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偏见 pian1jian4 prejudice Thành kiến

EVP prejudice

5000FR: préjugé prejudice, bias
GBENDE: 损失 prejudice Schaden
GBENDE: 偏见 prejudice Vorurteil
CORE: prejudice + + + + + + +
SAT: prejudice + A judgment or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. 
WNS: (n.) [prejudice] bias, preconception

ENDE: prejudice Schaden
ENDE: prejudice Voreingenommenheit
ENDE: prejudice Vorurteil
FN: prejudice n Partiality

like: prejudice

to fight an uphill battle against prejudice battle

préjugé il est moins facile de désintégrer un préjugé qu’un atome