán judge
OXF3000N nước ép (rau củ quả) juice
OXF3000N thư từ bưu kiện gửi qua bưu điện mail
OXF3000N quản lý trông nom điều khiển manage
OXF3000N sự quản lý sự trông nom sự điều khiển management
OXF3000N người quản lý giám đốc manager
OXF3000N tháng ba March
OXF3000N diễu hành hành quân cuộc hành quân cuộc diễu hành march
OXF3000N khối khối lượng quần chúng đại chúng mass
OXF3000N chất vật chất có ý nghĩa có tính chất quan trọng matter
OXF3000N (thuộcquân đội quân sự military
OXF3000N tâm trí tinh thần trí tuệ chú ý để ý chăm sóc quan tâm mind
OXF3000N nhỏ hơn thứ yếu không quan trọng minor
OXF3000N hải quân navy
OXF3000N quả hạch đầu nut
OXF3000N mục tiêu mục đích (thuộc) mục tiêu khách quan objective
OXF3000N sự quan sát sự theo dõi observation
OXF3000N quan sát theo dõi observe
OXF3000N kỳ quặc kỳ cục lẻ (số) odd
OXF3000N kỳ quặc kỳ cục lẻ (số) oddly
OXF3000N cơ quan văn phòng bộ office
OXF3000N viên chức cảnh sát sĩ quan officer
OXF3000N sự hoạt động quá trình hoạt động operation
OXF3000N ý kiến quan điểm opinion
OXF3000N quả cam có màu da cam orange
OXF3000N tổ chức cơ quan sự tổ chức organization
OXF3000N (adv).prep. bên trên vượt qua lên lên trên over
OXF3000N quần lót đùi pants
OXF3000N qua vượt qua ngang qua pass
OXF3000N sự đi qua sự trôi qua thoáng qua ngắn ngủi passing
OXF3000N sự đi qua sự trôi qua hành lang passage
OXF3000N quá khứ dĩ vãng quá qua past
OXF3000N nơi địa điểm quảng trường place
OXF3000N túi (quần áo trong xe hơi) túi tiền pocket
OXF3000N họat động chính trị đời sống chính trị quan điểm chính trị politics
OXF3000N xác thực rõ ràng tích cực lạc quan positive
OXF3000N bảo quản giữ gìn preserve
OXF3000N quá trình sự tiến triển quy trình chế biến gia công xử lý process
OXF3000N quán rượu tiệm rượu pub
OXF3000N sự công khai sự quảng cáo publicity
OXF3000N đấm thụi quả đấm cú thụi punch
OXF3000N nhìn đánh giá cái nhìn sự quan tâm sự chú ý (lời chúc tụng cuối thư) regard
OXF3000N kể lại thuật lại liên hệ liên quan relate
OXF3000N có liên quan có quan hệ với ai cái gì related to
OXF3000N mối quan hệ sự liên quan liên lạc relation
OXF3000N mối quan hệ mối liên lạc relationship
OXF3000N có liên quan đến người có họ đại từ quan hệ relative
OXF3000N có liên quan có quan hệ relatively
OXF3000N thích hợp có liên quan relevant
OXF3000N kết quả bởi do.. mà ra kết quả là... result
OXF3000N cuốn cuộn sự lăn tròn lăn cuốn quấn cuộn roll
OXF3000N (n)tròn vòng quanh xung quanh round
OXF3000N nhìn nhìn thấy quan sát see
OXF3000N giác quan tri giác cảm giác sense
OXF3000N vụt qua chạy qua ném phóng bắn đâm ra trồi ra shoot
OXF3000N nhiều ý nghĩa quan trọng significant
OXF3000N trượtc chuyển động nhẹ lướt qua slide
OXF3000N trượt tuột trôi qua chạy qua slip
OXF3000N lính quân nhân soldier
OXF3000N quay quay tròn spin
OXF3000N đâm thọc chọc cắm dính cái gậy qua củi cán stick
OXF3000N cởi lột (quần áo) sự cởi quần áo strip
OXF3000N xưởng phim trường quay phòng thu studio
OXF3000N thực tế đáng kể quan trọng substantial
OXF3000N vây quanh bao quanh surround
OXF3000N bao quanh vây quanh ngoại vi surrounding
OXF3000N vùng xung quanh môi trường xung quanh surroundings
OXF3000N sự nhìn chung sự khảo sát quan sát nghiên cứu survey
OXF3000N tiếp quản kế tục cái gì chở, chuyển cái gì
OXF3000N qua xuyên qua through
OXF3000N ném vứt quăng throw
OXF3000N có quan hệ mật thiết gắn chặt tie sth up
OXF3000N quần trousers
OXF3000N rau quả tươi truck
OXF3000N quay xoay vặn sự quay vòng quay turn
OXF3000N xoắn cuộn quắn sự xoắn vòng xoắn twist
OXF3000N quần lót underwear
OXF3000N không quan trọng unimportant
OXF3000N không quan trọng unimportant
OXF3000N chắc chắn hiệu quả hợp lý valid
OXF3000N tiền đội quân tiên phong xe tải van
OXF3000N qua theo đường via
OXF3000N sự nhìn tầm nhìn nhìn thấy xem quan sát view
OXF3000N đi thăm hỏi đến chơi tham quan sự đi thăm visit
OXF3000N đồng hồ nhìn theo dõi quan sát sự canh gác sự canh phòng watch
OXF3000N tốt giỏi ôi may quá! well
OXF3000N gió quấn lại cuộn lại wind
OXF3000N lên dây quấn giải quyết wind sth up
OXF3000N gói bọc quấn wrap
OXF3000N vật bao bọc vật quấn quanh wrapping
OXF3000N hôm qua yesterday

This fan is new. Cái quạt này mới. Objects 2
fan quạt Objects 2
He uses many kinds of fans. Anh ấy bán nhiều loại quạt. Abstract Objects 1

like: quạ
gestern hôm qua 昨天 zuótiān
durch qua, suốt 通过 tōngguò
sich umsehen nhìn quanh 环顾四周 huángù sìzhōu
besichtigen tham quan 参观 cānguān
wichtig quan trọng 重要 zhòngyào
hindurch ngang qua 通过 tōngguò
zurückkommen quay trở lại 回来 huílái
zurück quay lại 回来 huílái
sich kümmern um chăm sóc, quan tâm 照顾 zhàogù
zu viel quá nhiều 太多 tài duō
zu viele quá nhiều 太多 tài duō
über về, trên, qua 关于 guānyú
sterben qua đời, chết 死亡 sǐwáng
er starb anh ấy qua đời 他去世了 tā qùshì le
zurückfahren đi quay lại 驶回 shǐhuí
beobachten quan sát 观察 guānchá
vorbeifahren an đi qua 驶过 shǐguò
in letzter Zeit thời gian cuối, thời gian vừa qua 最后的时光 zuìhòu de shíguāng
besichtigen tham quan 参观 cān guān
aufbewahren bảo quản, giữ 保存 bǎo cún
extrem thật, quá 极端的 jí duān de
überqueren Đi qua 横穿 héng chuān
den Fluss überqueren qua sông 横穿河流 héng chuān hé liú
durchqueren qua 穿过 chuān guò
übernachten qua đêm 过夜 guò yè
umzäunt rào quanh 用篱笆围起来的 yòng lí ba wéi qǐ lái de
zu spät quá muộn 太晚了 tài wǎn le
verzeihen bỏ qua 原谅 yuán liàng
zu etwas fähig sein quá khả năng làm gì 能够做某事 néng gòu zuò mǒu shì
belästigen quấy rối 骚扰 sāo rǎo
drehen quay 转身 zhuǎn shēn
eine Anzeige aufgeben Đăng một mẩu quảng cáo 登一则广告 dēng yì zé guǎng gào
Wirkung zeigen có hiệu lực, có kết quả 起作用 qǐ zuò yòng
rücksichtsvoll quan tâm, chu đáo 关心的 guān xīn de
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần 专心的 zhuān xīn de
sich interessieren für quan tâm đến cái gì 对 ... 感兴趣 duì ..... gǎn xìng qù
einhüllen quấn quanh, choàng kín 笼罩 lǒng zhào
betrachten quan sát 观察 guān chá
anziehen mặc đồ (sv), mặc quần áo (nv) 穿上 chuān shàng
ausziehen cởi đồ (sv), cởi quần áo (nv) 脱下 tuō xià
sterben qua đời, chết
sich kümmern um chăm sóc, quan tâm 照顾 zhào gù
wirkungsvoll có kết quả, có hiệu lực 有效的 yǒu xiào de
widersprechen bất đồng quan điểm, không đồng ý 与 ...发生矛盾 yǔ ..... fā shēng máo dùn
es betrifft mich nó liên quan đến tôi 这牵涉到我 zhè qiān shè dào wǒ
sich abwenden von jemandem đoạn tuyệt, quay lưng lại với ai đó 背叛某人 bèipàn mǒurén
jemanden belästigen làm phiền, quấy rầy ai đó 骚扰某人 sāorǎo mǒurén
in dubiose Geschäfte verwickelt sein liên quan tới những vụ làm ăn mờ ám 陷入不正当交易 xiànrù bú zhèngdàng jiāoyì
jemanden überschätzen đánh giá quá cao ai đó 高估某人 gāogū mǒurén
verwalten quản lý, điều hành 掌管 zhǎngguǎn
wirksam có hiệu quả 有效的 yǒuxiào de
etwas ausgraben khai quật gì đó 挖掘出某物 wājué chū mǒuwù
übermäßig quá mức 过度的 guòdù de
hindurchgehen đi qua 穿过 chuānguò
sich vor Schmerzen krümmen quặn đau, đau quằn quại 因为疼痛而扭曲 yīnwèi téngtòng ér niǔqū
den Fuß röntgen chụp x-quang chân 对足部透视, 拍足部的X光 duì zúbù tòushì, pāi zúbù de X guāng
verstorben chết, qua đời 去世 qùshì
toben quát, gầm 嬉闹 xīnào
unbekümmert thờ ơ, không quan tâm 不操心的 bù cāoxīn de
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự 军事上的胜利 jūnshì shàng de shènglì
entwaffnen giải trừ quân bị 缴 ... 的械 jiǎo ... de xiè
abrüsten giải trừ quân bị 裁减 ... 的装备 cáijiǎn ... de zhuāngbèi
auspeitschen quất, vụt, đánh, đập 鞭打 biāndǎ
stationiert sein đóng quân, đồn trú 驻扎 zhùzhā
der Ball quả bóng
gestern hôm qua
die Zollkontrolle hải quan
durch qua, suốt
die Rückkehr quay trở lại, sự trở về
die Wechselstube quầy đối tiền
sich umsehen nhìn quanh
die Tasse cái cốc có quai
die Besichtigungstour chuyến tham quan
besichtigen tham quan
wichtig quan trọng
hindurch ngang qua
zurückkommen quay trở lại
zurück quay lại
die Hosentasche túi quần
das Obst hoa quả
der Apfel quả táo
die Birne quả lê
die Banane quả chuối
der Pfirsich quả đào
die Erdbeere quả dâu tây
die Kirsche quả anh đào
die Orange quả cam
die Zitrone quả chanh
die Ananas quả dứa, trái thơm
die Traube quả nho
die Nuss quả hồ đào
der Fruchtsaft nước hoa quả
sich kümmern um chăm sóc, quan tâm
die Besichtigung tham quan
zu viel quá nhiều
zu viele quá nhiều
über về, trên, qua
der Gedanke quan niệm, ý nghĩ
sterben qua đời, chết
er starb anh ấy qua đời
das Geschenk quà tặng
die Hose quần
die Jeans quần jean
die Unterhose quần lót
die Badehose quần bơi
die Strumpfhose quần tất, quần bó (miền nam việt nam)
der Badeanzug bộ quần áo bơi
zurückfahren đi quay lại
die Theaterkasse quầy bán vé ở nhà hát
beobachten quan sát
vorbeifahren an đi qua
in letzter Zeit thời gian cuối, thời gian vừa qua
die Besucher người thăm quan
die Besichtigung xem nhà, thăm quan
das Obst trái cây (sv), hoa quả (nv)
aufbewahren bảo quản, giữ
extrem thật, quá
überqueren Đi qua
den Fluss überqueren qua sông
durchqueren qua
übernachten qua đêm
die Spiegelreflexkamera máy quay có gương phản chiếu
umzäunt rào quanh
zu spät quá muộn
die Meinung quan niệm, quan điểm
die Meinungsverschiedenheit sự khác biệt về quan điểm
verzeihen bỏ qua
zu etwas fähig sein quá khả năng làm gì
belästigen quấy rối
drehen quay
der Werbespot quảng cáo ngắn
eine Anzeige aufgeben Đăng một mẩu quảng cáo
die Wirkung hiệu lực, kết quả
Wirkung zeigen có hiệu lực, có kết quả
die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) Điều kiện mua bán tổng quát
rücksichtsvoll quan tâm, chu đáo
die Folge hậu quả
aufmerksam nhiệt tình, quan tâm, ân cần
die Beziehung mối quan hệ
das Interesse sự quan tâm
die Ausstrahlung ánh hào quang
sich interessieren für quan tâm đến cái gì
einhüllen quấn quanh, choàng kín
die Wäsche quần áo
der Optiker nhà quang học
betrachten quan sát
anziehen mặc đồ (sv), mặc quần áo (nv)
ausziehen cởi đồ (sv), cởi quần áo (nv)
die Verwandtschaft mối quan hệ họ hàng
die Vergangenheit quá khứ
der Verlauf quá trình
wirkungsvoll có kết quả, có hiệu lực
widersprechen bất đồng quan điểm, không đồng ý
die Armee quân đội
es betrifft mich nó liên quan đến tôi
das Konsulat lãnh sự quán
die deutsche Botschaft sứ quán đức
sich abwenden von jemandem đoạn tuyệt, quay lưng lại với ai đó
jemanden belästigen làm phiền, quấy rầy ai đó
der Wirt chủ quán
die Belanglosigkeit, die Bagatelle việc không quan trọng, việc không đáng kể
in dubiose Geschäfte verwickelt sein liên quan tới những vụ làm ăn mờ ám
jemanden überschätzen đánh giá quá cao ai đó
verwalten quản lý, điều hành
die Verwaltung sự quản lý, sự điều hành
die Umdrehung vòng quay
das Bergwerk nhà máy khai thác quạng mỏ
wirksam có hiệu quả
die Kugel quả cầu, hình cầu
das Erz fördern khai thác quặng
die Auswirkung sự tác động, tác dụng, hiệu quả
die Beere quả dâu
die rote Johannisbeere quả phúc bồn tử đỏ
die schwarze Johannisbeere quả lý phúc bồn tử đen
die Brombeere quả mâm xôi
die Blaubeere quả việt quất
die Stachelbeere quả lý gai
die Feige quả sung
die Melone quả dưa
die Zucchini quả bí
der Kürbis quả bí ngô
die Paprika quả ớt chuông
die Aubergine quả cà tím
die Haselnuss quả phỉ
die Walnuss quả óc chó
die Erdkugel trái đất, quả địa cầu
die Speiche tay quay, cái nan hoa
etwas ausgraben khai quật gì đó
die Krähe con quạ
der Rabe con quạ
der Gemüseladen cửa hàng rau quả
die Kneipe quán bar
das Karussell trò đu quay
das Bügelbrett bàn để là quần áo
die Damenbekleidung quần áo dành cho nữ
übermäßig quá mức
die Truhe tủ quần áo
der Ventilator quạt điện
hindurchgehen đi qua
das Ungeheuer quái vật
die Blasenentzündung viêm bàng quang
die Bronchitis bệnh viêm phế quản
sich vor Schmerzen krümmen quặn đau, đau quằn quại
den Fuß röntgen chụp x-quang chân
die Luftröhre khí quản
die Sinnesorgane hệ giác quan
der Kiefer quai hàm
der Kehlkopf thanh quản
verstorben chết, qua đời
toben quát, gầm
unbekümmert thờ ơ, không quan tâm
der Sarg quan tài
die Abholzung sự phá rừng, sự phát quang
die Brücke überqueren đi qua cầu
der Brauch tập quán, phong tục, thói quen
der Tyrann kẻ bạo chúa, bạo quân
der Rebell quân phiến loạn
der Militäreinsatz cuộc triển khai quân sự
militärisch siegen chiến thắng về mặt quân sự
entwaffnen giải trừ quân bị
abrüsten giải trừ quân bị
auspeitschen quất, vụt, đánh, đập
stationiert sein đóng quân, đồn trú

Nach der Zollkontrolle kann er es nicht mehr tragen. Sau khi kiếm tra hải quan xong anh ấy không còn sức đế khiêng hành lý. (Lektion 3, Nr. 23)
Danke für die Information, das ist sehr nett. Tốt quá. Cám ơn nhiều. (Lektion 4, Nr. 33)
Aber er kann auch in der Wechselstube Geld wechseln. Nhưng anh ấy cũng có thế đối tiền ở quầy đối tiền. (Lektion 5, Nr. 44)
Tri fragt die Frau drinnen: Tri hỏi người phụ nữ ở trong quầy. (Lektion 5, Nr. 45)
In einem Café Ở quán cà phê (Lektion 6, Nr. 50)
Er kommt zu einem Café und setzt sich an einen freien Tisch. Anh ấy vào một quán cà phê và ngồi vào một bàn trống. (Lektion 6, Nr. 53)
Besichtigungstour Chuyến tham quan (Lektion 7, Nr. 61)
Besichtigungstour durch die Innenstadt. Chuyến tham quan thành phố. (Lektion 7, Nr. 63)
Mit uns können Sie alle wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Với chúng tôi bạn sẽ tham quan những danh lam thắng cảnh nổi tiếng. (Lektion 7, Nr. 64)
Die Reise beginnt jede Stunde am Hauptbahnhof. Chuyến tham quan khởi hành hàng giờ tại nhà ga trung tâm. (Lektion 7, Nr. 66)
Tri spricht mit der Dame an der Rezeption: Tri nói chuyện với một người phụ nữ tại quầy tiếp tân: (Lektion 8, Nr. 70)
Ich glaube, dass du das nicht kannst, aber es gibt eine nette Gaststätte, nicht weit von hier. Anh nghĩ là không, nhưng mā có một cái quán ăn ngon ở gần đây. (Lektion 9, Nr. 89)
Tri ist zurück in seinem Hotelzimmer. Tri quay lại phòng khách sạn. (Lektion 10, Nr. 93)
Gestern war das Wetter wirklich schön und heute ist es auch warm. Hôm qua thời tiết thật là đẹp và hôm nay trời cũng ấm. (Lektion 10, Nr. 95)
Tri macht einen Spaziergang durch das Stadtzentrum. Tri đi dạo qua trung tâm thành phố. (Lektion 11, Nr. 102)
Tri ist zurück und trifft Trang im Esszimmer des Gasthauses. Tri quay lại và gặp Trang trong phòng ăn của nhà nghỉ. (Lektion 12, Nr. 112)
Tri erhält eine hausgemachte vegetarische Pizza und Trang Fisch und Pommes Frites. Tri nhận món Pizza chay do quán tự làm còn Trang thi nhận món cá và khoai tây rán. (Lektion 12, Nr. 119)
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, fragen Sie einfach einen unserer Trainer, er wird Ihnen jede Frage beantworten. Nếu quan tâm, xin liên hệ với huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi, anh ấy sẽ trả lời mọi câu hỏi của các bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 136)
Entschuldige, aber ich bevorzuge eine Besichtigungstour. Xin lỗi, nhưng em thích đi tham quan hơn. (Lektion 17, Nr. 192)
Gestern war ich mit Trang in Hô Chí Minh. Hôm qua, em cùng với Trang thăm thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. (Lektion 18, Nr. 201)
Er fragt die Frau, die am Ticketschalter arbeitet, nach dem günstigsten Weg zu fliegen. Anh ấy hỏi người phụ nữ đang làm việc ở quầy bán vé về đường bay rẻ nhất. (Lektion 20, Nr. 231)
Das Wetter wird sehr kalt und nass und Tri braucht neue Kleidung. Trời rất lạnh và ẩm ướt và Tri cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 247)
Hallo Trang, hier ist Tri. Ich fühle mich müde und alt. Chào Trang, anh Tri đây. Anh mệt và oải quá. (Lektion 21, Nr. 249)
Ich denke, dass ich neue Kleidung benötige. Anh nghĩ, anh cần quần áo mới. (Lektion 21, Nr. 250)
Neue Klamotten Quần áo mới (Lektion 22, Nr. 257)
Nein, es ist langweilig. Versuche dieses blaue Hemd, das wird dir stehen. Không, nó trông thường quá. Anh thử cái áo sơ mi xanh này đi, sẽ hợp với anh hơn. (Lektion 22, Nr. 260)
Ich benötige nur einige warme Pullover, Schuhe, Socken, einige Hosen und Jeans, aber nichts besonderes. Anh cần vài chiếc áo thun, giày, vài đôi vớ, vài cái quần tây và quần jeans, nhưng chắng có cái nào đặc biệt cả. (Lektion 22, Nr. 261)
Ich kann die Sandalen nicht mehr tragen, es ist zu kalt. Em không thế đi xăng-đan nữa,vì trời lạnh quá. (Lektion 22, Nr. 267)
Ich möchte diese Schuhe und ich brauche auch neue Strümpfe und Strumpfhosen für den Winter. Em muốn đôi giày này và em cũng cần đôi tất dài và quần tất mới cho mùa đông này. (Lektion 22, Nr. 268)
Ich benötige ein paar neue Hosen. Anh cần vài cái quần mới. (Lektion 22, Nr. 270)
Ich tue immer Salz und Pfeffer drauf, aber ich mag es nicht zu würzig. Em luôn rắc muối và tiêu lên trên, nhưng em không thích quá nhiều gia vị. (Lektion 23, Nr. 281)
Sein Gepäck ist größer, als es im letzten Urlaub war: Er möchte mehr Sachen mitnehmen. Va-li của anh còn to hơn cả va-li trong kì nghỉ vừa qua. Anh ấy muốn mang nhiều đồ hơn. (Lektion 24, Nr. 294)
Er hat viele Andenken für seinen Bruder und seine Freunde gekauft. Anh ấy mua rất nhiều quà làm kỷ niệm cho anh trai và bạn bè. (Lektion 24, Nr. 295)
Du solltest zum Zeitungsstand gehen, wenn du am Flughafen bist. Anh nên đến quầy sách báo trong sân bay. (Lektion 24, Nr. 303)
Tri lief durch die ganze Stadt, bevor er die Adresse des Juweliers fand. Tri dạo quanh toàn bộ thành phố, trước khi anh ấy tìm thấy địa chỉ cửa tiệm kim hoàn. (Lektion 26, Nr. 326)
Tri schaute um sich. Er war die letzte Person im Bus. Tri nhìn quanh. Anh ấy là người cuối cùng trên xe buýt. (Lektion 28, Nr. 355)
Wir müssen einen halben Kilometer zurückfahren und dann müssen wir nach links abbiegen. Chúng ta phải quay lại nửa kilomet và sau đó phải rẽ trái. (Lektion 28, Nr. 377)
Zurück in Vietnam Quay trở lại Việt Nam (Lektion 29, Nr. 381)
Das Geburtstagsgeschenk Quà sinh nhật (Lektion 31, Nr. 393)
Trang vergaß ihr Geburtstagsgeschenk in Tris Haus. Trang đã đế quên quà sinh nhật của cô ấy ở nhà Tri. (Lektion 31, Nr. 396)
Sie schaut sich nach einer Telefonzelle um, aber es ist keine hier. Cô ấy nhìn quanh tìm một máy trạm điện thoại, nhưng ở đây không có cái nào. (Lektion 31, Nr. 400)
Tri? Wenn du meine Nachricht hören kannst, bring bitte mein Geburtstagsgeschenk mit. Tri? Nếu anh nghe tin nhắn của em thì làm ơn mang theo quà sinh nhật của em theo nhé. (Lektion 31, Nr. 410)
Hallo Trang, kuck, was ich für dich habe! Du hast das Geburtstagsgeschenk vergessen. Chào Trang, xem anh có gì cho em này. Em đã đế quên quà sinh nhật. (Lektion 31, Nr. 415)
Alles geschah so schnell. Chuyện xảy ra nhanh quá. (Lektion 32, Nr. 424)
Nach dem Unfall ist Tri sehr an Medizin interessiert. Sau vụ tai nạn Tri rất quan tâm đến y dược. (Lektion 33, Nr. 436)
Er schaut sich ein wenig um. Anh nhìn quanh một lúc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 438)
Wenn du diesbezüglich interessiert bist, solltest du ein Praktikum im Krankenhaus machen. Nếu anh quan tâm đến những điều này, thì anh nên thực tập ở bệnh viện. (Lektion 33, Nr. 455)
Warte, was ist das für ein Film? Was für ein gutaussehender Typ! Đợi đã, phim gì đây? Anh chàng này đẹp trai quá. (Lektion 34, Nr. 467)
Daher muss ich sie über das Internet bestellen. Vì vậy em phải đặt chúng qua mạng. (Lektion 36, Nr. 501)
Wenn du sie über das Internet bestellst, bekommst du sie dann per Post? Nếu em đặt trên mạng thì em sẽ nhận hàng qua đường bưu điện. (Lektion 36, Nr. 504)
Aber sie sind so groß. Nhưng chúng quá to. (Lektion 36, Nr. 507)
Trang erklärt ihm den Weg am Telefon. Trang chỉ đường cho anh ấy qua điện thoại. (Lektion 37, Nr. 521)
Wenn du im richtigen Bus sitzt, kommst du an vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei. Nếu anh ngồi đúng xe buýt, thì anh sẽ đi qua nhiều danh lam thắng cảnh. (Lektion 37, Nr. 524)
Am Ticketschalter musst du sehr lange warten. Am besten benutzt du den Fahrscheinautomaten. Ở quầy bán vé anh phải đợi rất lâu. Tốt nhất là anh dùng máy bán vé tự động. (Lektion 37, Nr. 532)
Oh, die Seifenoper ist eine Wiederholung von gestern. ồ, chương trình ca nhạc này phát lại của ngày hôm qua. (Lektion 38, Nr. 553)
Er sieht eine berühmte Person entlang kommen. Tri nhìn thấy một người nối tiếng đi ngang qua. (Lektion 39, Nr. 561)
Schauen sie nicht so. Ich bin ein alter Mann, ich habe soviel in meinem Leben gesehen. Đừng nhìn tôi như vậy. Tôi đã đứng tuổi rồi, tôi đã trải qua nhiều chuyện rồi. (Lektion 41, Nr. 595)
Jetzt werde ich das beste aus dem Rest meines Lebens machen. Bây giờ tôi sẽ cố sống tốt quãng đời còn lại của mình. (Lektion 41, Nr. 596)
Über eine Treppe kann man vom Innenhof in den Keller gehen. Lên trên một cái cầu thang người ta có thể đi qua cái sân trong để đến hầm chứa đồ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 618)
Du solltest den Kredit aber nicht zu oft beanspruchen. Nhưng anh không nên quá thường xuyên lạm dụng cái thẻ tín dụng này. (Lektion 44, Nr. 638)
Da der schmale Schrank allmählich zu klein für Trang wurde, hat Tri ein neues Regal dazu gekauft. Vì cái tủ hẹp dần dần trở nên quá nhỏ đối với Trang, nên Trí đã mua thêm một cái giá mới. (Lektion 46, Nr. 653)
Die Lieferung, die ich gestern erhalten habe, ist nicht vollständig. Hàng giao mà hôm qua tôi nhận được không đầy đủ. (Lektion 47, Nr. 670)
Hast du gestern das frische Obst für den Nachtisch gekauft? Hôm qua anh có mua trái cây tươi để tráng miệng không? (Lektion 48, Nr. 681)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Von einer kleinen Brücke haben sie einen herrlichen Blick über einen Fluss. Từ cây cầu nhỏ họ có được tầm nhìn tuyệt vời qua con sông. (Lektion 51, Nr. 719)
Sie genießen die Fahrt durchs Gebirge. Họ thưởng thức cuộc du ngoạn qua những dãy núi. (Lektion 52, Nr. 730)
Sie durchqueren eine Schlucht und kommen schließlich an einen großen Bauernhof. Họ đi qua một thung lũng và cuối cùng đến một nông trại lớn. (Lektion 52, Nr. 731)
Rasch kommt sie zurück. Ngay sau đó cô quay lại. (Lektion 53, Nr. 750)
Die Matratze ist zu hart und die Bettdecke ist zu kurz! Cái nệm quá cứng và cái chăn thì quá ngắn! (Lektion 54, Nr. 770)
Wenn du dich weiter über mich lustig machst, kannst du heute auf der Luftmatratze übernachten. Nếu anh tiếp tục chế nhạo em, hôm nay anh có thể qua đêm trên cái nệm không khí. (Lektion 54, Nr. 774)
Komm, wir setzen uns auf die Terrasse dieses Cafés, trinken einen Kaffee und schreiben Postkarten. Nào, chúng ta hãy ngồi ngoài sân của quán café này, uống cafe và viết bưu thiếp. (Lektion 55, Nr. 777)
Trang und Tri suchen sich im Café einen Tisch. Trang và Trí tìm một bàn trong quán café. (Lektion 55, Nr. 779)
Dort war ich eine Woche lang und bin über die Grenze zum Meer gefahren. Anh đã ở đó một tuần và qua ranh giới đi về phía biển. (Lektion 56, Nr. 794)
Als Gast in einem fremden Land interessiere ich mich mehr für die Leute dort und wie sie leben. Là một người khách trên mảnh đất lạ anh quan tâm về con người ở đó nhiều hơn và họ sống như thế nào. (Lektion 56, Nr. 798)
Im Hintergrund ist Natur zu sehen: eine umzäunte Wiese und ein Wald. Đằng sau có thể thấy thiên nhiên: Một bãi cỏ được rào quanh và một cánh rừng. (Lektion 57, Nr. 809)
Gut, dann werde ich sie in einer halben Stunde abholen. Tốt quá, vậy tôi sẽ lấy nó trong vong nửa tiếng nữa. (Lektion 58, Nr. 826)
Die Meinungsverschiedenheit Sự khác biệt về quan điểm (Lektion 60, Nr. 842)
Kannst du mir das verzeihen? Em có thể bỏ qua cho anh không? (Lektion 60, Nr. 854)
Die Belästigung Sự quấy rối (Lektion 62, Nr. 869)
Wir saßen in einer Bar. Bọn anh ngồi trong quán bar. (Lektion 62, Nr. 872)
Ein betrunkener Mann hat eine Frau belästigt. Một người đàn ông say rượu đã quấy rối một phụ nữ. (Lektion 62, Nr. 873)
Gestern fällte der Richter sein Urteil über einen vorbestraften Gewalttäter. Hôm qua thẩm phán đã tuyên án kẻ phạm tội đã có tiền án. (Lektion 63, Nr. 889)
Der Mann hatte in der Vergangenheit immer wieder Frauen belästigt und in vielen Bars Schlägereien angefangen. Trong quá khứ người đàn ông đã từng luôn quấy rối phụ nữ và đánh nhau trong nhiều quán Bar. (Lektion 63, Nr. 890)
Zu viele Beweise lagen gegen ihn vor. Quá nhiều bằng chứng được phô bày chống lại anh ta. (Lektion 63, Nr. 895)
Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)
Das war der Typ aus der Bar! Đó là kẻ ở quán Bar! (Lektion 63, Nr. 898)
Zwischen den Ställen und Gehegen haben Gärtner überall Beete mit Rosen und Nelken bepflanzt. Giữa chuồng cũi và vườn thú những người làm vườn trồng xung quanh với những luống hoa hồng và hoa đinh hương. (Lektion 65, Nr. 921)
Sie dreht sich um und fragt: Cô quay lại và hỏi: (Lektion 65, Nr. 929)
Deine Stirn ist ja ganz heiß! Wir müssen Fieber messen! Trán anh thật nóng quá! Chúng ta phải đo nhiệt độ thôi! (Lektion 66, Nr. 939)
Ich fühle mich so schlapp und elend! Anh cảm thấy thật yếu ớt và tệ quá! (Lektion 66, Nr. 940)
Durch enge Gassen muss er sich durch die Altstadt schlängeln. Xuyên qua ngõ nhỏ anh phải ngoằn ngèo qua thành phố cổ. (Lektion 67, Nr. 955)
Als Tri abends zurück zum Parkplatz kommt, bleibt er - unfähig sich zu bewegen - stehen: Khi Trí quay lại bãi đậu xe vào buổi tối, anh đứng sững lại- không thể cử động được: (Lektion 67, Nr. 960)
Die Reparatur von Tris Auto war sehr teuer. Việc sửa xe ô tô của Trí quá đắt. (Lektion 69, Nr. 981)
Er ruft bei der einzigen Zeitung der Region an, um eine Anzeige aufzugeben. Anh điện thoại cho một vài tờ báo địa phương để đăng quảng cáo. (Lektion 69, Nr. 984)
Guten Tag. Ich möchte eine Anzeige aufgeben, in der ich meinen Wagen zum Verkauf anbiete. Xin chào. Tôi muốn đăng một mẩu tin quảng cáo rằng tôi muốn bán xe. (Lektion 69, Nr. 985)
Ihre Anzeige wird nächste Woche in drei Ausgaben erscheinen. Tuần sau mẩu tin quảng cáo của bạn sẽ được in làm ba bản. (Lektion 69, Nr. 993)
Tris Anzeige hat Wirkung gezeigt: Mẩu quảng cáo của Trí đã có kết quả: (Lektion 70, Nr. 996)
Tri und Trang suchen in einer Buchhandlung nach einem Geschenk für Tris geliebte Nichte. Trí và Trang tìm một món quà trong tiệm sách cho cô cháu gái đáng yêu của Trí. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1011)
Und wovon handelte die Geschichte? Và nó liên quan đến lịch sử? (Lektion 71, Nr. 1016)
Er kämpfte damals in einer gewaltigen Schlacht gegen seine Rivalen, unheimliche Fabelwesen. Ngày xưa ông đã chiến đấu chống lại địch thủ trong một trận đánh kịch liệt qua những tình tiết ngụ ngôn huyền bí. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1018)
In der Bar Trong quán bar (Lektion 73, Nr. 1040)
Trang und Tri wollen am Samstagabend ausgehen und haben sich mit Freunden in einer Bar verabredet. Trang và Trí muốn ra ngoài vào buổi tối thứ bảy và họ đã hẹn với bạn bè trong quán bar. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1041)
In der Bar angekommen, begrüßen die beiden ihre Freunde. Tới quán bar, họ chào hỏi hai người bạn. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1046)
Ich war mit Freundinnen in einer Bar. Em cùng những bạn gái trong quán bar. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1057)
Sieh mal hier im Schaufenster die schöne Wäsche! Die werde ich mal anprobieren! Anh nhìn quần áo đẹp trong cửa kính kìa! Em sẽ thử mặc nó! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1082)
Dann müssen wir noch zum Optiker und zum Frisör. Sau đó chúng ta còn phải tới chỗ nhà quang học và thợ làm tóc. (Lektion 76, Nr. 1087)
Du hast dich heute morgen wohl nicht rasiert, dein Bart kratzt! Sáng hôm nay anh không cạo râu, râu của anh cào đau quá! (Lektion 76, Nr. 1090)
Die Verwandtschaft Mối quan hệ họ hàng (Lektion 77, Nr. 1091)
Die Kinder spielen Fangen zwischen den Hochzeitsgästen und bestaunen den Tisch mit den vielen Geschenken. Trẻ con thì chơi đuổi bắt giữa những khách cưới và ngắm nghía cái bàn với nhiều quà tặng. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1127)
Das war der schönste Tag meines Lebens! Quả là một ngày đẹp nhất trong đời em! (Lektion 79, Nr. 1129)
Der Stier ist charmant und bodenständig, kann gut mit Geld umgehen und ist ein Genießer. Kim ngưu thì duyên dáng và căn cơ, có thể quản lý tốt tiền bạc và là một người biết hưởng thụ. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1133)
Können Sie mir erklären, wie das ablaufen wird? Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi, quá trình của nó như thế nào không? (Lektion 81, Nr. 1151)
Tri ist zwar nicht direkt betroffen, aber das Thema beschäftigt ihn. Trí tuy không trực tiếp liên quan đến, nhưng đề tài này cũng làm anh quan tâm đến. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1164)
Aber das Klima in der Firma ist mittlerweile so schlecht, dass ich mich beruflich verändern möchte. Nhưng hoàn cảnh công ty lúc này quá tồi tệ đến nỗi anh muốn đổi công việc khác. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1166)
Trang kommt vom Kiosk zurück. Trang từ ki ốt quay lại. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1178)
Ich kann auch das Visum vom Konsulat nicht finden. Anh cũng không thấy giấy thị thực của lãnh sự quán. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1197)
Wir müssen übrigens noch Wäsche waschen und trocknen. Chúng ta còn phải giặt và làm khô quần áo nữa. (Lektion 84, Nr. 1199)
Und hier habe ich noch ein Geschenk für dich: den neuen Sprachkurs fürs Berufsleben von sprachenlernen24! Và đây anh còn một món quà cho em: một khóa học cho cuộc sống nghề nghiệp tại nơi học tiếng 24! (Lektion 84, Nr. 1203)
Ich interessiere mich für Ihre neuen Produkte. Tôi rất quan tâm đến sản phẩm mới của công ty anh / chị . (Lektion 86, Nr. 1238)
Es geht um etwas Geschäftliches. Nó liên quan đến công việc kinh doanh / làm ăn. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1239)
Es geht um ein Problem mit Ihrem neuen Produkt. Nó liên quan đến một vấn đề với sản phẩm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1244)
Sie ist nur über ihr Handy zu erreichen. Cô ấy / Chị ấy hiện chỉ liên lạc được qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1262)
Ich schreibe Ihnen im Auftrag des Geschäftsführers. Thay mặt quản lí công ty tôi xin được trả lời anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1348)
Bitte bestätigen Sie den Eingang meiner Nachricht per E-Mail. Làm ơn xác nhận qua Email rằng anh / chị đã nhận được thư của tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1355)
Sie erreichen uns unter der Telefonnummer 10607033. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi qua số điện thoại: 10607033. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1360)
Vielen Dank für Ihre gestrige E-Mail. Xin cám ơn về bức thư ngày hôm qua của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1371)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn mối quan tâm của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1372)
Bitte bestätigen Sie den Eingang meiner Nachricht per E-Mail. Làm ơn xác nhận qua Email rằng anh / chị đã nhận được thư của tôi. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1385)
Ich möchte den E-Mail-Newsletter bitte abbestellen. Tôi muốn hủy đăng kí nhận thư quảng cáo. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1386)
Sie erreichen mich unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse: Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua địa chỉ Email này: (Lektion 92, Nr. 1393)
Ich habe den Newsletter per E-Mail abonniert. Tôi đã đặt thư quảng cáo qua Email. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1407)
Ich habe unseren Firmen-Newsletter bereits an alle Abonnenten verschickt. Tôi đã gửi thư quảng cáo đến những người đặt hàng. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1408)
Mit diesem Fax schicke ich Ihnen die Bestätigung unseres Auftrags. Tôi xác nhận đặt hàng của chúng tôi qua bản fax này (Lektion 93, Nr. 1411)
Bitte faxen Sie uns Ihren Auftrag zu. Xin gửi đặt hàng của quý khách qua fax cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1412)
Kannst du das bitte an die Kollegin in Berlin faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi tài liệu này qua fax đến đồng nghiệp ở Berlin được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1413)
Bitte informieren Sie uns bei einer Fehlübertragung unter der Telefonnummer 171155. Nếu có trục trặc gì xin vui lòng liên hệ qua số: 171155. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1422)
Ich habe die letzten drei Jahre für ein Unternehmen in Peking gearbeitet. Tôi đã làm việc cho một công ty tại Bắc Kinh trong ba năm vừa qua. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1432)
Ich bin zuständig für Marketing und PR. Tôi chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực tiếp thị và quan hệ công chúng. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1438)
Haben Sie das Fußballspiel gestern Abend gesehen? Anh / Chị có xem trận bóng đá ngày hôm qua không? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1512)
Ich spiele leidenschaftlich gerne Tennis. Tôi rất đam mê môn quần vợt. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1518)
Können wir das Problem telefonisch besprechen? Chúng ta có thể bàn về vấn đề đó qua điện thoại được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1557)
Wir interessieren uns für Ihre neue Produktreihe. Chúng tôi rất quan tâm tới loạt sản phẩm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1565)
Bitte gib diesen Begriff bei einer Suchmaschine ein und schau dir die Ergebnisse der Suche näher an. Hãy gõ khái niệm này trên trang tìm kiếm và tìm hiểu kỹ thêm từ các kết quả hiện ra. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1610)
Ich brauche das Ergebnis deiner Recherche in zwei Stunden. Hãy cho tôi biết kết quả tìm kiếm thông tin sau hai giờ nữa. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1612)
Kann ich Einsicht in diese Akten nehmen? Tôi có thể xem qua dữ liệu này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1626)
Im Folgenden lesen Sie die Ergebnisse meiner Recherchen. Trong phần tiếp theo quý vị sẽ thấy kết quả tra cứu của tôi. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1631)
Die Kollegin aus der Forschungsabteilung wird uns ihre Ergebnisse in einem Zwischenbericht vorstellen. Đồng nghiệp từ phòng nghiên cứu sẽ trình bày cho chúng ta kết quả nghiên cứu qua một báo cáo ngắn gọn. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1635)
Meine Suche hat keine interessanten Ergebnisse gebracht. Việc tìm kiếm của tôi không đưa lại kết quả thú vị nào. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1639)
Ich kann keine relevanten Informationen zu diesem Thema finden. Tôi không tìm được thông tin nào liên quan đến đề tài này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1642)
Auf unserer Tagesordnung stehen heute vier wichtige Themen. Chương trình của buổi họp hôm nay bao gồm bốn nội dung quan trọng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1645)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
Kannst du bitte alle Ergebnisse dieser Besprechung mitschreiben und dann an alle Kollegen schicken? Anh / Chị có thể ghi chép kết quả cuộc họp lại rồi sau đó gửi đến các tất cả các nhân viên được không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1651)
Ich hoffe, dass Sie alle das Protokoll der letzten Sitzung nochmals durchgelesen haben. Tôi hi vọng quý vị đều đã đọc qua biên bản của cuộc họp lần trước. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1652)
In meinem kurzen Referat möchte ich Ihnen einen Überblick über unsere aktuellen Projekte geben. Từ bản thuyết trình ngắn này, tôi muốn gửi đến quý vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những dự án hiện nay của chúng ta. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1653)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
In dieser Tabelle finden Sie die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen für Mai und Juni. Doanh số bán hàng hiện tại của tháng năm và tháng sáu được thể hiện qua bảng thống kê trên đây. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1656)
Das gehört nicht zum Thema. Điều đó không liên quan đến đề tài / vấn đề này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1675)
Bitte schicken Sie uns das ausgefüllte Formular innerhalb von 5 Werktagen per Post zu. Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi tờ khai đã điền đầy đủ qua đường bưu điện trong vòng 5 ngày. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1697)
Kann ich Ihnen die Formulare auch per E-Mail zuschicken? Tôi có thể gửi ngài bản khai này qua Email được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1698)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Wenn Sie sich für die Kultur und die Sprache Chinas interessieren, bieten wir Ihnen die Gelegenheit das anzuwenden, was Sie während Ihres Studiums gelernt haben. Nếu anh / chị có quan tâm đến văn hóa và tiếng Trung Quốc, thì chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị áp dụng các kiến thức mà anh / chị đã học. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1745)
Das Praktikum ermöglicht Ihnen Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche unseres Unternehmens. Khóa thực tập tạo điều kiện cho anh / chị có cái nhìn tổng quát về tất cả các lĩnh vực của công ty chúng tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1752)
Ich konnte wichtige und interessante Kontakte knüpfen. Tôi đã tạo được nhiều mối quan hệ quan trọng và thú vị. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1756)
Ich habe mich überfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác bị thử thách quá sức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1764)
Das Verhältnis mit den Kollegen war sehr gut. Wir haben auch in der Freizeit viel gemeinsam unternommen. Quan hệ với đồng nghiệp rất tốt. Chúng tôi cũng đi chơi cùng nhau nhiều trong thời gian rỗi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1765)
Erfahrungen im Bereich Projektmanagement sind von Vorteil. Kinh ngiệm về quản lý dự án là một ưu điểm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1783)
Seit zehn Jahren arbeite ich in der Branche und kann mich mittlerweile auf ein großes Netzwerk guter Kontakte berufen. Từ mười năm nay tôi làm việc trong ngành và có thể kết nối một mạng lưới quan hệ tốt. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1814)
In den letzten beiden Jahren habe ich für meine Firma erfolgreich internationale Projekte geleitet. Trong hai năm vừa qua tôi đã điều hành thành công các dự án quốc tế cho công ty của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1817)
Für Ihre Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne und jederzeit telefonisch zur Verfügung. Anh / chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1826)
Ich habe ein Jahr lang Wehrdienst geleistet. Tôi đã làm một năm nghĩa vụ quân sự. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1844)
Warum hat Ihre Ausbildung so lange gedauert? Vì sao khóa đào tạo của anh / chị kéo quá dài? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1870)
Ich habe mich für das Studium an der Fachhochschule entschieden, weil mir eine praxisnahe Ausbildung wichtig ist. Tôi đã quyết định học cao đẳng, vì đối với tôi đào tạo thực tiễn rất quan trọng. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1874)
Schon in der Schule habe ich mich für Physik interessiert und da war es für mich logisch dies auch zu studieren. Ngay từ khi học phổ thông tôi đã quan tâm đến vật lí và học vật lí ở đại học là điều dĩ nhiên đối với tôi. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1876)
Während des Praktikums habe ich gelernt meine Arbeit gut zu strukturieren und selbständig zu Ende zu bringen. Trong khóa thực tập tôi đã học được cách tổ chức công việc hiệu quả và tự kết thúc công việc độc lập. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1879)
Zu meinen Stärken zähle ich, dass ich zuverlässig und ergebnisorientiert arbeite. Điểm mạnh của tôi là làm việc có trách nhiệm và có định hướng kết quả. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1936)
Ich interessiere mich für Politik und verfolge die Nachrichten täglich. Aber ich möchte mich nicht in einer Partei engagieren. Tôi quan tâm đến chính trị và theo dõi tin tức hàng ngày. Nhưng tôi không muốn tham gia vào đảng phái nào. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1940)
Ich habe Ihr Unternehmen auf einer Messe kennengelernt und bin seither sehr daran interessiert für Sie zu arbeiten. Tôi đã làm quen với công ty của ông / bà ở một hội chợ triển lãm và từ đó tôi rất quan tâm được làm việc cho công ty. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1954)
Ich möchte mich nach dem Stand des Bewerbungsverfahrens erkundigen. Tôi muốn hỏi về hiện trạng của quá trình tuyển dụng. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1975)
Meine Firma wird von einem Investor übernommen. Công ty của tôi được tiếp quản bởi một nhà đầu tư. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2017)
Das Licht an meinem Arbeitsplatz ist schlecht: Entweder es ist zu hell oder zu dunkel! Ánh sáng ở chỗ làm của tôi không tốt: hoặc là quá sáng hoặc quá tối! (Lektion 111, Nr. 2032)
Mein Bildschirm ist zu klein. Ich brauche einen neuen – mit mindestens 26 Zoll. Màn hình của tôi quá nhỏ. Tôi cần một cái mới cỡ 26 inch. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2039)
Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Netzwerkadministrator. Xin hãy liên lạc với người quản trị mạng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2080)
Ich freue mich, auch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden zu diesem Vortrag begrüßen zu dürfen. Tôi rất vui có sự hiện diện của ngài chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị trong buổi diễn thuyết hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2083)
Ehe ich Ihnen die Details vorstelle, möchte ich Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über die wesentlichen Punkte geben. Trước khi đi vào nội dung chi tiết, tôi muốn cung cấp cho quy vị một cái nhìn tổng quát về những điểm chính. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2096)
Dieser Punkt ist mir besonders wichtig. Với tôi điểm này đặc biệt quan trọng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2101)
Auf dieser Folie zeige ich Ihnen das Ergebnis meiner Analyse. Trong trang này tôi sẽ cho quý vị thấy kết quả phân tích của tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2104)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
Diese Ergebnisse sind wissenschaftlich abgesichert. Những kết quả này đã được kiểm chứng một cách khoa học. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2113)
Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Tôi chân thành cám ơn sự quan tâm theo dõi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2117)
Das ist nicht meine Meinung. Đó không phải là ý kiến của tôi. / Đó không phải là quan điểm của tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2133)
Ich habe zu wenig Informationen: Ich habe noch keine Meinung dazu. Tôi có quá ít thông tin: Tôi vẫn chưa có ý kiến gì về việc này. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2134)
Ich habe gründlich recherchiert und komme zu dem Schluss, dass dieses Projekt zu riskant ist. Tôi đã tra cứu một cách kỹ lưỡng và đi đến kết luận rằng dự án này quá mạo hiểm. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2141)
In diesem Punkt sind wir unterschiedlicher Meinung. Ở điểm này chúng ta có những quan điểm khác nhau. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2151)
Das ist zu riskant. Điều đó quá mạo hiểm. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2157)
Das wird zu teuer. Điều đó sẽ trở nên quá tốn kém. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2158)
Dieses Projekt ist sehr wichtig. Dự án này rất quan trọng. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2183)
Diese Informationen dürfen nicht in die falschen Hände geraten. Những thông tin này không được phép lọt vào tay những người không liên quan. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2204)
Das Projekt wird zu teuer. Dự án này trở nên quá đắt. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2233)
Das Projekt überschreitet die festgelegten Kosten. Dự án này vượt quá mức kinh phí dự định. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2234)
Interessieren Sie sich für ein spezielles Produkt? Quý khách có quan tâm tới một sản phẩm đặc biệt nào không? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2242)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn sự quan tâm của quý khách. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2281)
Bitte wenden Sie sich an unsere telefonische Beratung. Quý khách làm ơn hãy liên hệ qua điện thoại với tư vấn khách hàng (Lektion 119, Nr. 2291)
Wir möchten einen Messestand buchen. Chúng tôi muốn đặt một gian trưng bày/quầy trưng bày. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2304)
Wir möchten einen Messestand mieten. Chúng tôi muốn thuê một gian trưng bày/quầy trưng bày. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2306)
Ich interessiere mich für Ihr neues Produkt. Tôi rất quan tâm tới sản phẩm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2336)
Ich interessiere mich für Ihre neue Software. Tôi rất quan tâm tới phần mềm mới của quý vị. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2337)
Haben Sie einen Prospekt? Quý vị có tờ quảng cáo không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2340)
Darf ich eines Ihrer Werbegeschenke nehmen? Tôi có thể lấy một trong những món quà quảng cáo của quý vị được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2348)
Bei dieser Konferenz treffen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und tauschen sich über ihre Forschungsergebnisse aus. Tại hội thảo này, các nhà khoa học đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới gặp gỡ và trao đổi với nhau về các thành quả nghiên cứu. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2362)
Ich werde die Ergebnisse meiner Forschungsarbeiten vorstellen. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu các kết quả từ công trình nghiên cứu của mình. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2366)
Auf dieser Tagung werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Buổi hội thảo này sẽ giới thiệu các thành quả nghiên cứu mới nhất. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2370)
Ich bin hier, um meine Kontakte zu pflegen. Tôi có mặt ở đây để duy trì các mối quan hệ. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2371)
Sie erreichen mich über mein Handy. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2383)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)
Unsere Firma feiert 20jähriges Jubiläum und wir möchten Sie als gute Kunden gerne dazu einladen. Công ty chúng tôi kỷ niệm 20 năm thành lập và chúng tôi rất muốn mời quý vị với tư cách là một khách hàng quan trọng tới cùng tham gia. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2412)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)
Sie haben zu viel berechnet. Quý vị đã tính lên quá nhiều. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2485)
Diese Rechnung ist seit 20 Tagen überfällig. Hóa đơn thanh toán đã quá hạn 20 ngày. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2527)
Diese Zahlung ist jetzt seit zwei Monaten fällig. Hóa đơn này đã quá hạn thanh toán từ hai tháng nay. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2541)
Ich werde bei unserer Bank nachfragen, warum sich die Zahlung verzögert. Tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng, tại sao quá trình thanh toán bị chậm. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2552)

113 Are the stores open today? Hôm nay hàng quán có mở cửa không?
273 The earth goes around the sun. Trái đất quay quanh mặt trời.
277 She always gets to work early. Cô ấy luôn đến cơ quan sớm.
279 Megumi usually plays tennis on Sundays. Megumi thường chơi quần vợt vào các chủ nhật.
289 She eats a lot of fruit. Cô ấy ăn nhiều hoa quả.
290 He plays tennis. Anh ấy chơi quần vợt.
322 You don't work very hard. Cậu không làm việc quá nhiều.
341 We don't work very hard. Chúng tôi không làm việc quá nhiều.
349 I like tennis. Tôi thích quần vợt.
363 I don't know much about politics. I'm not interested in it. Tôi không biết nhiều về chính trị. Tôi không quan tâm đến nó.
376 Does Emily play tennis? Emily có chơi quần vợt không?
390 EN I play tennis. How about you? Do you play tennis? Tôi chơi quần vợt. Cậu thì sao? Cậu có chơi quần vợt không?
392 Jisang plays tennis. How about his friends? Do they play tennis? Chí Tường chơi quần vợt. Còn bạn anh ấy thì sao? Họ có chơi quần vợt không?
533 Now he's at work. Bây giờ anh ấy đang ở cơ quan.
534 Last night he wasn't at work. Đêm hôm qua anh ấy không ở cơ quan.
538 I was tired last night. Tối qua tôi mệt.
539 Where was Fatima yesterday? Tối qua Fatima ở đâu?
541 You were late yesterday. Hôm qua cậu đến muộn.
551 Was Paul at work yesterday? — Yes, he was. Paul có đi làm ngày hôm qua không? - Không.
553 Today the weather's nice, but yesterday it was very cold. Hôm nay trời đẹp nhưng hôm qua trời lạnh.
555 I feel ne this morning, but I was very tired last night. Tôi thấy khoẻ lúc sáng nay nhưng đêm qua tôi rất mệt
557 Don't buy those shoes. They're very expensive. Đừng mua đôi giầy đấy. Giá đắt quá.
563 Yesterday was a holiday, so the banks were closed. They're open today. Hôm qua là ngày lễ nên ngân hàng đóng cửa, Hôm nay họ mở cửa.
567 You weren't at home last night. Where were you? Cậu hôm qua không ở nhà. Cậu đã ở đâu?
572 Why were you angry yesterday? — Because you were late. Sao hôm qua cậu tức giận thế? - VÌ cậu đến muộn.
576 EN Yesterday it rained all morning. It stopped at lunchtime. Hôm qua trời mưa cả sáng. Trời tạnh lúc ăn trưa.
577 We enjoyed the party last night. Chúng tôi sảng khoái với bữa tiệc tối qua.
581 We did a lot of work yesterday. Chúng tôi đã làm rất nhiều việc ngày hôm qua.
587 The accident happened last Sunday afternoon. Vụ tai nạn xảy ra chiều Chủ nhật vừa qua.
588 It's a nice day today, but yesterday it rained all day. Trời hôm nay đẹp nhưng hôm qua trời mưa cả ngày.
593 I bought my tickets online. Tôi đã mua vé qua mạng.
596 I spoke with him yesterday on the phone. Tôi đã nói chuyện với anh ấy hôm qua qua điện thoại.
601 Then she had breakfast at an airport cafe and waited for her ight. Rồi cô ấy ăn sáng ở quán của sân bay và chờ đợi chuyến bay.
604 Steve always goes to work by car. > Yesterday he went to work by car. Steve luôn đi làm bằng xe hơi. Hôm qua anh ấy đã đi làm bằng xe hơi.
606 Zoe meets her friends every night. > She met them last night. Zoe đi gặp bạn bè mỗi tối. Cô ấy có đi gặp họ tối qua.
607 I usually buy two (2) newspapers every day. > Yesterday I bought two (2) newspapers. Tôi thường mua hai tờ báo hàng ngày. Hôm qua tôi có mua hai tờ báo.
609 I eat an orange every day. > Yesterday I ate an orange. Tôi ăn một quả cam mỗi ngày. Hôm qua tôi có ăn một quả cam.
614 I didn't watch TV yesterday. Tôi không xem vô tuyến ngày hôm qua.
616 Did she go out last night? Cô ấy có ra ngoài tối qua không?
617 I played tennis yesterday, but I didn't win. Tôi chơi quần vợt hôm qua nhưng tôi đã không thắng.
620 Did you see Fabian yesterday? — No, I didn't. Hôm qua cậu có trông thấy Fabian không? - Không, tôi không
628 I watched TV last night. How about you? Did you watch TV last night? Tôi đã xem vô tuyến tối hôm qua. Cậu thì sao? Cậu có xem vô tuyến tối qua không?
632 I slept well last night. How about you? Did you sleep well last night? Tôi đêm qua ngủ ngon. Cậu thì sao? Đêm qua cậu ngủ có ngon không.
645 I played tennis this afternoon. Tôi đã chơi quần vợt chiều nay.
655 Did you sleep well last night? Tối qua cậu có ngủ ngon không?
657 We went to the beach yesterday. Chúng tôi đã đi ra bãi biển hôm qua.
664 a pair of pants. Giovanni đã mua vài bộ quần áo mới ngày hôm qua: hai cái áo chemise và một cái quần.
665 Did it rain yesterday? — No, it was a nice day. Hôm qua trời có mưa không? - Không, hôm qua đẹp trời.
669 about a meeting. Sao hôm qua cậu không có mặt trong cuộc họp? - Tôi không biết là có cuộc họp.
673 working? Cậu đang làm gì lúc mười một rưỡi hôm qua? Cậu đang làm việc à?
677 Today she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing pants. Hôm nay cô ấy mặc váy nhưng hôm qua cô ấy mặc quần.
678 I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning. Hôm qua tôi tỉnh dậy sớm. Buổi sáng thật là đẹp.
680 I was working at ten-thirty last night. Tôi đang làm việc lúc mười rưỡi tối qua.
688 At ten forty- ve (10:45) she was playing tennis. Lúc mười giờ bốn mươi lăm cô ấy đang chơi quần vợt.
697 Why was he wearing a suit yesterday? Tại sao anh ấy hôm qua lại mặc complet?
710 What did you do yesterday morning? Sáng hôm qua cậu làm gì?
712 We played tennis from ten (10:00) to eleven thirty (11:30). Chúng tôi chơi quần vợt từ mười giờ đến mười một giờ rưỡi.
713 We were playing tennis. Chúng tôi đang chơi quần vợt.
714 Did you watch the basketball game on TV last night? Cậu có xem trận bóng rổ trên vô tuyến tối qua không?
727 Yesterday she was walking down the street when she met Albert. Hôm qua khi cô ấy đang bước chân xuống phố thì cô ấy gặp Albert.
737 I'm not sure, but I wasn't driving very fast. Tôi không chắc, nhưng tôi không đi quá nhanh.
738 Did your team win the baseball game yesterday? Đội của cậu có thắng trận bóng chày hôm qua không?
741 Did you see Clara last night? Cậu có thấy Clara tối qua không?
745 I lost my key last night. Tôi đã làm mất chìa khoá tối qua.
747 I climbed in through a window. Tôi trèo qua cửa sổ.
799 I've never played tennis. Tôi chưa bao giờ chơi quần vợt.
805 She's traveled all over the world. Cô ấy đã đi vòng quanh thế giới.
854 (3) days. Maalik hiện đang ở ngay Seattle. Anh ấy đã ở đó ba hôm vừa qua.
900 present. > I don't have a present for her yet. Ngày mai là sinh nhật Rashmi, mà tôi chưa mua quà cho cô ấy. Tôi chưa có quà cho cô ấy.
907 I lost my keys yesterday. Tôi đã làm mất chìa khoá hôm qua.
910 We bought a new car yesterday. Chúng tôi đã mua một chiếc xe hơi mới ngày hôm qua.
912 We've bought two (2) new cars in the last three (3) years. Chúng tôi đã mua được hai chiếc xe hơi mới trong ba năm vừa qua.
962 I saw Malika yesterday. Tôi thấy Malika hôm qua.
965 What did you do last night? — I stayed at home. Cậu đã làm gì tối hôm qua. - Tôi ở nhà.
979 I wore my new suit yesterday. Tôi đã mặc bộ complet mới ngày hôm qua.
980 Have you seen Veda? > Did you see Veda yesterday? Cậu đã thấy Veda chưa? Cậu có gặp Veda hôm qua không?
985 Where have you been? > Where were you last night? Cậu vừa ở đâu? Cậu đã ở đâu tối qua?
987 EN I played tennis yesterday afternoon. Tôi chơi quần vợt chiều hôm qua.
988 What time did you go to bed last night? Cậu đi ngủ lúc mấy giờ tối hôm qua?
990 The weather wasn't very good yesterday. Thời tiết hôm qua không tốt lắm.
1011 cleaned yesterday. Có người đã lau dọn văn phòng hôm qua. Văn phòng đã được lau dọn hôm qua.
1047 hospital. Tôi thấy một vụ tai nạn hôm qua. Có hai người được đưa vào bệnh viện.
1071 The room was cleaned yesterday. Căn phòng được dọn ngày hôm qua.
1093 My sunglasses were stolat the beach yesterday. Chiếc kính râm của tôi bị ăn cắp ở bãi biển ngày hôm qua.
1103 yesterday. Văn phòng hôm qua không được dọn.
1113 I didn't watch TV yesterday. Tôi hôm qua không xem vô tuyến.
1137 Did you go out last night? Tối qua cậu có ra ngoài không?
1154 Why are you so tired? Did you go to bed late last night? Tại sao cậu lại mệt thế? Tối qua cậu có đi ngủ muộn không?
1163 I cleaned my room yesterday. Hôm qua tôi đã dọn phòng của tôi.
1170 I made a cake yesterday. Hôm qua tôi làm một chiếc bánh.
1172 Somebody broke this window last night. Có người làm vỡ cửa sổ tối hôm qua.
1174 This window was broklast night. This window got broklast night. Cửa sổ bị vỡ hôm qua.
1176 I feel good. I slept very well last night. Tôi cảm thấy tốt. Tôi tối qua ngủ ngon.
1177 We saw a really good movie yesterday. Chúng tôi đã xem một bộ lm thực sự hay ngày hôm qua.
1186 Yesterday I fell and hurt my leg. Hôm qua tôi bị ngã và bị đau chân.
1198 our dinner. Một con chim đã bay qua cửa sổ khi chúng tôi đang ăn tối.
1199 park. Deepak và Lakshmi đâu? - Họ đang chơi quần vợt trong công viên.
1200 Pavel's playing tennis tomorrow. Pavel sẽ chơi quần vợt ngày mai.
1216 Julius is playing tennis on Saturday. Julius sẽ chơi quần vợt vào ngày Thứ bảy.
1243 I'm playing tennis with Satomi tomorrow. Mai tôi đi chơi quần vợt với Satomi.
1251 present. Tuần sau là sinh nhật Violetta. Chúng tôi định tặng cô ấy một món quà.
1257 At elev[o'clock] (11:00) yesterday, she was at work. Lúc mười một giờ hôm qua, Aliyah đang làm việc.
1266 I think Ayman will pass his driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Ayman sẽ qua kì thi lái xe.
1273 Yesterday she was in Rio de Janeiro. Hôm qua cô ấy ở Rio de Janeiro.
1291 I think Euna will pass her driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Ân Nhã sẽ qua kì thi lái xe.
1292 I don't think Jiyeong will pass his driver's test. Tôi nghĩ Chí Vinh sẽ không qua được kì thi lái xe.
1316 It's very warm in this room. Shall I opa window? Trong phòng này ấm quá. Tôi mở cửa sổ ra nhé?
1318 It's a nice day. Shall we go for a walk? Trời đẹp quá. Chúng ta đi bộ nhé?
1321 It's a nice day. Should we go for a walk? Trời đẹp quá. Chúng ta có nên đi bộ không?
1324 I don't want this banana. — I'm hungry. I'll have it. Tôi không cần quả chuối này. - Tôi đói. Tôi sẽ ăn nó.
1331 I feel very tired. I don't think I'll play tennis today. Tôi thấy mệt lắm. Tôi nghĩ hôm nay tôi sẽ không chơi quần vợt đâu.
1333 This camera is too expensive. I don't think I'll buy it. Cái máy ảnh này quá đắt. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ không mua nó.
I might play tennis tomorrow.'> 1353 I might play tennis tomorrow.'> I'm playing tennis tomorrow. > I might play tennis tomorrow. I might play tennis tomorrow.'> ☊ Mai tôi định đi chơi quần vợt. Có thể mai tôi sẽ đi chơi quần vợt.
1375 He's playing tennis tomorrow afternoon. Anh ấy định mai chơi quần vợt.
1389 I was tired last night, but I couldn't sleep. Tối qua tôi mệt nhưng tôi không ngủ được.
1409 I wasn't hungry yesterday. I couldn't nish dinner. Hôm qua tôi không đói. Tôi đã không ăn hết bữa tối.
1439 many clothes. Ludwig ngày nào cũng mặc cùng một bộ quần áo. Anh ấy hẳn là không có nhiều quần áo.
1446 A tennis player must be very good to play professionally. Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên nghiệp.
1456 Whyou play tennis, you should always watch the ball. Khi cậu chơi quần vợt, cậu phải luôn luôn quan sát bóng.
1461 I think Zahida should buy some new clothes. Tôi nghĩ Zahida nên mua mấy bộ quần áo mới.
1465 I don't think we should go yet. It's too early. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta chưa nên đi vội. Như thế sớm quá.
1471 I think Mahmud ought to buy some new clothes. Tôi nghĩ Mahmud cần phải mua vài bộ quần áo mới.
1473 You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau.
1478 He shouldn't eat too much. Anh ấy không nên ăn quá nhiều.
1479 You shouldn't work so hard. Cậu không nên làm việc quá nhiều.
1480 I shouldn't drive so fast. Tôi không nên lái xe quá nhanh.
1484 That coat is too big for you. I don't think you should buy it. Cái áo khoác kia quá rộng so với cậu. Tôi nghĩ cậu không nên mua nó.
1487 married. Nur và Zaina còn quá trẻ. Tôi nghĩ họ không nên kết hôn.
1490 The hotel is too expensive for us. I don't think we should stay there. Khách sạn đấy quá đắt cho chúng ta. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta không nên ở đó.
1497 You have to pass a test before you can get a driver's license. Cậu cần qua một kì thi trước khi lấy được bằng lái xe.
1499 I was late for work yesterday. I had to go to the dentist. Hôm qua tôi đi làm muộn. Tôi phải đi khám nha sĩ.
1500 We had to walk home last night. There were no buses. Tối qua tôi phải đi bộ về nhà. Lúc đó xe bus không có.
1505 job. Alan không phải làm việc quá vất vả. Thực ra anh ấy có một công việc nhẹ nhàng.
1507 In many countries, mmust do military service. Ở nhiều nước, đàn ông phải thực hiện nghĩa vụ quân sự.
1513 In tennis you have to hit the ball over the net. Trong quần vợt bạn phải đánh bóng qua lưới.
1514 We had to walk home last night. There were no buses. Tối qua chúng tôi phải đi bộ về nhà. Lúc đó không có xe bus.
1517 We took a test yesterday. We had to answer six (6) questions out of t(10). Hôm qua chúng tôi làm một bài kiểm tra. Chúng tôi phải trả lời sáu trong mười câu hỏi.
1534 I had to have dinner with my family yesterday. Hôm qua tôi phải ăn tối với gia đình tôi.
1554 too. Tôi muốn đi chơi quần vợt ngày mai. Có thể Văn Kiệt cũng sẽ chơi.
1555 Would you like to play tennis with me tomorrow? Mai cậu muốn đi chơi quần vợt với tôi không?
1579 Would you rather have milk or juice? — Juice, please. Cậu có thích uống sữa hay nước hoa quả hơn? - Làm ơn cho nước hoa quả.
1594 Would you like a glass of juice, or some water? Cậu muốn uống cốc nước hoa quả không, hay nước trắng?
1624 It's a nice day. Let's go out. Trời đẹp quá. Đi ra ngoài đi.
1632 Would you like to play tennis? — No, let's go for a swim. Cậu có muốn chơi quần vợt không? - Không, đi bơi đi.
1662 I don't like this soup. It's too salty. Tôi không thích món canh này. Canh mặn quá.
1677 I'm not going to buy this shirt. It's too expensive. Tôi sẽ không mua cái áo này. Nó quá đắt.
1686 There was a good nature program on TV last night. Tối qua có một chương trình hay về tự nhiên trên vô tuyến.
1690 Were there any phone messages for me yesterday? Có tin nhắn điện thoại nào cho tôi hôm qua không?
1695 There was an accident last night. Có một tai nạn tối hôm qua.
1697 manager soon. Quản lí của công đi sắp đi, thế nên sẽ sớm có một quản lí mới.
1713 I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of tra c. Xin lỗi tôi đến muộn. Xe cộ đông quá.
1716 There was a party at work last Friday, but I didn't go. Có một bữa tiệc ở cơ quan Thứ sáu vừa rồi nhưng tôi đã không dự.
1729 Is it okay to call you at the o ce? Gọi điện cho cậu ở cơ quan có vấn đề gì không?
1738 There was strong wind yesterday. Hôm qua có gió to.
1740 It was a nice day yesterday. It was warm and sunny. Trời hôm qua đẹp. Trời ấm và nắng.
1741 There was a storm last night. Did you hear it? Tối qua có một cơn bão. Cậu có nghe thấy nó không?
1747 It's impossible to work in this o ce. There's too much noise. Không thể làm việc trong văn phòng này được. Có quá nhiều tiếng ồn.
1748 Everybody's very nice at work. It's easy to make friends. Mọi người ở cơ quan rất tốt. Kết bạn rất dễ.
1749 I like traveling. It's interesting to visit di erent places. Tôi thích đi xa. Tham quan những nơi khác nhau rất thú vị.
1788 I didn't go out last night, but my friends did. Tối qua tôi không ra ngoài nhưng bạn tôi thì có.
1794 Fabian's happy today, but he wasn't yesterday. Hôm nay Fabian vui nhưng hôm qua anh ấy không vui.
1798 I don't usually drive to work, but I did yesterday. Tôi không lái xe di làm thường xuyên nhưng hôm qua tôi đã lái.
1802 Do you think Ingrid will pass her driving test? — Yes, I'm sure she will. Cậu có nghĩ là Igrid sẽ qua kì thi lái xe không? - Có, tôi chắc chắn cô ấy sẽ qua.
1812 Did you buy anything yesterday? — Yes, I did. Hôm qua cậu có mua gì không? - Có.
1837 I didn't go to work yesterday. — You didn't? Were you sick? Hôm qua tôi không đi làm. - Không à? Cậu ốm à?
1840 Lara called me last night. — She did? What did she say? Tối qua Lara gọi cho tôi. Thế à? Cô ấy nói gì?
1846 uncomfortable? Tối qua tôi ngủ không ngon. - Vậy à? Giường không được thoải mái à?
1852 The clock isn't working. — It isn't? It was working yesterday. Đồng hồ hỏng rồi. - Thế à? Hôm qua nó còn chạy mà.
1853 It's a nice day, isn't it? — Yes, it's beautiful. Hôm nay đẹp trời phải không? - Phải, đẹp quá.
1876 What are you doing at work? You're supposed to be on vacation. Cậu đang làm gì ở cơ quan? Đáng ra cậu phải đang đi nghỉ chứ.
1877 Svetlana was supposed to call me last night, but she didn't. Svetlana lẽ ra tối qua phải gọi cho tôi nhưng cô ấy không gọi.
1887 Casper had his license takaway for driving too fast again. Casper đã bị lấy mất bằng lái vì lại lái xe qua nhanh.
1909 What happened to you last night? Có chuyện gì xảy ra với cậu tối qua vậy?
1913 What was the weather like yesterday? Thời tiết hôm qua như thế nào?
1918 Why wasn't Nicholas at work yesterday? Tại sao hôm qua Nicholas không đi làm?
1946 You notice the sky is blue and the sun is shining. You say, "It's a beautiful day isn't it?" Bạn để ý thấy bầu trời xanh và mặt trời đang toả nắng. Bạn nói: "Trời hôm nay đẹp quá phải không nhỉ?"
1947 You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?" Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?"
1948 You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?" Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?"
1983 I like Victoria, but I think she tends to talk too much. Tôi thích Victoria nhưng cô ấy hay nói quá nhiều.
1984 street. Nikolai giả vờ như không trông thấy tôi khi anh ấy đi ngang qua tôi trên đường.
Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> 2017 Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> If you have a car, you're able to get around more easily. > Having a car enables you to get around more easily. Having a car enables you to get around more easily.'> ☊ Nếu cậu có xe hơi thì cậu có thể đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn. > Có xe hơi cho phép cậu đi loanh quanh dễ dàng hơn.
2027 Don't bother locking the door. I'll be right back. Đừng mất công khoá cửa làm gì. Tôi sẽ quay lại ngay.
2039 Do you think my pants need to be washed? > Do you think my pants need washing? Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần được giặt không? > Cậu có nghĩ là quần của tôi cần giặt không?
2042 I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can't help feeling sorry for him. Tôi không thích anh ấy nhưng anh ấy gặp nhiều chuyện quá. Tôi không thể không thấy thương anh ấy.
2044 I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I can't help it. Tôi xin lỗi tôi lo lắng quá. Tôi không kìm được.
2057 It's too bad we didn't see Hideki when we were in Tokyo. I would have liked to have seen him again. Chán quá, chúng tôi đã không gặp được Hideki khi chúng tôi ở Tokyo. Tôi cũng muốn gặp lại anh ấy lắm.
2077 Many accidents are caused by people driving too fast. Nhiều vụ tai nạn là do người ta lái xe quá nhanh.
2086 Victor got himself into nancial trouble by borrowing too much money. Victor tự chuốc rắc rối tài chính vào mình bằng việc vay quá nhiều tiền.
2118 I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi. Tôi sống cách đây chỉ một quãng ngắn đi bộ nên không cần phải bắt taxi.
2133 I think you waste too much time watching television. Tôi nghĩ cậu lãng phí quá nhiều thời gian vào việc xem vô tuyến.
2145 I put on warmer clothes so I wouldn't feel cold. Tôi đã mặc quần áo ấm để tôi không thấy lạnh.
2150 I slowed down so that the car behind me could pass. Tôi đi chậm lại để chiếc xe đằng sau tôi vượt qua được.
2164 Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam. Anatasia là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi.
2166 I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager. Tôi là khách thứ hai phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng.
2170 night. Khu này của thị trấn rất nguy hiểm. Mọi người sợ hãi khi đi qua đây buổi tối.
I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> 2182 I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday. > I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday. I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.'> ☊ Tôi xin lỗi vì hôm qua đã quát cậu.
2205 Be careful when crossing the street. Cẩn thận khi đi qua đường.
2221 I'm going to buy some new jeans today. Hôm nay tôi định đi mua một cái quần bò mới.
2223 I can't work here. There's too much noise. Tôi không thể làm ở đây. Có quá nhiều tiếng ồn.
2258 We've had wonderful weather this last month. Chúng ta đã gặp thời tiết tuyệt với tháng vừa qua.
2267 The earth goes around the sun, and the moon goes around the earth. Trái đất quay quanh mặt trời và mặt trăng quay quanh trái đất.
2268 Have you ever crossed the equator? Cậu đã bao giờ bước qua xích đạo chưa?
2281 Did you like the co ee we had after dinner last night? Cậu có thích thứ cà phê chúng ta uống sau bữa tối hôm qua không?
2285 History is the study of the past. Lịch sử là môn học về quá khứ.
2310 The Philippines is a group of islands near Taiwan. Philippines là một quần đảo gần Đài Loan.
2325 Do you think two (2) days is enough time to visit New York? Cậu có nghĩ hai ngày là đủ để tham quan New York không?
2326 Problems concerning health are health problems. Các vấn đề liên quan đến sức khoẻ là các vấn đề sức khoẻ.
I don't like hot weather. Thirty-two (32) degrees is too hot for me.'> 2327 I don't like hot weather. Thirty-two (32) degrees is too hot for me.'> I don't like hot weather. Ninety degrees is too hot for me. > I don't like hot weather. Thirty-two (32) degrees is too hot for me. I don't like hot weather. Thirty-two (32) degrees is too hot for me.'> ☊ Tôi không thích thời tiết nóng. Chín mươi độ là quá nóng với tôi.
2330 The results of your exams are your exam results. Kết quả của kì thi của cậu là kết quả thi của cậu.
2331 A scandal involving an oil company is an oil company scandal. Một vụ bê bối liên quan đến một công ti dầu là một vụ bê bối công ti dầu.
2340 I bought enough groceries at the supermarket last night for a week. > I bought a week's worth of groceries last night. Tối qua tôi đã mua đủ thực phẩm ở siêu thị cho một tuần. > Tối qua tôi đã mua thực phẩm cần cho một tuần.
2349 He got up, washed, shaved, and got dressed. Anh ấy đã dậy, tắm rửa, cạo râu và mặc quần áo.
2376 Sorry I'm late. There was a lot of tra c. Xin lỗi, tôi đến muộn. Đường đông xe cộ quá.
2379 The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night. Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua.
2392 Hardly anybody passed the examination. Hầu như không có ai qua kì thi.
2425 I was sick yesterday, so I spent most of the day in bed. Hôm qua tôi ốm nên tôi mất gần như cả ngày nằm trên giường.
2437 We can go to either restaurant. I don't care. Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm.
2499 You wanted to visit a museum. It was closed when you got there. > The museum we were going to visit was closed when we got there. Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tàng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tàng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới.
2510 A widow is a woman whose husband has already passed away. Quả phụ là người phụ nữ mà có chồng đã qua đời.
2575 Esteban always wears nice clothes. He's always well dressed. Estaban luôn mặc quần áo đẹp. Anh ấy luôn ăn mặc đẹp.
2577 You're speaking too quietly, I can hardly hear you. Cậu nói nhỏ quá, tôi gần như không nghe được cậu nói.
They're not old enough to get married.'> 2591 They're not old enough to get married.'> They're too young to get married. > They're not old enough to get married. They're not old enough to get married.'> ☊ Họ còn qua trẻ để kết hôn. > Họ không đủ lớn để kết hôn.
2592 It's too far to walk home from here. Đi về nhà từ đây quá xa.
2593 These apples aren't ripe enough to eat. Những quả táo này chưa đủ chín để ăn.
2594 The situation is too complicated to explain. Tình thế quá phức tạp để giải thích.
2595 farther away? Cậu đang đứng quá gần máy ảnh. Cậu lùi ra xa một tí được không?
2626 It was moving to another country. Quyết định quan trọng nhất cậu từng phải đưa ra là gì? - Đó là: chuyển sang một nước khác.
2668 You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast. > You can borrow my car provided that you don't drive too fast. Cậu có thể mượn xe hơi của tôi miễn là cậu hứa sẽ không lái quá nhanh. > Cậu có thể mượn xe hơi của tôi với điều kiện là cậu không lái quá nhanh.
Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> 2669 Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> I don't care which hotel we stay at as long as the room is clean. > Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at. Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.'> ☊ Tôi không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào miễn là phòng sạch sẽ. > Miễn là phòng sạch sẽ còn tôi thực sự không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào.
2681 Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager. Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc.
I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> 2698 I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> I have to be home by ve [o'clock] (5:00). > I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00). I have to be home no later than ve [o'clock] (5:00).'> ☊ Tôi phải ở nhà trước năm giờ. > Tôi phải ở nhà không muộn quá năm giờ.
2702 It's too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there, it'll be closed. Bây giờ quá muộn để đi ngân hàng. Đến khi chúng ta tới đó thì nó sẽ không mở cửa.
2709 I'll be back IN a week. Tôi sẽ quay về trong vòng một tuần nữa.
2726 I stopped to get gas on the way home from work. Tôi dừng lại để pomp xăng trên đường về nhà từ cơ quan.
2736 Nuria passed me ON her bike yesterday. Hôm qua Nuria đi qua mặt tôi trên chiếc xe đạp của cô ấy.
2741 Since it was too hot to sit in the sun, we found a table IN the shade. Vì ngồi nắng quá nóng nên chúng tôi đã tìm một chiếc bàn trong bóng râm.
2753 I've never met the woman IN charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her ON the phone a few times. Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần.
2756 While I was watching F1 racing yesterday, I saw one of the cars catch ON re. Khi tôi đang xem xua đua công thức một hôm qua, tôi đã thấy một chiếc xe hơi bắt lửa.
2787 Do you have a good relationship WITH your parents? Cậu có quan hệ tốt với bố mẹ cậu không?
2788 murder. Cảnh sát muốn hỏi một người bị tình nghi liên quan đến vụ giết người.
2799 important conference. Thực ra tôi buồn vì không được mời tới hội thảo quan trọng nhất.
2806 you yesterday. — Thank you for apologizing to me. Tôi xin lỗi vì đã quát cậu hôm qua. > Tôi xin lỗi vì tôi đã quát cậu hôm qua. - Cảm ơn vì đã xin lỗi tôi.
2821 I'm fully con dent that you're capable of passing the exam. Tôi hoàn toàn tin tưởng rằng cậu có đủ khả năng để qua kì thi.
2838 The suspect was shouting at the police very loudly. Người bị tình nghi đang quát cảnh sát rất to.
2843 they hit the ground, they fell down a drain. Tôi đã bảo cô ấy ném cho tôi chùm chìa khoá qua cửa sổ nhưng khi nó rơi xuống đất thì nó đã lọt xuống cống.
2846 He's so sel sh that he doesn't care about anybody else. Anh ấy ích kỉ đến mức anh ấy chẳng quan tâm đến ai khác.
2847 You're an independent person and can make your own decisions. I don't care what you do. Cậu là một người độc lập và cậu có thể tự ra quyết định. Tôi không quan tâm cậu làm cái gì.
2894 I congratulated my brother for winning the tennis tournament. Tôi đã chúc mừng em trai tôi vì đã thắng trong vòng thi quần vợt.
2896 It's terrible that some people are dying of hunger while others eat too much. Thật kinh khủng khi một số người đang chết vì đói trong khi những người khác ăn quá nhiều.
2909 I threw the coconut onto the rock again, and it nally split open. Tôi đã ném quả dừa vào đá lần nữa và cuối cùng nó cũng nứt toác.
2912 and love. Bố mẹ chúng ta cho chúng ta thức ăn, quần áo, giáo dục, y tế và tình yêu.
2915 They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison. Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi.
2926 It seems that Ludwig and Rita's relationship is having trouble, but we really hope they work it out. Có vẻ như quan hệ của Ludwig và Rita đang có vấn đề nhưng chúng tôi thực sự hi vọng họ sẽ vượt qua.
2940 My parents and friends saw me o at the airport before I embarked on my adventure around the world. Bố mẹ và bạn bè của tôi đã tiễn tôi ở sân bay trước khi tôi dẫn thân vào cuộc phiêu lưu vòng quanh thế giới.
2946 One man was so upset by the whole ordeal that he commited suicide. Một người đàn ông quá đau khổ vì toàn bộ thử thách đến nỗi anh ấy tự sát.
2957 everything to blow over and go away. Họ không thể quét nó xuống dưới thảm và nghĩ mọi thứ sẽ qua và rồi bỏ đi.
2959 Since he got so much bad press, it wouldn't just blow over. Everybody knew him now. Vì anh ấy bị lên án trên báo chí quá nhiều nên chuyện sẽ không chỉ qua đi. Giờ mọi người đều đã biết anh ấy.
2963 If you can't nd a hotel for the night, you'll end up sleeping on the street. Nếu cậu không tìm được khách sạn để ngủ buổi đêm, kết quả là cậu sẽ ngủ trên đường.
2964 hospital. Có một vụ đánh nhau trên phố và kết quả là ba người đàn ông vào bệnh viện.
2965 Don't argue with the police o cer, or you'll just end up getting arrested. Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi.
2971 I'm saving my money up for a trip around the world. Tôi đang tiết kiệm tiền cho chuyến đi vòng quanh thế giới.
2976 They couldn't get along with each other, so the relationship didn't work out in the end. Họ đã không thể sống với nhau nên mối quan hệ cuối cùng đã không thành.
2981 When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up. Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực hiện một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ.
2987 wasn't afraid to take them on. Vài người đàn ông đã tức giận với Jack trong quán rượu và Jack đã bảo họ là anh ấy không sợ đối đầu với họ.
2988 A man was knocked down by a car when crossing the street and had to be taken to the hospital. Một người đàn ông đã bị một xe hơi đâm ngã khi qua đường và phải được đưa vào bệnh viện.
2990 In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát hiện ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ.
2992 When the police questioned him, he decided to leave out an important detail. Khi cảnh sát hỏi anh ta, anh ta đã quyết định bỏ đi một chi tiết quan trọng.
2999 When you cause problems with the wrong people, those problems will come pay you back, or come back to haunt you. Khi cậu gây rắc rối với không đúng người, những rắc rối đó sẽ quay lại với cậu hoặc quay về ám cậu.

You have to accept the consequences of your actions. accept
The police gained access through a broken window. access
As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face. accidentally
The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers. on account of sb/sth
It's too wide. We can't swim across. across
He walked across the field. across
Where's the nearest bridge across the river? across
It is vital that we act to stop the destruction of the rainforests. act
military action action
The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash. activity
We put an ad in the local paper. ad
an ad for a new chocolate bar ad
adapt yourself to sth: It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. adapt
address sth to sb/sth: Address your application to the Personnel Manager. address
be admitted that...: It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly. admit
to adopt a resolution adopt
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. adopt
The troops were finally given the order to advance. advance
the advancing Allied troops advance
the adverts on television advert
When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on. advert
If you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper. advertise
advertise sth (as sth): The cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'. advertise
I bought the camera and case as advertised in the catalogue. advertise
advertise (for sb/sth): We are currently advertising for a new sales manager. advertise
advertise sth: We advertised the concert quite widely. advertise
Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car. advertisement
A good advertising campaign will increase our sales. advertising
Cigarette advertising has been banned. advertising
radio/TV advertising advertising
Val works for an advertising agency (= a company that designs advertisements). advertising
a career in advertising advertising
She wanted to put her affairs in order before she died. affair
She is having an affair with her boss. affair
afford to do sth: We cannot afford to ignore this warning. afford
After winning the prize she became famous overnight. after
After an hour I went home (= when an hour had passed). after
day after day of hot weather after
He died of old age. age
an advertising/employment agency agency
international aid agencies caring for refugees agency
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agency
an aggressive advertising campaign aggressive
agreement between A and B: An agreement was finally reached between management and employees. agreement
aid agencies (= organizations that provide help) aid
fighter/transport/military aircraft aircraft
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing. allied
allied forces/troops allied
The crowd parted to allow her through. allow
I've been so alone since you went away. alone
There are far too many people already. We can't take any more. already
I didn't like it that much. Also, it was much too expensive. also
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. alternatively
analyse sth: The job involves gathering and analysing data. analyse
She was angered by their selfishness and lack of concern. anger
We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign. angle
The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story. angle
Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. angry
announce sth to sb: The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. announce
I got another of those calls yesterday. another
We can try that—but whether it'll work is another matter. another
The room's too small. Let's see if they've got another one. another
to answer a letter/an advertisement answer
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
It's too expensive and anyway the colour doesn't suit you. anyway
It's too late now, anyway. anyway
Over the years, Rosie and I had drifted apart. apart
When his wife died, his world fell apart. apart
My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. apparent
mass/wide/popular appeal appeal
She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance. appearance
She is the apple of her father's eye. the apple of sb's eye
apply to do sth: He has applied to join the army. apply
approach sb: We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product. approach
Please debit my Mastercard/Visa/American Express card (delete as appropriate) (= cross out the options that do not apply). appropriate
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
The committee unanimously approved the plan. approve
last April's election April
The farm and surrounding area were flooded. area
He was too tired to argue the point (= discuss the matter). argue
She threw her arms around his neck. arm
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
The two opposing armies faced each other across the battlefield. army
Her husband is in the army. army
After leaving school, Mike went into the army. army
an army officer army
army barracks/bases army
I could hear laughter all around. around
a yard with a fence all around around
How do you make the wheels go around? around
We were all running around trying to get ready in time. around
There were several young people sitting around looking bored. around
I knocked but there was no one around. around
The house is built around a central courtyard. around
He put his arms around her. around
Our house is just around the corner. around
The bus came around the bend. around
They walked around the lake. around
They walked around the town looking for a place to eat. around
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest (= not allowed to leave their houses). arrest
articles of clothing article
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
We must ask the neighbours round (= to our house). ask
I asked to see the manager. ask
the most important aspect of the debate aspect
activities that will assist the decision-making process assist
technical/economic/military assistance assistance
the assistant manager assistant
the risks associated with taking drugs associated
Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially. associated
She became famous through her association with the group of poets. association
it is assumed (that)...: It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. assume
At the roundabout take the third exit. at
She's hopeless at managing people. at
She was delighted at the result. at
I wouldn't attach too much weight to these findings. attach
attack sb/sth: a newspaper article attacking the England football manager attack
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
attack sb/sth: At dawn the army attacked the town. attack
I passed my driving test at the first attempt. attempt
He turned his attention back to the road again. attention
Don't pay any attention to what they say (= don't think that it is important). attention
If you want to pass your exams you'd better change your attitude! attitude
This proposal has attracted a lot of interest. attract
Attractions at the fair include a mini-circus, clowns, dancers and a jazz band. attraction
The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers. audience
The health authorities are investigating the problem. authority
the immigration authorities authority
We acted under the authority of the UN. authority
Only the manager has the authority to sign cheques. authority
I turned left automatically without thinking. automatically
The car swerved to avoid a cat. avoid
She was awake (= not unconscious) during the operation on her leg. awake
award sth (to sb): The judges awarded equal points to both finalists. award
Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved. aware
There were ten children away yesterday. away
I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday. awful
I'm not awfully keen on fish. awfully
He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward. awkward
She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle. awkwardly
baby food/clothes baby
If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden. back
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
When on stage, try not to turn your back on the audience. turn your back on sb/sth
She turned her back on them when they needed her. turn your back on sb/sth
Some newspapers have turned their backs on discussion and argument. turn your back on sb/sth
We should have turned left five kilometres back. back
Please give me my ball back. back
Could you go back to the beginning of the story? back
I stepped back to let them pass. back
He turned and looked back. back
ferries sailing back and forth between the islands back and forth
There was a lot of background noise (= that you could hear, but were not listening to). background
She strode past him without a backward glance. backward
In the movie they take a journey backwards through time. backwards
Too much work is bad for your health. bad
If sometimes they're the wrong decisions, too bad. too bad
Too bad every day can't be as good as this. too bad
excess baggage (= weighing more than the limit allowed on a plane) baggage
She cycled round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. balance
a golf/tennis/cricket ball ball
Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net. ball
The sun was a huge ball of fire low on the horizon. ball
a ball of string ball
Some animals roll themselves into a ball for protection. ball
a white plate with a blue band around the edge band
a military band band
Don't bandage the wound too tightly. bandage
a bank manager bank
We met at a bar called the Flamingo. bar
a cocktail bar bar
The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. bar
I found David in the bar of the Red Lion (= a room in a pub where drinks are served). bar
She was sitting at the bar. bar
It was so crowded I couldn't get to the bar. bar
a coffee bar bar
a military/naval base base
an air base base
Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent. basis
Money isn't everything (= it is not the only important thing). be
a beach bar beach
The ice is too thin to bear your weight. bear
The sheer beauty of the scenery took my breath away. beauty
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
the day before yesterday before
He puts his work before everything (= regards it as more important than anything else). before
'What was it you didn't like?' 'Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.' to begin with
I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up. behind
The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government. believe
The islands belong to Spain. belong to sb
A police sergeant is below an inspector. below
The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. benefit
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work. benefit
the company's best-ever results best
The roses are past their best now. best
bet (that)...: I bet (that) we're too late. bet
We ought to be able to manage it between us. between
The bicycle was beyond repair (= is too badly damaged to repair). beyond
The handle was just beyond my reach. beyond
The exercise was beyond the abilities of most of the class. beyond
a bird's nest with two eggs in it bird
She died shortly after giving birth. give birth (to sb/sth)
These trousers are a bit tight. bit
bite into/through sth: She bit into a ripe juicy pear. bite
I'm not interested in apportioning blame for the accident (= deciding how much each person involved was responsible for it). blame
She turned to a blank page in her notebook. blank
She took the dog for a walk around the block. block
The bomb blast blew two passers-by across the street. blow
A police officer was killed when his car blew up. blow up
The recent bomb attacks are a serious blow for the peace process. blow
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
members of the board board
the academic board (= for example, of a British university) board
The exam results went up on the board. board
board sth: The ship was boarded by customs officials. board
a regulatory/an advisory/a review body body
The governing body of the school is/are concerned about discipline. body
An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair. body
The heart pumps blood around the body. body
to boil an egg for sb boil
a bomb goes off/explodes bomb
Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city. bomb
Terrorists bombed several army barracks. bomb
to cross the border border
to flee across/over the border border
bother doing sth: Why bother asking if you're not really interested? bother
be bothered about sth: You don't sound too bothered about it. bother
The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door. bottom
Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. bottom
We came bottom (= got the worst result) with 12 points. bottom
You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. bound
Now she's a teenager, she's starting to be interested in boys. boy
She died after a brave fight against cancer. brave
Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. break sth off
We crossed the bridge over the river Windrush. bridge
Mismanagement had brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. bring
bring sth to sb/sth: The team's new manager brings ten years' experience to the job. bring
bring sth for sb: Bring a present for Helen. bring
bring sb sth: Bring Helen a present. bring
broadly similar/comparable/equivalent/consistent broadly
After the summer in Spain, the children were brown as berries. brown
Brown doesn't (= brown clothes do not) suit you. brown
blowing bubbles into water through a straw bubble
an advertising budget of $2 million budget
They went over budget (= spent too much money). budget
I am anxious not to build up false hopes (= to encourage people to hope for too much). build sth up
We've built up good relationships with our clients. build sth up
burn sb: I got badly burned by the sun yesterday. burn
Which fuel burns most efficiently? burn
That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. burst
Shells were bursting (= exploding) all around us. burst
The sun burst through the clouds. burst
My private life is none of your business (= does not concern you). business
I'll be too busy to come to the meeting. busy
He walked by me without speaking. by
Time goes by so quickly. by
the shadow Cabinet (= the most important members of the opposition party) cabinet
fibre-optic cable cable
I'll call round and see you on my way home. call
My brother called me from Spain last night. call
It is important to keep calm in an emergency. calm
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
a tennis camp camp
I camped overnight in a field. camp
an advertising campaign campaign
the President's campaign team/manager campaign
We can't wear jeans at work. can
He can't have slept through all that noise. can
Is it too late to cancel my order? cancel
Troops are stationed in and around the capital. capital
Great care is needed when choosing a used car. care
She takes great care of her clothes. take care of sb/sth/yourself
Celia takes care of the marketing side of things. take care of sb/sth/yourself
I don't care (= I will not be upset) if I never see him again! care
He threatened to fire me, as if I cared! care
care about sth: She cares deeply about environmental issues. care
care what/whether, etc.: I don't care what he thinks. care
care that...: She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before. care
He genuinely cares about his employees. care
Don't be so careless about/with spelling. careless
'I don't mind,' he said carelessly. carelessly
She managed to catch the keys as they fell. catch
'Throw me over that towel, will you?' 'OK. Catch!' catch
He caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him. catch
After missing a term through illness he had to work hard to catch up with the others. catch up (with sb)
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
The donation is the biggest private gift to a humanitarian cause. cause
Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate. celebrate
Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy. central
Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages. centre
Certainly, the early years are crucial to a child's development. certainly
She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck. chain
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school) chairman
chance for sb to do sth: There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. chance
This shirt I bought's too small—I'll have to change it for a bigger one. change
change sth: I didn't have time to change clothes before the party. change
I didn't have time to get changed before the party (= to put different clothes on). change
You've changed all the furniture around. change sth around/round
important changes to the tax system change
There was no change in the patient's condition overnight. change
Complaints must be made through the proper channels. channel
Steps are being taken to implement a ceasefire through diplomatic channels. channel
The kids chased each other around the kitchen table. chase
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
chat (to/with sb): My kids spend hours chatting on the phone to their friends. chat
Cycling is a cheap way to get around. cheap
We found a cheap and cheerful cafe (= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant). cheap
Customs officers have the right to check all luggage going through customs. check
We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge. check sth in
He checked into a top London clinic yesterday for an operation on his knee. check into...
We checked through the photographs to make sure there were none missing. check over/through sth
chemical reactions/processes chemical
army/industry/police chiefs chief
Stockholders took it on the chin yesterday as markets fell sharply. take sth on the chin
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
She wouldn't be my choice as manager. choice
choose A from B: We have to choose a new manager from a shortlist of five candidates. choose
Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death. circumstance
a society in which class is more important than ability class
cleaner cars (= not producing so many harmful substances) clean
clear what, how, whether, etc...: I'm still not clear what the job involves. clear
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
We cleared out all our old clothes. clear out, clear sth out
I found the letters when I was clearing out after my father died. clear out, clear sth out
The clerk at the counter gave me too little change. clerk
He's too clever by half, if you ask me (= it annoys me or makes me suspicious). clever
The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. click
I climbed through the window. climb
The boys climbed over the wall. climb
The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). close
The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). close
I sat and watched everyone very closely (= carefully). closely
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
closet gays closet
I bought some new clothes for the trip. clothes
to put on/take off your clothes clothes
Bring a change of clothes with you. clothes
She has no clothes sense (= she does not know what clothes look attractive). clothes
protective clothing clothing
the high cost of food and clothing clothing
an item/article of clothing clothing
a clothing manufacturer clothing
a golf/tennis, etc. club club
the club bar club
a basketball/football/tennis, etc. coach coach
Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin. coach
As soon as the coast was clear he climbed in through the window. the coast is clear
He coasted through his final exams. coast
Talks between management and unions have collapsed. collapse
He got interested in politics when he was in college. college
Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture. colour
colour sth + adj.: He drew a monster and coloured it green. colour
Technology and good management. That's a winning combination (= one that will certainly be successful). combination
His family comes first (= is the most important thing in his life). come
The rains came too late to do any good. come
The company has come a long way (= made lot of progress) in the last 5 years. come
I never expected those few items to come to so much. come to sth
I came across children sleeping under bridges. come across sb/sth
She came across some old photographs in a drawer. come across sb/sth
These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. comfort
The sound of gunfire was too close for comfort. comfort
The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this. comfort
Let me slip into something more comfortable (= change into more comfortable clothing). comfortable
He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself. command
The troops were commanded by General Haig. command
the first commercial flights across the Atlantic commercial
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
He's busy for the next month with filming commitments. commitment
She's on the management committee. committee
Candidates must be able to communicate effectively. communicate
We only communicate by email. communicate
We are in regular communication by email. communication
good community relations with the police community
For Durkheim, comparison was the most important method of analysis in sociology. comparison
compete to do sth: There are too many magazines competing to attract readers. compete
a shop selling clothes at competitive prices (= as low as any other shop) competitive
The issue is complicated by the fact that a vital document is missing. complicate
concern sb: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change. concern
concern sb that...: It concerns me that you no longer seem to care. concern
The story concerns the prince's efforts to rescue Pamina. concern
The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War. concern
This chapter concerns itself with the historical background. concern
Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you. concern
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
Where our children's education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable. concern
The individuals concerned have some explaining to do. concern
To whom it may concern ... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) concern
Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned. concern
Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you. concern
What are your main concerns as a writer? concern
The government's primary concern is to reduce crime. concern
parents' concern for their children concern
I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time. concern
concern (about sth/sb): There is growing concern about violence on television. concern
concern (for sth/sb): She hasn't been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety. concern
concern (over sth/sb): The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment. concern
concern (that...): There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land. concern
Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management. concern
Concerned parents held a meeting. concerned
concerned about/for sth: The President is deeply concerned about this issue. concerned
concerned for sth: He didn't seem in the least concerned for her safety. concerned
concerned (that)...: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. concerned
They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than with what the speaker was saying. concerned
He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. concerning
All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children's court. concerning
You are in no condition (= too ill/sick, etc.) to go anywhere. condition
The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night. condition
While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities. confidence
The players all have confidence in their manager. confidence
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts. conflict
armed/military conflict conflict
These results conflict with earlier findings. conflict
He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship. confront
A confused situation followed the military coup. confused
To avoid confusion, please write the children's names clearly on all their school clothes. confusion
Sacha felt confusion sweeping over her as she read the letter. confusion
Congratulations on your exam results! congratulation
market prices and other connected matters connected
The fall in retail sales is directly connected with the decline in employment. connected
His resignation must have some connection with the recent scandal. connection
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
conscious of sth: She's very conscious of the problems involved. conscious
This decision could have serious consequences for the industry. consequence
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. consequence
He drove too fast with tragic consequences. consequence
to suffer/face/take the consequences of your actions consequence
Have you considered the possible consequences? consequence
the conservative views of his parents conservative
consider (that)...: She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion. consider
a consideration of the legal issues involved consideration
Time is another important consideration. consideration
Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten. consideration
a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) consumer
The company has maintained trade contacts with India. contact
His fingers were briefly in contact with the ball. contact
Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. content
continue to do sth: He continued to ignore everything I was saying. continue
I want you to continue as project manager. continue
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday. contract
contrast (in sth): A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture. contrast
contrast (of sth): Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences. contrast
an important contribution to the debate contribution
A military junta took control of the country. control
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
Many biological processes are controlled by hormones. control
The whole territory is now controlled by the army. control
She's very conventional in her views. conventional
a telephone conversation conversation
The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election. conversation
The conversation turned to gardening. conversation
The pub is a converted warehouse. convert
Store lemons in a cool dry place. cool
Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not as friendly with each other as they were). cool
Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. core
The wind hit him as he turned the corner. corner
The car was taking the corners too fast. corner
Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. correct
I didn't get it because it cost too much. cost
Don't use too much of it—it cost a lot of money. cost
a charming country cottage with roses around the door cottage
'Have some more cake.' 'Oh, I couldn't, thank you (= I'm too full).' could
a city/county/borough/district council council
Don't go over that line or your throw won't count. count
It's the thought that counts (= used about a small but kind action or gift). count
I asked the woman behind the counter if they had any postcards. counter
We spent a pleasant day in the country. country
The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky. countryside
magnificent views over open countryside countryside
the southern counties county
Orange County county
The last couple of years have been difficult. couple
She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course. course
to go on a management training course course
The court heard yesterday how the man collapsed and died after being stabbed. court
crack sth + adv./prep.: She cracked an egg into the pan. crack
She peeped through the crack in the curtains. crack
She passed her tongue over her cracked lips and tried to speak. cracked
A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. crash
Share prices crashed to an all-time low yesterday. crash
He drove like an idiot, passing in the craziest places. crazy
The safest way to pay for mail order goods is by credit card. credit card
He turned to crime when he dropped out of school. crime
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
an expert in crisis management crisis
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. crisis
The fever has passed its crisis. crisis
a crisp apple/lettuce crisp
The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. critical
a critical moment in our country's history critical
a critical factor in the election campaign critical
Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance. critical
Your decision is critical to our future. critical
a critical comment/report critical
The supervisor is always very critical. critical
critical of sb/sth: Tom's parents were highly critical of the school. critical
Sugar is an important crop on the island. crop
She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck. cross
cross (over): I waved and she crossed over (= crossed the road towards me). cross
cross (over) (from...) (to/into...): We crossed from Dover to Calais. cross
cross sth: to cross a/the road cross
to cross France by train cross
The bridge crosses the River Dee. cross
A look of annoyance crossed her face. cross
They crossed the finishing line together (= in a race). cross
cross over sth: He crossed over the road and joined me. cross
The roads cross just outside the town. cross
The straps cross over at the back and are tied at the waist. cross
Our letters must have crossed in the mail (= each was sent before the other was received). cross
to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other) cross
She sat with her legs crossed. cross
He pushed his way through the crowd. crowd
He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists. crowd
a crowded bar crowded
a crucial factor/issue/decision crucial
topics of crucial importance crucial
The next few weeks are going to be crucial. crucial
crucial to/for sth: Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company. crucial
crucial that...: It is crucial that we get this right. crucial
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. crucial
cry about/over sth: There's nothing to cry about. cry
the cry of gulls circling overhead cry
The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city. cultural
His clothes were curiously old-fashioned. curiously
His hair curls naturally. curl
(+ adv./prep.): The cat curled into a ball and went to sleep. curl
a dog with a curly tail curly
to draw/pull/close the curtains (= to pull them across the window so they cover it) curtain
the unemployment-income curve (= a line on a graph showing the relationship between the number of unemployed people and national income) curve
The road curved around the bay. curve
The ball curved through the air. curve
the custom of giving presents at Christmas custom
It is the custom in that country for women to marry young. custom
The firm has excellent customer relations. customer
The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. customs
a customs officer customs
to go through customs and passport control customs
customs duty/duties customs
cut through sth: You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. cut
The canoe cut through the water. cut
They cut off the enemy's retreat. cut sth off
The new factory cuts off our view of the hills. cut sth off
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
Your hair could do with a cut (= it is too long). cut
I usually cycle home through the park. cycle
cycling shorts cycling
Children's lives are in danger every time they cross this road. danger
danger that...: There is a danger that the political disorder of the past will return. danger
These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up. data
I took a half day off yesterday. day
in the old days (= in the past) day
My mother's dead; she died in 1987. dead
We did a deal with the management on overtime. deal
The deal fell through (= no agreement was reached). deal
After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. debate
a big (= an important) decision decision
The decisions by the management committee will affect everyone in the company. decision
The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed. decline
Donations have decreased significantly over the past few years. decrease
decrease (in sth): There has been some decrease in military spending this year. decrease
This discussion's getting too deep for me. deep
He pondered, as if over some deep philosophical point. deep
a place of great power and of deep significance deep
They were deeply disturbed by the accident. deeply
deeply held beliefs/convictions/views (= that sb feels very strongly) deeply
a defeated army defeat
defend sb/yourself/sth: Troops have been sent to defend the borders. defend
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body. delicate
delighted with sth: I was delighted with my presents. delighted
Demand is exceeding supply. demand
demand that...: The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn. demand
They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn. demand
demand to do sth: I demand to see the manager. demand
demonstrate that...: These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. demonstrate
it is demonstrated that...: It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective. demonstrate
I don't want to depend too much on my parents. depend on/upon sb/sth (for sth)
depend how, what, etc...: Whether we need more food depends on how many people turn up. depend on/upon sth
I shouldn't be too late. But it depends if the traffic's bad. that depends, it (all) depends
a brief/general description of the software description
a personal pain that goes beyond description (= is too great to express in words) description
The machine's unique design prevents it from overheating. design
The medicine did not achieve the desired effect. desire
She looked desperately around for a weapon. desperately
He's developed a real flair for management. develop
Their relationship has developed over a number of years. develop
electrical labour-saving devices around the home device
a devoted son/friend/fan devoted
The results are shown in diagram 2. diagram
Her husband died suddenly last week. die
There's no difference in the results. difference
I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
The programme was about customs in different parts of the country. different
His death was a direct result of your action. direct
This information has a direct bearing on (= it is closely connected with) the case. direct
A new manager has been appointed to direct the project. direct
The issues raised in the report relate directly to the ongoing work of the charity. directly
The two incidents are not directly linked. directly
His clothes were covered in dirt. dirt
Pack the dirt firmly round the plants. dirt
dirty hands/clothes dirty
Try not to get too dirty! dirty
disagree that...: Few would disagree that students learn best when they are interested in the topic. disagree
I hate to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested. disappoint
disappointed (at/by sth): They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game. disappointed
a disappointing result/performance disappointing
The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved. disappointing
He's suffered a whole string of disappointments this week. disappointment
He wears an identity disc around his neck. disc
Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits. discipline
Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries. discovery
discuss sth: I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. discuss
an infectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to sb very easily) disease
protection against sexually transmitted diseases disease
disgusted (with sb/sth/yourself): I was disgusted with myself for eating so much. disgusted
dismiss sb/sth: I think we can safely dismiss their objections. dismiss
a tax/postal district district
congressional districts district
disturb sb: The letter shocked and disturbed me. disturb
Divorce proceedings (= the legal process of divorce) started today. divorce
Does this pub do (= provide) lunches? do
There's nothing to do (= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) in this place. do
What have you been doing with yourselves (= how have you been passing the time)? do sth with sb/sth
'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' be/have to do with sb/sth
'I don't want to go back.' 'Neither do I.' do
Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court. document
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
Marc appeared through a door at the far end of the room. door
a double-page advertisement double
two dozen eggs dozen
The company employs no more than a couple of dozen people. dozen
I dragged the chair over to the window. drag
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. drag
He quickly dragged a comb through his hair. drag
dramatic results/developments/news dramatic
Don't be so dramatic! dramatic
Prices have increased dramatically in the last few years. dramatically
The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. draw
dream of/about sb/sth: I dreamt about you last night. dream
dress (in sth): I dressed quickly. dress
dress sb (in sth): She dressed the children in their best clothes. dress
Get up and get dressed! dress
The children spend hours dressing and undressing their dolls. dress
She always dressed entirely in black. dress
dress sb (for/in/as sth): He was dressed as a woman (= he was wearing women's clothes). dress
dressing-up clothes dress up, dress sb up
dress-up clothes dress up, dress sb up
Hurry up and get dressed. dressed
fully dressed dressed
I can't go to the door—I'm not dressed yet. dressed
dressed in...: The bride was dressed in white. dressed
He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. dressed
She took to drink (= often drank too much alcohol) after her marriage broke up. drink
drink sth: I drank far too much last night. drink
You're driving yourself too hard. drive
It's enough to drive you to drink (= to make you start drinking too much alcohol). drive
Don't drive so fast! drive
a drive through the mountains drive
a learner driver (= one who has not yet passed a driving test) driver
She only got where she is today through hard work and a driving ambition. driving
He dropped his trousers (= undid them and let them fall). drop
He dropped his pants. drop
She was too drunk to remember anything about the party. drunk
The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting. dull
There's never a dull moment when John's around. dull
Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. dump
customs/excise/import duties duty
Each day that passed he grew more and more desperate. each
We can wear each other's clothes. each other
The earth revolves around the sun. earth
He passed the exam with ease. ease
All important points are numbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily). ease
I was too nervous to eat. eat
It's a false economy to buy cheap clothes (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long). economy
Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack. education
to learn to distinguish between cause and effect effect
I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. effect
Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. effective
Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment. effective
drugs that are effective against cancer effective
Some people believe that violence is an effective way of protesting. effective
I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings. effective
The company must reduce costs to compete effectively. effectively
You dealt with the situation very effectively. effectively
The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1. effectively
an efficient secretary efficient
efficient heating equipment efficient
the efficient use of energy efficient
We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. efficient
As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories. efficient
a very efficiently organized event efficiently
The fish lay thousands of eggs at one time. egg
a boiled egg egg
a chocolate egg (= made from chocolate in the shape of an egg) egg
election campaigns/results election
Customer relations is an important element of the job. element
I'm taking a few clothes and some books, not much else. else
to send a message by email email
email (sb): Patrick emailed me yesterday. email
embarrassed to do sth: Some women are too embarrassed to consult their doctor about the problem. embarrassed
No new evidence emerged during the investigation. emerge
Mary was overcome with emotion. emotion
emphasize sth: His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town. emphasize
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
employee rights/relations employee
Three months after his death, she still felt empty. empty
After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager. enemy
It is important to conserve energy. energy
The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources. energy
I couldn't get through—the line's engaged. engaged
enjoy doing sth: I enjoy playing tennis and squash. enjoy
enormous interest enormous
I didn't have enough clothes to last a week. enough
I've had enough of driving the kids around. have had enough (of sth/sb)
I'll have to make a few enquiries (= try to find out about it) and get back to you. enquiry
The job involves a lot of entertaining. entertain
'I don't mind,' she said, without much enthusiasm. enthusiasm
Diet and exercise are equally important. equally
As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape. escape
He was, essentially, a teacher, not a manager. essentially
The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important). essentially
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. establish
The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future. event
He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). event
In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him. event
Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death. in the event of sth, in the event that sth happens
I'll get round to mending it eventually. eventually
They were watching her every movement. every
She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance. exaggerated
to pass/fail an exam exam
I got my exam results today. exam
Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination. examination
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
It is important to cite examples to support your argument. example
I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point. example
Tours are arranged all year round (January excepted). except
With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. exception
an exchange of glances/insults exchange
exchange sth with sb: I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager. exchange
excited (about sth): The children were excited about opening their presents. excited
excited (by sth): Don't get too excited by the sight of your name in print. excited
An excited crowd of people gathered around her. excited
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
excuse sb for sth/for doing sth: I hope you'll excuse me for being so late. excuse
Excuse me, could you let me through? excuse me
advertising/business/sales, etc. executives executive
The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year. exhibit
A child's vocabulary expands through reading. expand
We were expecting him yesterday. expect
expect sb to do sth: We were expecting him to arrive yesterday. expect
He's still getting over his illness, so don't expect too much from him. expect
The results exceeded our expectations. expectation
The results are well worth the expense. expense
I can't afford it, it's too expensive. expensive
It is important to try and learn from experience. experience
She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily. experience
The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months. experience
Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives. experience
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
The results of the experiment were inconclusive. experiment
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
expert (at/in doing sth): She's expert at making cheap but stylish clothes. expert
an explosion of interest in learning Japanese explosion
The islands export sugar and fruit. export
Then the fruit is packaged for export. export
express sth: Teachers have expressed concern about the changes. express
His views have been expressed in numerous speeches. express
to express interest/regret/surprise express
The pub had an extension (= was allowed to stay open longer) on Christmas Eve. extension
The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. to... extent
Take extra care on the roads this evening. extra
extreme left-wing/right-wing views extreme
Their ideas are too extreme for me. extreme
extremely important/useful/complicated extremely
The risks involved are extremely high. extremely
And remember, I'll have my eye on you so you'd better behave. have your eye on sb
She looked around for a familiar face. face
Her face lit up (= showed happiness) when she spoke of the past. face
Face facts—she isn't coming back. face
face sb/sth: She turned and faced him. face
I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy. fact
Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage. fact
It's important to distinguish fact from fiction. fact
The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline. factor
The result will depend on a number of different factors factor
We saw the faint outline of the mountain through the mist. faint
In the end, a draw was a fair result. fair
He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. faith
Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls. fall
to rise/shoot to fame overnight fame
Violent attacks are becoming all too familiar (= sadly familiar). familiar
The support of family and friends is vital. family
We've only told the immediate family (= the closest relations). family
the Royal Family (= the children and close relations of the king or queen) family
She's family (= she is a relation). family
This painting has been in our family for generations. family
family ties/connections family
to switch on the electric fan fan
a fan heater fan
She always gives us far too much homework. far
far back: The band made their first record as far back as 1990. far
As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like. as/so far as I am concerned
The last of these reasons is by far the most important. by far
She is on the far right of the party (= holds extreme right-wing political views). far
Jeans are still in fashion. fashion
fashionable clothes/furniture/ideas fashionable
Don't drive so fast! fast
This ham has too much fat on it. fat
He's proud of his children and blind to their faults. fault
Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. feature
There's enough here to feed an army. feed
female reproductive organs female
You can pass with as few as 25 points. few
Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams. few
They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army. fight
Fighting broke out in three districts of the city last night. fighting
fight (with sb/sth): He got into a fight with a man in the bar. fight
The film was shot on location in France. film
to make/shoot a film film
They are filming in Moscow right now. film
film sth: It took them six weeks to film the documentary. film
The show was filmed on location in New York. film
film sb/sth doing sth: Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video. film
I'd like to return to the final point you made. final
No one could have predicted the final outcome. final
The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final. final
The law was finally passed in May 2009. finally
When they finally arrived it was well past midnight. finally
Finally, stir in the fruit and walnuts. finally
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
fine clothes/wines/workmanship fine
She ran her fingers through her hair. finger
a beautifully finished suit finished
Five people died in a house fire last night. fire
The officer ordered his men to fire. fire
These peaches are still firm. firm
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
'I can manage,' she said firmly. firmly
an issue of the first importance first
The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. first of all
At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people. at first
In the pool she could see little silvery fish darting around. fish
fit sb/sth: I can't find clothes to fit me. fit
The children seem to think I'm only fit for cooking and washing! fit
Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash. flash
The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape. flat
a steady flow of traffic through the city flow
the electric currents flowing through the cables flow
Constant streams of traffic flowed past. flow
Election results flowed in throughout the night. flow
fly by/past: Summer has just flown by. fly
(+ adv./prep.): A large stone came flying in through the window. fly
A wasp had flown in through the window. fly
She passed the exam with flying colours. with flying colours
a pile of neatly folded clothes fold
He always followed the latest fashions (= dressed in fashionable clothes). follow
He took charge of the family business following his father's death. following
I've been on my feet (= standing or walking around) all day. foot
walking around the house in bare feet (= not wearing shoes or socks) foot
Shaking your head for 'No' is not universal. for
That's too much responsibility for a child. for
The box is too heavy for me to lift. for
rebel/government forces force
She's a force to be reckoned with (= a person who has a lot of power and influence and should therefore be treated seriously). force
She hits the ball with amazing force for someone so small. force
The ultimatum contained the threat of military force. force
plans to seize power by force of arms (= by military force) force
force sth + adv./prep.: She forced her way through the crowd of reporters. force
It takes her forever to get dressed. forever
forgive me: Forgive me, but I don't see that any of this concerns me. forgive
The human form has changed little over the last 30 000 years. form
Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. form
Do you know how to form the past tense? form
form sth into sth: Form the dough into balls with your hands. form
Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form. form
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. former
I learnt that the house had formerly been an inn. formerly
We consider this agreement to be an important step forward. forward
a forward pass (= in a sports game) forward
He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky. frame
Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine. free
We're offering a fabulous free gift with each copy you buy. free
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
Some fruits freeze better than others. freeze
We met in a local bar much frequented by students. frequent
a collection of summer dresses in fresh colours fresh
I heard about it through a friend of a friend. friend
to maintain friendly relations with all countries friendly
Your friendship is very important to me. friendship
frightened to do sth: I'm too frightened to ask him now. frightened
From a financial point of view the project was a disaster. from
Let's go through to the front room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests). front
a piece of fruit (= an apple, an orange, etc.) fruit
fruit juice fruit
fruit trees fruit
Her life was too full to find time for hobbies. full
She came round the corner at full speed. full
It is too early to assess the full extent of the damage. full
She was full of admiration for the care she had received. full
There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes. full
bodily functions (= for example eating, sex, using the toilet) function
The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. function
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
a question of fundamental importance fundamental
I can't see any future in this relationship. future
efficiency gains gain
ball games, such as football or tennis game
We drove through the palace gates. gate
be gathered + adv.prep.: They were all gathered round the TV. gather
He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. gear
This opinion is common among the general population (= ordinary people). general
books of general interest (= of interest to most people) general
This is a crucial year for your relationships in general and your love life in particular. in general
The proposal has generated a lot of interest. generate
My family have lived in this house for generations. generation
a generous gift/offer generous
genuine concern for others genuine
+ adv./prep.: The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river. get
We must be getting home; it's past midnight. get
get sb/sth + adv./prep.: The general had to get his troops across the river. get
We couldn't get the piano through the door. get
to get dressed/undressed (= to put your clothes on/take your clothes off) get
After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter. get
Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? get
get sth for sb: Did you get a present for your mother? get
get sb/yourself sth: Did you get your mother a present? get
Thousands of refugees will die if these supplies don't get through to them. get through (to sb)
I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through. get through (to sb)
We got through a fortune while we were in New York! get through sth
I can't get into these shoes—they're too small. get into sth
What time did you get back last night? get back
We only got back from our trip yesterday. get back
She can't get over her shyness. get over sth
I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. get over sth
He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it. get over sth/sb
get doing sth: I hope to get around to answering your letter next week. get round/around to sth
The watch was a gift from my mother. gift
Thank you for your generous gift. gift
a free gift for every reader gift
the gift of life gift
gifts of toys for the children gift
gift (for sth): She has a great gift for music. gift
gift (for doing sth): He has the gift of making friends easily. gift
She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. gift
Alex is not interested in girls yet. girl
He turned to us and gave a big smile (= smiled broadly). give
She gave her ticket to the woman at the check-in desk. give
give sth to sb: We don't usually give presents to people at work. give
The rebels were forced to give in. give in (to sb/sth)
Half an hour went past while we were sitting there. go
My clothes won't all go in that one suitcase. go
He tried to push his hand through the gap but it wouldn't go. go
I want this memo to go to all managers. go
Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work? go
+ adv./prep.: He's going too fast. go
I always start the day by going through my email. go through sth
She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud. go through sth
Let's go through the arguments again. go through sth
Could we go through (= practise) Act 2 once more? go through sth
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate. go through sth
She's been going through a bad patch recently. go through sth
He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through. go through sth
Go over your work before you hand it in. go over sth
to go into the Army/the Church/Parliament go into sth
Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? go back (to sth)
Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers. go back (to sth)
There aren't enough chairs to go around. go around/round
go doing sth: It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. go around/round
I went round to the post office. go around/round (to...)
go doing sth: She's decided to go back to teaching. go back to sth
Things will get easier as time goes by. go by
The weeks went slowly by. go by
She decided not to go through with (= not to have) the operation. go through with sth
All her property went to her eldest son (= when she died). go to sb/sth
Too much sun isn't good for you. good
I don't feel too good today. good
Get dressed now, there's a good girl. good
The results were pretty good. good
You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you. good
The country is governed by elected representatives of the people. govern
government policies/officials/ministers government
a government department/agency/grant government
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
the board of governors of the college governor
He grabbed her around the throat and squeezed. grab
Grab a cab and get over here. grab
Women have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process. gradually
The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety. grave
The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done. grave
Local people are gravely concerned. gravely
She seemed in great spirits (= very cheerful). great
I don't feel too great. great
the great powers (= important and powerful countries) great
The great majority of (= most) people seem to agree with this view. great
a matter of great importance great
Take great care of it. great
She was dressed all in green. green
He managed to cover a lot of ground in a short talk. ground
We had to go over the same ground (= talk about the same things again) in class the next day. ground
Students stood around in groups waiting for their results. group
The region is too dry for plants to grow. grow
a concern with personal (= mental and emotional) growth and development growth
The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped. guard
The prisoners were guarded by soldiers. guard
He was the guest of honour (= the most important person invited to an event). guest
We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains. guide
She took her arm and guided her across the busy road. guide
She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral. guide
We were guided around the museums. guide
Half (of) the fruit was bad. half
Out of 36 candidates, half passed. half
Couples strolled past holding hands. hand
Give me your hand (= hold my hand) while we cross the road. hand
Most of his clothes were handed down to him by his older brother. hand sth down (to sb)
Children hung (= were leaning) over the gate. hang
hang adv./prep.: There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe. hang
You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead. hang around (...)
I think we can manage quite happily on our own. happily
I'm not too happy about her living alone. happy
I've had a long hard day. hard
They had put in hours of hard graft. hard
We're finding reliable staff hard to come by (= difficult to get). hard
Don't be too hard on him—he's very young. be hard on sb/sth
Don't hit it so hard! hard
Hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her (= I think of her almost every day). hardly
a strange relationship built on love and hate hate
We had some friends to dinner last night. have
He had nothing (= no clothes) on. have (got) sth on
She'll have had the results by now. have
He (= the man we are watching) went through that door. he
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
hear sth: Did you hear that play on the radio last night? hear
hear sb/sth/yourself do sth: Be quiet—I can't hear myself think! (= it is so noisy that I can't think clearly) hear
Return the pan to the heat and stir. heat
There was heavy fighting in the capital last night. heavy
Many young people today are too heavy (= fat). heavy
She worries about her height (= that she is too tall). height
He went through hell during the trial. hell
Her parents made her life hell. hell
What the hell do you think you are doing? hell
I can't really afford it, but, what the hell (= it doesn't matter), I'll get it anyway. hell
The offer of help came too late. help
The true consequences will only be known several years hence. ... days, weeks, etc. hence
The manager will be free soon—you can wait for her here. her
I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. hide
The tree blew over in the high winds. high
The house has a high wall all the way round it. high
An eagle circled high overhead. high
Did you see the manager himself? himself
These jeans are too tight around the hips. hip
The building is of historical importance. historical
These events changed the course of history. history
She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court. hit
We've hit our ball over the fence! hit
The town was hit by bombs again last night. hit
hold sb: Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid. hold
I had to hold my stomach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans. hold
They managed to hold on until help arrived. hold on
There were holes in the knees of his trousers. hole
The children climbed through a hole in the fence. hole
The bomb blew a huge hole in the ground. hole
a hollow ball/centre/tube hollow
I phoned you last night, but you weren't at home. at home
Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. honest
I honestly can't remember a thing about last night. honestly
He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect). honour
the guest of honour (= the most important one) honour
the seat/place of honour (= given to the most important guest) honour
Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed. hope
I was so tired, I just wanted to be horizontal (= lying down). horizontal
He died in (the) hospital. hospital
a friendly, family-run hotel hotel
Britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very restricted. hour
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). hour
We went on a tour of the house and grounds (= for example, at a country house, open to the public). house
household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) household
'Her behaviour was very odd.' 'How so? ' how
The sums of money involved are potentially huge. huge
hunt for sb: Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday. hunt
The kids hurried to open their presents. hurry
He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. hurry
I don't mind waiting—I'm not in any particular hurry. in no hurry (to do sth), not in a/any hurry (to do sth)
We were in no hurry to get back to work after the holiday. in no hurry (to do sth), not in a/any hurry (to do sth)
He hurt his back playing squash. hurt
My shoes hurt—they're too tight. hurt
The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport. idea
He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people. have no idea, not have the faintest, first, etc. idea
She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). identity
So what if he was late. Who cares? if
If you ask me, she's too scared to do it. if
He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette. ignore
I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. ignore
We cannot afford to ignore their advice. ignore
She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. ignore
If he tries to start an argument, just ignore him. ignore
It's illegal to drive through a red light. illegal
I missed a lot of school through illness last year. illness
He died after a long illness. illness
illustrate sth: To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story. illustrate
The advertisements are intended to improve the company's image. image
Image is very important in the music world. image
images of the past image
The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth. imaginary
Don't let your imagination run away with you (= don't use too much imagination). imagination
Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died. immediate
in the immediate aftermath of the war immediate
impatient (with sb/sth): Try not to be too impatient with her. impatient
impatient (at sth): Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest. impatient
The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside. implication
imply sth: The fact that she was here implies a degree of interest. imply
customs imported from the West import
She stressed the importance of careful preparation. importance
It's a matter of the greatest importance to me. importance
the relative importance of the two ideas importance
State your reasons in order of importance. importance
He was very aware of his own importance (= of his status). importance
an important decision/factor important
I have an important announcement to make. important
Money played an important role in his life. important
Listening is an important part of the job. important
one of the most important collections of American art important
It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. important
It is important that he attend every day. important
It is important that he should attend every day. important
It is important for him to attend every day. important
important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. important
The important thing is to keep trying. important
an important member of the team important
He likes to feel important. important
More importantly, can he be trusted? importantly
It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others. impose
improvement in/on/to sth: an improvement in Anglo-German relations improvement
dressed in their best clothes in
He is in the army. in
Roll it up in a ball. in
1.14 inches of rain fell last night. inch
There was a shooting incident near here last night. incident
The demonstration passed off without incident. incident
include sb/sth as sth: Representatives from the country were included as observers at the conference. include
increasingly difficult/important/popular increasingly
'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.' indeed
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. independent
Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions. independent
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
indicate how, what etc...: Our results indicate how misleading it could be to rely on this method. indicate
The building collapsed as an indirect result of the heavy rain. indirect
indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) indirect
It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. inevitable
infect sb/sth: It is not possible to infect another person through kissing. infect
influence (with sb): She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job. influence
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative. initiative
It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations. initiative
She injured herself during training. injure
I pretended not to care but I was screaming inside. inside
He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. instead
The new management intends to institute a number of changes. institute
to ignore/carry out sb's instructions instruction
He left strict instructions that the box should only be opened after his death. instruction
surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments instrument
The questions were an insult to our intelligence (= too easy). insult
the US Central Intelligence Agency intelligence
the head of military intelligence intelligence
The bullet missed its intended target. intended
Her main interests are music and tennis. interest
He was a man of wide interests outside his work. interest
There are many places of interest near the city. interest
These plants will add interest to your garden in winter. interest
These documents are of great historical interest. interest
to be of cultural/scientific interest interest
This museum holds particular interest for geologists. interest
to feel/have/show/express (an) interest in sth interest
Do your parents take an interest in your friends? interest
By that time I had lost (all) interest in the idea. interest
I watched with interest. interest
As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish? interest
Just out of interest, how much did it cost? interest
Could I interest you in this model, Sir? interest sb in sth
interested (in sth/sb): I'm very interested in history. interested
interested (in doing sth): Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below. interested
interested (to do sth): We would be interested to hear your views on this subject. interested
an interested audience interested
She was watching with a politely interested expression on her face. interested
There's a talk on Italian art—are you interested (= would you like to go)? interested
He sounded genuinely interested. interested
Our survey produced some interesting results. interesting
international relations international
You can buy our goods over the Internet. Internet
We interrupt this programme to bring you an important news bulletin. interrupt
I managed to work for two hours without interruption. interruption
He has an interview next week for the manager's job. interview
Yesterday, in an interview on German television, the minister denied the reports. interview
Interviews and questionnaires are the most important tools in market research. interview
She turned and walked off into the night. into
The fruit can be made into jam. into
the introduction of compulsory military service introduction
In his time managing the club he has invested millions on new players. invest
involve sth: Any investment involves an element of risk. involve
Many of the crimes involved drugs. involve
involve doing sth: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. involve
involve sb/sth doing sth: The job involves me travelling all over the country. involve
The job involves my travelling all over the country. involve
There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. involve
involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. involve
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
We need to examine all the costs involved in the project first. involved
We'll make our decision and contact the people involved. involved
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
They're not romantically involved. involved
involved with sb/sth: You're too emotionally involved with the situation. involved
her growing involvement with contemporary music involvement
iron ore (= rock containing iron) iron
a key/sensitive/controversial issue issue
A windproof jacket is an essential item of clothing for hillwalking. item
The cat was washing itself. itself
The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull. itself
recipes for jams and preserves jam
I've got various jobs around the house to do. job
The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses. job
judge sb/sth (on sth): Schools should not be judged only on exam results. judge
judge that...: He judged that the risk was too great. judge
it is judged that...: It was judged that the risk was too great. judge
Two orange juices, please. juice
jump sth + adv./prep.: I jumped my horse over all the fences. jump
a jump of over six metres jump
Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building. jump
The negotiations took a jump forward yesterday (= they made progress). jump
the world junior tennis championships junior
I can't just drop all my commitments. just
He demanded, not without justice, that he should be allowed to express his views. justice
They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. justice
keen on sb/sth: Tom's very keen on Anna. keen
keen on doing sth: She's not keen on being told what to do. keen
keen (to do sth): John was very keen to help. keen
keen (that...): We are keen that our school should get involved too. keen
keen (on doing sth): I wasn't too keen on going to the party. keen
She kept her past secret from us all. keep
Press the return key to enter the information. key
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
He was a key figure in the campaign. key
She played a key role in the dispute. key
kick sb/sth + adv./prep./adj.: The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard. kick
A bunch of kids were hanging around outside. kid
Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book. kindly
These jeans are torn at the knee. knee
The boys were knocking (= kicking) a ball around in the back yard. knock
'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' know
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
He'll only wear clothes with a designer label. label
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers) labour
The troops landed at dawn. land
the bleak/rugged/dramatic, etc. landscape of the area landscape
the woods and fields that are typical features of the English landscape landscape
an urban/industrial landscape landscape
She specializes in landscapes. landscape
winding country lanes lane
The quickest way is through the back lanes behind the bus station. lane
the manager who is largely responsible for the team's victory largely
last night/Tuesday/month/summer/year last
This last point is crucial. last
I've had too many late nights recently (= when I've gone to bed very late). late
It's too late to save her now. be too late
Buy now before it's too late. be too late
I'm afraid you're too late to apply for the job. be too late
The doctors did all they could, but it was too late. be too late
She's left it too late to apply for the job. too late
I realized the truth too late. too late
His father died later that year. later
The latter point is the most important. latter
She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= is not too serious about herself). laugh at sb/sth
The Navy is to launch a new warship today. launch
to pass a law (= officially make it part of the system of laws) law
British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results. law
After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order. law and order
How many layers of clothing are you wearing? layer
There were too many layers of management in the company. layer
I was feeling too lazy to go out. lazy
We spent a lazy day on the beach. lazy
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. lead
He's too easily led (= easily persuaded to do or think sth). lead
lead sb + adv./prep.: The track led us through a wood. lead
learn (about sth): She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture. learn
learn to do sth: I soon learned not to ask too many questions. learn
'Do you mind if I put the television on?' 'No, not in the least.' not in the least
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
a trouser/pant leg leg
These jeans are too long in the leg. leg
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
It's an important case both legally and politically. legally
As time passed, she saw less and less of all her old friends at home. less and less
He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people. even/much/still less
It was a lesson not lost on (= learned well by) the team manager. lesson
let sb/sth do sth: Let them splash around in the pool for a while. let
Please let me past. let
a decision taken at board level level
Add a level tablespoon of flour (= enough to fill the spoon but not so much that it goes above the level of the edge of the spoon). level
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
Don't leave toys lying around—someone might trip over them. lie around
Her daily life involved meeting lots of people. life
The International Stock Exchange started life as a London coffee shop. life
My father died last year—I wish I could bring him back to life. life
On a lighter note, we end the news today with a story about a duck called Quackers. light
Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry. light
light summer clothes light
Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge. light
Do what you like—I don't care. like
the most likely outcome likely
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line. line
He hung the towels out on the line (= clothes line). line
to pass sth down through the male/female line line
There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it. line
The ball went over the line. line
Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road). line
Your feet must be behind the line when you serve (= in tennis ). line
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
The department is interested in developing closer links with industry. link
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
link A to B: The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. link
link A to/with B: Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer. link
Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips (= I didn't drink any). lip
a bar selling snacks and liquid refreshment (= drinks) liquid
We should manage, with a little bit of luck. little
Here's a little something (= a small present) for your birthday. little
I slept very little last night. little
He has lived through two world wars. live through sth
He showed a lively interest in politics. lively
Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids. load
load sth (with sth): She loaded the camera with film. load
They loaded her with gifts. load
locally grown fruit locally
She turned the key in the lock. lock
It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view. logical
We're a long way from anywhere here. long
These reforms are long overdue. long
Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand. look at sth
People came out of their houses and looked around. look around/round
Let's look round the town this afternoon. look around/round (sth)
Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked. look on
She looked round when she heard the noise. look round
She looked through her notes before the exam. look through sth
A doubtful look crossed his face. look
We got a number of curious looks from passers-by. look
A look passed between them (= they looked at each other). look
It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around? look
She fastened the belt loosely around her waist. loosely
The two problems are only loosely related. loosely
to lose your hair/teeth (= as a result of getting old) lose
When she died I was filled with a sense of loss. loss
Enemy troops suffered heavy losses. loss
I felt so lost after my mother died. lost
What a lot of presents! lot
I care a lot about you. lot
I play tennis quite a lot (= often) in the summer. lot
That music's too loud—please turn it down. loud
The message is coming through loud and clear. loud and clear
I like most sports but tennis is my first love. love
I just love it when you bring me presents! love
Just put those clothes in the machine (= the washing machine). machine
'I'm going to buy some new clothes.' 'Well, don't go mad (= spend more than is sensible).' mad
to be mad on tennis mad
Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. magazine
A passage was cleared through the crowd like magic. magic
There is no magic formula for passing exams—only hard work. magic
Trust is the magic ingredient in our relationship. magic
Be careful crossing the main road. main
The two countries have always maintained close relations. maintain
to play a major role in sth major
make sb/sth + adj.: You've made my nose too big (= for example in a drawing). make
make sth of sb/sth: This isn't very important—I don't want to make an issue of it. make
It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. make
We'll make a tennis player of you yet. make
She makes her own clothes. make
I don't know how I made it through the week. make it
the relationships between men and women man
It's like trying to manage an unruly child. manage
Can you manage that suitcase? manage
to manage a factory/bank/hotel/soccer team manage
to manage a department/project manage
We need people who are good at managing. manage
He has to manage on less than £100 a week. manage
Don't tell me how to manage my affairs. manage
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently manage
Let's meet up again—can you manage next week sometime? manage
She's 82 and can't manage on her own any more. manage
manage with/without sb/sth: How do you manage without a car? manage
I don't know how she manages on her own with four kids. manage
manage sth: In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. manage
I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. manage
Can you manage another piece of cake? (= eat one) manage
manage (to do sth): We managed to get to the airport in time. manage
He always manages to say the wrong thing. manage
We couldn't have managed without you. manage
'Need any help?' 'No, thanks. I can manage.' manage
a career in management management
hotel/project management management
a management training course management
The report blames bad management. management
The company's top-down management style made decision-making slow and inflexible. management
He is one of the highest paid management gurus in the world. management
The management is/are considering closing the factory. management
The shop is now under new management. management
junior/middle/senior management management
a management decision/job management
Most managements are keen to avoid strikes. management
classroom management management
time management (= the way in which you organize how you spend your time) management
management of staff management
Diet plays an important role in the management of heart disease. management
a bank/hotel manager manager
a meeting of area managers manager
There are too many mistakes in this essay. many
Don't take so many. many
Even if one person is hurt that is one too many. many
a many-headed monster many
scientific discoveries which help to map our distant past map
+ noun: They marched 20 miles to reach the capital. march
The army began their long march to the coast. march
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
What's the pass mark (= the mark you need in order to pass)? mark
'You're wearing a tie!' 'Full marks for observation.' mark
market stalls/traders market
We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. market
They have cornered the market in sportswear (= sell the most). market
I began sifting through the mass of evidence. mass
I struggled through the mass of people to the exit. mass
There were masses of people in the shops yesterday. mass
He has a Master's in Business Administration. master
They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday. match
Just as a matter of interest (= because it is interesting, not because it is important), how much did you pay for it? matter
They had important matters to discuss. matter
It was a matter of some concern to most of those present (= something they were worried about). matter
I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter (= the most important part). matter
And that is the crux of the matter (= the most important thing about the situation). matter
And then, to make matters worse, his parents turned up. matter
matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. matter
'What did you say?' 'Oh, it doesn't matter' (= it is not important enough to repeat).' matter
'I'm afraid I forgot that book again.' 'It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).' matter
He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him). matter
matter (to sb) who, what, etc...: Does it really matter who did it? matter
It doesn't matter to me what you do. matter
For maximum effect do the exercises every day. maximum
mean sth: Spending too much now will mean a shortage of cash next year. mean
mean sb for sth/sb: I was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier). mean
mean sth: What did she mean by leaving so early (= why did she do it)? mean
I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. mean
Television is an effective means of communication. means
Accurate measurement is very important in science. measurement
a medium steak (= one cooked quite well but not too much) medium
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. in memory of sb, to the memory of sb
the mental process of remembering mental
method (of sth): a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis method
I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I mightn't find it too bad. might
There isn't a house for miles around here. mile
military training/intelligence military
a military coup military
military uniform military
We may have to take military action. military
The military was/were called in to deal with the riot. military
The driver was well above the limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood milligram
There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. mind
'Drugs' are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse. mind
I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else. mind
'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'I don't mind—either's fine.' mind
mind sb: Don't mind her—she didn't mean what she said. mind
Don't mind me (= don't let me disturb you) —I'll just sit here quietly. mind
He wouldn't have minded so much if she'd told him the truth. mind
mind how, what, etc...: She never minded how hot it was. mind
This isn't where I intended to take you—but never mind, it's just as good. never mind
He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. minimum
to undergo minor surgery minor
Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days. minority
The minute she walked through the door I thought she looked different. the minute (that)...
The sale prices were too good to miss. miss
It was an opportunity not to be missed. miss
You missed a good party last night (= because you did not go). miss
He completely missed the joke. miss
I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. miss sb/sth out
It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion. mistake
Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. mistake
mistaken views/ideas mistaken
British athletes had mixed fortunes in yesterday's competition. mixed
We arrived not a moment too soon (= almost too late). moment
Her anxiety mounted month by month (= as each month passed). month
He had to wait for months for the visas to come through. month
It will be months before we get the results. month
The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic. mood
She was more than a little shaken (= extremely shaken) by the experience. more
He died in the early hours of Sunday morning. morning
I want to buy a present for my mother and father. mother
the relationship between mother and baby mother
to enjoy the mountain air/scenery mountain
A number of industries sprang up around the mouth of the river. mouth
You can hardly move in this pub on Saturdays (= because it is so crowded). move
Our new neighbours moved in yesterday. move in, move into sth
The management have made no move to settle the strike. move
a mass movement for change movement
She observed the gentle movement of his chest as he breathed. movement
Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. movement
Troy watched her every movement. movement
enemy troop movements movement
the mass movement of herds of wildebeest movement
I must admit (= I feel that I should admit) I was surprised it cost so little. must
He died in mysterious circumstances. mysterious
Mystery surrounds her disappearance. mystery
His past is shrouded in mystery (= not much is known about it). mystery
They often wandered around the house stark naked (= completely naked). naked
The manager has named his side for the semi-final. name
the natural processes of language learning natural
The clothes are available in warm natural colours. natural
the British and German navies navy
He's joined the navy/the Navy. navy
an officer in the navy/the Navy navy
The navy is/are considering buying six new warships. navy
A bomb exploded somewhere near. near
neatly folded clothes neatly
This is a necessary consequence of progress. necessary
need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. need
'He probably won't show up.' 'Don't be so negative.' negative
We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy. neighbourhood
I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him. neither
There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. nevertheless
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
nice about sth: I complained to the manager and he was very nice about it. nice
You look very nice. nice
'Do you want to come, too?' 'Yes, that would be nice.' nice
It was nice and warm yesterday. nice
Did you hear the storm last night? night
Bill's parents came for dinner last night. night
They were making too much noise. noise
She was looking none too pleased. none
It's nonsense to say they don't care. nonsense
There was no one else around. no one
Nothing else matters to him apart from his job. nothing
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing. be/have nothing to do with sb/sth
These protests have really made the government sit up and take notice (= realize the importance of the situation). notice
She wears those strange clothes just to get herself noticed. notice
noticeable in sb/sth: This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients. noticeable
It's too late now. now
The course will have to be repeated owing to pressure of numbers (= too many students). number
He dialled the number, then changed his mind and hung up. number
a hazelnut nut
an objective analysis/assessment/report objective
objective criteria objective
I find it difficult to be objective where he's concerned. objective
These figures give a reliable and objective indicator of changing trends in people's lifestyles. objective
Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour. observation
results based on scientific observations observation
We managed to escape observation (= we were not seen). observation
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
She has outstanding powers of observation (= the ability to notice things around her). observation
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
She has some interesting observations on possible future developments. observation
observe sb/sth: Have you observed any changes lately? observe
All the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life). observe
I want you to observe all the details. observe
observe sb/sth do sth: The police observed a man enter the bank. observe
observe sb/sth doing sth: They observed him entering the bank. observe
observe that...: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied. observe
be observed to do sth: He was observed to follow her closely. observe
observe (sb/sth): I felt he was observing everything I did. observe
The patients were observed over a period of several months. observe
He observes keenly, but says little. observe
observe how, what, etc...: They observed how the parts of the machine fitted together. observe
Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money. obviously
Diet and exercise are obviously important. obviously
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. occupied
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
Sugar occurs naturally in fruit. occur
They're very odd people. odd
It's most odd that (= very odd that) she hasn't written. odd
The odd thing was that he didn't recognize me. odd
She's been behaving very oddly lately. oddly
oddly coloured clothes oddly
He looked at her in a way she found oddly disturbing. oddly
Oddly enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest. oddly
the result of the debate of
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
Don't be so quick to take offence. offence
army/airforce/naval, etc. officers officer
a commissioned/non-commissioned officer officer
a customs/prison/welfare officer officer
Yes, officer, I saw what happened. officer
a bank/company/court/government official official
a senior official in the State Department official
'I saw Ben yesterday.' 'Oh yes, how is he?' oh
old-fashioned clothes/styles/methods/equipment old-fashioned
My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage. old-fashioned
There was a letter waiting for him on his return. on
Whose side are you on (= which of two or more different views do you support)? on
He turned his back on us. on
We spoke on the phone. on
Go easy on the mayo! (= do not take / give me too much) on
Her one concern was for the health of her baby. one
I went through the items on the list one by one. one by one
It's a present for one of my children. one
10 o'clock is too late for the little ones. one
We only got here yesterday. only
The pass is kept open all the year. open
Troops opened fire on (= started shooting) the crowds. open
We could see the stars through an opening in the roof. opening
The doctors operated last night. operate
He underwent a three-hour heart operation. operation
operation (on sb/sth) (for sth): Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night. operation
opinion (that...): The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable. opinion
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
The offer was too good an opportunity to miss. opportunity
Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. opposed
It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country. opposite
The army met with fierce opposition in every town. opposition
We cannot back down at the first sign of opposition. opposition
He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime. opposition
Last orders at the bar now please! (= because the bar is going to close) order
The army has been sent in to maintain order in the capital. order
arranged in order of priority/importance/size order
The results, ranked in descending/ascending order, are as follows: order
All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue. in order that
in the ordinary course of events ordinary
the sense organs (= the eyes, ears, nose, etc.) organ
the sexual/reproductive organs organ
I went swimming while the others played tennis. other
He found me, not the other way round/around. other
Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here. otherwise
He oughtn't to have been driving so fast. ought to
And now, over to our Rome correspondent... our
He gets out of the army in a few weeks. out
outdoor clothing/activities outdoor
The book describes in outline the main findings of the research. outline
I walked around the outside of the building. outside
Always overtake on the outside. outside
She has a lot of outside interests (= not connected with her work). outside
the outstanding features of the landscape outstanding
She turned over onto her front. over
The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over. over
I stopped and crossed over. over
They have gone over to France. over
This is my aunt who's over from Canada. over
I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. over
He's gone over to the enemy (= joined them). over
a bridge over the river over
He lives over the road. over
She climbed over the wall. over
The car had toppled over the cliff. over
He didn't dare look over the edge. over
There were papers lying around all over the place. over
She has not changed much over the years. over
We're away over (= until after) the New Year. over
We're over the worst of the recession. over
It took her ages to get over her illness. over
We heard it over the radio. over
She wouldn't tell me over the phone. over
She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. overcome
The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. overcome
He finally managed to overcome his fear of flying overcome
He overcame a strong temptation to run away. overcome
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. overcome
Her parents were overcome with grief at the funeral. overcome
Overcome by curiosity, the boy looked through the window. overcome
She makes all her own clothes. own
The ball gathered pace as it rolled down the hill. pace
I carefully packed up the gifts. pack
My ankle is still too painful to walk on. painful
Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process. painful
a pair of trousers/pants/jeans, etc. pair
a pair of pants pants
a new pair of pants pants
ski pants pants
I found these documents among my father's papers after his death. paper
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
These documents are of particular interest. particular
particularly good/important/useful particularly
Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. partly
a dancing/tennis, etc. partner partner
to be in/to go into partnership partnership
Marriage should be an equal partnership. partnership
partnership between A and B: a partnership between the United States and Europe partnership
a junior member of the partnership partnership
The bill was passed by 360 votes to 280. pass
I'm not really expecting to pass first time. pass
pass sth: She hasn't passed her driving test yet. pass
They waited for the storm to pass. pass
Six months passed and we still had no news of them. pass
We grew more anxious with every passing day. pass
We sang songs to pass the time. pass
How did you pass the evening? pass
Unemployment has now passed the three million mark. pass
pass sth (to sb): He passed the ball to Rooney. pass
pass (to sb): Why do they keep passing back to the goalie? pass
pass sth (to sb): Pass the salt, please. pass
Pass that book over. pass
pass sb sth: Pass me over that book. pass
Several people were passing but nobody offered to help. pass
The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass. pass
pass sb/sth: to pass a barrier/sentry/checkpoint pass
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station. pass
She passed me in the street without even saying hello. pass
There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me. pass
A plane passed low overhead. pass
His mother passed away last year. pass away
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
The procession passed right by my front door. pass by (sb/sth)
We were passing through, so we thought we'd come and say hello. pass through...
the passing of a resolution/law passing
a passing phase/thought/interest passing
He makes only a passing reference to the theory in his book (= it is not the main subject of his book). passing
She bears more than a passing resemblance to (= looks very like) your sister. passing
I love him more with each passing day. passing
the noise of passing cars passing
I was forced to ask passing strangers for money. passing
in past years/centuries/ages past
in times past past
The time for discussion is past. past
I haven't seen much of her in the past few weeks. past
The past month has been really busy at work. past
past events past
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time. past
past and present students of the college past
Let's forget about who was more to blame—it's all past history. past
I used to go there often in the past. past
the recent/distant past past
She looked back on the past without regret. past
Writing letters seems to be a thing of the past. past
We don't know anything about his past. past
They say she has a 'past' (= bad things in her past life that she wishes to keep secret). past
ten (minutes) past six past
It was past midnight when we got home. past
He hurried past them without stopping. past
He just walked straight past us! past
Unemployment is now past the 3 million mark. past
The flowers are past their best. past
He's past his prime. past
She's long past retirement age. past
Honestly, I'm past caring what happens (= I can no longer be bothered to care). past
I called out to him as he ran past. past
A week went past and nothing had changed. past
Follow the path through the woods. path
She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views. patience
pay sb/sth to do sth: I don't pay you to sit around all day doing nothing! pay
We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for your kindness. payment
He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). peace
He doesn't care what people think of him. people
He stood perfectly still until the danger had passed. perfectly
She performs an important role in our organization. perform
The company has been performing poorly over the past year. perform
a performance of Ravel's String Quartet performance
the country's economic performance performance
The new management techniques aim to improve performance. performance
He criticized the recent poor performance of the company. performance
Her academic performance has been inconsistent. performance
Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling. period
There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution. permit
She takes a personal interest in the work of the charity. personal
Having good personal relationships is the most important thing for me. personal
He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills. personal
People's clothes are often an expression of their personality. personality
a critical/decisive phase phase
His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase. phase
She's going through a difficult phase. phase
They like to do business by phone/over the phone. phone
He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. phone
the director of photography (= the person who is in charge of the actual filming of a film/movie, programme, etc.) photography
She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'. phrase
They are having a physical relationship. physical
He picked the nuts off the top of the cake. pick
a piece of clothing/furniture/luggage piece
a pile of books/clothes/bricks pile
The clothes were piled high on the chair. pile
pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) pill
This dress is really nice. Pity it's so expensive. pity
We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper. place
A bomb had been placed under the seat. place
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
a viewing platform giving stunning views over the valley platform
play sb at sth: Have you played her at squash yet? play
play with sb/sth: A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street. play
the importance of learning through play play
We've lost two key players through injury. player
I was pleasantly surprised by my exam results. pleasantly
pleased (with sb/sth): She was very pleased with her exam results. pleased
He did not look too pleased when I told him. pleased
plot sth: Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup. plot
I've got too much on at work. Plus my father is not well. plus
No parking beyond this point. point
At this point I don't care what you decide to do. point
I think I missed the point (= did not understand). point
It just isn't true. That's the whole point (= the only important fact). point
'He's been married before.' 'That's beside the point ' (= not important). point
I know it won't cost very much but that's not the point (= not the important thing). point
The border will be policed by UN officials. police
The profession is policed by its own regulatory body. police
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting. policy
We were all too polite to object. polite
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
She's a good teacher but a poor manager. poor
They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids. poor
Flashbulbs were popping all around them. pop
a popular misconception popular
Oil spillages are disastrous for fish populations. population
This show of concern is just a pose. pose
Wealth and position (= high social status) were not important to her. position
My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children. position
a positive attitude/outlook positive
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we'll all meet again one day. possibility
With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. possible
'Do you think he'll resign?' 'Anything's possible where he's concerned.' possible
a police/customs/military post post
an observation post post
She was offered a key post in the new government. post
I'll send the original to you by post. post
a post office counter post office
Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some. pour
air/sea power (= military strength in the air/ at sea) power
Bob's very practical. He does all the odd jobs around the house. practical
Cool, loose-fitting clothes are practical in a hot climate. practical
From a practical point of view, it isn't a good place to live. practical
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
Nobody could predict the outcome. predict
predict (that)...: She predicted (that) the election result would be close. predict
prepare yourself to do sth: The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. prepare
a list of all club members, past and present present
birthday/Christmas/wedding, etc. presents present
What can I get him for a birthday present? present
You've got to forget the past and start living in the present. present
The Mayor will make the presentation (= hand over the gift) herself. presentation
Improving the product's presentation (= the way it is wrapped, advertised, etc.) should increase sales. presentation
The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products. presentation
She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances. preserve
preserve sth + adj.: This vase has been preserved intact. preserve
olives preserved in brine preserve
Wax polish preserves wood and leather. preserve
She has been harassed by the press, who desperately need a story. press
I couldn't concentrate, presumably because I was so tired. presumably
pretty clothes pretty
He managed to get a good price for the car. price
It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years. price
The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety. primarily
The person primarily responsible is the project manager. primarily
Our primary concern must be the children. primary
Good health care is of primary importance. primary
Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles (= the most basic rules). principle
You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). priority
the problem of overcrowding in prisons prison
He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers. prisoner
Senior defence officials held private talks. private
the probable cause/explanation/outcome probable
It's a nice table! The only problem is (that) it's too big for our room. problem
There's no history of heart problems (= disease connected with the heart) in our family. problem
a consultation process process
to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system process
I'm afraid getting things changed will be a slow process. process
mental processes process
Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him. process
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
We're in the process of selling our house. process
I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it). process
the ageing process process
It's a normal part of the learning process. process
manufacturing processes process
A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted. produce
These shrubs produce bright red berries. produce
a production process production
It is important not to let production levels fall. production
the caring professions (= that involve looking after people) profession
The agency is voluntary and not run for profit. profit
Did you see that programme on India last night? programme
The line of traffic progressed slowly through the town. progress
Cases can take months to progress through the courts. progress
promote sth: The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. promote
promote sth as sth: The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. promote
promote sb: She worked hard and was soon promoted. promote
Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. promotion
a job with excellent promotion prospects promotion
Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. promotion
She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently. promptly
These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability. proof
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. proportion
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). proportion
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain. protection
Don't be too proud to ask for help. proud
She was too proud to admit she could be wrong. proud
prove to be sth: The promotion proved to be a turning point in his career. prove
He felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right). prove
They've gone down the pub for a drink. pub
the landlord of the local pub pub
a delay in the publication of the exam results publication
There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. publicity
There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film. publicity
a publicity campaign publicity
Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off. pull
The doctors think she will pull through. pull through, pull through sth
The project became so expensive that we had to pull out. pull out (of sth)
They are pulling their troops out of the war zone. pull sb/sth out (of sth)
Victory was purchased (= achieved) at too great a price. purchase
These gifts count as income for tax purposes. purpose
Jake has been pursuing her (= trying to have a relationship with her) for months. pursue
Try and push your way through the crowd. push
He was too trusting—or, to put it another way, he had no head for business. put
The meat was—how shall I put it?—a little overdone. put
I tried to put the matter into perspective. put
Could you put me through to the manager, please? put sb/sth through (to sb/...)
qualify sb (for sth): Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership. qualify
qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualify
qualify sb to do sth: The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles. qualify
personal qualities such as honesty and generosity quality
It's (a) quarter to four now—I'll meet you at (a) quarter past. quarter
Cut the apple into quarters. quarter
She was quick (= too quick) to point out the mistakes I'd made. quick
The company wants quick results. quick
The last few weeks have gone quickly (= the time seems to have passed quickly). quickly
a quieter, more efficient engine quiet
This story is too big to be kept quiet. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
He is quietly confident that they can succeed (= he is confident, but he is not talking about it too much). quietly
quit as sth: He has decided to quit as manager of the team. quit
'I'm sorry to be so difficult.' 'That's quite all right.' quite
The days seemed to race past. race
She raced her car through the narrow streets of the town. race
The book raises many important questions. raise
He set about raising an army. raise
Somehow we managed to raise her to her feet. raise
He rose through the ranks to become managing director. rank
officers of junior/senior rank rank
a campaign to attract more women into the military ranks rank
officers, and other ranks (= people who are not officers) rank
rank sb/sth as sth: Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence. rank
rate sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The schools were rated according to their exam results. rate
He was conscious that he was talking rather too much. rather
He reached across the table to squeeze her hand. reach
The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades. reaction
I had no real interest in politics. real
realize how, what, etc...: I don't think you realize how important this is to her. realize
It doesn't really matter. really
reason (why...): I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. reason
We have every reason (= have very good reasons) to feel optimistic. reason
reason (for sth/for doing sth): This result gives us all the more reason for optimism. reason
The apartments are reasonably priced (= not too expensive). reasonably
receive sth with sth: The statistics were received with concern. receive
Have you used it recently (= in the recent past)? recently
a growing recognition that older people have potential too recognition
He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year. recognition
It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. recommend
to break the record (= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before) record
record that...: She recorded in her diary that they crossed the Equator on 15 June. record
a video recording of the wedding recording
during the recording of the show recording
The lights (= traffic lights) changed to red before I could get across. red
reduce sth by sth: Costs have been reduced by 20% over the past year. reduce
With reference to your letter of July 22... in/with reference to
Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. reflect
His music reflects his interest in African culture. reflect
The job offer was simply too good to refuse. refuse
regard sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): Her work is very highly regarded. regard
I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. as regards sb/sth
regard for sb/sth: to do sth with scant/little/no regard for sb/sth regard
to have/pay/show little regard for other people's property regard
regard to sb/sth: He was driving without regard to speed limits. regard
Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas. regard
He held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her). regard
regard for sb/sth: I had great regard for his abilities. regard
Children no longer have proper regard for their parents and teachers. regard
Call me if you have any problems regarding your work. regarding
it is regretted that...: It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications. regret
On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties. regular
It's important to follow the regular procedure. regular
too many rules and regulations regulation
Her body has already rejected two kidneys. reject
relate sth: I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. relate
relate A to B: In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. relate
relate sth: She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. relate
relate sth to sb: He related the facts of the case to journalists. relate
relate how, what, etc...: She related how he had run away from home as a boy. relate
relate that...: The story relates that an angel appeared and told him to sing. relate
We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. relate to sth/sb
The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland. relate to sth/sb
Many adults can't relate to children. relate to sth/sb
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. relate to sth/sb
Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse. related
These problems are closely related. related
a related issue/question related
a stress-related illness related
Are you related to Margaret? related
We're distantly related. related
related languages related
The llama is related to the camel. related
diplomatic/international/foreign relations relation
US-Chinese relations relation
teacher-pupil relations relation
relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. relation
relation (between A and B): We seek to improve relations between our two countries. relation
to have sexual relations (= to have sex) relation
relation between A and B: the relation between rainfall and crop yields relation
relation to sth: the relation of the farmer to the land relation
The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved. relation
I have some comments to make in relation to (= concerning) this matter. relation
Little of what he said has any relation to fact. relation
a close/near/distant relation of mine relation
a relation by marriage relation
a party for friends and relations relation
He's called Brady too, but we're no relation (= not related). relation
Is he any relation to you? relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
relationship (with sb): She has a very close relationship with her sister. relationship
I have established a good working relationship with my boss. relationship
a master-servant relationship relationship
Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship. relationship
She's had a series of miserable relationships. relationship
Are you in a relationship? relationship
Money problems have put a strain on their relationship. relationship
relationship (between A and B): the relationship between mental and physical health relationship
relationship (to sth): This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation. relationship
People alter their voices in relationship to background noise. relationship
an inverse relationship relationship
a father-son relationship relationship
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
the position of the sun relative to the earth relative
a family-run hotel with a relaxed atmosphere relaxed
10 000 balloons were released at the ceremony. release
a relevant suggestion/question/point relevant
Do you have the relevant experience? relevant
Send me all the relevant information. relevant
relevant to sth/sb: These comments are not directly relevant to this inquiry. relevant
How relevant is religious education to most children? relevant
a relief agency/organization/worker relief
He will remain (as) manager of the club until the end of his contract. remain
a casual remark that led to a major discovery remark
+ speech: 'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually. remark
remarkable for sth: The area is remarkable for its scenery. remarkable
in the remote past/future remote
It was too late to repair the damage done to their relationship. repair
to repeat a mistake/a process/an exercise repeat
reply (to sb/sth) (with sth): to reply to a question/an advertisement reply
We had over 100 replies to our advertisement. reply
The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies. report
The results are represented in fig.3 below. represent
Those comments do not represent the views of us all. represent
The peace plan represents (= is the result of) weeks of negotiation. represent
These results represent a major breakthrough in AIDS research. represent
The results are reproduced in Table 2. reproduce
He was there at the request of his manager/at his manager's request (= because his manager had asked him to go). request
request sth (from sb): She requested permission to film at the White House. request
require sth: These pets require a lot of care and attention. require
Research on animals has led to some important medical advances. research
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist. resist
We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources. resource
More than fifty people responded to the advertisement. respond
respond that...: When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. respond
I received an encouraging response to my advertisement. response
responsibility (for sth): We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the European market. responsibility
The responsibility for doing this rests with the department managers. responsibility
I'm not doing this job for the rest of my life. rest
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
The project is beginning to show results. result
a coach who knows how to get results from his players result
the result of an experiment result
Have you had your results yet? result
They will announce the result of the vote tonight. result
the election results result
the football results result
The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management. result
He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. result
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
The end result (= the final one) of her hard work was a place at medical school. result
This book is the result of 25 years of research. result
result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. result in sth
She retained her tennis title for the third year. retain
She looked up briefly then returned to her sewing. return
I saw the play on its return to Broadway. return
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
reveal how, what, etc...: Officers could not reveal how he died. reveal
X-rays revealed a fracture. reveal
reveal yourself: She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. reveal
He reversed around the corner. reverse
She reversed into a parking space. reverse
to reverse a procedure/process/trend reverse
The experiment had the reverse effect to what was intended. reverse
a review body/date/panel review
A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. reward
After a steep climb you will be rewarded by magnificent views from the summit. reward
(+ adv./prep.): The ground there is too rough to ride over. ride
a train ride through beautiful countryside ride
We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus. ride
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results. rightly
Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern. rightly
She had dark rings a round her eyes from lack of sleep. ring
I'm ringing about your advertisement in the paper. ring
She watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. rise
The ground rose steeply all around. rise
He called on the people to rise up against the invaders. rise
She rose through the ranks to become managing director. rise
Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment. risk
risk (that...): There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through. risk
risk sth: He risked a glance at her furious face. risk
You can't trust them. They'll rob you blind as soon as your back is turned. rob sb blind
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil. rock
Who is in the leading role (= the most important one)? role
The media play a major role in influencing people's opinions. role
a key/vital role role
roll sth + adv./prep.: She rolled her jeans to her knees. roll
I rolled the string into a ball. roll
The hedgehog rolled up into a ball. roll
roll sth (+ adv./prep.): He rolled the trolley across the room. roll
roll over (onto sth): She rolled over to let the sun brown her back. roll
I'm not interested in a romantic relationship. romantic
a romantic view of life romantic
I'll move the table—it takes up too much room. room
It was too rough to sail that night. rough
The fruit are small and round. round
Rugby isn't played with a round ball. round
The child was watching it all with big round eyes (= showing interest). round
The children were spinning round and round. round
They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out. round
A large crowd had gathered round to watch. round
He turned the car round and drove back again. round
She looked round at the sound of his voice. round
We walked round to the back of the house. round
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
Pass the biscuits round. round
the first woman to sail round the world round
The earth moves round the sun. round
There she is, coming round the corner. round
She put her arms round him. round
He had a scarf round his neck. round
They were all sitting round the table. round
She looked all round the room. round
a ball made of rubber rubber
They brushed rudely past us. rudely
under Communist/civilian/military, etc. rule rule
She once ruled over a vast empire. rule
After the revolution, anarchy ruled. rule
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
rumour (about sth): Some malicious rumours are circulating about his past. rumour
She ran her fingers nervously through her hair. run
I ran my eyes over the page. run
They turned and ran when they saw us coming. run
He ran through the names on the list. run through sth
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
My college years seemed to rush past. rush
They got through a sack of potatoes. sack
Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. sack
We had some sad news yesterday. sad
He's a sad case—his wife died last year and he can't seem to manage without her. sad
It is with great sadness that we report the death of James Banks yesterday. sadness
a safe and effective remedy for coughs and colds safe
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake. sail
one of the first people to sail around the world sail
a two-hour sail across the bay sail
Pass the salt, please. salt
His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. same
'I'd like to see a sample of your work,' said the manager. sample
I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company. say
Is this diagram to scale (= are all its parts the same size and shape in relation to each other as they are in the thing represented)? scale
a bomb/health scare scare
They went abroad for a change of scene (= to see and experience new surroundings). scene
I got very nervous before my big scene (= the one where I have a very important part). scene
Filming began on schedule (= at the planned time). schedule
sites of scientific interest scientific
A penalty in the last minute of the game levelled the score 2-2. score
They ignored the baby's screams. scream
The nurse put a screen around the bed. screen
The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. seal
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
We all filed back to our seats in silence. seat
Experience is what matters—age is of secondary importance. secondary
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. secretly
dark secrets from his past secret
Our relationship was now on a more secure footing. secure
She finished the match, secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round. secure
the security forces/services (= the police, army, etc.) security
The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video. security
Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. security
Try to see things from her point of view. see
Are you seeing anyone (= having a romantic relationship with anyone)? see
Guess who I saw at the party last night! see
Did you see that programme on Brazil last night? see
The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). see
Highly qualified secretary seeks employment. (= in an advertisement) seek
It is important to select a software package that suits your requirements. select
the selection process selection
Now we have to try and sell the idea to management. sell
to send sth by post send
a senior officer/manager/lecturer senior
I have ten years' experience at senior management level. senior
The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. sense
In a sense (= in one way) it doesn't matter any more. sense
One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh). sense
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). sense
Alex doesn't have any dress sense (= does not know which clothes look attractive). sense
the five senses sense
the sense organs (= eyes, ears, nose, etc.) sense
I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses (= what I could see, hear, etc.). sense
The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel. sense
You're far too sensitive. sensitive
The judge passed sentence (= said what the punishment would be). sentence
For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives. separate
Be serious for a moment; this is important. serious
The consequences could be serious. serious
They are seriously concerned about security. seriously
serve (as sth): He served as a captain in the army. serve
She was serving behind the counter. serve
Left you, did she? It serves you right for being so selfish. it serves sb right (for doing sth)
Our main concern is to provide quality customer service. service
the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business) service
We sat and watched the sun setting. set
She settled in Vienna after her father's death. settle
sew sth: She sews all her own clothes. sew
a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby sex
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16. sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
They were not having a sexual relationship at the time. sexual
Her interest in him is purely sexual. sexual
a sexual partner (= a person who you have sex with) sexual
His face was deep in shadow, turned away from her. shadow
The whole house shakes when a train goes past. shake
These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast. shallow
Ghostly shapes moved around in the dark. shape
shape A into B: Shape the dough into a ball. shape
a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow shaped
a view that is widely shared share
share sth with sb: People often share their political views with their parents. share
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
I've had my share of luck in the past. share
He winced as a sharp pain shot through his leg. sharp
Profits fell sharply following the takeover. sharply
She moved sharply across the room to block his exit. sharply
The spring jutted sharply through the mattress. sharply
Human beings need food, clothing and shelter. shelter
Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). shelter
Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years. shift
He shone the flashlight around the cellar. shine
The news of my promotion came as a shock. shock
shock sb (to do sth): She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things. shock
The movie was shot in black and white. shoot
The band's last single shot straight to number one in the charts. shoot
shoot (sth) (at sb/sth): troops shooting at the enemy shoot
Shooting began early this year. shooting
There's a little gift shop around the corner. shop
Life's too short to sit around moping. short
A present for me? You shouldn't have! (= used to thank sb politely) should
In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. should
He looked back over his shoulder. shoulder
She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care). shoulder
I heard her warning shout too late. shout
She had a warm woollen hat and scarf on that left only her eyes and nose showing. show
show (sb) how, what, etc...: This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. show
We were shown around the school by one of the students. show sb around/round (sth)
I can't shut my suitcase—it's too full. shut
She was too shy to ask anyone for help. shy
sick of doing sth: We're sick of waiting around like this. sick
The two sides announced a deal yesterday. side
The farm buildings form three sides of a square. side
He crossed the bridge to the other side of the river. side
The truck skidded sideways across the road. sideways
The sofa will only go through the door sideways. sideways
We're going to Paris for the weekend to see the sights. sight
It's best if you can get someone local to show you the sights. sight
The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain. sight
a shop/pub sign sign
sign (that...): If an interview is too easy, it's a sure sign that you haven't got the job. sign
All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number (= his phone is being used). signal
The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's policies are not working. signal
Delays are occurring as a result of signal failure on the northbound line. signal
a highly significant discovery significant
The results of the experiment are not statistically significant. significant
These views are held by a significant proportion of the population. significant
It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys. significant
It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death. significant
Profits have increased significantly over the past few years. significantly
Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election. significantly
'I can walk home.' 'Don't be silly—it's much too far!' silly
I feel silly in these clothes. silly
simple but elegant clothes simple
He was dancing around and singing at the top of his voice (= very loudly). sing
Unemployment is the single most important factor in the growing crime rates. single
It's too cold to sit outside. sit
She's a size 12 in clothes. size
management skills skill
I slept at my sister's house last night (= stayed the night there). sleep
We both slept right through (= were not woken up by) the storm. sleep
I didn't get much sleep last night. sleep
Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation. slice
She slipped her head around the door. slip
I managed to slip in a few jokes. slip
His hat had slipped over one eye. slip
The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth. slow
Collecting data is a painfully slow process. slow
We travelled around a lot when I was small. small
That dress is too small for you. small
This is too big—have you got a small one? small
They were wearing their smartest clothes. smart
The elephant smashed its way through the trees. smash
Taste and smell are closely connected. smell
I had to smile at (= was amused by) his optimism. smile
You're too young to smoke. smoke
She swung herself over the gate in one smooth movement. smooth
Over the years, the stone steps had worn smooth. smooth
The rescue was carried out smoothly and efficiently. smoothly
Don't look so angry. so
It wasn't so good as last time. so
a softly tailored suit softly
They were drilling through solid rock. solid
It's time for someone new (= a new person) to take over. someone
He's something in (= has a job connected with) television. something
The story is told through song and dance. song
She sold the house soon after her husband died. soon
All too soon the party was over. soon
Take the first turning, sorry, the third turning on the right. sorry
He's the sort of person who only cares about money. sort
She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care. sort of
sort sth from sth: Women and children sorted the ore from the rock. sort
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
That desk takes up too much space. space
Take some spare clothes in case you get wet. spare
Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. speak
Witnesses spoke of a great ball of flame. speak
speak (to sb) (about sth/sb): I've spoken to the manager about it. speak
'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) speak
I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern. speak out (against sth)
I looked around to see who the speaker was. speaker
A speaker conveys information through tone and body language. speaker
The accident was due to excessive speed. speed
Speed is his greatest asset as a tennis player. speed
She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected). speed
A car flashed past them at speed (= fast). speed
spend sth + adv./prep.: We spent the weekend in Paris. spend
Her childhood was spent in Italy. spend
spend sth doing sth: I spend too much time watching television. spend
spend sth on sth: She spends too much effort on things that don't matter. spend
(+ adv./prep.): The plane was spinning out of control. spin
a spinning ice skater spin
My head is spinning (= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance). spin
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
spin (round/around): The dancers spun round and round. spin
spin sth (round/around): to spin a ball/coin/wheel spin
We placed our bets and the croupier spun the roulette wheel. spin
He spun around to face her. spin
She spun on her heel and walked out. spin
There's not much community spirit around here. spirit
the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties spirit
We're concerned about your spiritual welfare. spiritual
split sth: Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! split
split (into sth): The results split neatly into two groups. split
The tall buildings have spoiled the view. spoil
Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). spoil
I'm not interested in sport. sport
If the paint is too thick, it will not spread evenly. spread
spread sth: Using too much water could spread the stain. spread
Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind. spread
The disease is spread by mosquitoes. spread
the spread of a city into the surrounding areas spread
The hotel is just off the main square. square
squeeze sth (out): He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out. squeeze
a stable relationship stable
Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through. stage
He remembered passing her on the stairs. stair
The passports, with the visa stamps, were waiting at the embassy. stamp
She was too weak to stand. stand
We all stood around in the corridor waiting. stand
The troops are standing by. stand by
Four points stand out as being more important than the rest. stand out (as sth)
standard sizes of clothes standard
start as sth: She started as a secretary but ended up running the department. start
I only started (= began to read) this book yesterday. start
state police/troopers state
The police asked me to make a statement (= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows). statement
She achieved celebrity status overnight. status
+ adv./prep.: I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). stay
an overnight stay stay
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
to have a steady relationship steady
Steel used to be important in South Wales. steel
He turned around and retraced his steps (= went back the way he had come). step
Peter stuck his head around the door and said, 'Coffee, anyone?' stick
Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage. stick
I'm really stiff after that bike ride yesterday. stiff
It is important to carry out regular stock checks. stock
People just don't stop to think about the consequences. stop
The trip included an overnight stop in Brussels. stop
I was so tired I went straight to bed. straight
He was too tired to walk straight. straight
You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints. strain
I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. strain
military strategy strategy
We waded across a shallow stream. stream
Cars filed past in an endless stream. stream
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work. stream
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
Their superior military strength gives them a huge advantage. strength
stress-related illnesses stress
stress management (= dealing with stress) stress
stress sth: He stressed the importance of a good education. stress
stress how, what, etc...: I cannot stress too much how important this is. stress
The jeans stretch to provide a perfect fit. stretch
She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. strict
strike sb (as sth): His reaction struck me as odd. strike
She strikes me as a very efficient person. strike
I stripped and washed myself all over. strip
She stripped off her clothes and got into bed. strip
strip sb (to sth): He stood there stripped to the waist (= he had no clothes on the upper part of his body). strip
This is an issue I feel strongly about (= I have firm opinions about). strongly
It is important to develop good study skills. study
He'll manage—he isn't stupid. stupid
a style of management style
a management style style
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it. such
The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects. as such
She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw. suck
suck sth + adv./prep.: The pump sucks air out through the valve. suck
All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck. all of a sudden
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
suggest sth to sb: What do these results suggest to you? suggest
a two-/three-piece suit (= of two/three pieces of clothing) suit
In summary, this was a disappointing performance. summary
A pale wintry sun shone through the clouds. sun
Too much sun ages the skin. sun
my superior officer superior
supply sth to sb/sth: Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. supply
supply sb/sth with sth: Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms. supply
The results of the experiment supported her theory. support
She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar. support
She supported her husband through many difficult times. support
When my father died, Jim was a real support. support
I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support. support
Are you sure you don't mind? sure
She looked around to make sure that she was alone. make sure (of sth/that...)
Much to my surprise, I passed. surprise
They expressed surprise at the outcome. surprise
surround sth/sb: Tall trees surround the lake. surround
the membranes surrounding the brain surround
As a child I was surrounded by love and kindness. surround
surround sth/sb with sth: The lake is surrounded with/by trees. surround
Oxford and the surrounding area surrounding
From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside. surrounding
The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings. surroundings
She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. survey
They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals and fruit. survive
survive sth: The company managed to survive the crisis. survive
She died in suspicious circumstances. suspicious
She swept the clothes onto the floor and invited him to sit down. sweep
This wine is too sweet for me. sweet
The boys swam across the lake. swim
A shoal of fish swam past. swim
Ducks were swimming around on the river. swim
swing sth + adv./prep.: He swung his legs over the side of the bed. swing
His arms swung as he walked. swing
swing from sth: A set of keys swung from her belt. swing
He took a wild swing at the ball. swing
switch (over) (from sth) (to sth): We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing. switch
Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years. table
Firefighters tackled a blaze in a garage last night. tackle
to take a look/glance take
My parents always took an interest in my hobbies. take
He was taken prisoner by the rebels. take
Shall I take a gift to my host family? take
take sb sth: Shall I take my host family a gift? take
take sb: It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. take
The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues. take over (from sb), take sth over (from sb)
Fish take in oxygen through their gills. take sth in
Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in. take sth in
The table takes up too much room. take up sth
We talked on the phone for over an hour. talk
We looked around the school and talked with the principal. talk
talk (between A and B) (on/over sth): Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay. talk
We drove there and back on one tank of petrol. tank
I put my head under the tap and let the cool water run over me. tap
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round. tap
They bombed military and civilian targets. target
taste (in sth): She has very expensive tastes in clothes. taste
teach sb to do sth: She taught me to be less critical of other people. teach
views that go against traditional Christian teaching teaching
He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake. tear
tear (sth) (+ adv./prep.): I tore my jeans on the fence. tear
I tore a hole in my jeans. tear
He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto (= of ignoring it). tear sth up
The guide is too technical for a non-specialist. technical
Her technique has improved a lot over the past season. technique
You can reserve seats over the telephone. telephone
It was on TV yesterday. on (the) television
tell sb sth: The advertisement told us very little about the product. tell
tendency (for sb/sth) (to do sth): I have a tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous. tendency
It was a terrible thing to happen to someone so young. terrible
It's terribly important for parents to be consistent. terribly
I'm not terribly interested in politics. terribly
When can I get my test results? test
to pass/fail a test test
How much are those apples at the back? that
That dress of hers is too short. that
Where's the letter that came yesterday? that
We moved here the year (that) my mother died. that
The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant. that
She was so tired (that) she couldn't think straight. that
There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed. the
The heat was getting to be too much for me. the
I've been invited too, so I'll see you then. then
That sounds fine in theory, but have you really thought it through? in theory
'Have you seen my pen?' 'Yes, it's over there.' there
The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick. thick
A terrible thing happened last night. thing
Why do you make things so difficult for yourself? thing
Can you pass me that thing over there? thing
She took no interest in the people and things around her. thing
He never comes to see me these days (= now, as compared with the past). this
His clothes, though old and worn, looked clean and of good quality. though
Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. though
My thoughts turned to home. thought
All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. thought
crimes involving violence or the threat of violence threat
The burglar got in through the window. through
The bullet went straight through him. through
Her knees had gone through (= made holes in) her jeans. through
The sand ran through (= between) my fingers. through
The path led through the trees to the river. through
The Charles River flows through Boston. through
The children are too young to sit through a concert. through
He will not live through the night. through
Go through this gate, and you'll see the house on your left. through
He drove through a red light (= passed it when he should have stopped). through
First I have to get through the exams. through
The bill had a difficult passage through Parliament. through
I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. through
You can only achieve success through hard work. through
It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job. through
Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through. through
The tyre's flat—the nail has gone right through. through
The onlookers stood aside to let the paramedics through. through
The flood was too deep to drive through. through
Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals. through
This train goes straight through to York. through
Ask to be put through to me personally. through
I tried to call you but I couldn't get through. through
She threw the ball up and caught it again. throw
Can you tidy away your clothes, please? tidy sth away
family ties tie
the ties of friendship tie
economic ties tie
The firm has close ties with an American corporation. tie
emotional ties tie
Both sides agreed to strengthen political ties. tie
Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church. tie
She was wearing a tight pair of jeans. tight
These shoes are much too tight. tight
The screw was so tight that it wouldn't move. tight
He's determined to pass this time. time
I don't want to take up too much of your precious time. time
At one time (= at a period of time in the past) Emily was my best friend. time
Mr Curtis was the manager in my time (= when I was working there). time
As time went by we saw less and less of each other. time
Perceptions change over time (= as time passes). time
The time is now half past ten. time
The promotion came at just the right time for me. time
Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). timetable
Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views. tiny
The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere. tip up/over, tip sth up/over
We'll have to tip the sofa up to get it through the door. tip up/over, tip sth up/over
I'm too tired even to think. tired
It was too hot to go out. to
Taken together, these factors are highly significant. together
Here are tonight's football results. tonight
He's far too young to go on his own. too
This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me. too
Is it too much to ask for a little quiet? too
The dress was too tight for me. too
It's too late to do anything about it now. too
Accidents like this happen all too (= much too) often. too
It's too soon to say if he'll survive. too
It's only too easy for them to deny responsibility. too
I'm just going out—I won't be too long. too
She's none too (= not very) clever. too
the effectiveness of interest rates as an economic tool tool
She answered through clenched teeth (= opening her mouth only a little because of anger). tooth
He's a lawyer turned politician (= he used to be a lawyer but is now a politician). turn
We turned and headed for home. turn
She turned to look at me. turn
I turned away and looked out of the window. turn
turn sth (+ adv./prep.): He turned his back to the wall. turn
She turned her head away. turn
She turned the chair on its side to repair it. turn
turn sth into sth: I turned the car into the car park. turn
The road turns to the left after the church. turn
The wheels of the car began to turn. turn
We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up. turn up
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. turn over
The car skidded and turned over. turn over
turn that...: It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. turn out
turn to be/have sth: The job turned out to be harder than we thought. turn out
Turn around and let me look at your back. turn around/round, turn sb/sth around/round
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. turn back, turn sb/sth back
We said we would do it—there can be no turning back. turn back, turn sb/sth back
Our car was turned back at the border. turn back, turn sb/sth back
She has nobody she can turn to. turn to sb/sth
She twisted a scarf around her head. twist
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
A snake was twisting around his arm. twist
I twisted and turned to avoid being caught. twist
The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case. twist
a bizarre twist to the tale twist
Type (in) the filename, then press 'Return'. type
a typical Italian cafe typical
There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued. ugly
I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable. uncomfortable
The country is now under martial law. under
This jacket's too big, even with a sweater underneath. underneath
understand what, how, etc...: They understand what I have been through. understand
They're too young to understand what is happening. understand
I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again. understand
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). understanding
an unexpected result unexpected
Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. the unexpected
unfriendly (to/towards sb): There's no need to be so unfriendly towards them. unfriendly
a military/police/nurse's uniform uniform
unimportant details unimportant
relatively/comparatively unimportant unimportant
They dismissed the problem as unimportant. unimportant
This consideration was not unimportant. unimportant
I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant. unimportant
army/military/police units unit
Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday. unless
It's very unlike him to be so late. unlike
In the unlikely event of a problem arising, please contact the hotel manager. unlikely
Why do you have to be so untidy? untidy
He continued working up until his death. until
I stayed up late (= did not go to bed until late) last night. up
We live just up the road, past the post office. up
She finds the divorce too upsetting to talk about. upsetting
The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues. turn sth upside down
She went upstairs to get dressed. upstairs
urban renewal/regeneration (= the process of improving the buildings, etc. in the poor parts of a town or city) urban
She gave us a picture as a wedding present. us
They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. use
You have to use the past tense. use
used to doing sth: I'm not used to eating so much at lunchtime. used
used cars used
We flew home via Dubai. via
There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. view
The view from the top of the tower was spectacular. view
He has an optimistic view of life. view
the Christian view of the world view
The traditional view was that marriage was meant to last. view
to have different/conflicting/opposing views view
to have strong political views view
view (about/on sth): His views on the subject were well known. view
This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television. view
What is needed is a frank exchange of views. view
The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens. view
Violence broke out/erupted inside the prison last night. violence
Is there too much sex and violence on TV? violence
This year's results are virtually the same as last year's. virtually
There's a virus going around the office. virus
We had a visit from the police last night. visit
vital (for sth): the vitamins that are vital for health vital
vital (to sth): Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise. vital
Reading is of vital importance in language learning. vital
The police play a vital role in our society. vital
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
vital to do sth: It was vital to show that he was not afraid. vital
Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process. voice
The motion was passed by 6 votes to 3. vote
He put his arm around her waist. waist
The workmen were stripped to the waist (= wearing no clothes on the top half of their bodies). waist
I'm afraid this can't wait. It's very important. wait
I walked across Scotland with a friend. walk
She just walked up to the desk and asked to see the manager. walk up (to sb/sth)
It's only a short walk to the beach. walk
a guided walk around the farm walk
I went to the park and had a wander around. wander
More troops are being despatched to the war zone. war
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
Many people continue to ignore warnings about the dangers of sunbathing. warning
wash sth/sb: These jeans need washing. wash
Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating. wash
Part of the path had been washed away by the sea. wash sb/sth away
I do the washing (= wash the clothes) in our house. washing
waste sth on sth: Why waste money on clothes you don't need? waste
waste sb/sth as sth: You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor. waste
waste disposal (= the process of getting rid of waste) waste
The report is critical of the department's waste of resources. waste
watch sb/sth doing sth: She watched the kids playing in the yard. watch
watch sth/yourself: Watch yourself! (= be careful, because you're in a dangerous situation) watch
Watch your bag—there are thieves around. watch
This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean. water
Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead. wave
A wave of fear swept over him. wave
wave sth (about/around): A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically. wave
wave sth at sb: She waved her hand dismissively at the housekeeper. wave
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
We went the long way round. way
We fought our way through the dense vegetation. way
I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. out of the way
This skirt is way (= a lot) too short. way
We should take more care of our historic buildings. we
He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned. weak
That bridge is too weak for heavy traffic. weak
It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses. weakness
She always wears black (= black clothes). wear
We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. web
a wedding present wedding
She started work a week yesterday. a week yesterday, last Monday, etc.
Sam has a weight problem (= is too fat). weight
She took it very well (= did not react too badly), all things considered. well
He was driving at well over the speed limit. well
The castle is well worth a visit. well
wet clothes wet
A car swept past with Laura at the wheel. wheel
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. whereas
You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. whether
Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis? which
Her parents died while she was still at school. while
whisper sth (to sb): She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. whisper
whistle at sb/sth: Workmen whistled at her as she walked past. whistle
The people who called yesterday want to buy the house. who
I can't afford it—that's the whole point. whole
That's why I left so early. why
a manager with wide experience of industry wide
The road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass. wide
He wouldn't come—he said he was too busy. will
He wound the wool into a ball. wind
Wind the bandage around your finger. wind
The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope. window
I wish I hadn't eaten so much. wish
I wish you wouldn't leave your clothes all over the floor. wish
I wish to speak to the manager. wish
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. with
Are you pleased with the result? with
Government troops were forced to withdraw. withdraw
withdraw (sb/sth) (from sth): Both powers withdrew their forces from the region. withdraw
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
We had a wonderful time last night. wonderful
a ball of wool wool
I trusted her not to go back on her word (= break her promise). word
He was a true friend in all senses of the word. word
She earned her grades through sheer hard work. work
The new legislation concerns health and safety at work. work
talks between workers and management worker
I have a good working relationship with my boss. working
He's too young to understand the ways of the world. world
Parents are the most important people in a child's world. world
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
Never mind—it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been). worse
to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune (= a lot of money) worth
The new house really wasn't worth all the expense involved. worth
The job involves a lot of hard work but it's worth it. worth
If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have applied for the job. would
I'd be only too glad to help. would
He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents. wrap
He tossed her a towel. 'Wrap yourself in that.' wrap
wrap B round/around A: I wrapped a blanket around the baby. wrap
A scarf was wrapped around his neck. wrap
His arms were wrapped around her waist. wrap
The nurse wrapped a bandage tightly around my ankle. wrap
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
The review is a brilliant piece of writing. writing
Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number. wrong
The relationship started to go wrong when they moved abroad. go wrong
He assumed, wrongly, that she did not care. wrongly
The museum is open all (the) year round (= during the whole year). year
We've had a lot of fun over the years. year
'It's an excellent hotel.' 'Yes, but (= I don't completely agree) it's too expensive.' yes
Yesterday was Sunday. yesterday
What happened at yesterday's meeting? yesterday
Yesterday's students are today's employees. yesterday
a war/security/demilitarized, etc. zone zone