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like: nor

an enormous house/dog enormous
an enormous amount of time enormous
enormous interest enormous
The problems facing the President are enormous. enormous
the former governor of the colony governor
a provincial governor governor
the governor of Arizona governor
the Arizona governor governor
Governor Bev Perdue governor
a school governor governor
the board of governors of the college governor
a prison governor governor
the governor of the Bank of England governor
I can't decide. I'll have to ask the governor (= the man in charge, who employs sb). governor
He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette. ignore
I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it. ignore
We cannot afford to ignore their advice. ignore
She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. ignore
She ignored him and carried on with her work. ignore
If he tries to start an argument, just ignore him. ignore
a minor road minor
minor injuries minor
to undergo minor surgery minor
youths imprisoned for minor offences minor
There may be some minor changes to the schedule. minor
Women played a relatively minor role in the organization. minor
Only a small minority of students is/are interested in politics these days. minority
For a minority, the decision was a disappointment. minority
minority shareholders in the bank minority
the rights of ethnic/racial minorities minority
minority languages minority
a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country minority
The school is 95 per cent minority (= 95 per cent of children are not white Americans but from different groups). minority
minority neighborhoods (= where no or few white people live) minority
Men are in the minority in this profession. be in a/the minority
She seemed neither surprised nor worried. nor
He wasn't there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter. nor
Not a building nor a tree was left standing. nor
She doesn't like them and nor does Jeff. nor
'I'm not going.' 'Nor am I.' nor
quite/perfectly (= completely) normal normal
Her temperature is normal. normal
It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal
Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse. normal
Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'. normal
He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. normal
In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town. normal
We are open during normal office hours. normal
It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early. normal
My day began in the normal way, and then I received a very strange phone call. normal
People who commit such crimes aren't normal. normal
above/below normal normal
Things soon returned to normal. normal
I'm not normally allowed to stay out late. normally
It's normally much warmer than this in July. normally
It normally takes 20 minutes to get there. normally
Her heart is beating normally. normally
Just try to behave normally. normally
Which way is north? north
cold winds coming from the north north
Mount Kenya is to the north of (= further north than) Nairobi. north
birds migrating from the north north
Houses are less expensive in the North (= of England) than in the South. north
North London north
the north bank of the river north
The house faces north. north
They live ten miles north of Boston. north
The estimated value is north of $5.4 billion. north
The shares had already been trading north of £30. north
temperatures north of 35°C north
They've gone to live up north. up north
the northern slopes of the mountains northern
northern Scotland northern
a northern accent northern
Everyone blamed me as per usual. as per normal/usual