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EVP aboard
EVP blackboard
EVP board
EVP board
EVP board game
EVP cardboard
EVP coarse
EVP cupboard
EVP keyboard
EVP message board
EVP noticeboard
EVP overboard
EVP roar
EVP skateboard
EVP skateboarder
EVP skateboarding
EVP snowboard
EVP snowboarding
EVP soar
EVP wallboard
EVP aboard

OXF3000ZH: 木板 board
OXF3000ZH: 厚纸板 cardboard
OXF3000ZH: 碗柜 碗碟橱 食橱 cupboard
OXF3000ZH: 键盘 keyboard
3000TH: กระดาษแข็ง graL daatL khaengR cardboard
3000TH: เขียง khiiangR chopping board
3000TH: กระดานดำ graL daanM damM blackboard
3000TH: กระดาน graL daanM board, plank
5000FR: pension pension; room and board, boarding school
5000FR: scandale scandal, uproar
5000FR: embarquer to embark, board, take on board, load
5000FR: planche plank, board
5000FR: carton cardboard, card, score
5000FR: jury jury, board of examiners
5000FR: planer to glide, soar
5000FR: grossier unrefined, crude, coarse, rude, rough
5000FR: standard standard, switchboard
OXF3000N tấm ván lát ván lót ván board
OXF3000N trên tàu thủy on board
OXF3000N bìa cứng các tông cardboard
OXF3000N 1 loại tủ có ngăn cupboard
OXF3000N bàn phím keyboard
GBENDE: 划船 oar Ruder
WNS: (n.) [board] gameboard
WNS: (n.) [board] committee having supervisory powers
WNS: (n.) [board] plank, stout length of sawn timber
WNS: (n.) [cupboard] closet
WNS: (v.) [board] get on
WNS: (v.) [roar] bellow, make a loud noise
WNS: (v.) [soar] fly upwards

ENDE: oar Ruder

keyboard bàn phím Objects 2
The computer and the keyboard Máy tính và bàn phím Objects 2
keyboard bàn phím Objects 2

like: oar

+ speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. announce
The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits. bit
She has a seat on the board of directors. board
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
members of the board board
discussions at board level board
the academic board (= for example, of a British university) board
the Board of Education (= a group of elected officials who are in charge of all the public schools in a particular area) board
He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards. board
a blackboard board
I'll write it up on the board. board
a noticeboard board
a bulletin board board
The exam results went up on the board. board
a diving board board
She jumped off the top board. board
a chessboard board
He removed the figure from the board. board
Have the passengers gone on board yet? on board
We must get more sponsors on board. on board
You need to bring the whole staff on board. on board
It's good to have you on board (= working with us) for this project. on board
Passengers are waiting to board. board
board sth: The ship was boarded by customs officials. board
Flight BA193 for Paris is now boarding at Gate 37. board
cardboard boxes box
a cardboard box cardboard
a piece of cardboard cardboard
a model made out of cardboard cardboard
a novel with superficial cardboard characters cardboard
the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school) chairman
continue sth: The board of inquiry is continuing its investigations. continue
a corner table/seat/cupboard corner
kitchen cupboards cupboard
built-in cupboards cupboard
a deep roar/groan deep
the departures board departure
He's on the board of directors. director
The debate ended in uproar. end in sth
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
Write the figure '7' on the board. figure
We sat in front of a roaring fire. fire
Flight BA 4793 is now boarding at Gate 17. flight
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
There were cardboard boxes stuffed full of clothes. full
board games game
BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16. gate
We keep all our glass and china in this cupboard. glass
the board of governors of the college governor
The receptionist led the way to the boardroom. lead
a decision taken at board level level
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. notice
A message had been pinned to the noticeboard. pin
They boarded the plane and flew to Chicago. plane
The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail (= sails). sail
scream yourself + adj.: The baby was screaming itself hoarse. scream
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
to send sb to prison/boarding school send
There are two restaurants on board ship. ship
They boarded a ship bound for India. ship
The children were shipped off to a boarding school at an early age. ship sb off
shout yourself + adj.: She shouted herself hoarse, cheering on the team. shout
The cupboards need sorting out. sort sth out
Can you stick this on the noticeboard? stick
stiff cardboard stiff
street sports such as skateboarding and skating street
suggestion of sth: A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift. suggestion
talk yourself + adj.: We talked ourselves hoarse, catching up on all the news. talk
The board is available in four thicknesses. thickness
He threw back his head and roared with laughter. throw
She nailed the two boards together. together
The teacher wrote the answers on the board. write

pension elle ira directement du camp en pension
scandale il y aurait eu un petit scandale dans le famille
embarquer les hommes chantaient en embarquant sur les navires anglais
planche il a cloué la planche sur la porte
carton il y a une petite boîte de carton où vous trouverez un carnet de timbres
jury c’est un jury exclusivement blanc
planer un grand oiseau planait
grossier excusez-moi. j’ai été grossier
standard vos cartes sont de type standard?