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pinion bánh răng cưa

EVP opinion

OXF3000ZH: 意见 看法 主张 opinion
3000TH: ความคิดเห็น khwaamM khitH henR opinion
3000TH: ความเห็น khwaamM henR opinion
3000TH: ว่า waaF to think, say, criticize, have an opinion; that (as in “said that”)
5000FR: avis opinion, mind
5000FR: opinion opinion
OXF3000N ý kiến quan điểm opinion
WNS: (n.) [opinion] public opinion, popular opinion
WNS: (n.) [opinion] legal opinion, judgment, judgement

ENDE: pinion Ritzel

What is your opinion? Ý kiến của bạn là gì? Politics
opinion Ý kiến Politics
I will never mention your opinion. Tôi sẽ không bao giờ nhắc đến ý kiến của bạn. Verbs 5
I love her opinionatedness. Tôi yêu sự cứng đầu của cô ấy. Informal Expressions
opinionatedness sự cứng đầu Informal Expressions

like: pinion

2178 Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks. Hỏi ý kiến Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì.
2431 Deepak and I have very di erent ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions. Deepak và tôi có ý kiến khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý vớ nhiều ý kiến của anh ấy.
2745 IN my opinion, the movie wasn't that great. Theo ý kiến của tôi, bộ lm không hay đến thế.
2746 IN my mother's opinion, the food AT this restaurant is the best. Theo ý kiến mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất.

The article accurately reflects public opinion. accurately
Your opinion will not affect my decision. affect
I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach (= not easy to talk to in a friendly way). approach
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. back sb/sth up
This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions. balance
Click here to add your opinion to the survey. click
the current climate of opinion (= what people generally are thinking about a particular issue) climate
commonly held opinions commonly
Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. cost
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
Opinion is deeply divided on this issue. deeply
He dismissed the opinion polls as worthless. dismiss
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. entitle
to seek expert advice/an expert opinion expert
Most of the 'don't knows' in the opinion polls came down in favour of (= eventually chose to support) the Democrats. in favour (of sb/sth)
I didn't see enough of the play to form an opinion about it. form
This opinion is common among the general population (= ordinary people). general
The general opinion is that the conference was a success. general
I hear what you're saying (= I have listened to your opinion), but you're wrong. hear
His teachers think very highly of him (= have a very good opinion of him). highly
Give me your honest opinion. honest
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
She has a very low opinion of her own abilities. low
'I think this is the best so far.' 'Well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may think differently). matter
He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him). matter
It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion. mistake
opinion (about/of/on sb/sth): We were invited to give our opinions about how the work should be done. opinion
I've recently changed my opinion of her. opinion
Everyone had an opinion on the subject. opinion
opinion (that...): The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable. opinion
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
In my opinion, it's a very sound investment. opinion
It is our opinion that he should resign. opinion
If you want my opinion, I think you'd be crazy not to accept. opinion
legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) opinion
There is a difference of opinion (= people disagree) as to the merits of the plan. opinion
Opinion is divided (= people disagree) on the issue. opinion
There is a wide body of opinion that supports this proposal. opinion
Which is the better is a matter of opinion (= people have different opinions about it). opinion
They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion. opinion
I'd like a second opinion (= advice from another person) before I make a decision. opinion
Of course, this is just a personal opinion. personal
to have a poor opinion of sb (= to not think well of sb) poor
Popular opinion was divided on the issue. popular
the freedom of the Press/press freedom (= the freedom to report any events and express opinions) press
This latest scandal will not have done their public image (= the opinion that people have of them) any good. public
He held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her). regard
respect sb/sth: I respect Jack's opinion on most subjects. respect
I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. in return (for sth)
I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. revise
The media play a major role in influencing people's opinions. role
Anna thinks I'm lazy—what do you say (= what is your opinion)? say
I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich). say
Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion). see
a dramatic shift in public opinion shift
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
There's something in (= some truth or some fact or opinion worth considering in) what he says. something
Opinion on the street was divided. street
the strength of public opinion strength
This is an issue I feel strongly about (= I have firm opinions about). strongly
Accountants were boring. Such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! such
The President is out of tune with public opinion. be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)
varied opinions varied
He's a man whose opinion I respect. whose

avis j’ai changé d’avis
opinion notre opinion et notre politique doivent être crédibles