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boarding-house, lodging-house nhà trọ

Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakfast nearby? Ở gần đây có nhà trọ không? * 030

like: nhà trọ
die Pension nhà trọ
die Pension nhà trọ

Most women stayed at home in those days. day
an empty house/room/bus empty
Police had instructions to empty the building because of a bomb threat. empty
The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment. equally
Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an exception. exception
The house looked as if it was about to fall down. fall
She didn't fancy (= did not like) the idea of going home in the dark. fancy
We hid from our pursuers in an empty house. hide
I haven't had a decent holiday for years. holiday
flowering/garden/indoor plants plant
I returned from work to find the house empty. return
We have lived in the same house for twenty years. same
The party suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election. suffer
He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final. threat
The unfortunate animal was locked inside the house for a week. unfortunate
a house within a mile of the station within