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das Personal nhân sự

Bitte verbinden Sie mich mit der Personalabteilung. Anh / Chị làm ơn cho tôi gặp phòng nhân sự? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1225)
Können Sie das bitte an die Personalabteilung faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi fax đến phòng nhân sự được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1415)
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Personalmanagement vertiefen. Tôi muốn có kiến thức chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực quản lý nhân sự. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1733)
Das Büro von meinem Kollegen ist im 17. Stock. Er arbeitet in der Personalabteilung. Văn phòng đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng 17. Anh ấy làm việc ở bộ phận nhân sự. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2035)

accept sth: You just have to accept the fact that we're never going to be rich. accept
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
address sth to sb/sth: Address your application to the Personnel Manager. address
She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth. admit
It's about time you learnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth about the situation). fact
the sales/marketing/personnel manager manager
All hire cars are for personal use only. personal
recognize sth: They recognized the need to take the problem seriously. recognize
It is with great regret that I accept your resignation. regret
staff development/training staff