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EVP mend
EVP recommend
EVP recommendable
EVP recommendation
EVP tremendous
EVP tremendously
EVP commend
EVP commendation

OXF3000ZH: 推荐 介绍 劝告 recommend
3000TH: แก้ไขเพิ่มเติม gaaeF khaiR pheermF dteermM amend
3000TH: แก้ gaaeF to repair, mend fix (a problem) + object
5000FR: recommandation recommendation
5000FR: amendement amendment
5000FR: recommander to recommend
5000FR: formidable tremendous, considerable
5000FR: préconiser to recommend, advocate
5000FR: prôner to laud, extol, advocate, commend
OXF3000N giới thiệu tiến cử đề nghị khuyên bảo recommend
CORE: mend + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [amendment]
WNS: (n.) [recommendation] testimonial, good word
WNS: (v.) [recommend] commend

like: mend
to mend one’s ways sửa lỗi
to mend one’s ways, better one’s conduct, turn over a tu tỉnh
(1) sudden, abrupt, unexpected
(2) to sew, stitch up, mend
(3) to pierce, put a hole in (metal)

2501 You stayed at a hotel. Pavel recommended it to you. > We stayed at a hotel that Pavel recommended to us. Bạn đã ở một khách sạn. Pavel đã giới thiệu nó cho bạn. > Chúng tôi đã ở một khách sạn mà Pavel giới thiệu cho chúng tôi.
2780 The last twenty (20) years has seen a tremendous decrease IN crime. Hai mươi năm nay đã có một sự giảm dữ dội về số vụ phạm tội.

There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down (= the play ended). curtain
I can recommend the chef's dish of the day. dish
The recommendations will soon be put into effect. bring/put sth into effect
I'll get round to mending it eventually. eventually
The government looks with favour upon (= approves of) the report's recommendations. favour
the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals mineral
recommend sb/sth: Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend
recommend sb/sth (to sb) (for/as sth): I recommend the book to all my students. recommend
She was recommended for the post by a colleague. recommend
The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it). recommend
recommend sth: The report recommended a 10% pay increase. recommend
It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose. recommend
a recommended price of $50 recommend
recommend (that)...: I recommend (that) he see a lawyer. recommend
I recommend (that) he should see a lawyer. recommend
it is recommended that...: It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year. recommend
recommend sb to do sth: We'd recommend you to book your flight early. recommend
recommend (sb) doing sth: He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. recommend
recommend how, what, etc...: Can you recommend how much we should charge? recommend
The report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions. reduction
She recommended that I should take some time off. should
Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit. spirit
I can thoroughly recommend it. thoroughly
shoes mended while you wait while

recommandation nous avons fait neuf recommandations précises
amendement la Commission a accepté une partie des amendements
recommander je ne lui recommandai même pas la prudence
formidable j’ai fait quelques rencontres formidables
préconiser je préconise la souplesse plutôt que la ligne dure
prôner l’évangile prône la pauvreté