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machinery guồng máy

IELTS: machinery + : <总称> 机械 机构
OXF3000ZH: (总称)机器 机构 machinery
3000TH: เครื่องจักร khreuuangF jakL machinery
OXF3000: máy móc machinery
OXF3000N máy móc thiết bị machinery
GBENDE: 装备 machinery Ausrüstung
CORE: machinery + + + + + + +
SAT: machinery + The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively. 
WNS: (n.) [machinery] machines

ENDE: machinery Ausrüstung
ENDE: machinery Maschinen

like: machinery

complex machinery complex
farm buildings/machinery farm
agricultural/industrial machinery machinery
a piece of machinery machinery
a clock with all its machinery hanging out machinery
What skills are needed to operate this machinery? operate
the working parts of the machinery part
a piece of equipment/machinery piece