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nuclear hạch tâm

EVP nuclear

IELTS: nuclear + : 核能的 原子能的
OXF3000ZH: 原子核的 核心的 nuclear
5000FR: nucléaire nuclear
OXF3000: nguyên tử nuclear
OXF3000N (thuộchạt nhân nuclear
CORE: nuclear + + + + + + +
NGLS: nuclear + Concerning or involving the center of an ATOM
WNS: (a.) [nuclear] atomic

ENDE: nuclear Kern-
FN: nuclear a Weapon
FN: nuclear a Bearing_arms
FN: nuclear a Nuclear_process

i think my cat has nuclear weapons. Tôi nghĩ con mèo của tôi có vũ khí hạt nhân. Military
The human race needs love or nuclear weapons or both. Loài người cần tình yêu hoặc vũ khí hạt nhân, hoặc cả hai. Military
nuclear weapon vũ khí hạt nhân Military
nuclear hạt nhân Military

like: nuclear
atomic, nuclear program chương trình nguyên tử
to outlaw nuclear weapons cấm thử bom nguyên tử
atomic, nuclear family gia đình hạt nhân
atomic, nuclear technology kỹ thuật hạt nhân
atomic furnace, nuclear reactor lò phá nhân
a nuclear reactor máy phản ứng nguyên tử
nuclear power, nuclear energy, atomic energy năng lượng hạt nhân
the spread, proliferation of nuclear weapons phổ biến vũ khí nguyên tử
atomic, nuclear bomb trái bom nguyên tử
atomic, nuclear weapon vũ khí nguyên tử

the nuclear age age
the core of a nuclear reactor core
the environmental cost of nuclear power cost
a toxic/nuclear waste dump dump
solar/nuclear energy energy
a bomb/nuclear/gas explosion explosion
nuclear fuels fuel
a nuclear power station nuclear
the nuclear industry nuclear
nuclear-powered submarines nuclear
a nuclear weapon/bomb/missile nuclear
a nuclear explosion/attack/war nuclear
the country's nuclear capability (= the fact that it has nuclear weapons) nuclear
nuclear capacity (= the number of nuclear weapons a country has) nuclear
particle/nuclear/theoretical physics physics
a nuclear reprocessing plant plant
nuclear/wind/solar power power
a chemical/nuclear reaction reaction
The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste. get rid of sb/sth
nuclear scientists scientist
Each side is capable of destroying the other in a nuclear war. side
There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power. swing
a nuclear test test
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent. ultimate
the threat of (a) nuclear war war
nuclear weapons weapon

nucléaire une attaque nucléaire? c’est une possibilité