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mourning đồ tang

5000FR: deuil mourning, grief
WNS: (n.) [mourning] bereavement

FN: mourning n Emotion_directed

like: mourning
to go into mourning (for someone) chịu tang
funerals and weddings, mourning and joy hiếu hỉ
fond of contriving unnecessary things, showing undue zeal; mourning rites, funeral protocol hiếu sự
white mourning head-band khăn trắng
end of mourning period mãn phục
mourning cap, mourning bonnet (worn by a woman for her parents or husband) mũ mấn
family in mourning or in bereavement, the bereaved tang gia
completion of mourning clothes thành phục
wear mourning for someone thụ tang
a period of mourning that comes unexpectedly while trùng tang
deep mourning (for one’s parents or husband) đại tang

a period of consultation/mourning/uncertainty period

deuil il laisse dans le deuil son épouse