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EVP neck
EVP necklace

OXF3000ZH: 脖子 neck
3000TH: สร้อยคอ saawyF khaawM necklace
3000TH: คอ khaawM neck, throat, collar
5000FR: cou neck
OXF3000: cổ neck
OXF3000N cổ neck
GBENDE: 脖子 neck Genick
GBENDE: 脖子 neck Hals
CORE: neck + + + + + + +
NGLS: neck + part of the body joining the head and the body
WNS: (n.) [necklace] chain
WNS: (n.) [neck] cervix, connection from head to the rest of the body

ENDE: neck Genick
ENDE: neck Hals
ENDE: neck Nacken
FN: neck n Observable_body_parts
FN: neck n Clothing_parts

neck cổ Medical

like: neck
to cut the neck of beng cổ
to crane one’s neck to see something nghển cổ nhìn

Apply the cream sparingly to your face and neck. apply
She threw her arms around his neck. arm
She wore a heavy gold chain around her neck. chain
The water came up to my neck. come up to sth
She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck. cross
a diamond ring/necklace diamond
He wears an identity disc around his neck. disc
a calf/neck/thigh muscle muscle
He tied a scarf around his neck. neck
I woke up with a stiff neck. neck
Giraffes have very long necks. neck
She craned (= stretched) her neck to get a better view. neck
He broke his neck in the fall. neck
Somebody's going to break their neck (= injure themselves) on these steps. neck
He's off work with a trapped nerve in his neck. nerve
A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. reward
a T-shirt with a round neck round
He had a scarf round his neck. round
rub sth (+ adj.): The horse's neck was rubbed raw (= until the skin came off) where the rope had been. rub
at breakneck speed (= fast in a way that is dangerous) speed
I've got a stiff neck. stiff
All of a sudden someone grabbed me around the neck. all of a sudden
A scarf was wrapped around his neck. wrap

cou elle nouait ses bras à mon cou