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if phải chi

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Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions. action
You have to admire the way he handled the situation. admire
Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees? bear
You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes. bear
claim sth from sth: She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered. claim
Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. competitive
Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases. cost
The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters (= they did not trust it any longer). crisis
Police had to break up the crowd. crowd
The aircraft suffered seven hits in the raid. hit
intention (that...): It was not my intention that she should suffer. intention
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
Enemy troops suffered heavy losses. loss
Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance. nerve
It cost us nothing to go in. nothing
Some people have to share an office. office
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. peace
You will be held personally responsible for any loss or breakage. personally
Male pride forced him to suffer in silence. pride
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
University teachers are under pressure to publish. publish
We must all bear some responsibility for what happened. responsibility
to be under sentence of death sentence
He's not one to suffer in silence! (= to suffer without telling sb) silence
His school work is suffering because of family problems. suffer