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OXF3000D: tôi me mir

ENDE: me mir

I am sorry, but I already have plans. Xin lỗi, ngày mai tôi đã có việc. * 005
And I like the scenery, too. Và tôi cũng thích quang cảnh ở đây. * 023
I’m sorry, I can’t make it tomorrow. Xin lỗi nhé, ngày mai tôi không rảnh rỗi. * 026
I don’t like that. Tôi không thích cái này. * 030
That’s too expensive. Cái này đắt quá. * 030
That doesn’t taste good. Tôi không thích món đó. * 032
Please give me a receipt. Bạn làm ơn đưa cho tôi hóa đơn / biên lai. * 040
Can you help me? Bạn giúp tôi được không? * 042
You can also follow me with your car. Bạn cũng có thể đi theo sau tôi. * 042
Could you recommend something? Bạn có thể giới thiệu cho tôi chút gì không? * 046
Can you get me a ticket? Bạn có thể mua cho tôi một vé không? * 046
Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? Bạn làm ơn đưa tôi tiền giấy nhỏ. * 062
Can you cut my hair? Bạn cắt tóc cho tôi được không? * 076
Do you have a light? Bạn đưa bật lửa cho tôi được không? * 076
My wife did not want to play chess with me. Vợ tôi đã không muốn đánh cờ với tôi. * 090
I was allowed to make a wish. Tôi đã được phép ước điều gì đó. * 090
I was allowed to buy myself a dress. Tôi đã được phép mua một cái váy cho mình. * 090
I was allowed to take a chocolate. Tôi đã được phép lấy cho tôi một kẹo sô cô la có nhân. * 090
I’m afraid I have no more money. Tôi sợ rằng tôi không mang theo tiền. * 094
I doubt whether he’ll write to me. Tôi nghi ngờ, liệu anh ấy có viết cho tôi không. * 095
Will he write to me? Liệu anh ấy có viết cho tôi không? * 095

like: mir

Wunderbar, können Sie mir bitte den Schlüssel geben? Thật tuyệt, chị làm ơn đưa tôi chìa khóa? (Lektion 8, Nr. 78)
Entschuldigen Sie, können Sie mir bitte erklären, wo das Hotel Zentral ist? Xin lỗi, anh làm ơn chỉ cho tôi khách sạn Zentral ở đâu được không? (Lektion 11, Nr. 107)
Möchtest du mit mir in die Stadt kommen? Em có muốn cùng anh vào phố không? (Lektion 21, Nr. 251)
Schau dir dieses Kleid an. Es ist fantastisch. Denkst du, es würde mir passen? Anh xem cái váy xem. Nó thật tuyệt. Anh thấy nó có hợp với em không? (Lektion 21, Nr. 255)
Ein Freund von mir isst es immer roh. Người bạn của anh ăn không cần gia vị. (Lektion 23, Nr. 282)
Tri, hier ist nochmal Trang. Könntest du mir bitte einen Gefallen tun? Tri, em Trang đây. Anh có thế làm giúp em một việc được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 314)
Könntest du mir eine Halskette oder Ohrringe mitbringen? Anh có thế lấy giúp em một sợi dây chuyền hay bông tai được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 317)
Sie wollte ihn mir immer geben, aber sie ist zu ängstlich, ihn zu senden. Bà đã luôn muốn cho em, nhưng bà sợ gửi nó đi. (Lektion 25, Nr. 320)
Könntest du bitte den Ring mitnehmen und ihn mir geben? Anh có thế lấy chiếc nhẫn cho em được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 322)
Ja, sicher. Das kann ich tun. Gib mir einfach die Adresse des Geschäfts. Tất nhiên là được. Việc đó anh làm được. Em đưa cho anh địa chỉ cửa hàng đi. (Lektion 25, Nr. 323)
Trang erzählte mir, dass Sie kommen würden, um den Ring zu holen. Trang đã kế cho tôi rằng anh đến đế lấy chiếc nhẫn. (Lektion 26, Nr. 330)
Ich hätte mir um den Ring Sorgen gemacht, wenn ich ihn verschickt hätte. Tôi sợ mất chiếc nhẫn nếu tôi gửi nó. (Lektion 26, Nr. 333)
Trang sagte mir das bereits. Ich werde auf den Ring aufpassen. Trang đã nói điều này với cháu. Cháu sẽ giữ kỹ nó. (Lektion 26, Nr. 334)
Ja, sie erklärte mir, dass der Ring in guten Händen sein würde, wenn Sie ihn mitnehmen würden. Ừh, nó nói với tôi là sẽ không sao khi đưa nhẫn cho anh. (Lektion 26, Nr. 335)
Oh, wie dumm von mir. Vielen Dank. Ồ, tôi thật là ngốc. Cám ơn nhiều. (Lektion 31, Nr. 405)
Oh, das tut mir leid. Ồ, xin lỗi ông. (Lektion 41, Nr. 594)
Möchtest du mit mir ein Doppelbett teilen, oder sollen wir einzelne Betten nehmen? Em muốn nằm giường đôi với anh hay là chúng ta nằm giường đơn? (Lektion 42, Nr. 598)
Möchtest du mit mir Skifahren gehen oder möchtest du eine Romanze? Anh muốn đi trượt tuyết cùng em hay là anh muốn một cuộc hẹn hò lãng mạn? (Lektion 42, Nr. 599)
Stimmt. Außerdem genehmigt man mir dann einen höheren Kreditrahmen. Đúng. Ngoài ra sau đó người ta sẽ cho phép anh có một khuôn khổ thẻ tín dụng cao. (Lektion 44, Nr. 636)
Bevor du weiter darüber nachdenkst, hilf mir lieber. Trước khi anh tiếp tục nghĩ về việc đó, tốt hơn là hãy giúp em. (Lektion 46, Nr. 659)
Ich hoffe, Sie antworten mir möglichst bald. Tôi hy vọng, quí vị trả lời nhanh nhất như có thể. (Lektion 47, Nr. 676)
Diktiere mir doch einfach, was ich schreiben soll. Hãy đọc cho em những gì em nên viết. (Lektion 55, Nr. 781)
Welches Mobilfunknetz würdest du mir empfehlen? Bạn có thể giới thiệu mạng điện thoại nào đó cho tôi không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 834)
Es tut mir leid, dass ich so egoistisch gewesen bin. Anh lấy làm tiếc, vì anh đã trở nên ích kỷ như thế. (Lektion 60, Nr. 853)
Kannst du mir das verzeihen? Em có thể bỏ qua cho anh không? (Lektion 60, Nr. 854)
Wenn Sie mir jetzt noch Ihre Telefonnummer sagen könnten ... Nếu bây giờ bạn còn có thể nói cho tôi số điện thoại của bạn… (Lektion 69, Nr. 991)
Ehrlich gesagt, das Auto gefällt mir. Thực lòng mà nói tôi thích chiếc xe ô tô này. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1000)
Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich als Studentin nicht genug verdiene, um mir das leisten zu können. Tôi chỉ có thể nói, khẳ năng của tôi không nhiều vì là sinh viên tôi không kiếm được nhiều tiền. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1004)
Du hast mir sofort gefallen und wir haben uns ja dann auch auf Anhieb verstanden! Em thích anh ngay và chúng ta đã hiểu nhau ngay lập tức! (Lektion 74, Nr. 1061)
Können Sie mir erklären, wie das ablaufen wird? Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi, quá trình của nó như thế nào không? (Lektion 81, Nr. 1151)
Könnten Sie mir bitte die Durchwahl-Nummer von Herrn ... geben? Anh / Chị làm ơn cho tôi số máy nối trực tiếp với ông / anh ..? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1228)
Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Telefonnummer. Anh / Chị có thể để lại số điện thoại liên lạc được không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1270)
Leider habe ich Ihren Namen nicht verstanden. Könnten Sie ihn mir bitte nochmals sagen? Xin lỗi tôi không nghe rõ tên của anh / chị . Làm ơn nhắc lại tên của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1297)
Kannst du mir bitte eine Kopie dieser E-Mail schicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho tôi bản sao của Email đó được không? (Lektion 92, Nr. 1405)
Würden Sie mir Ihre Visitenkarte geben? Anh / Chị có thể cho tôi danh thiếp của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1459)
Bitte, folgen Sie mir. Mời anh / chị đi theo tôi. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1467)
Es tut mir leid, dass ich Sie unterbrechen muss. Tôi xin lỗi phải ngắt lời anh / chị một chút. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1480)
Das ist mir sehr peinlich. Tôi thấy rất ngại / rất xấu hổ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1483)
Das tut mir leid. Tôi rất lấy làm tiếc. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1485)
Es tut mir leid, das zu hören! Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe tin này. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1486)
Das verstehe ich gut. Mir geht es genauso. Tôi hoàn toàn hiểu chuyện này. Tôi cũng nghĩ như vậy. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1490)
Bitte schreiben Sie mir, wann Sie Zeit für ein Treffen haben. Xin cho tôi biết khi nào anh / chị có thời gian cho một buổi gặp mặt. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1549)
Montag passt mir sehr gut. Thứ hai tôi thấy rất phù hợp. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1551)
Mir ist etwas dazwischengekommen. Tôi có việc nảy sinh. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1559)
Können Sie mir bitte ein Angebot basierend auf Preisen ab Werk machen? Anh / Chị có thể khuyến mại cho tôi theo giá xuất xưởng được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1567)
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir den Zuschlag für dieses Angebot geben würden. Tôi sẽ rất vui mừng nếu quý khách có thể trả phần phụ trội cho đơn chào hàng này. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1578)
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie ich in diesem Fall entscheiden soll. Ist etwas Vergleichbares schon einmal vorgekommen? Tôi không biết nên quyết định thế nào trong trường hợp này. Đã có một trường hợp tương tự nào xảy ra chưa? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1618)
Können Sie mir mehr Einzelheiten zu diesem Thema erzählen? Anh / Chị có thể kể chi tiết thêm về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1620)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Würden Sie mir einige Fragen zu diesem Thema beantworten? Anh / Chị có thể vui lòng trả lời vài câu hỏi về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1622)
Würden Sie mir ein Interview geben? Ông / Bà có thể vui lòng trả lời phỏng vấn được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1623)
Mir ist nicht klar, worauf du hinaus willst. Tôi không rõ anh / chị định nói điều gì. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1667)
Brauchen Sie noch weitere Unterlagen von mir? Anh / Chị còn cần thêm giấy tờ gì của tôi nữa không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1688)
Diese Frage verstehe ich nicht. Können Sie mir das bitte erklären? Tôi không hiểu câu hỏi này. Anh / Chị làm ơn giải thích giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1689)
Ein Praktikum gibt mir Einblick in das Berufsfeld meines Studiums. Khóa thực tập cho tôi một cái nhìn về các nghề nghiệp trong ngành học của tôi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1741)
Nach dem Praktikum hat man mir eine feste Stelle angeboten. Sau khóa thực tập người ta đã mời tôi vào làm việc lâu dài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1759)
Mit Kollegen im Team zu arbeiten macht mir Spaß. Tôi thích làm việc cùng đồng nghiệp trong nhóm. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1824)
Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir die Gelegenheit zu diesem persönlichen Gespräch geben. Tôi cám ơn đã có dịp được gặp trực tiếp ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1862)
Werden Sie mir die Kosten für die Anreise zum Vorstellungsgespräch ersetzen? Ông / Bà sẽ thanh toán chi phí đi lại của tôi cho cuộc phỏng vấn này chứ? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1863)
Ich habe mich für das Studium an der Fachhochschule entschieden, weil mir eine praxisnahe Ausbildung wichtig ist. Tôi đã quyết định học cao đẳng, vì đối với tôi đào tạo thực tiễn rất quan trọng. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1874)
Mir gefällt Ihr Unternehmen. Tôi thích công ty của ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1895)
Meine jetzige Arbeit macht mir Spaß. Aber da ich schon drei Jahre in dieser Position arbeite, suche ich nun eine neue Herausforderung. Tôi thích công việc hiện nay. Nhưng vì từ ba năm nay tôi làm việc ở vị trí này, vì vậy bây giờ tôi muốn tìm thách thức mới. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1899)
Ja, ich bin ehrgeizig. Mein Ehrgeiz hilft mir meine Ziele zu erreichen. Vâng, tôi là người có tham vọng. Tham vọng của tôi giúp tôi đạt được mục tiêu. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1938)
Kritik hilft mir dabei mich zu verbessern. Sự chỉ trích giúp tôi làm tốt hơn. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1939)
Ich bin stolz darauf, dass ich mir mein Studium und meinen Auslandsaufenthalt selbst finanziert habe. Tôi tự hào về việc đã tự trang trải chi phí cho khóa học đại học và thời gian sống ở nước ngoài của tôi. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1941)
Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aussieht? Ông / Bà có thể cho tôi biết, một ngày làm việc điển hình ở đây thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1963)
Bitte sortiere alle Kundenanfragen, die du schon erledigt hast, aus und lege mir den Rest auf den Schreibtisch. Xin hãy sắp xếp tất cả các yêu cầu của khách hàng mà anh / chị đã xử lý ra và để lên bàn cho tôi phần còn lại. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2026)
Dieser Punkt ist mir besonders wichtig. Với tôi điểm này đặc biệt quan trọng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2101)
Ich habe mir das anders vorgestellt. Tôi đã nghĩ khác về điều đó. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2140)
Der Entwurf gefällt mir. Bản phác thảo rất hợp ý tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2159)
Der Entwurf gefällt mir nicht. Bản phác thảo không hợp ý tôi. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2160)
Können Sie mir das bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi một lần nữa được không? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2189)
Bitte schildern Sie mir das Problem im Detail. Xin quý khách hãy miêu tả lại vấn đề một cách cụ thể. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2292)
Können Sie mir bitte helfen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2319)
Würden Sie mir Ihr neues Produkt zeigen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu về sản phẩm mới này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2342)
Können Sie mir bitte erklären, wie das funktioniert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi cái này hoạt động thế nào? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2343)
Bitte buchen Sie mir einen Flug nach Dubai. Làm ơn đặt cho tôi một chuyến bay tới Dubai. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2373)
Können Sie mir bitte 500 Euro in Dollar wechseln? Anh / Chị có thể đổi cho tôi 500 Euro sang Dollar được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2377)
Können Sie mir bitte ein Taxi rufen? Anh / Chị có thể gọi cho tôi một xe taxi được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2399)
Bringen Sie mir das Frühstück bitte ins Zimmer. Làm ơn hãy mang đồ ăn sáng lên phòng cho tôi. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2403)
Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu cho tôi một số món được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2433)
Bitte machen Sie mir die Rechnung fertig. Làm ơn hãy viết cho tôi một tờ hóa đơn. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2458)
Das tut mir leid. Tôi rất lấy làm tiếc. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2499)

I'd give up work if I could afford it. afford
'Thanks very much for your help.' 'Not at all, it was a pleasure.' not at all
I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a cigar. allow
'I'm really sorry.' 'That's all right, don't worry.' all right
Nick caught up with me and rode alongside. alongside
You owe me £68 altogether. altogether
They gave me some help in the beginning but it did not amount to much (= they did not give me much help). amount to sth
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
Go and get me a pen please. and
annoy sb to do sth: It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me. annoy
answer (sb): Come on, answer me! Where were you? answer
He answered me with a smile. answer
answer sb sth: Answer me this: how did they know we were here? answer
Is there anybody who can help me? anybody
He gave me an approving nod. approving
'Don't say anything' 'As if I would! ' (= surely you do not expect me to) as if/as though
You act as if you're ashamed to be seen with me. ashamed
He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice. aside
Aside from a few scratches, I'm OK. aside from
assistance with sth: She offered me practical assistance with my research. assistance
It has come to my attention (= I have been informed) that... attention
avoid sb/sth: He's been avoiding me all week. avoid
Sorry, he's away. away
I'm awfully sorry about that problem the other day. awfully
That name sounds awfully familiar. awfully
'I'm sorry,' he said awkwardly. awkwardly
Please give me my ball back. back
Stand back and give me some room. back
Can you give me more background on the company? background
'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thanks.' be
The sheer beauty of the scenery took my breath away. beauty
I did it because he told me to. because
Could you give me a bed for the night (= somewhere to sleep)? bed
He arrived before me. before
The whole summer lay before me. before
Before I made a decision, I thought carefully about it. before
You should have told me so before. before
begin to do sth: I began to feel dizzy. begin
Stay close behind me. behind
Believe me, she's not right for you. believe
The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching. bend
bet (sb) (sth) (that...): She bet me £20 that I wouldn't do it. bet
I did it for a bet (= because sb had agreed to pay me money if I did). bet
This is just between you and me / between ourselves (= it is a secret). between
Call her if you like, but don't blame me if she's angry. don't blame me
I'm sorry—we're fully booked. book
borrow sth: Can I borrow your umbrella? borrow
borrow sth off sb: I borrowed the DVD off my brother. borrow
I don't know why I bother! Nobody ever listens! bother
If that's all the thanks I get, I won't bother in future! bother
bother to do sth: He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. bother
'I'm sorry he was so rude to you.' 'It doesn't bother me.' bother
Let me know if he bothers you again. bother
'Where shall we eat?' 'I'm not bothered.' (= I don't mind where we go). be bothered (about sb/sth)
All this has happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message. can't be bothered (to do sth)
Be a good boy and get me my coat. boy
She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. break sth off
She gave me a bright smile. bright
She picked me a bunch of flowers. bunch
burn sth: Sorry—I burnt the toast. burn
I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible. business
It's been a pleasure to do business with you. business
I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer. but
buy sb sth: He bought me a new coat. buy
buy sth for sb: He bought a new coat for me. buy
Come and sit by me. by
He walked by me without speaking. by
He hurried by without speaking to me. by
I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds. call
Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then? call
Can you help me with this box? can
I don't care (= I will not be upset) if I never see him again! care
care what/whether, etc.: I don't care what he thinks. care
I'm very careful about washing my hands before eating (= I make sure I do it). careful
It was careless of me to leave the door open. careless
'I don't mind,' he said carelessly. carelessly
I never carry much money on me. carry
Doctors say her condition is causing some concern. cause
certain who/where, etc...: I'm not certain who was there. certain
To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time (= I am sure about it). certain
chance to do sth: Please give me a chance to explain. chance
Could you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? change
charge sb sth (for sth): He only charged me half price. charge
She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check. check
I'm sorry, they aren't here. They checked out this morning. check out (of...)
She gave me clear and precise directions. clear
clear (to sb) (that)...: It was quite clear to me that she was lying. clear
The clerk at the counter gave me too little change. clerk
I'm cold. Turn the heating up. cold
a colleague of mine from the office colleague
come about sth: I've come about my book. come
come doing sth: He came looking for me. come
Thanks for coming (= to my house, party, etc.). come
The water came up to my neck. come up to sth
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand. come off (sth)
He came up to me and asked me the way to the station. come up (to sb)
The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this. comfort
He handed me the document without comment. comment
He's coming with me for company. company
I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. contact
The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). contact
cook sb sth: He cooked me lunch. cook
He has been cool towards me ever since we had that argument. cool
I hit my knee on the corner of the table. corner
My cold's better, but I can't seem to shake off this cough. cough
Sorry, I couldn't get any more. could
count sb/sth to do sth: I'm counting on you to help me. count on sb/sth
He's a distant cousin of mine. cousin
cross (over): I waved and she crossed over (= crossed the road towards me). cross
cross over sth: He crossed over the road and joined me. cross
I've been advised to cut sugar out of my diet. cut sth out (of sth)
Is it OK if I borrow the car, Dad? dad
This discussion's getting too deep for me. deep
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like. definite
describe sb/sth (to/for sb): Can you describe him to me? describe
Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later. detail
'We had a terrible time—' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).' detail
He gave me detailed instructions on how to get there. detailed
I nearly died when I saw him there (= it was very embarrassing). die
My boss is making life very difficult for me. difficult
I was very disappointed with myself. disappointed
Much to my disgust, they refused to help. disgust
I don't like him, and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise. dishonest
'What do you want to see me about?' 'It's to do with that letter you sent me.' be/have to do with sb/sth
Give me a dozen, please. dozen
dream (that)...: I never dreamt (that) I'd actually get the job. dream
The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs. drug
I need a rest. I think I've earned it, don't you? earn
He didn't make it easy for me to leave. easy
It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position. easy
email (sb): Patrick emailed me yesterday. email
I'm glad you offered—it saved me the embarrassment of having to ask. embarrassment
I get a lot of enjoyment from my grandchildren. enjoyment
He seemed pleasant enough to me. enough
enter sth: Someone entered the room behind me. enter
It never entered my head (= I never thought) that she would tell him about me. enter
'I don't mind,' she said, without much enthusiasm. enthusiasm
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
I've shown him the photographs but even now he won't believe me. even now/then
Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. everything
My family means everything to me. everything
He follows me everywhere. everywhere
Exactly what are you trying to tell me? exactly
'So he told you you'd got the job?' 'Not exactly, but he said they were impressed with me.' not exactly
Can you give me an example of what you mean? example
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it. example
exchange sth with sb: I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager. exchange
excuse (to do sth): It gave me an excuse to take the car. excuse
expect sth from sb/sth: Don't expect sympathy from me! expect
I looked back, half expecting to see someone following me. expect
I can't afford it, it's too expensive. expensive
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
He's a pain in the butt, if you'll pardon the expression. expression
The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong. expression
Their ideas are too extreme for me. extreme
I know for a fact (= I am certain) that she's involved in something illegal. fact
I'm fairly certain I can do the job. fairly
I had a bad fall and broke my arm. fall
Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. familiar
an area with which I had been familiar since childhood familiar
She's doing fine as far as French is concerned, it's her German I'm worried about. as/so far as sb/sth is concerned, as/so far as sb/sth goes
I'll ask Steve to take it. He owes me a favour. favour
Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time. favour
This song is a particular favourite of mine. favourite
I feel sorry for him. feel
It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated. feel good
I feel like a drink. feel like sth/like doing sth
Mum! I feel sick. feel sick
fetch sb sth: Could you fetch me my bag? fetch
Could you give me a few more details? few
Are you finally going to tell me why I'm here? finally
find sb sth: Can you find me a hotel? find
find sb sth: Can you find me my bag? find
'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' fine
'Can I get you another drink?' 'No, thanks. I'm fine.' fine
fit sb/sth: I can't find clothes to fit me. fit
He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the other people. fit in (with sb/sth)
Give me five! give sb five
An idea suddenly floated into my mind. float
follow (sb): Sorry, I don't follow. follow
Sorry, I don't follow you. follow
Follow me please. I'll show you the way. follow
My feet are aching. foot
She gave me a watch for my birthday. for
He tried to force a copy of his book into my hand. force
forget (about sth): 'Why weren't you at the meeting?' 'Sorry—I forgot.' forget
forget (about sth): I'd completely forgotten about the money he owed me. forget
I'd never forgive myself if she heard the truth from someone else. forgive
forgive me: Forgive me, but I don't see that any of this concerns me. forgive
forgive me for doing sth: Forgive me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that. forgive
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
forgive my doing sth: Forgive my interrupting but I really don't agree with that. forgive
I didn't see enough of the play to form an opinion about it. form
They gave me free access to all the files. free
friendly to/toward(s) sb: Everyone was very friendly towards me. friendly
Your friendship is very important to me. friendship
The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake. in front of
He was standing in front of me in the line. in front of
A funny thing happened to me today. funny
I was really embarrassed, but then I saw the funny side of it. funny
I gained an insight into the work of a journalist. gain
I must get my hair cut. get
All that driving has given me a headache. give
give sb sth: You've given me your cold. give
Give me your name and address. give
I was hoping you would give me a job. give
They couldn't give me any more information. give
Don't give me any of that backchat (= don't be rude). give
Could you give me back my pen? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Could you give me my pen back? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Give it me back! give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
I give up—tell me the answer. give up
This book is no good to me: I need the new edition. good
I don't feel too good today. good
'How are you?' 'I'm good.' (= used as a general reply to a greeting) good
good (to sb): He was very good to me when I was ill. good
Sorry, my English is not very good. good
It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving. be no good, not be any/much good
Say goodbye to Mary for me. goodbye
grant sb sth: I was granted permission to visit the palace. grant
The bank finally granted me a £500 loan. grant
grant sth to sb/sth: The bank finally granted a £500 loan to me. grant
You've been a great help, I must say (= no help at all). great
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today. great
grow sth: I've decided to grow my hair. grow
He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. guarantee
guess what, where, etc...: You'll never guess what she told me. guess
guess sth: Guess what! He's asked me out! guess
I'm having my hair cut this afternoon. hair
Half of the money was mine. half
Give me your hand (= hold my hand) while we cross the road. hand
Could you hand these books out, please? hand sth out (to sb)
I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car. handle
It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. happen to sb/sth
He said some very hard things to me. hard
Mary had her back to me. have
I don't have that much money on me. have
Sorry, I've got to go. have to
I have to admit, the idea of marriage scares me. have to
The thought never entered my head. head
Red wine gives me a headache. headache
hear about sb/sth: I was sorry to hear about your accident. hear
I was so sorry to hear of your father's death. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
I can't really afford it, but, what the hell (= it doesn't matter), I'll get it anyway. hell
Say hello to Liz for me. hello
help (sb) in doing sth: I need contacts that could help in finding a job. help
Come and help me lift this box. help
When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan. help out, help sb out
The course they sent me on was of no help whatsoever! help
Sorry I can't be more helpful. helpful
Please give her my regards. her
She told me the news herself. herself
+ speech: 'I'm not sure,' she hesitated. hesitate
honest (with sb): Thank you for being so honest with me. honest
Give me your honest opinion. honest
She told me all her hopes, dreams and fears. hope
I feel hot. hot
Let's have the party at my house. house
How kind of you to help! how
'I think you owe me some money.' ' How come?' how come?
Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now—I'm in a hurry. in a hurry
Stop it. You're hurting me. hurt
My back is really hurting me today. hurt
My feet hurt. hurt
hurt sb/sth: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. hurt
it hurts (sb) to do sth: It hurt me to think that he would lie to me. hurt
idea (of sth/of doing sth): I like the idea of living on a boat. idea
I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters. identify with sb
I'll only stay if you offer me more money. if
I am sorry if I disturbed you. if
I can't imagine life without the children now. imagine
imagine sb/sth doing sth: I can just imagine him saying that! imagine
imagine sb/sth to be/do sth: I had imagined her to be older than that. imagine
imagine (sb + adj./noun): I can imagine him really angry. imagine
'He was furious.' 'I can imagine.' imagine
imagine (that)...: I don't imagine (that) they'll refuse. imagine
my immediate predecessor in the job (= the person who had the job just before me) immediate
An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn. impatient
It's a matter of the greatest importance to me. importance
important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. important
It's impossible for me to be there before eight. impossible
One particular incident sticks in my mind. incident
'Do you agree?' 'Indeed I do/Yes, indeed.' indeed
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. independent
Don't let me influence you either way. influence
inform sb that...: I have been reliably informed (= somebody I trust has told me) that the couple will marry next year. inform
According to my information (= according to what I have been told) work was due to start last week. information
introduce sth (to sb): It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me. introduce
introduce A to B (as sth): He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party. introduce
She was introduced to me as a well-known novelist. introduce
Stop it, you're hurting me! it
I like it here. it
join sb in doing sth: I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage. join
'I'm not sure that's a good way to do it.' 'Let me be the judge of that.' judge
junior to sb: She is junior to me. junior
just as...: It's just as I thought. just
You don't need to justify yourself to me. justify
keep sb/sth doing sth: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. keep
kind (of sb) (to do sth): It was really kind of you to help me. kind
'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' know
Sorry I'm late—am I the last? last
I'm sorry I'm late. late
I told him I was worried but he laughed scornfully. laugh
leave sb/sth + adv./prep.: You can leave the cooking to me. leave
Leave it with me—I'm sure I can sort it out. leave
leave sb with sth: She left me with the impression that she was unhappy with her job. leave
leave sb sth: I'm afraid you leave me no choice. leave
leave to sb: The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer. leave
I broke my leg playing football. leg
lend sb sth: Can you lend me your car this evening? lend
The accident taught me a lesson I'll never forget. lesson
let sb/sth: She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn't let her. let
Let go! You're hurting me! let sb/sth go, let go (of sb/sth)
Do what you like—I don't care. like
Sorry, I wasn't really listening. listen
I listened carefully to her story. listen
You haven't been listening to a word I've said! listen
If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little? little
These shoes are a little (bit) too big for me. little
Her words have lived with me all my life. live
Can you help me load the dishwasher? load
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. for (so) long
I haven't had time to look at (= read) the papers yet. look at sth
I care a lot about you. lot
I just love it when you bring me presents! love
mail sb sth: Can you mail me that document you mentioned? mail
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. make sth up
I'm sorry I won't be able to make it (= for example, to a party) on Saturday. make it
Don't tell me how to manage my affairs. manage
She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend. manner
She marched over to me and demanded an apology. march
I've got masses of work to do. mass
Don't give me any more. I've eaten masses! mass
Sorry mate, you'll have to wait. mate
And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me. matter
It doesn't matter to me what you do. matter
'You should stop work when you have the baby.' 'Maybe, but I can't afford to.' maybe
Give it to me. me
Your friendship means a great deal to me. mean
I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. mean
What do you mean, you thought I wouldn't mind? (= of course I mind and I am very angry) mean
You mean (= are you telling me) we have to start all over again? mean
I made a mental note to talk to her about it. mental
He sent me a message. message
He might get there in time, but I can't be sure. might
Sorry—your name has gone right out of my mind. mind
There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind. mind
Watching TV all evening wasn't exactly what I had in mind! have sb/sth in mind (for sth)
'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'I don't mind—either's fine.' mind
That's mine. mine
He's a friend of mine (= one of my friends). mine
Let's go back to mine after the show. mine
Sorry I'm late—have I missed anything? miss
Don't tell me you're mixed up in all of this? be/get mixed up in sth
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? money
Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you. as much
'Roger stole the money.' 'I thought as much.' as much
I'm sorry, she's not here. She must have left already (= that must be the explanation). must
I wrote a message to myself. myself
It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him. mystery
I didn't need to go to the bank after all—Mary lent me the money. need
He helped me in my hour of need. need
You never help me. never
Tell me all your news. news
It's news to me (= I haven't heard it before). news
nice to sb: Be nice to me. I'm not feeling well. nice
It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do. nice
Sorry, the answer's no. no
She told me what it meant at great length but I'm afraid I'm none the wiser. none
I was sorry not to have seen them. not
He didn't speak to me—not one word. not a..., not one...
Can I borrow your lecture notes? note
The doctor said there was nothing wrong with me. nothing
It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice (= told me about it). notice
Normally, the letter would not have come to my notice (= I would not have known about it). notice
notice sb/sth: The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. notice
It's broken. Now I'll have to get a new one. now
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number). number
You owe me 27 dollars? Make it 30, that's a good round number. number
I tried to run but my legs just wouldn't obey me. obey
This seemed the most obvious thing to do. obvious
a friend of mine of
I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me. offer
They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. offer
Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment? oh
OK, so I was wrong. I'm sorry. OK
She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). old
The doctor put me on antibiotics. on
I'm sorry we can't come—we've got a lot on. on
Don't blame me, I'm only the messenger! only
He is rude to me at every opportunity (= whenever possible). opportunity
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
'I like this one.' 'What about the other ones?' other
My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn't have afforded the trip. otherwise
She wouldn't tell me over the phone. over
owe sb sth: You owe me a favour! owe
Don't tell me what to do—you don't own me! own
Part of me feels sorry for him (= I feel partly, but not entirely, sorry for him). part
Pass that book over. pass
pass sb sth: Pass me over that book. pass
She passed me in the street without even saying hello. pass
Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it. pass sth on (to sb)
pay sb sth: He still hasn't paid me the money he owes me. pay
He's always paying me compliments. pay
I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry). peace
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect (= used when sb has criticized you). perfect
A certain person (= somebody that I do not wish to name) told me about it. person
She's a personal friend of mine (= not just somebody I know because of my job). personal
I have got piles of work to do. pile
What a pity that she didn't tell me earlier. pity
What about dinner at my place? place
I'm fed up with living with my parents, so I'm looking for a place of my own. place
Would you like to change places with me so you can see better? place
play sth (for sb): Play their new CD for me, please. play
play (sb sth): Play me their new CD, please. play
'Thanks for doing that.' 'It's a pleasure.' pleasure
At this point I don't care what you decide to do. point
Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some. pour
practise (sth) on sb/sth: He usually wants to practise his English on me. practise
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
I'm sorry he's out at present (= now). present
I'm pretty sure I'll be going. pretty
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
If I can afford it, I think I'll go private (= pay for medical care rather than use the government service). private
promise sb (that)...: You promised me (that) you'd be home early tonight. promise
promise yourself sth: I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. promise
He simply broke every single promise he ever made me. promise
propose to sb: She proposed to me! propose
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. pull out
Can you help me put this letter into good English, please? put
I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available. quantity
question sth: I just accepted what he told me. I never thought to question it. question
'I'm sorry to be so difficult.' 'That's quite all right.' quite
'You've no intention of coming back?' 'I'm quite sorry, but no, I have not.' quite
'Do you mind if I smoke?' 'Well, I'd rather you didn't.' would rather... (than)
I'm not sure if Karen is ready for marriage yet. ready
ready for sth: Can you help me get everything ready for the party? ready
Tell me the real reason. real
The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong. realize
Tell me what really happened. really
I really don't mind. really
I'm really sorry. really
Give me one good reason why I should help you. reason
It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make. reasonable
I reckon (that) I'm going to get that job. reckon
Tell me when the tape starts recording. record
I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle (= I do not feel sorry about it). regret
I just want to buy a regular white shirt—nothing fancy. regular
a close/near/distant relation of mine relation
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
Send me all the relevant information. relevant
I feel sorry for her, but the fact remains (that) she lied to us. remain
remember (sth): I'm sorry—I can't remember your name. remember
You were going to help me with this. Remember? remember
remember sb/sth doing sth: I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards. remember
She agreed to rent the room to me. rent
rent sb sth: She agreed to rent me the room. rent
repeat sth (after sb): Listen and repeat each sentence after me. repeat
reputation (for sth/for doing sth): I'm aware of Mark's reputation for being late. reputation
+ speech: 'Please come with me,' he requested. request
respect sb/sth for sth: She had always been honest with me, and I respect her for that. respect
+ speech: 'I'm not sure,' she responded. respond
I did it on my own responsibility (= without being told to and being willing to take the blame if it had gone wrong). responsibility
I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home. rest
return sth: Don't forget to return my pen! return
I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. in return (for sth)
I'm right out of ideas. right
You did right to tell me about it. right
Why don't you ever give me flowers? I wish you'd be more romantic. romantic
Don't try any rough stuff with me! rough
How rude of me not to offer you something to drink! rude
A shiver ran down my spine. run
Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out. run out (of sth)
Your secret is safe with me (= I will not tell anyone else). safe
I'm worried about the safety of the treatment. safety
I'm sorry, it's not for sale. for sale
Pass the salt, please. salt
The same thing happened to me last week. same
He gave me five dollars, same as usual. same
save sb sth: Thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip. save
save sb sth: Save me some food. save
Thanks for doing that. You saved my life (= helped me a lot). save
say sth to sb: She said nothing to me about it. say
say to sb/yourself + speech: I said to myself (= thought), 'That can't be right!' say
seem like sth: It seemed like a good idea at the time. seem
send sb sth: He sent me word to come. send
Who would send me all these flowers? It makes no sense. make sense
Believe me, I'm deadly (= extremely) serious. serious
My mother taught me how to sew. sew
sew sth on: Can you sew a button on for me? sew
He shook my hand warmly. shake
sharp with sb: He was very sharp with me when I was late. sharp
shift sth: Could you help me shift some furniture? shift
I bought a new umbrella but lost it shortly afterwards. shortly
She recommended that I should take some time off. should
I should imagine it will take about three hours. should
He showed me our location on the map. show
show sb which, what, etc...: Show me which picture you drew. show
Can you show me how to do it? show
show sth to sb: If there's a letter from France please show it to me. show
Mum, I feel sick! sick
I can't afford to get sick (= become ill). sick
Get out of my sight! (= Go away!) sight
He gave me the silent treatment (= did not speak to me because he was angry). silent
How silly of me to expect them to help! silly
'Report to me tomorrow, corporal!' 'Yes, sir!' sir
In your situation, I would look for another job. situation
Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? sleep
The fish slipped out of my hand. slip
Smell this and tell me what you think it is. smell
George is going to help me, or so he says (= that is what he says). so
I'll see you again some time, I'm sure. some
Somebody should have told me. somebody
Somehow or other I must get a new job. somehow
Give me something to do. something
There's something about this place that frightens me. something
She's a professor of something or other (= I'm not sure what) at Leeds. something
He sometimes writes to me. sometimes
I soon realized the mistake. soon
sorry (that)...: I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. sorry
sorry to do sth: I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college. sorry
I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry
Oh, I'm sorry. Have I taken the one you wanted? I'm sorry
I'm sorry. I can't make it tomorrow. I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I don't agree. I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'd rather you didn't go. I'm sorry
I'm sorry to have to tell you you've failed. I'm sorry
His explanation sounds reasonable to me. sound
She told me the whole story from soup to nuts. from soup to nuts
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
split sth: Don't tell me you've split another pair of pants! split
He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. spot
He's so good—I'm sure he'll be a big star. star
My bank sends me monthly statements. statement
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
I had my wallet stolen. steal
She moved a step closer to me. step
She stuck her tongue out at me. stick out (of sth), stick sth out (of sth)
Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would. still
Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong. stop
Stop it! You're hurting me. stop
She looked me straight in the eye. straight
strange to sb: At first the place was strange to me. strange
stranger to sb: She remained a stranger to me. stranger
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work. stream
If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago. (out) on the streets/street
stress sb (out): Driving in cities really stresses me (out). stress
He told me in the strictest confidence (= on the understanding that I would tell nobody else). strict
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
strike sb (as sth): His reaction struck me as odd. strike
She strikes me as a very efficient person. strike
it strikes sb that...: It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes. strike
This is an issue I feel strongly about (= I have firm opinions about). strongly
'There are loads of things to do.' 'Such as?' (= give me an example) such as
I suddenly realized what I had to do. suddenly
suggest itself (to sb): A solution immediately suggested itself to me (= I immediately thought of a solution). suggest
suggest how, what, etc...: Can you suggest how I might contact him? suggest
If you want to go by bus, that suits me fine. suit
it suits sb to do sth: It suits me to start work at a later time. suit
I don't think this coat really suits me. suit
'Can I borrow the car?' 'I suppose so ' (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it). suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? suppose
'Is that John over there?' 'I'm not sure '. sure
sure (that)...: I'm pretty sure (that) he'll agree. sure
I'm not sure whether I should tell you this. sure
I could have sworn (= I am sure) I heard the phone ring. swear
I wish he'd show me a little more sympathy. sympathy
I tackled him about the money he owed me. tackle
If they offer me the job, I'll take it. take
The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough. take
I was given some pills to take away the pain. take sth away
tap sb/sth: Ralph tapped me on the shoulder. tap
taste (for sth): That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. taste
teach (sb to do) sth: Could you teach me to do that? teach
teach sb how, what, etc...: My father taught me how to ride a bike. teach
I kept telling myself to keep calm. tell
tell sb what, when, etc...: Don't tell me what to do! tell
tell sb (that)...: The doctor told me (that) I should eat less fat. tell
tell sb (about sth): Why wasn't I told about the accident? tell
I kept telling myself (that) everything was OK. tell
Are you telling me you didn't have any help with this? (= I don't believe what you have said) tell
tell sb where, what, etc...: Tell me where you live. tell
I'm terribly sorry—did I hurt you? terribly
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. that
What are you doing with those matches? Give them to me. them
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). then
I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then/then and there (= immediately). there
They cut my water off. they
Can you pass me that thing over there? thing
I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week. the thing is
Let me think (= give me time before I answer). think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
I think this is their house, but I'm not sure. think
'What shall we do now?' 'I'll think of something.' think of sth/sb
I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late. think of sth/sb
I can't think of her name at the moment. think of sth/sb
Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me. though
I've given the matter careful thought. thought
All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind. thought
Don't tell me how it ends—I haven't read it all the way through yet. through
throw sb sth: Can you throw me that towel? throw
I tie back my hair when I'm cooking. tie
Can you help me tie my tie? tie
I can probably make the time to see them. time
Sorry, I can't spare the time. time
I didn't finish the test—I ran out of time. time
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
I'm sorry to hear that. to
I stubbed my toe on the step. toe
Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please? toilet
Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant way). tone
There's no need to take that tone with me—it's not my fault we're late. tone
Will you have dinner with me tonight? tonight
This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me. too
The dress was too tight for me. too
I'm not too sure if this is right. too
May I borrow it for a day or two? a day, moment, pound, etc. or two
He broke the bar of chocolate in two and gave me half. in two
I'm still uncertain of my feelings for him. uncertain
I'm under no illusions about what hard work this will be. under
I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again. understand
She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour. unlikely
He was very unpleasant to me. unpleasant
She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details. unwilling
Is anything up? You can tell me. up
It's not up to you to tell me how to do my job. be up to sb
I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. use
The job enables me to vary the hours I work. vary
Sit down—you're blocking my view. view
'There you are,' said a voice behind me. voice
Waiter, could you bring me some water? waiter
I can't seem to get warm. warm
I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through. wave
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
Get out of my way! I'm in a hurry. way
She didn't speak a word to me all the way back home. all the way
You'll have to move—you're in my way. in the/sb's way
I guessed that there would be a hundred people there, but I was way out (= wrong by a large amount). way
welcome sb to sth: It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home. welcome
I'm better now, thank you. well
'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.' well
whisper (to sb) that...: He whispered to me that he was afraid. whisper
I can't afford it—that's the whole point. whole
Tell me why you did it. why
Will you send this letter for me, please? will
My father left me the house in his will. will
Would you be willing to help me with my essay? willing
'Will you help me?' 'Willingly.' willingly
A gust of wind blew my hat off. wind
Wish me luck! wish
I'm sure that you will get your wish. wish
Give my good wishes to the family. wish
I have a client with me right now. with
Leave it with me. with
I wonder if you can help me. wonder
I can't prove it—you'll have to take my word for it (= believe me). word
He never breathed a word of this to me. word
Tell me what happened in your own words. word
Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel). word
She repeated their conversation word for word to me. word for word
The pills the doctor gave me aren't working. work
work on sb/sth: His charm doesn't work on me (= does not affect or impress me). work
I can't work if I'm cold. work
You had me worried for a moment—I thought you were going to resign! you had me worried
worry sb/yourself (about sb/sth): What worries me is how I am going to get another job. worry
I've only broken my arm; other people are far worse off than me. be worse off (than sb/sth)
Worst of all, I lost the watch my father had given me. worst
They told me that they probably wouldn't come. would
Would you open the door for me, please? would
Would you have dinner with me on Friday? would
I'd rather you came with us. would
I would imagine the job will take about two days. would
+ speech: 'Of all my books,' wrote Dickens, 'I like this the best.' write
write sb: Write me while you're away. write
write sb that...: He wrote me that he would be arriving Monday. write
It was wrong of me to get so angry. wrong
Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number. wrong
'Dad, can I borrow the car?' 'Yes, but be careful.' yes
'Sorry I'm late—the bus didn't come.' 'Oh yes?' yes