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money tiền
money tiền nong

EVP money
EVP pocket money
Geld tiền Finanzen

OXF3000ZH: 货币 金钱 财富 money
3000TH: เก็บเงิน gepL ngernM to save money
3000TH: เงินกินเปล่า ngernM ginM bplaaoL tea money
3000TH: ได้เงิน daiF ngernM to make money
3000TH: หาเงิน haaR ngernM earn money
3000TH: อ่อก (เงิน) aawkL ngeernM pay for, put up the money for, stand good for
3000TH: ฝากเงิน faakL ngeernM deposit money (in the bank)
3000TH: เงินทอน ngernM thaawnM change (money returned)
3000TH: เบิก beerkL to withdraw (money), to requisition (as from a storeroom)
3000TH: เบิกเงิน beerkL ngernM to get money (from the bank)
3000TH: ใช้เงิน chaiH ngernM to spend money
3000TH: เงิน ngernM money, silver
5000FR: argent money; silver
OXF3000: tiền money
GBENDE: money Geld
CORE: money + + + + + + +
NGLS: money + Coins or notes we use to pay for things
WNS: (n.) [money] currency
WNS: (n.) [money] wealth

ENDE: money Geld
FN: money n Money

money tiền Economics
We do not take money from this fund. Chúng tôi không lấy tiền từ quỹ này. Economics
lucky money Tiền lì xì History
He is broke because his wife took all his money. Anh ấy bị viêm màng túi vì vợ anh ấy đã lấy tất cả tiền của anh ấy. Informal Expressions

I want to deposit money in my account. Tôi muốn gửi / gởi tiền vào tài khoản của tôi. * 062
I want to withdraw money from my account. Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi. * 062
Has the money arrived? Tiền đã đến chưa? * 062
How much money can one withdraw? Có thể lấy bao nhiêu tiền. * 062
Her money is gone. Tiền của cô ấy mất rồi. * 068

like: money
One earns a lot of extra money in that position Làm chỗ ấy bở lắm
to invest in, spend money on bỏ tiền ra
to invest money in, spend money on bỏ tiền đầu tư vào
invest money with someone else chung chân
to invest money (by pooling it together) chung vốn
to make money from rake-offs chấm mút
to have money to spare, have enough có của ăn của để
to have money of one’s own có tiền riêng
your money or your life! của đi thay người
(1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
[= giật] (1) snatch, steal
(2) to win
(3) to give a shock
(4) to pull
(5) to recoil
(6) borrow money temporarily
to deposit money of a bank gửi tiền ở nhà băng
make money dwindle, be costly hao tài
(1) to pool one’s money
(2) to bend, bow
(3) xanthium

money for jam, money for old rope làm chơi ăn thật
to give somebody money under the table lót tay
to take money out of one’s pocket móc tiền
check, money order ngân phiếu
to squeeze money from somebody nã tiền ai
to spend one’s money extravagantly ném tiền qua cửa sổ
make a gift of money wrapped in paper phong bao
to be insufficient, lack, owe (sb money for sth); deficit, shortage, deficiency; minus thiếu
currency market, money market thị trường tiền tệ
free money (money that is not one’s own) tiền chùa
to spend money (on a quack doctor) tiền mất tật mang
car payment, money for a car tiền xe
pocket, pocketbook, money bag túi tiền
to throw money out of the window vứt tiền qua cửa sổ
to demand money with menaces xin đểu
to appropriate other people’s money to oneself, skim (money, profits) ăn bớt
to extort, squeeze, make money dishonestly ăn chặn
worth its money value, worth the money paid for it đáng tiền
to fight for money (as opposed to honor, e.g.) đánh nhau vì tiền
to give money to đưa tiền cho

275 It costs a lot of money. Giá nó tốn nhiều tiền.
299 Food is expensive. It costs a lot of money. Đồ ăn đắt, tốn nhiều tiền.
300 Shoes are expensive. They cost a lot of money. Giày đắt, tốn nhiều tiền.
513 They don't have much money. Họ không có nhiều tiền.
518 How much money do you have with you? Cậu mang theo bao nhiêu tiền?
1374 I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might opa restaurant. Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng.
1494 I think I should save more money. Tôi nghĩ tôi nên tiết kiệm tiền.
1650 Do you have any money? — Yes, there's some in my wallet. Cậu có tiền không? - Có, có một ít trong ví tôi.
1710 The wallet was empty. There wasn't any money in it. Ví của tôi rỗng không. Không có tí tiền nào trong đấy.
1920 I'll have to borrow some money. — Why? Don't you have any? Tôi sẽ phải vay ít tiền. - Tại sao? Cậu không có tí nào à?
1968 They admitted to having stolthe money. Họ thừa nhận đã ăn cắp tiền.
1970 She denied that she had stolthe money. Cô ấy phủ nhận việc cô ấy đã ăn cắp tiền.
1982 They seem to have plenty of money. Họ có vẻ có rất nhiều tiền.
2028 don't remember you lending me money. Tôi đã cho cậu mượn tiền mấy tháng trước. - Cậu chắc chứ? Tôi không nhớ là cậu đã cho tôi mượn tiền.
2058 We'd like to have gone on vacation, but we didn't have enough money. Tôi cũng muốn đi nghỉ lắm nhưng chúng tôi đã không có đủ tiền.
2086 Victor got himself into nancial trouble by borrowing too much money. Victor tự chuốc rắc rối tài chính vào mình bằng việc vay quá nhiều tiền.
2103 I wouldn't dream of asking them for money. Có nằm mơ tôi cũng không bao giờ hỏi họ tiền.
2137 They gave us some money to buy some food. Họ đã đưa cho chúng tôi ít tiền để mua thức ăn.
2156 It's foolish of Liting to quit her job when she needs the money. Lệ Đình thật dại dột khi bỏ việc trong khi cô ấy đang cần tiền.
2210 Being unemployed means he doesn't have much money. Bị thất nghiệp khiến anh ấy không có nhiều tiền.
2235 They spend a lot of money on travel. Họ tốn nhiều tiền đi du lịch.
2253 I need some money to buy some food. Tôi cần ít tiền để mua thức ăn.
2296 It is said that Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. Người ta nói Robin Hood lấy tiền từ người giàu rồi đưa chúng cho người nghèo.
2390 She went out without any money. Cô ấy đã ra ngoài mà không mang tiền.
2402 This money is all yours. None of it is mine. Tiền này là của cậu tất. Không có tí nào của tôi.
2410 We didn't spend much money. Chúng tôi đã không tiêu nhiều tiền.
2429 Half this money is mine, and half of it is yours. Nửa số tiền này là của tôi và nửa kia là của cậu.
2454 I've spent all the money you gave me. Tôi đã tiêu tất cả số tiền cậu đưa tôi.
2538 The company has a new business plan, the aim of which is to save money. Công ti có một kế hoạch làm ăn mới mà mục đích của nó là tiết kiệm tiền.
2544 The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. Cảnh sát không bao giờ tìm thấy số tiền bị mất trong vụ trộm.
2617 Could you send me the money as soon as possible? Cậu có thể gửi cho tôi tiền sớm nhất có thể không?
2620 They have more money than we do. > They have more money than us. Họ có nhiều tiền hơn chúng ta. > Họ có nhiều tiền hơn chúng ta.
2829 for money. If not, then you're nancially independent. Nếu cậu phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ tức là cậu vẫn cần tiền từ họ. Nếu không thì cậu độc lập tài chính.
2873 I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. Tôi không có đủ tiền trả cho bữa ăn.
2874 I didn't have enough money to pay the rent. Tôi không có đủ tiền trả tiền thuê.
2899 Since she doesn't have a job, she depends on her parents for money. Vì cô ấy không có việc làm, cô ấy phụ thuộc vào bố mẹ về tiền bạc.
2951 When Ichirou had just arrived in London, a man came up to him in the street and asked for money, so he gave him a few Japanese yen. Khi Ichirou vừa mới đến London, một người đàn ông đã tiến đến gần anh ấy trên phố và xin tiền nên anh ấy đã đưa cho ông ta một ít đồng yen Nhật.
2971 I'm saving my money up for a trip around the world. Tôi đang tiết kiệm tiền cho chuyến đi vòng quanh thế giới.
2998 When are you going to pay me back the money I lent you? Cậu định bao giờ trả tôi số tiền tôi cho cậu mượn?

Add up all the money I owe you. add up, add sth up
afford sth to do sth: He couldn't afford the money to go on the trip. afford
collecting money in aid of charity in aid of sth/sb
Bob's one aim in life is to earn a lot of money. aim
He has lost all his money. all
amaze sb what, how, etc...: It never ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money. amaze
They divided the money up among their three children. among
an amount of time/money/information amount
I've got hardly any money. any
She spent hardly any of the money. any
I am appealing (= asking for money) on behalf of the famine victims. appeal
The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run. appearance
When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well). appearance
argue (with sb) (about/over sth): We're always arguing with each other about money. argue
There was more money around in those days. around
We set aside some money for repairs. aside
It's going to cost an awful lot of money. awful
We were right back where we started, only this time without any money. back
to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account) balance
be (that)...: The fact is (that) we don't have enough money. be
be mine, yours, etc.: The money's not yours, it's John's. be
Money isn't everything (= it is not the only important thing). be
We collected money in behalf of the homeless. in behalf of sb, in sb's behalf
We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. benefit
I did it for a bet (= because sb had agreed to pay me money if I did). bet
'I'll give you back the money tomorrow.' 'You'd better!' (= as a threat) had better/best (do sth)
They were earning big money. big
borrow sth off sb: I had to borrow the money off a friend. borrow
a money box box
the education/defence budget (= the amount of money that can be spent on this) budget
We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to spend). budget
The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned). budget
They went over budget (= spent too much money). budget
'Here's the money I owe you.' 'But that's not right—it was only £10.' but
I never carry much money on me. carry
The report makes out a strong case (= gives good arguments) for spending more money on hospitals. case
I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money). cash
'Do you think all this money will change your life?' 'Certainly not.' certainly
He puts his loose change in a money box for the children. change
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. charity
The concert will raise money for local charities. charity
Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity. charity
a charity concert (= organized to get money for charity) charity
to live on/off charity (= to live on money which other people give you because you are poor) charity
to cash a cheque (= to get or give money for a cheque) cheque
Complete a claim form (= an official document which you must use in order to request money from an organization). claim
to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) close
They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age. comfort
material comforts (= money and possessions) comfort
The movie was not a commercial success (= did not make money). commercial
They will give us the money on one condition—that we pay it back within six months. condition
You wouldn't consider marrying a man for his money, then? consider
The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money. considerable
We did not even make enough money to cover the cost of the food. cost
Don't use too much of it—it cost a lot of money. cost
All these reforms will cost money (= be expensive). cost
Good food need not cost a fortune (= cost a lot of money). cost
She must be crazy to lend him money. crazy
He's a bad credit risk (= he is unlikely to pay the money later). credit
The main criterion is value for money. criterion
We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity. dance
They daren't ask for any more money. dare
They spent a great deal of money. deal
enough money to satisfy all your desires desire
I'll lend you £500 and you'll have to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). difference
They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. direct
distribute sth among sb/sth: The money was distributed among schools in the area. distribute
She must earn a fortune (= earn a lot of money). earn
Your money would earn more in a high-interest account. earn
We're on an economy drive at home (= trying to avoid waste and spend as little money as possible). economy
Buy the large economy pack (= the one that gives you better value for money). economy
effort (to do sth): The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money. effort
I'm going to buy either a camera or a DVD player with the money. either
Banks actively encourage people to borrow money. encourage
The money was divided equally among her four children. equally
essential to sth: Money is not essential to happiness. essential
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
She seemed to have everything—looks, money, intelligence. everything
Money isn't everything. everything
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money. except
Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. exception
They eke out a precarious existence (= they have hardly enough money to live on). existence
No expense was spared (= they spent as much money as was needed) to make the party a success. expense
While I was saving I had no money for little extras or luxuries. extra
Isn't it a fact that the firm is losing money? fact
Buying a cheap computer is a false economy (= will not actually save you money). FALSE
He felt in his pockets for some money. feel
prize fighting (= fighting in boxing matches for money) fighting
We had a fight over money. fight
Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). fine
The money has been invested for a fixed period. fixed
forget (about sth): I'd completely forgotten about the money he owed me. forget
Help in the form of money will be very welcome. form
The money will go to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. foundation
She used the money to go towards the foundation of a special research group. foundation
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive. freely
I need money to be able to function as an artist. function as sb/sth
They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off (= brought them success). gamble
He gave away most of his money to charity. give sth away
We're going to buy a house when we've saved enough money. be going to do sth
Giving her that money was a good thing to do. good
What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? good
a money-back guarantee guarantee
It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit. habit
I've divided the money in half. half
Half of the money was mine. half
I don't have that much money on me. have
The money raised will help towards (= partly provide) the cost of organizing the championships. help
Here's the money I promised you. here
Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. honest
I can't believe he got that money honestly. honestly
'I think you owe me some money.' ' How come?' how come?
The sums of money involved are potentially huge. huge
I'll only stay if you offer me more money. if
Imagine earning that much money! imagine
There's nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money. immoral
They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). immoral
Money played an important role in his life. important
a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200 income
The money was repaid with interest. interest
We bought the house as an investment (= to make money). investment
Money is not an issue. issue
joke that...: She joked that she only loved him for his money. joke
She felt fully justified in asking for her money back. justified
a lack of food/money/skills lack
very large sums of money large
He's giving away money left, right and centre. left, right and centre
lend (sth) (to sb): The bank refused to lend the money to us. lend
lend sb sth: They refused to lend us the money. lend
let sb/sth: She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn't let her. let
I'd rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. lie
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
to take out/repay a loan (= to borrow money/pay it back) loan
It took three years to repay my student loan (= money lent to a student). loan
She locked her passport and money in the safe. lock
lose sth: The business is losing money. lose
loss of earnings (= the money you do not earn because you are prevented from working) loss
We made a loss on (= lost money on) the deal. loss
If he isn't prepared to accept this money, then that's his loss. loss
I put the loss of the money down to pure bad luck. luck
In the main, the money raised goes to children's charities. in the main
We need to think of ways to make money. make
What does it matter if I spent $100 on it—it's my money! matter
$20 means a lot (= represents a lot of money) when you live on $100 a week. mean
Money means nothing to him. mean
mean (that)...: We'll have to be careful with money but that doesn't mean (that) we can't enjoy ourselves. mean
He made his millions (= all his money) on currency deals. million
I wouldn't mind having his money! I wouldn't mind sth/doing sth
to borrow/save/spend/earn money money
How much money is there in my account? money
The money is much better in my new job. money
If the item is not satisfactory, you will get your money back. money
We'll need to raise more money (= collect or borrow it) next year. money
Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? money
Be careful with that —it cost a lot of money. money
I counted the money carefully. money
Where can I change my money into dollars? money
He lost all his money. money
The family made their money in the 18th century. money
The movie should make money. make money
There's money to be made from tourism. make money
She had the most money of all of them. most
It was the people with the least money who gave most generously. most
'Roger stole the money.' 'I thought as much.' as much
I must go to the bank and get some money. must
I didn't need to go to the bank after all—Mary lent me the money. need
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. obvious
Obviously, we don't want to spend too much money. obviously
She felt, oddly, that they had been happier when they had no money. oddly
Families will be better off under the new law (= will have more money). be well/better/badly, etc. off
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
We didn't know how we would cope once the money had gone. once
My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip. otherwise
Hand over the money! over
an argument over money over
I was forced to ask passing strangers for money. passing
pay sb sth: He still hasn't paid me the money he owes me. pay
permit sb/sth to do sth: Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time. permit
I took pity on her and lent her the money. pity
plenty of eggs/money/time plenty
We had reached the point when there was no money left. point
I'll come straight to the point: we need more money. point
This is proof positive that he stole the money. positive
Expansion was made possible by the investment of government money. possible
They didn't have any real money so they had to pretend. pretend
Pride would not allow him to accept the money. pride
I won £500 in prize money. prize
promise sth to sb: He promised the money to his grandchildren. promise
promise sb sth: He promised his grandchildren the money. promise
How much money do we need to do the job properly? properly
it is proposed to do sth: It was proposed to pay the money from public funds. propose
Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. provided
public money/spending/funding/expenditure public
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
She took the job purely and simply for the money. purely
Our campaign's main purpose is to raise money. purpose
If I don't get more money I'll quit. quit
I'm glad you raised the subject of money. raise
We are raising money for charity. raise
It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money. realistic
The reality is that there is not enough money to pay for this project. reality
It's worth a lot of money, I reckon. reckon
Money problems have put a strain on their relationship. relationship
It's all relative though, isn't it? We never had any money when I was a kid and $500 was a fortune to us. relative
remember how, what, etc...: Can you remember how much money we spent? remember
We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software. resource
There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw. restriction
reward sb for doing sth: He rewarded us handsomely (= with a lot of money) for helping him. reward
Have you got the right money (= the exact amount) for the bus fare? right
right (about sth): She was right about Tom having no money. right
You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back. right
By rights (= if justice were done) half the money should be mine. right
He risked all his money on a game of cards. risk
Money, or love of money, is said to be the root of all evil. root
The pursuit of money ruled his life. rule
It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. safe
The money is safely locked in a drawer. safely
save sb from doing sth: The prize money saved her from having to find a job. save
Money from local businesses helped save the school from closure. save
We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools. school
Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion). see
sell (sth) (at sth): They sold the business at a profit/loss (= they gained/lost money when they sold it). sell
The government provides money in the shape of (= consisting of) grants and student loans. shape
Rita shared her money out among her six grandchildren. share
a shocking waste of money shocking
I'm afraid I'm a little short (= of money) this month. short
Money was short at that time. short
show yourself + adj.: She had shown herself unable to deal with money. show
They live simply (= they do not spend much money). simply
slide sth + adv./prep.: The man slid the money quickly into his pocket. slide
slip sth to sb: They'd slipped some money to the guards. slip
slip sb sth: They'd slipped the guards some money. slip
He's the sort of person who only cares about money. sort
The money was collected for a specific purpose. specific
spend sth: I've spent all my money already. spend
split sth (with sb): She split the money she won with her brother. split
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies) student
substantial sums of money substantial
suggest (that)...: All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money. suggest
suggestion (for/about/on sth): I'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. suggestion
a large sum of money sum
It's surprising what people will do for money. surprising
I tackled him about the money he owed me. tackle
We need to have a serious talk about money matters. talk
They've got more money than taste. taste
thanks (for doing sth): Thanks for lending me the money. thanks
She took the money without so much as a thank you. thank you
Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week? that
The money's there if you need it. there
All he ever thinks about is money. think
Can anybody think of a way to raise money? think of sth/sb
tip (on/for sth): useful tips on how to save money tip
He has more money than the rest of us put together. together
He turned nasty when we refused to give him the money. turn
We're buying a new TV with the money. TV
understand sb/sth doing sth: I just can't understand him taking the money. understand
I just can't understand his taking the money. understand
They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project. unwilling
to be good/excellent value (= worth the money it costs) value
to be bad/poor value (= not worth the money it costs) value
Larger sizes give the best value for money. value
This great value-for-money offer is only available to society members. value
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned—they take a lot of time and money. warn
waste sth on sth: Why waste money on clothes you don't need? waste
They believe the statue is a waste of taxpayers' money. waste
wave sth + adv./prep.: 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose. wave
They decided to split the money four ways (= between four different people). way
There's no way we could afford that sort of money. (there is) no way
They lived well (= in comfort and spending a lot of money) and were generous with their money. well
Who's the money for? who
I lost a whole lot of money. a whole lot (of sth)
By next year all the money will have been spent. will
They won't lend us any more money. will
Throw some money in the fountain and make a wish. wish
to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune (= a lot of money) worth
He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money. yet

argent bon, c’est son argent que je veux