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otter rái cá

EVP lottery
EVP pottery
EVP otter
EVP totter

WNS: (n.) [pottery] clayware

ENDE: otter Otter

Have you bought a lottery ticket yet? Bạn đã mua vé số chưa? Sports
lottery ticket vé số Sports

like: otter

1351 Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky. Mua một vé xổ số đi. Có khi cậu gặp may đấy.

lottery funding for the arts art
Her life changed completely when she won the lottery. change
I've been taking classes in pottery. class
'Otter' is spelt with a double t. double
You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies. hot
It was hot and getting hotter. hot
Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal. hunting
Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site. level
The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US. pack
Rotterdam is a major port. port
a lottery/raffle ticket ticket
This is a typical example of Roman pottery. typical
He won £3 000 in the lottery. win