Beginner Level Advanced Level



passive bị động
passive thụ động
被动 bei4dong4 passive Thụ động

EVP passive

3000TH: เฉย cheeuyR to be calm, still, passive, indifferent
5000FR: passif passive, liabilities
SAT: passive + Unresponsive. 
WNS: (a.) [passive] inactive

ENDE: passive passiv
ENDE: passive passives

be (passive) được Passive
by (passive sentence) bởi Passive

like: passive
(1) bag, (knap)sack
(2) to suffer, undergo, experience, (suffering passive marker)
(3) to prepare for in advance

a proven association between passive smoking and cancer association
your passive vocabulary (= the words that you understand but don't use) vocabulary

passif nous ne jouons pas un rôle passif