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EVP proposal
EVP propose
EVP proposed
EVP proposition

OXF3000ZH: 提议 建议 求婚 proposal
OXF3000ZH: 提议 propose
3000TH: ร่าง raangF draft, proposal
5000FR: proposer to propose
5000FR: proposition proposition, proposal
OXF3000N sự đề nghị đề xuất proposal
OXF3000N đề nghị đề xuất đưa ra propose
WNS: (n.) [proposal] proposition
WNS: (n.) [proposal] marriage proposal
WNS: (n.) [proposition] statement

like: propos

2139 I need a few days to think about your proposal. Tôi cần một ít hôm để suy nghĩ về đề xuất của cậu.

He accepted all the changes we proposed. accept
Your proposal is being actively considered. actively
last minute additions to the government's package of proposals addition
agree to sth: Do you think he'll agree to their proposal? agree
agree (that)...: We agreed (that) the proposal was a good one. agree
The proposal is subject to approval by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it). approval
approval (for sth) (from sb): They required/received approval for the proposal from the shareholders. approval
This proposal has attracted a lot of interest. attract
an attractive offer/proposition attractive
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
the broad outline of a proposal broad
concrete evidence/proposals/proof concrete
Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow. congress
it is considered that...: It is considered that the proposed development would create much-needed jobs. consider
The proposals are currently under consideration (= being discussed). consideration
consult with sb (about/on sth): I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals. consult
She was decidedly cool about the proposal. cool
After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. debate
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
enquiry into sth: a public enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road enquiry
I'm not entirely happy about the proposal. entirely
Your proposals are still under examination. examination
examine how, what, etc...: It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out. examine
A new proposal followed on from the discussions. follow
Are you for or against the proposal? for
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
The proposal has generated a lot of interest. generate
There is growing opposition to the latest proposals. grow
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
We'll be taking a close look at these proposals (= examining them carefully). look
The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. model
There is a wide body of opinion that supports this proposal. opinion
Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law. in opposition to sb/sth
We outlined our proposals to the committee. outline
an outline agreement/proposal outline
power (to do sth): The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals. power
The article presents these proposals as misguided. present
They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. in principle
to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal proposal
proposal to do sth: a proposal to build more office accommodation proposal
proposal that...: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. proposal
proposal for sth: They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement. proposal
He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse. propose
propose to sb: She proposed to me! propose
propose sth (to sb): to propose marriage propose
propose to do sth: What do you propose to do now? propose
propose doing sth: How do you propose getting home? propose
propose sth: The government proposed changes to the voting system. propose
What would you propose? propose
propose that...: She proposed that the book be banned. propose
She proposed that the book should be banned. propose
it is proposed that...: It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years. propose
propose doing sth: He proposed changing the name of the company. propose
it is proposed to do sth: It was proposed to pay the money from public funds. propose
The proposals have been favourably received by most political commentators. receive
proposals to reform the social security system reform
The proposal was firmly rejected. reject
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone. satisfy
Details of the proposals remain secret. secret
These proposals deserve careful study. study
We welcome any comments and suggestions on these proposals. suggestion
support sb/sth: to support a proposal support
Only a few people spoke in support of the proposal. support
These proposals are perfectly in tune with our own thoughts on the subject. be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)
They are trying to win support for their proposals. win
We're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals. yes

proposer le jeune Français propose une promenade au parc
proposition sa proposition soulève certaines questions