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OXF3000D: lớn large lange

ENDE: a long time lange
ENDE: footage Länge
ENDE: for a long time lange
ENDE: large lange
ENDE: length Länge
ENDE: longitude Länge

How long have you been here for? Bạn ở đây bao lâu rồi? * 005
How long will you be staying? Bạn ở bao lâu? * 005
I’d like something that won’t take much time. Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * 032
How long does the journey to Berlin take? Chuyến đi đến Berlin mất bao lâu? * 036
How long can one park here? Có thể đỗ xe bao lâu? * 039
How long is the tour? Phần hướng dẫn kéo dài bao lâu? * 043
How long is the film? Phim dài bao lâu? * 047
The man has a long nose. Người đàn ông ấy có mũi dài. * 060
How long will it take to get there? Bao nhiêu lâu mới đến? * 061
Have you lived here long? Bạn sống ở đây lâu chưa? * 067
How long did you fly? Bạn đã bay bao lâu? * 087
We did not want to stay long. Chúng tôi đã không định ở lâu. * 089
During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. Trong kỳ nghỉ mấy đứa con tôi đã được phép ở ngoài lâu. * 090
They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. Mấy đứa ấy đã được phép chơi ở ngoài sân lâu. * 090
They were allowed to stay up late. Mấy đứa ấy đã được phép thức khuya. * 090
How long will you work? Các bạn sẽ làm việc bao lâu? * 098
Will you stay here a little longer? Bạn còn ở đây lâu nữa không? * 102
No, I won’t stay here much longer. Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. * 102

like: lange
die Warteschlange xếp hàng đợi
verlangen Đòi, yêu cầu
die Langeweile nhàm chán
Schlange stehen xếp hàng
die Länge chiều dài
die Schlange con rắn
die Klapperschlange rắn đuôi chuông
die Verlängerung sự kéo dài trận đấu

Warteschlange 排长队 pái chángduì
verlangen 要求 yāo qiú
Langeweile 无聊 wú liáo
Schlange stehen 排队 páiduì
Länge 长度 chángdù
Schlange shé
Klapperschlange 响尾蛇 xiǎngwěishé
Verlängerung 伤停补时 shāng tíng bǔ shí

Dies ist eine lange Essensliste. Danh sách món ăn dài thật. (Lektion 14, Nr. 151)
Ich habe dich jetzt seit so langer Zeit nicht gesehen. Đã lâu em không gặp anh. (Lektion 18, Nr. 200)
Er weiß nicht, wie lange er bei seinem Bruder bleiben möchte. Anh ấy không biết là mình sẽ ở chỗ anh trai bao lâu. (Lektion 20, Nr. 229)
Er war von der langen Reise sehr müde. Anh ấy mệt do chuyến đi kéo dài. (Lektion 27, Nr. 341)
Gibt es keinen einfacheren und schnelleren Weg, um zu dir zu gelangen? Không có đường nào đơn giản hơn và nhanh hơn đế đến chỗ em sao? (Lektion 37, Nr. 529)
Am Ticketschalter musst du sehr lange warten. Am besten benutzt du den Fahrscheinautomaten. Ở quầy bán vé anh phải đợi rất lâu. Tốt nhất là anh dùng máy bán vé tự động. (Lektion 37, Nr. 532)
Er hat seine Familie so lange nicht gesehen. Đã lâu anh ấy không gặp lại gia đình. (Lektion 40, Nr. 570)
Hoffentlich müssen wir uns am Haupteingang nicht zu lange anstellen. Hy vọng là chúng ta không phải xếp hàng quá lâu ở lối vào chính. (Lektion 49, Nr. 695)
Während der langen Fahrt erzählt Tri von seinem abenteuerlichsten Urlaub. Trong suốt chuyến đi dài Trí kể về chuyến đi nghỉ đầy mạo hiểm của anh. (Lektion 56, Nr. 791)
Ich habe heute länger gearbeitet. Hôm nay anh làm lâu hơn. (Lektion 60, Nr. 846)
Und was machen sie dabei mit ihrem langen Hals? Và chúng làm gì với cái cổ dài? (Lektion 65, Nr. 931)
Durch enge Gassen muss er sich durch die Altstadt schlängeln. Xuyên qua ngõ nhỏ anh phải ngoằn ngèo qua thành phố cổ. (Lektion 67, Nr. 955)
Schon lange wollte er sich eigentlich einen neueren, besseren Wagen kaufen und den alten verkaufen. Thực sự là lâu rồi anh đã muốn mua cái xe mới, tốt hơn và bán cái xe cũ đi. (Lektion 69, Nr. 983)
So lange liegt das letzte Treffen schon zurück. Lần gặp gỡ cuối cùng cách đây cũng đã rất lâu rồi. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1048)
Hast du die lange Schlange vor der Umkleidekabine gesehen? Em có nhìn thấy một hàng dài trước phòng thay đồ không? (Lektion 76, Nr. 1083)
Alle Gäste bilden eine lange Warteschlange. Jeder will ein Stück der Torte. Tất cả khách khứa tạo thành một hàng dài. Ai cũng muốn một miếng bánh. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1126)
Das Angebot gilt nur solange der Vorrat reicht. Chương trình khuyến mại với số lượng nhất định. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1573)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Wie lange bleiben Sie hier? Anh / Chị sẽ ở đây bao lâu? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1692)
Warum hat Ihre Ausbildung so lange gedauert? Vì sao khóa đào tạo của anh / chị kéo quá dài? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1870)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
An diesem Produkt werden Sie lange Freude haben. Với sản phẩm này quí vị sẽ cảm thấy rất hài lòng. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2260)
Wie lange bleiben Sie hier? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà sẽ ở lại đây bao lâu? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2386)
Ich muss einen Tag länger hierbleiben. Tôi phải ở lại đây thêm một ngày nữa. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2396)

Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. accept
How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills? acquire
Not long after that he resigned. after
I waited for ages. age
a short/long time ago ago
How long ago did you buy it? ago
It was on TV not (so) long ago. ago
He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago). ago
They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met! ago
allow sb to do sth: His parents won't allow him to stay out late. allow
He is not allowed to stay out late. allow
What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us. amaze
It had been her lifelong ambition. ambition
The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal. appeal
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
to arrive at an agreement/a decision/a conclusion arrive at sth
to arrive at the truth arrive at sth
I haven't known him as long as you (= as you have known him). as
He's been at the bank longer than anyone else. at
attempt at sth/at doing sth: The couple made an unsuccessful attempt at a compromise. attempt
an automatic rifle (= one that continues to fire as long as the trigger is pressed) automatic
balance (on sth): How long can you balance on one leg? balance
a long soak in a hot bath bath
battle (against sth): her long battle against cancer battle
That had happened long before (= a long time earlier). before
There's nothing better than a long soak in a hot bath. better
a mosquito/snake bite bite
a long and bitter dispute bitter
I feel safe as long as I can touch the bottom. bottom
While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse. breath
I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. breathe in
The rabbits are bred for their long coats. breed
I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer. but
a long table in the centre of the room centre
a short length of chain chain
challenge sb to do sth: The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election. challenge
They're charging £3 for the catalogue. charge
I had a long chat with her. chat
The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident. clear
Our horse coasted home (= won easily) by three lengths. coast
a long winter coat coat
colour sth: How long have you been colouring (= dyeing ) your hair? colour
That comes a long way down my list of priorities. come
The company has come a long way (= made lot of progress) in the last 5 years. come
to gain a competitive advantage over rival companies competitive
Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container. container
The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election. control
I had a long conversation with her the other day. conversation
I felt a lot better after a good long cry. cry
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended). curtain
They daren't ask for any more money. dare
Sue has long dark hair. dark
It's been a long day (= I've been very busy). day
Though the idea may be dead, it is far from being buried (= people still talk about it, even though there is nothing new to say). dead
After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. debate
define sth as sth: Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law. define
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete. define
Commuters will face long delays on the roads today. delay
We can't delay much longer. delay
firms attempting to meet/satisfy their customers' demands (= to give them what they are asking for) demand
demand sth: She demanded an immediate explanation. demand
demand to do sth: I demand to see the manager. demand
to live in the depths of the country (= a long way from a town) depth
design sth to do sth: The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. design
desire for sth: a strong desire for power desire
Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. distance
a long white dress dress
There was a great crash and then a long roll of drums. drum
Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer, drier parts of North America. dry
Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. effective
It's a long climb to the top, but well worth the effort. effort
That was by no means the end of the matter. end
I joined the end of the queue. end
Go to the end of the line! end
Their long struggle ended in failure. end in sth
I couldn't get through—the line's engaged. engaged
two pieces of wood equal in length/of equal length equal
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
the long winter evenings evening
'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.' ever
Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. expose
to extend a fence/road/house extend
to extend a deadline/visa extend
The show has been extended for another six weeks. extend
Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. extend
He's been granted an extension of the contract for another year. extension
a visa extension extension
The pub had an extension (= was allowed to stay open longer) on Christmas Eve. extension
She was given an extension to finish writing her thesis. extension
The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities. extension
The play is to run for an extra week! extra
I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy. fact
She has long fair hair. fair
A fair number of people came a long. fair
My birthday's still a fair way off (= it's still a long time until my birthday). fair
to achieve/win instant fame fame
Long skirts have come into fashion again. fashion
It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again. fashionable
We will fight for as long as it takes. fight
'How's your throat?' 'It's fine as long as I don't cough.' fine
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
form (up) (into sth): Queues were already forming outside the theatre. form
Let me write it down while it's still fresh in my mind. fresh
She's an old friend (= I have known her a long time). friend
a childhood/family/lifelong friend friend
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship friendship
He was standing in front of me in the line. in front of
My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours. further
gain sth: to gain entrance/entry/access to sth gain
How much longer will this hot weather go on for? go on
How long have Tom and Lucy been going out together? go out with sb, go out (together)
How long can a human being go (= survive) without sleep? go without (sth)
They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. guarantee
He killed the snake with his bare hands (= using only his hands). hand
I've had a long hard day. hard
We thought long and hard before deciding to move house. hard
a hate campaign (= cruel comments made about sb over a period of time in order to damage their reputation) hate
It took a long time for the wounds to heal. heal
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
Height: 210 mm. Width: 57 mm. Length: 170 mm. height
knee-high boots high
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters. history
Mrs Thatcher held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else last century. hold
Eat it while it's hot. hot
a long hot journey hot
Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours. hour
'How long did it last?' 'Oh, hours and hours.' hour
He died after a long illness. illness
three metres in length in
intend doing sth: I don't intend staying long. intend
to issue/extend an invitation invitation
It's a long time since they left. it
Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job. job
They went on a long train journey across India. journey
They journeyed for seven long months. journey
judge how, what, etc...: It's difficult to judge how long the journey will take. judge
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer. land
It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well. language
How long does the play last? last
He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts. last
She won't last long in that job. last
I've known her at least as long as you have. at least
They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts. legal
He was disgusted at the length of time he had to wait. length
She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time (= for a long time). length
The snake usually reaches a length of 100 cm. length
Did you see the length of his hair? length
to have a long/short life life
She is a life member of the club. life
We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day (= something amusing or entertaining that comes after sth serious or boring). light
like to do sth: At weekends I like to sleep late. like
She came from a long line of doctors. line
This novel is the latest in a long line of thrillers that he has written. line
a long line of trees line
lines of longitude and latitude line
Having to wait hours came high on the list of complaints. list
We saw a real live rattlesnake! live
She usually wears long skirts. long
He's been ill (for) a long time. long
There was a long silence before she spoke. long
I like it now the days are getting longer (= it stays light for more time each day). long
a long book/film/list (= taking a lot of time to read/watch/deal with) long
Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). long
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
How long is the course? long
How long a stay did you have in mind? long
I'm tired. It's been a long day. long
We were married for ten long years. long
She had long dark hair. long
He walked down the long corridor. long
a long journey/walk/drive/flight long
Have you been here long? long
Stay as long as you like. long
This may take longer than we thought. long
I won't be long (= I'll return, be ready, etc. soon). long
How long have you been waiting? long
He retired long before the war. long
It wasn't long before she had persuaded him (= it only took a short time). long
The house was pulled down long ago. long
They had long since (= a long time before the present time) moved away. long
We'll go as long as the weather is good. as/so long as
So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there. as/so long as
Will you be away for long? for (so) long
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. for (so) long
I can't wait any longer. no/any longer
The reservoir was low after the long drought. low
I'll go mad if I have to wait much longer. mad
The army began their long march to the coast. march
How long have you been married? married
They don't last long no matter how careful you are. no matter who, what, where, etc.
measure how much, how long, etc...: A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine. measure
The meeting of father and son after so long was a joyous occasion. meeting
He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him. memory
a mile-long procession mile
miles and miles of desert mile
I just have to finish this—I won't be a minute. minute
Do not alight while the train is still in motion (= moving). motion
Giraffes have very long necks. neck
a nice long walk nice
It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal
I'm not normally allowed to stay out late. normally
You are welcome to come and stay as long as you give us plenty of notice. notice
How long has he been in office? office
She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). old
The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order (= ordered them to obey the formal rules of the meeting). order
Your guess was a long way out (= completely wrong). out
To be a really good runner he needs to lengthen his pace a little. pace
There was a long pause before she answered. pause
All these changes happened over a period of time. period
The length of the report does not permit a detailed discussion of the problems. permit
Our car is falling to pieces, we've had it so long. fall to pieces
Copper pipe is sold in lengths. pipe
a pity (that...): It's a pity that you can't stay longer. pity
I don't want to lose my place in the line. place
How long has the import ban been in place? in place
the happy sounds of children at play play
The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor. point
poisonous snakes poisonous
By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. popular
It's precisely because I care about you that I don't like you staying out late. precisely
to charge a high/reasonable/low price for sth price
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer. put up with sb/sth
How long does it take to qualify? qualify
a five-kilometre race race
You will rarely, if ever, have to wait longer than an hour. rarely
reach sth + adv./prep.: He reached out his hand to touch her. reach
The paperless office is still far from being a reality. reality
Be reasonable! We can't work late every night. reasonable
to recover your sight recover
a remote ancestor (= who lived a long time ago) remote
require sth of sb: What exactly is required of a receptionist (= what are they expected to do)? require
require sb to do sth: All candidates will be required to take a short test. require
require that...: We require that you comply with the following rules:... require
The long skirt restricted her movements. restrict
We all wish you a long and happy retirement. retirement
I waited a long time for him to return. return
You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back. right
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
miles of golden sands sand
We'll be stopping here for longer than scheduled. schedule
a long search for the murder weapon search
Prolonged separations of this kind are damaging to very young children. separation
The shadows lengthened as the sun went down. shadow
We shan't be gone long. shall
I should wait a little longer, if I were you. should
The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain. sight
I got used to his long silences. silence
How long is it since we last went to the theatre? since
The snake sheds its skin once a year. skin
a long/short/straight/pleated, etc. skirt skirt
a dress with short/long sleeves sleeve
slow in doing sth: His poetry was slow in achieving recognition. slow
The procession snaked its way through narrow streets. snake
I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. so
We're going to be working together for some time (= a long time). some
sound like sb/sth: You sounded just like your father when you said that. sound
spend sth on sth: How long did you spend on your homework? spend
His heart won't stand the strain much longer. stand
I'm not standing for it any longer. stand for sth
start (on sth): It's a long story. Where shall I start? start
I'm staying late at the office tonight. stay
I can't stay awake any longer. stay
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
long straight hair (= without curls) straight
I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long. strain
If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago. (out) on the streets/street
Beth is streets ahead of all the other students in her year. streets ahead (of sb/sth)
The molecules join together to form long strings. string
a piece/length of string string
struggle (with sb) (to do sth): He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company. struggle
study (sth): How long have you been studying English? study
study (sth) under...: a composer who studied under Nadia Boulanger (= was taught by Nadia Boulanger) study
Allow sufficient time to get there. sufficient
I had a craving for something sweet. sweet
How long will it take her to swim the Channel? swim
That cut is taking a long time to heal. take
take sth for sb to do sth: It'll take time (= take a long time) for her to recover from the illness. take
I won't take up any more of your time. take up sth
I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. talk
Women tend to live longer than men. tend
a long term of imprisonment term
It never takes more than an hour. than
The nights are getting longer. the
In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more. in theory
The job took longer than we thought. think
How long have you been living in this country? this
a long queue at the till till
Jane's worked here for some time (= for a fairly long period of time). time
His injuries will take a long time to heal. time
Did you have to wait a long time to see the doctor? time
Her parents died a long time ago. time
It had been a long tiring day. tiring
How long is it to lunch? to
I'm just going out—I won't be too long. too
A snake was twisting around his arm. twist
She took a deep breath and stayed under for more than a minute. under
We finally came to an understanding about what hours we would work. understanding
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater
How long have you been unemployed? unemployed
It didn't take long to put the tent up. up
How long does the journey usually take? usually
the long vacation (= the summer vacation) vacation
There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one. version
He set out on the long walk home. walk
How long have they been at war? war
Way back, when he was a boy, he had lived on a farm in Wales. way back (in...)
They're welcome to stay here as long as they like. welcome
I haven't seen him for quite a while (= a fairly long time). while
He gave a low long whistle of surprise. whistle
How long will you be staying in Paris? will
There was a long line of people at the box-office window. window
The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. with
long working hours working