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EVP nearby
EVP nearby

OXF3000ZH: 附近的 nearby
5000FR: près near, nearby, close by
5000FR: auprès nearby, close to
5000FR: proche nearby, close
OXF3000: bên cạnh nearby
OXF3000N gần nearby
CORE: nearby + + + + + + +
NGLS: nearby + Close to where you are

ENDE: nearby nah
ENDE: nearby nahe bei

like: nearby
nearby, in a nearby area trong vùng gần

The river burst its banks and flooded nearby towns. burst
The explosion shook the foundations of the houses nearby. foundation
Her mother lived in a nearby town. nearby
There were complaints from nearby residents. nearby
They live nearby. nearby
The car is parked nearby. nearby
Waste water is pumped from the factory into a nearby river. waste

près il y a un siège vide près de vous
auprès il avait beaucoup de succès auprès des femmes
proche nous n’avions pas de famille proche