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one side một bên

OXF3000N về một bên qua một bên apart
OXF3000N về một bên sang một bên aside
OXF3000N ngang từ một bên sang bên sideways

like: một bên

She pulled the curtain aside. aside
He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice. aside
Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits. aside
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
a hospital/home birth birth
The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). close
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
an infectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to sb very easily) disease
He suffers from a rare blood disease. disease
I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately). draw
a general hospital general
Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in adolescents. mainly
A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals. mysterious
I'm seeing a patient—please wait outside. outside
There is one particular patient I'd like you to see. particular
a rare disease/occurrence/sight rare
a serious illness/problem/offence serious
She tilted her head to one side. side
He shook his head slowly from side to side. from side to side
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
She slid him a sideways glance. sideways
(+ adv./prep.): The boat tipped to one side. tip
He tipped the wheelbarrow on its side. tip
Brown the meat on one side, then turn it over and brown the other side. turn sth over