Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP maximum
EVP maximum

IELTS: maximum + : 最大量 极限 a.
OXF3000ZH: 最大量 maximum
3000TH: สุด sootL maximum, peak, highest point
5000FR: maximum maximum
5000FR: plafond ceiling, roof, maximum
OXF3000: tối đa maximum
OXF3000N cực độ tối đa trị số cực đại lượng cực đại cực độ maximum
CORE: maximum + + + + + + +
NGLS: maximum + largest or greatest
WNS: (a.) [maximum] maximal
WNS: (n.) [maximum] upper limit

ENDE: maximum Maximum
FN: maximum a Extreme_value
FN: maximum n Extreme_value

They prepared maximum security at the airport. Họ đã chuẩn bị an ninh tối đa tại sân bay. Adjectives 3
maximum tối đa Adjectives 3

like: maximum
3 years at most, a maximum of 3 years tố đa 3 năm

For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. benefit
During the court hearing, the prosecutor said she would seek maximum prison sentences. court
the maximum speed/temperature/volume maximum
For maximum effect do the exercises every day. maximum
a maximum security prison maximum
The offence carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years. maximum
a maximum of 30 children in a class maximum
The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum. maximum
The July maximum (= the highest temperature recorded in July) was 30°C. maximum
What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay? maximum
a maximum-security prison prison
a high/maximum security prison (= for dangerous criminals) security
He faces a maximum prison/jail term of 25 years. term

maximum je vais essayer de faire le maximum
plafond il y a des caméras dans le plafond