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to defend phòng ngự

OXF3000N phòng ngủ bedroom

like: phòng ngự
das Schlafzimmer phòng ngủ
die vorbeugende Maßnahme biện pháp phòng ngừa
die Vorsorgeuntersuchung xét nghiệm phòng ngừa bệnh

Sagen Sie, gibt es Fernsehen im Schlafzimmer? Vây có truyền hình trong phòng ngủ không? (Lektion 8, Nr. 74)
Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)

The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back. back
the spare bedroom bedroom
a hotel with 20 bedrooms bedroom
This is the master bedroom (= the main bedroom of the house). bedroom
a bedroom carpet carpet
Prevention also plays a central role in traditional medicine. central
I went into the bedroom to change. change
the bedroom door door
I thought someone came into the bedroom, but it was just a dream. dream
We have an extension in the bedroom. extension
a two-bedroom house house
A light was still burning in the bedroom. light
We're making our attic into an extra bedroom. make sb/sth into sb/sth
The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft. measure
measure (to do sth): We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
When you painted your bedroom, you missed a bit (= of the wall) under the window. miss
There's a bathroom off the main bedroom. off
a one-bedroomed apartment one
The bedroom was decorated in pale pinks. pink
The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. private
I think Simon is in his room (= bedroom). room
separate bedrooms separate
She set up her stereo in her bedroom. set sth up
I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom. shelf
Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom! shut sb/sth out (of sth)
The Irish team were solid as a rock in defence. solid
We've got a spare bedroom, if you'd like to stay. spare
The bedroom needed three tins of paint (= in order to paint it). tin
bedroom/kitchen/storage units unit
There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms. water
The team's weak points are in defence. weak
the bedroom/car/kitchen, etc. window window