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fifty năm mươi

like: năm mươi
fünfzig năm mươi 五十 wǔshí
fünfzig năm mươi

He's ancient—he must be at least fifty! ancient
Can you read a car number plate at fifty metres? at
Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you. best
I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. bit
The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success. chance
There were over fifty applicants for the job. for
And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me. matter
It cost one hundred and fifty pounds. one
Career possibilities for women are much greater than they were fifty years ago. possibility
Roughly speaking, we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject. roughly
Fifty thousand people saw the match. see
The house is set (= located) in fifty acres of parkland. set
I'd say he was about fifty. would