Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP phrase

OXF3000ZH: 短语 习惯用语 phrase
3000TH: โชคดีนะ cho:hkF deeM naH good luck! (phrase)
3000TH: แบบไหน baaepL naiR what type? (phrase)
3000TH: ไปนอน bpaiM naawnM go to bed (phrase)
3000TH: ไม่ ... เลย maiF leeuyM not ... at all (phrase)
5000FR: phrase sentence, phrase
OXF3000: cụm từ phrase
OXF3000N câu thành ngữ cụm từ phrase
GBENDE: 句子 phrase Satz
CORE: phrase + + + + + + +
NGLS: phrase + group of words that forms a unit and expresses a single meaning

ENDE: phrase Satz
FN: phrase v Encoding

like: phrase
beautiful phrase or verse giai cú
word, phrase borrowed from Chinese từ ngữ mượn từ tiếng Tầu
type of satirical poem phrase or proverb yết hậu

a memorable phrase phrase
She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'. phrase
This phrase is repeated at intervals throughout the song. repeat

phrase je vomissais les phrases dans un très grand désordre