Beginner Level Advanced Level



it is said that, other people say nghe nói

I heard that your wife had an accident. Tôi đã nghe nói rằng vợ của bạn đã gặp tai nạn. * 094
I heard that she is in the hospital. Tôi đã nghe nói rằng chị ấy nằm ở bệnh viện. * 094
I heard that your car is completely wrecked. Tôi nghe nói rằng xe hơi của bạn bị hỏng hoàn toàn. * 094

like: nghe nói

Haben Sie von unserem Angebot gehört? Quý khách đã nghe nói tới sản phẩm của chúng tôi chưa? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2244)

That was in 1996. Soon after, I heard that he'd died. after
I'd heard they're divorcing. divorce
I heard about it through a friend of a friend. friend
From what I heard the company's in deep trouble. from
I've heard about people like you. hear
I've never heard of the place. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
The last I heard of him he was living in Glasgow. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
I've heard they're getting divorced. Mind you, I'm not surprised—they were always arguing. mind you
Have you heard about poor old Harry? His wife's left him. poor
I hear that you're a writer—is that so (= is that true)? so
What's this I hear about you getting married? this
Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before. whose