Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP maternal
EVP maternalistic

IELTS: maternal + : 母亲的 母系的
3000TH: ตาทวด dtaaM thuaatF great grandfather (maternal)
3000TH: ยายทวด yaaiM thuaatF great grandmother (maternal)
5000FR: maternel motherly, maternal
SAT: maternal + Pertaining or peculiar to a mother or to motherhood. 

ENDE: maternal mütterlich
FN: maternal a Kinship

like: maternal
(older) male cousin on the maternal side or on the paternal aunt’s side biểu huynh
(younger) female cousin on the maternal side or on the paternal aunt’s side biểu muội
(younger) male cousin on the maternal side or on the parental aunt’s side biểu đệ
(older) female cousin on the maternal side or on the paternal aunt’s side biệu tỉ
child of one’s daughter, maternal grandchild cháu ngoại
aunt, maternal uncle’s wife mợ
foreign, imported, maternal side; over, past ngoại
paternal side and maternal side nội ngoại

maternel ils s’écrivaient en yiddish, leur langue maternelle