Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000D: hoặc or oder

ENDE: or oder

It snows or rains in winter. Mùa đông tuyết rơi hay trời mưa. * 018
Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove? Bạn nấu bằng điện hay bằng ga? * 021
I would like some fruit or cheese. Tôi muốn hoa quả / trái cây hoặc phó mát. * 033
Black, brown or white? Đen, nâu hay là trắng? * 056
A large one or a small one? To hay là nhỏ? * 056
Do you have a match or a lighter? Bạn có diêm hoặc bật lửa không? * 076
He’ll take either the bus or the train. Anh ấy hoặc là đón xe buýt hoặc là đón tàu hỏa. * 100
He’ll come either this evening or tomorrow morning. Anh ấy hoặc là đến buổi chiều hoặc là buổi sáng ngày mai. * 100
He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. Anh ấy hoặc là ở chỗ chúng tôi hoặc là ở khách sạn. * 100

like: oder
oder hoặc là
modern hiện đại
vermodern, verfaulen thối, mục

oder 或者 huòzhě
modern 时髦的 shí máo de
vermodern, verfaulen 腐烂 fǔlàn

Entschuldigung, welches Benzin brauche ich? Normal, Super oder Diesel? Xin lỗi, xe tôi cần loại xăng nào? Loại thường, đặc biệt hay là dầu Diesel? (Lektion 19, Nr. 217)
Möchten Sie einen Gangsitz oder eine Fenstersitz? Anh muốn ghế gần đường đi hay gần cửa số? (Lektion 20, Nr. 237)
Raucher oder Nichtraucher? Hút thuốc hay không hút thuốc? (Lektion 20, Nr. 239)
Ja, ich weiß. Möchten Sie erste oder zweite Klasse? Đúng, tôi biết. Anh muốn vé hạng nhất hay hạng nhì? (Lektion 20, Nr. 241)
Wir können Reis kochen oder machen gebackene Kartoffeln und gebratenes Fleisch oder Fisch. Chúng ta có thể nấu cơm hay làm món khoai tây chiên với thịt hay cá chiên. (Lektion 23, Nr. 285)
Könntest du mir eine Halskette oder Ohrringe mitbringen? Anh có thế lấy giúp em một sợi dây chuyền hay bông tai được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 317)
Sie denkt, dass der Ring verloren geht oder so ähnlich. Bà sợ rằng chiếc nhẫn có thế bị mất hay tương tự như vậy. (Lektion 25, Nr. 321)
Tri schrie sofort: Geben Sie den Ring zurück oder ich rufe die Polizei! Tri ngay lập tức la lên: Trả lại tôi chiếc nhẫn hoặc là tôi gọi cảnh sát. (Lektion 27, Nr. 345)
Wollen Sie etwas Mineralwasser oder Limonade? Anh có muốn uống nước khoáng hay nước chanh không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 366)
Empfängnisverhütungsmittel wie Kondome oder die Pille sind im zweiten Fach. Dụng cụ phòng tránh thai như bao cao su hoặc thuốc tránh thai thì ở ngăn thứ hai. (Lektion 33, Nr. 442)
Möglicherweise hättest du eine Magenverstimmung oder eine Vergiftung. Có thế là anh có vấn đề với dạ dày hoặc bị ngộ độc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 450)
Ich würde dir keine Pillen oder Antibiotikum geben. Em sẽ không đưa thuốc cho anh. (Lektion 33, Nr. 451)
Sie haben Sonnenbrand und brauchen Sonnencreme oder sie haben eine Allergie. Họ bị cháy nắng và cần kem chống nắng hoặc bị dị ứng. (Lektion 33, Nr. 453)
Einige Leute haben eine Verletzung oder eine Wunde und verlieren Blut. Một vài người bị thương hoặc trầy xước và mất máu. (Lektion 33, Nr. 454)
Oder musst du sie dann irgendwo abholen? Hay là em phải đi nhận ở đâu đó. (Lektion 36, Nr. 505)
Sollte ich sie in schwarz, weiß, gelb, grau, blau, rot, grün oder in braun nehmen? Em nên lấy màu đen, trắng, vàng, xám, xanh da trời, đỏ, xanh lá cây hay màu nâu? (Lektion 36, Nr. 509)
Nein, ich möchte eine Spielshow oder einen richtigen Film sehen. Thôi ,em chỉ muốn xem chương trình trò chơi giải trí hoặc một bộ phim thôi. (Lektion 38, Nr. 549)
Möchtest du mit mir ein Doppelbett teilen, oder sollen wir einzelne Betten nehmen? Em muốn nằm giường đôi với anh hay là chúng ta nằm giường đơn? (Lektion 42, Nr. 598)
Möchtest du mit mir Skifahren gehen oder möchtest du eine Romanze? Anh muốn đi trượt tuyết cùng em hay là anh muốn một cuộc hẹn hò lãng mạn? (Lektion 42, Nr. 599)
Das ist gut. Oder wir laufen. Laufen ist sehr gesund. Tốt. Hay chúng ta chạy đi. Chạy rất tốt mà. (Lektion 42, Nr. 607)
Hast du schon mal darauf geachtet, ob du du eher am Tag oder am Abend telefonierst? Bạn đã từng để ý, rằng bạn điện thoại nhiều vào ban ngày hay tối không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 837)
Lass uns doch das Radio einschalten oder im Internet nach mehr Informationen suchen. Chúng ta hãy bật đài hoặc lên mạng tìm kiếm thêm thông tin. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1039)
Der Wassermann ist tolerant, fortschrittlich und modern. Bảo bình thì khoan dung, luôn tiến về phía trước và hiện đại. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1145)
Vielen Mitarbeitern drohen Gehaltskürzungen oder Arbeitslosigkeit. Nhiều nhân công có nguy cơ bị cắt giảm lương hoặc bị thất nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1163)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Das Licht an meinem Arbeitsplatz ist schlecht: Entweder es ist zu hell oder zu dunkel! Ánh sáng ở chỗ làm của tôi không tốt: hoặc là quá sáng hoặc quá tối! (Lektion 111, Nr. 2032)
Sind Sie geschäftlich oder privat hier? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà đến đây vì công việc hay việc cá nhân? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2387)

Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. addition
Police found him at an address (= a house or flat/apartment) in West London. address
Sweden has a reputation for advanced and stylish design. advanced
I could come next week, or the week after. after
Are you for or against the death penalty? against
We don't know whether he's alive or dead. alive
'They're off to Spain next week.' 'It's all right for some, isn't it?' (= some people are lucky) all right
Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle. alongside
You're not leaving already, are you? already
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. alternative
alternative energy (= electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.) alternative
to answer a letter/an advertisement answer
You should apply in person/by letter. apply
modern/contemporary/American art art
Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? association
You're taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren't you? attitude
Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting. attractive
the autumn term (= for example at a school or college in Britain) autumn
children of above/below average intelligence average
Do you sleep on your back or your front? back
You're not hungry, are you? be
Ben's coming, isn't he? be
She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral. believe
the benefits of modern medicine benefit
bore sb: I'm not boring you, am I? bore
It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have expected it). bound
The book serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science. bridge
a broad smile/grin (= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused) broad
Shall we walk or go by bus? bus
Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure? business
He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it. call
call sb/sth + adj.: Would you call it blue or green? call
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
Fragile—handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged) care
Payments can be made by cheque or in cash. cash
the 20th century (= AD 1901-2000 or 1900-1999) century
Could you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? change
The modern hotels here have no real character. character
Check the container for cracks or leaks. check
to cash a cheque (= to get or give money for a cheque) cheque
All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. chip
She's going to do it. She doesn't have much choice, really, does she? choice
After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours: a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky. choice
choose between A and/or B: She had to choose between staying in the UK or going home. choose
choose whether, wat, etc...: You'll have to choose whether to buy it or not. choose
differences of class, race or gender class
The novel may become a modern classic. classic
to clear out a drawer/room clear out, clear sth out
He's too clever by half, if you ask me (= it annoys me or makes me suspicious). clever
That (= what you just did) wasn't very clever, was it? (= it wasn't sensible) clever
Tea or coffee? coffee
discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or religion colour
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
combine A and/with B: The hotel combines comfort with convenience. combine
Will the colour come out (= become faint or disappear) if I wash it? come out (of sth)
The hotel has all modern comforts/every modern comfort. comfort
Please email us or leave a comment on our website. comment
a commercial vehicle (= one that is used for carrying goods or passengers who pay) commercial
To whom it may concern ... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) concern
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries or concerns about this work. concern
He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship. confront
confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a' confusion
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? contact
She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. contact
I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. contact
The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). contact
Her statement contained one or two inaccuracies. contain
He got so angry he lost control (= shouted and said or did things he would not normally do). control
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
You couldn't have left it on the bus, could you? could
It's the thought that counts (= used about a small but kind action or gift). count
We're going to crash, aren't we? crash
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? cream
to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other) cross
Do you live with your mum or your dad? dad
Make sure you insure your camera against loss or damage. damage
modern/classical dance dance
'Nicky won't find out, will she?' 'Oh, no, there's no danger of that.' danger
We'd be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion. dangerous ground
data retrieval (= ways of storing or finding information on a computer) data
She couldn't decide whether he was telling the truth or not. decide
That's definite then, is it? definite
Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not. definitely
Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32°F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0°C). degree
Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues. degree
The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports. deny
He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to. depending on
design sth: to design a car/a dress/an office design
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
What difference will it make if he knows or not? make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
'Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?' 'It makes no difference (to me).' make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
This recording is available online or on disc. disc
You live in New York, don't you? do
She doesn't work here, does she? do
to answer the door (= to go and open it because sb has knocked on it or rung the bell) door
classical/Elizabethan/modern, etc. drama drama
dream sth: Did it really happen or did I just dream it? dream
Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train? drive
Police arrested him for being drunk and disorderly (= violent or noisy in a public place because of being drunk). drunk
'Red or blue?' 'I'll take one of each, please.' each
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
I tried to persuade him, but with little or no effect. effect
Well, I think she's either Czech or Slovak. either
I'm going to buy either a camera or a DVD player with the money. either
Either he could not come or he did not want to. either
He either forgot or else decided not to come. or else
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering. engineering
an environmental group/movement (= that aims to improve or protect the natural environment) environmental
She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all. equally
250 grams or an equivalent amount in ounces equivalent
Send €20 or the equivalent in your own currency. equivalent
The price is given in dollars or euros. euro
It's not exactly beautiful, is it? (= it's ugly) not exactly
Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation. example
Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception. exception
an expert on modern literature expert
While I was saving I had no money for little extras or luxuries. extra
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
The success or failure of the plan depends on you. failure
A whale is a fish. True or false? FALSE
the Royal Family (= the children and close relations of the king or queen) family
modern farming methods farming
She's not in favour with (= supported or liked by) the media just now. favour
Feelings are running high (= people are very angry or excited). feeling
feeling (about/on sth): I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other. feeling
a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds or dollars) figure
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
fine sb sth (for sth/for doing sth): The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations. fine
flat shoes (= with no heels or very low ones) flat
Do you live in a flat or a house? flat
You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter. follow sth up
I've been on my feet (= standing or walking around) all day. foot
walking around the house in bare feet (= not wearing shoes or socks) foot
Are you for or against the proposal? for
Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work? for
a foreign correspondent (= one who reports on foreign countries in newspapers or on television) foreign
He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former. former
ball games, such as football or tennis game
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
Shall we go for a drink (= at a pub or bar) after work? go
She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there). go
70% of pupils got Grade C or above. grade
You're on dangerous ground (= talking about ideas that are likely to offend sb or make people angry) if you criticize his family. ground
ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea) ground
Is this really happening or is it a dream? happen
I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth). head
Set the oven to a low/high/moderate heat. heat
She stood there, hesitating over whether or not to tell him the truth. hesitate
They claim that they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did). hide
ancient/medieval/modern history history
a TV game show host host
Be quiet or you'll wake the whole house! house
The hostages were used as a human shield (= a person or group of people that is forced to stay in a particular place where they would be hurt or killed if their country attacked it). human
I'm not going to fall, am I? I
I'm taller than her, aren't I? I
Desserts are served with cream or ice cream. ice cream
She went through an identity crisis in her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). identity
I wonder if I should wear a coat or not. if
He couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying. if
We must listen to their problems, real or imaginary. imaginary
Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight? imagination
Is the tide coming in or going out? in
The new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly. indirectly
No damage or injuries were reported. injury
interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. interpret
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz. introduction
She needs a kick up the backside (= she needs to be strongly encouraged to do sth or to behave better). kick
Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? know
You know about Amanda's baby, don't you? know
'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). know
She married in her late twenties (= when she was 28 or 29). late
He's too easily led (= easily persuaded to do or think sth). lead
Other countries can teach us a lesson or two on industrial policy. lesson
We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). light
Modern video cameras are light and easy to carry. light
I try to eat lightly (= not to eat heavy or greasy food). lightly
You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not. like
The detergent comes in powder or liquid form. liquid
Students have little or no choice in the matter. little
She said little or nothing (= hardly anything) about her experience. little
She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) lung
The shaver will run off batteries or mains. main
to maintain prices (= prevent them falling or rising) maintain
She has made (= directed or acted in) several movies. make
early/modern/Prehistoric man man
a market town (= a town in Britain where a regular market is or was held) market
an arranged marriage (= one in which the parents choose a husband or wife for their child) marriage
If you suspect a gas leak do not strike a match or use electricity. match
That may or may not be true. may
Do you mean Ann Smith or Mary Smith? mean
advances in modern medicine medicine
Television is the modern medium of communication. medium
He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. mental
When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind. come/spring to mind
Mind your language! (= don't speak in a rude or offensive way) mind
'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'I don't mind—either's fine.' mind
minority neighborhoods (= where no or few white people live) minority
a mixed marriage (= between two people of different races or religions) mixed
Anger is often caused by frustration or embarrassment, or a mixture of the two. mixture
the modern industrial world modern
Modern European history modern
Stress is a major problem of modern life. modern
Shakespeare's language can be a problem for modern readers. modern
modern art/architecture/drama/jazz modern
a modern computer system modern
modern methods of farming modern
the most modern, well-equipped hospital in London modern
It's Monday today, isn't it? Monday
We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year. money
He's always in a bad mood (= unhappy, or angry and impatient). mood
I've more or less finished the book. more or less
She could earn $200 a night, more or less. more or less
a museum of modern art museum
Every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing). music
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
The music was still open on the piano (= the paper or book with the musical notes on it). music
You don't need to leave yet, do you? need
You're new here, aren't you? new
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? news
Just say yes or no. no
'It's not very good, is it?' 'No, you're right, it isn't (= I agree).' no
I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. not
Whose side are you on (= which of two or more different views do you support)? on
I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. once or twice
Do you want one or two? one
We've had one or two problems—nothing serious. one or two
Is your sister older or younger than you? or
Are you coming or not? or
Is it a boy or a girl? or
It can be black, white or grey. or
There are people without homes, jobs or family. or
There were six or seven of us there. or
geology, or the science of the earth's crust or
It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds. or
He was lying—or was he? or
It'll cost €100 or so. or so
He's a factory supervisor or something. or somebody/something/somewhere, somebody/something/somewhere or other
a side order (= for example, vegetables or salad that you eat with your main dish) order
Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly. organize
You must ask one or other of your parents. other
Let's go out this evening (= for example to a restaurant or club). out
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. outline
Do you own your house or do you rent it? own
We encourage all students to work at their own pace (= as fast or as slow as they can). pace
She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views. patience
Are you paying in cash or by credit card? pay
performance indicators (= things that show how well or badly sth is working) performance
a permanent fixture (= a person or an object that is always in a particular place) permanent
The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown. person
This insurance policy covers you against personal injury or death. personal
You will be held personally responsible for any loss or breakage. personally
Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally? personally
pill-popping (= the act of taking too many pills or using illegal drugs) pill
plain yogurt (= without sugar or fruit) plain
covers in plain or printed cotton plain
Are you in Paris on business or pleasure? pleasure
Get out of the house or I'll call the police. police
port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country) port
It is not within my power (= I am unable or not in a position) to help you. power
Praise be (to God)! (= expressing belief or joy) praise
prefer sth: 'Coffee or tea?' 'I'd prefer tea, thanks.' prefer
present sth: The company has decided it must present a more modern image. present
a presentation copy (= a free book given by the author or publisher ) presentation
a pressure gauge (= an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a liquid or a gas) pressure
You haven't gone back on your promise, have you? promise
push sb to do sth: No one pushed you to take the job, did they? push
Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt. put
He was too trusting—or, to put it another way, he had no head for business. put
The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation. question
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex race
She worked as a secretary, or rather, a personal assistant. rather
In the end he had to walk—or rather run—to the office. rather
Would you rather walk or take the bus? would rather... (than)
'Did you enjoy the book?' 'Not really ' (= 'no' or 'not very much'). really
I don't really need to go, do I? really
For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand) we all have to come in early tomorrow. reason
What is your greatest regret (= the thing that you are most sorry about doing or not doing)? regret
Do you want regular or diet cola? regular
Regular or large fries? regular
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us. relative
modern methods of pain relief relief
a religious house (= a monastery or convent ) religious
the town's resident population (= not tourists or visitors) resident
resistance to sb/sth: The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police. resistance
a restricted area (= controlled by laws about speed or parking) restricted
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. reverse
It was Monday you went to see Angie, right? right
all rights reserved (= protected or kept for the owners of the book, film/movie, etc.) right
Rightly or wrongly, many older people are afraid of violence in the streets. rightly
roll sth (+ adv./prep.): She rolled her eyes upwards (= to show surprise or disapproval). roll
Money, or love of money, is said to be the root of all evil. root
The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail (= sails). sail
All main courses come with salad or vegetables. salad
That says it all really, doesn't it? (= it shows clearly what is true) say
a scare story (= a news report that spreads more anxiety or fear about sth than is necessary) scare
the advance of modern science science
Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? (= on a plane) seat
teachers of English as a second language (= to people who already speak one or more other languages) second
The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). see
He says he won't help, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that (= I will demand that he does help). see about sth
You'll soon be feeling your old self again (= feeling well or happy again). self
to send sb to prison/boarding school send
In some senses (= in one or more ways) the criticisms were justified. sense
One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh). sense
the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society series
serve sth + adj.: The quiche can be served hot or cold. serve
sexual orientation (= whether you are heterosexual or homosexual ) sexual
These plants grow well in sun or shade. shade
I'm looking for a flat share (= a flat that is shared by two or more people who are not related). share
Emma has a sharp tongue (= she often speaks in an unpleasant or unkind way). sharp
What a sweet little dog. Is it a he or a she? she
Perhaps I sheltered my daughter too much (= protected her too much from unpleasant or difficult experiences). shelter
Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. ship
She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care). shoulder
to host a show show
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
a silly sense of humour silly
Stir the paint with a piece of wood or something similar. similar
You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. simply
a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) single
Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) smoking
George is going to help me, or so he says (= that is what he says). so
We stayed for an hour or so. ... or so
modern industrial societies society
I like some modern music (= but not all of it). some
Should we call a doctor or someone? someone
The car hit a tree or something. something
There's something in (= some truth or some fact or opinion worth considering in) what he says. something
Sooner or later you will have to make a decision. sooner or later
Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year. sort
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
a lack of spiritual values in the modern world spiritual
Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? spot
to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) spring
Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. stand
The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards. standard
Are the following statements true or false? statement
Is that a statement or a question? statement
Stay tuned (= used to ask people to continue listening to or watching a particular programme on the radio or television). stay
+ adv./prep.: I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). stay
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious. sting
He smiled at her, trying to take the sting out of his words (= trying to make the situation less painful or difficult). sting
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
a studio audience (= one in a studio, that can be seen or heard as a programme is broadcast) studio
He said he didn't have time or made some such excuse. such
Her face had obviously caught the sun (= become red or brown) on holiday. sun
I suppose all the tickets have been sold now, have they? suppose
I suppose you think it's funny, do you? (= showing anger). suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? suppose
It's surely only a matter of time before he is found, isn't it? surely
suspect (sth): If you suspect a gas leak, do not strike a match or even turn on an electric light. suspect
You have a very suspicious mind (= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way). suspicious
a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) table
talk sth: Are they talking Swedish or Danish? talk
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
Modern art is not to everyone's taste. taste
Would you like tea or coffee? tea
They reduced her to tears (= made her cry, especially by being cruel or unkind). tear
to make use of the most modern technologies technology
Please write or telephone for details. telephone
a television company/presenter television
The term of agreement can be for either two or three years. term
You don't love me any more, is that it? that's it
She grew up in Zimbabwe, or Rhodesia as it then was. then
In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more. in theory
All things considered (= considering all the difficulties or problems), she's done very well. thing
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one? this
Do you want me to come this Tuesday (= Tuesday of this week) or next Tuesday? this
crimes involving violence or the threat of violence threat
Shall I tie the package or tape it? tie
I'd say he was 25 to 30 years old (= approximately 25 or 30 years old). to
The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case. tone
She's a highly paid TV presenter. TV
May I borrow it for a day or two? a day, moment, pound, etc. or two
Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' typical
They have been unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict. unable
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. understanding
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). understanding
That last comment was a little unnecessary, wasn't it? unnecessary
She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details. unwilling
You look nice with your hair up (= arranged on top of or at the back of your head). up
They've had the road up (= with the surface broken or removed) to lay some pipes. up
Shall we eat out or stay in? It's up to you. be up to sb
urban development (= the process of building towns and cities or making them larger) urban
You used to see a lot of her, didn't you? used to
a police van (= for carrying police officers or prisoners) van
regional/seasonal variation (= depending on the region or time of year) variation
Is this a social visit, or is it business? visit
vote (for/against sb/sth): Did you vote for or against her? vote
want sb/sth + adj.: Do you want your coffee black or white? want
A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art. way
I generally get what I want one way or another (= by some means). way
She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position). well
Well? Are you going to tell us or not? well
Just where (= to what situation or final argument) is all this leading us? where
He seemed undecided whether to go or stay. whether
I asked him whether he had done it all himself or whether someone had helped him. whether
I'll see whether she's at home (= or not at home). whether
You are entitled to a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not. whether
I'm going whether you like it or not. whether
Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best. whether
Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis? which
Do you take your coffee black or white? white
wish sb/sth to do sth: He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go. wish
work on sb/sth: His charm doesn't work on me (= does not affect or impress me). work
the ancient/modern world world
Students should discuss any problems or worries they have with their course tutors. worry
Rightly or wrongly, they felt they should have been better informed (= I do not know whether they were right to feel this way). wrongly
'Are you coming? Yes or no?' yes
I need a simple yes or no to my questions. yes
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you
You stupid idiot! you
You don't seem quite yourself today (= you do not seem well or do not seem as happy as usual). yourself