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OXF3000D: mở open offen

ENDE: candidly offen
ENDE: frank offen
ENDE: open offen
ENDE: overt offen

like: offen
hoffen hi vọng
offensichtlich rõ ràng
veröffentlichen Đưa ra, công bố
besoffen say, say xỉn
die Offenbarung sự hiện ra, sự khải huyền
hoffentlich hy vọng là

hoffen 希望 xīwàng
offensichtlich 明显的 míng xiǎn de
veröffentlichen 公开 gōng kāi
besoffen 喝醉 hēzuì
Offenbarung 启示 qǐshì
hoffentlich 但愿 dànyuàn

Tri stellt sich offensichtlich nicht ganz so geschickt an. Trí bố trí rõ ràng là không khéo léo cho lắm. (Lektion 46, Nr. 656)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Schon Monate vor dem Tag der Wahl veröffentlichen die Parteien ihre Programme. Một vài tháng trước ngày bầu cử các đảng phái đưa ta chương trình của họ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1153)
Tri ist zwar nicht direkt betroffen, aber das Thema beschäftigt ihn. Trí tuy không trực tiếp liên quan đến, nhưng đề tài này cũng làm anh quan tâm đến. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1164)
Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen mit diesen Informationen helfen konnten. Chúng tôi hi vọng những thông tin trên có thể giúp ích cho anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1357)
Ich glaube, wir haben uns noch nicht getroffen. Tôi nghĩ là chúng ta chưa biết nhau. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1424)
Wurde in dieser Fachzeitschrift schon etwas zu unserem Thema veröffentlicht? Trong tạp chí chuyên ngành này có bài viết nào về đề tài của chúng ta không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1628)
Ich habe nach meinem Vorstellungsgespräch noch nichts von Ihnen gehört und wollte mich jetzt erkunden, ob noch Fragen offen geblieben sind. Sau cuộc phỏng vấn tôi chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà và vì vậy tôi muốn hỏi, liệu còn có câu hỏi nào vẫn chưa được trả lời không? (Lektion 109, Nr. 1973)
Zahlen Sie bitte umgehend den offenen Rechnungsbetrag. Xin hãy thanh toán ngay số tiền còn nợ. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2532)

accept sth for sth: My article has been accepted for publication. accept
We met by accident at the airport. by accident
The article accurately reflects public opinion. accurately
A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article. action
The south of the country was worst affected by the drought. affect
Rub the cream into the affected areas. affect
agree sth: They met at the agreed time. agree
agreement between A and B: An agreement was finally reached between management and employees. agreement
agreement to do sth: They had made a verbal agreement to sell. agreement
aim at sb/sth: I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake. aim
Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open. annoying
The eagerly anticipated movie will be released next month. anticipate
We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. anything
Their devotion was apparent. apparent
My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school. apparent
Their affluence is more apparent than real (= they are not as rich as they seem to be). apparent
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
After some heated argument a decision was finally taken. argument
argument that...: His argument was that public spending must be reduced. argument
He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies. associate
The book was published in association with (= together with) English Heritage. association
changes in public attitudes to marriage attitude
I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone. awkward
The country has been badly affected by recession. badly
a campaign to ban smoking in public places ban
I think we've met before. before
She doesn't know how to behave in public. behave
We're hoping for better weather tomorrow. better
At the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers the most), the highest bid for the picture was £200. bid
He landed a blow on Hill's nose. blow
the Board of Education (= a group of elected officials who are in charge of all the public schools in a particular area) board
A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. body
I am anxious not to build up false hopes (= to encourage people to hope for too much). build sth up
The trial was held in camera. in camera
It was careless of me to leave the door open. careless
Someone had carelessly left a window open. carelessly
I met her by chance (= without planning to) at the airport. chance
Resources are finite, and choices have to be made between competing priorities and needs. choice
There is a wide range of choices open to you. choice
She's the obvious choice for the job. choice
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
the government's commitment to public services commitment
This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). common
All channels of communication need to be kept open. communication
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
The individuals concerned have some explaining to do. concern
To whom it may concern ... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) concern
Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned. concern
Concerned parents held a meeting. concerned
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
providers and consumers of public services consumer
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion. contribute
I think you've made the correct decision. correct
open/wooded, etc. country country
People in public life must always be open to criticism (= willing to accept being criticized). criticism
We did a deal with the management on overtime. deal
An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport. decline
the delivery of public services delivery
Her paintings reveal hidden depths (= unknown and interesting things about her character). depth
the development of vaccines against tropical diseases development
The writer's letters and diaries are being published next year. diary
direct sth at sth/sb: The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body. direct
We have not been directly affected by the cuts. directly
disadvantage (of sth): One major disadvantage of the area is the lack of public transport. disadvantage
The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved. disappointing
Nine per cent of commuters used public transport in 2008 and the trend is downwards. downwards
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
due for sth: The band's first album is due for release later this month. due
educate sb to do sth: The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. educate
It was so embarrassing having to sing in public. embarrassing
encourage sb: We were greatly encouraged by the positive response of the public. encourage
enquiry into sth: a public enquiry into the environmental effects of the proposed new road enquiry
We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information. exchange
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. explain
The president took the extraordinary step of apologizing publicly for his behaviour! extraordinary
Place the card face up on the pile. face up/down
The two have never met face to face before. face to face (with sb)
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
government/public/personal finances finance
When did you first meet him? first
Several people were hit by flying glass. fly
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
force sth: Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position. force
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
free from artificial colours and flavourings free
Once into the open street they could breathe more freely. freely
The bad weather has been fairly general (= has affected most areas). general
Once you have made this decision, there will be no going back (= you will not be able to change your mind). go back (to sth)
He headed the ball into an open goal (= one that had nobody defending it). goal
Good, I think we've come to a decision. good
Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow. good
I'm happy to leave it till tomorrow. happy
I can hardly keep my eyes open (= I'm almost falling asleep). hardly
hear it said (that)...: I've heard it said (that) they met in Italy. hear
His death didn't really hit me at first. hit
Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. hit
Spain was one of the hardest hit countries. hit
I was hit by a falling stone. hit
The town was hit by bombs again last night. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
They are about to release an album of their greatest hits. hit
Hopefully the doctors will allow her home tomorrow. home
The meeting was described as 'a frank and honest exchange of views'. honest
Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed. hope
horror of doing sth: Most people have a horror of speaking in public. horror
We hope to be there within the hour (= in less than an hour). hour
We went on a tour of the house and grounds (= for example, at a country house, open to the public). house
public/private housing housing
She has the window open, however cold it is outside. however
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
His public image is very different from the real person. image
The new policies appear to have caught the imagination of the public (= they find them interesting and exciting). imagination
Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy. immediately
impatient to do sth: She was clearly impatient to leave. impatient
The competition is open to both teams and individuals. individual
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
Dreams are open to interpretation (= they can be explained in different ways). interpretation
to conduct an interview (= to ask sb questions in public) interview
The interview was published in all the papers. interview
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
invitation to do sth: I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan. invitation
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. it
Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy. join
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results. law
They claim to be the party of law and order. law and order
leave sb/sth (+ adj.): Leave the door open, please. leave
Their openness was a terrific lesson to me. lesson
a public/reference/university, etc. library library
The full story was never made public. make
message (from sb) (to sb): Messages of support have been arriving from all over the country message
the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals mineral
A public notice about the planned development was pinned to the wall. notice
to write/publish/read a novel novel
It's obvious from what she said that something is wrong. obvious
I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. obvious
For obvious reasons, I'd prefer not to give my name. obvious
There's no obvious solution to the problem. obvious
The ending was pretty obvious. obvious
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. obvious
Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money. obviously
Diet and exercise are obviously important. obviously
He was obviously drunk. obviously
They're obviously not coming. obviously
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
I've met him on several occasions. occasion
The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places. offense
The original price was £3 000, but I'm open to offers (= willing to consider offers that are less than that). offer
He had been hit on the head. on
I once met your mother. once
I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. once or twice
She was always open with her parents. open
He was quite open about his reasons for leaving. open
I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes. open
an open quarrel open
open government open
their open display of affection open
His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her. open
The system is open to abuse. open
Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess ). open
What options are open to us? open
Is the offer still open? open
I want to keep my Swiss bank account open. open
The house is not open to the public. open
The house had been thrown open to the public. open
an open drain open
The hall of the old house was open to the sky. open
an open wound (= with no skin covering it) open
an open flame open
open country (= without forests, buildings, etc.) open
driving along the open road (= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast) open
Leave the envelope open. open
Her coat was open. open
A wasp flew in the open window. open
She had left the door wide open. open
She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired). open
He was breathing through his open mouth. open
The flowers are all open now. open
The book lay open on the table. open
Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? openly
The men in prison would never cry openly (= so that other people could see). openly
There are various options open to you. option
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
The police are trying to restore public order. order
an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) overall
A large package has arrived for you. package
She was clearly in a lot of pain. pain
They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. peaceful
We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits. permit
Do you know him personally (= have you met him, rather than just knowing about him from other people)? personally
All the arrangements are now in place for their visit. in place
Let's hope everything will go according to plan. plan
I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived. pleased
Popular opinion was divided on the issue. popular
Selling the house is just one possibility that is open to us. possibility
Use public transport whenever possible (= when you can). possible
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
They are hoping to return to power. power
There are some obvious practical applications of the research. practical
We had met on two previous occasions. previous
The book contains a number of photographs not previously published. previously
In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail. privately
it is proposed to do sth: It was proposed to pay the money from public funds. propose
prove sth: They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence. prove
provide sth for sb: We are here to provide a service for the public. provide
provide sb with sth: We are here to provide the public with a service. provide
Let's go somewhere a little less public. public
a public figure (= a person who is well known because they are often on the television, radio, etc.) public
She entered public life (= started a job in which she became known to the public) at the age of 25. public
This latest scandal will not have done their public image (= the opinion that people have of them) any good. public
a public apology public
The painting will be put on public display next week. public
public money/spending/funding/expenditure public
He spent much of his career in public office (= working in the government). public
The rail industry is no longer in public ownership (= controlled by the government). public
a public education system public
a public library public
The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues. public
Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health. public
Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest (= useful to ordinary people)? public
The government had to bow to public pressure. public
He later publicly apologized for his comments. publicly
This information is not publicly available. publicly
The palace is now open to the public. public
There have been many complaints from members of the public. public
The public has/have a right to know what is contained in the report. public
She doesn't like to be seen in public without her make-up on. in public
They never argue in public. in public
the publication of his first novel publication
a delay in the publication of the exam results publication
The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs. publication
He works for a company that publishes reference books. publish
Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers. publish
The editors published a full apology in the following edition. publish
The report will be published on the Internet. publish
She hasn't published anything for years. publish
University teachers are under pressure to publish. publish
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
Which route is better remains an open question (= it is not decided). question
The future of public transport is not in question. in question
We need to raise public awareness of the issue. raise
She is rarely seen in public nowadays. rarely
Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation. rate
recall (sb/sth) doing sth: I can't recall meeting her before. recall
regret that...: I regret that I never got to meet him in person. regret
to release a movie/book/CD release
The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas/movie theaters) next week. release
They are hoping to repeat last year's victory. repeat
The committee will publish their report on the health service in a few weeks. report
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
reveal yourself: She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself. reveal
right (in doing sth): Am I right in thinking we've met before? right
On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. scale
We left port and headed for the open sea (= far away from land). sea
As a dancer, he is second to none (= nobody is a better dancer than he is). second
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
Several letters arrived this morning. several
areas severely affected by unemployment severely
Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market. share
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
Public attitudes towards marriage have shifted over the past 50 years. shift
a dramatic shift in public opinion shift
She's nearly forty now. And it shows (= it's obvious). show
to speak in public speak
I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern. speak out (against sth)
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
freedom of speech (= the right to say openly what you think) speech
Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk. speech
There is no need to state the obvious (= to say sth that everyone already knows). state
a formal/ a public/a written/an official statement statement
It was many years before the full story was made public. story
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life. strain
That's strange—the front door's open. strange
the strength of public opinion strength
She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life. stress
The tree was struck by lightning. strike
We are open to suggestions (= willing to listen to ideas from other people). suggestion
Her face had obviously caught the sun (= become red or brown) on holiday. sun
We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials. supply
There is strong public support for the change. support
I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear (= sb to talk to about your problems). sympathetic
It's a prime target (= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks. target
Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then. then
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
His poems were published under the title of 'Love and Reason'. title
public toilets toilet
The President is out of tune with public opinion. be in/out of tune (with sb/sth)
I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. twice
The statement is open to various understandings. understanding
I sleep with the window open unless it's really cold. unless
Lay the cards face up (= facing upwards) on the table. up
The English version of the novel is due for publication next year. version
Schools are the latest victims of cuts in public spending. victim
The movie will be released on video in June. video
What is needed is a frank exchange of views. view
There was a violent reaction from the public. violent
He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned. weak
They welcomed the new volunteers with open arms (= with enthusiasm). welcome
The people (who) we met in France have sent us a card. who
Why oh why do people keep leaving the door open? why
She sleeps with the window open. with
The police and the public need to work together to combat crime. work
Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. worst
He'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it. get the worst of it
They would never have met if she hadn't gone to Emma's party. would
No decision has been made at the time of writing. write
'I've never met her before.' 'Yes, you have.' yes
We're hoping that they will say yes to our proposals. yes
an as yet unpublished report as yet