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EVP pursue

OXF3000ZH: 追赶 追踪 进行 pursue
5000FR: poursuivre to pursue
OXF3000: theo đuổi pursue
OXF3000N đuổi theo đuổi bắt pursue
CORE: pursue + + + + + + +
NGLS: pursue + To follow and try to catch or to reach a goal

FN: pursue v Cotheme
FN: pursue v Seeking_to_achieve

like: pursue
to drive or pursue a policy có động cơ chính trị
to pursue a job, career theo đuổi công việc
(1) to chase, pursue
(2) to pluck, plow
to study, pursue one’s studies tòng học
pursue persistently and eagerly, pursue steadily, follow đeo đẳng

We hid from our pursuers in an empty house. hide
We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality. policy
to pursue a goal/an aim/an objective pursue
We intend to pursue this policy with determination. pursue
She wishes to pursue a medical career. pursue
to pursue legal action pursue
We have decided not to pursue the matter. pursue
She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press. pursue
Police pursued the car at high speed. pursue

poursuivre je poursuis cette criminelle