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compass la bàn
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der Kompass la bàn
sich duzen xưng là bạn

Und hier ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen. Và bây giờ là bản tin dự báo thời tiết cho ngày mai. (Lektion 10, Nr. 97)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Mit diesem Schreiben schicke ich Ihnen Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo thư này là bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1828)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1830)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und meine übersetzten und beglaubigten Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản dịch có công chứng các chứng chỉ. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1831)
Das ist das Programm der Konferenz. Đây là bản chương trình của buổi hội nghị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2368)

a highly accurate electronic compass accurate
a close ally and friend of the prime minister ally
It's OK, you're among friends now. among
I haven't known him as long as you (= as you have known him). as
It's best if you go now. best
We're the best of friends (= very close friends). best
chocolate chip cookies (= biscuits containing small pieces of chocolate) chip
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years. colleague
The safest way to pay for mail order goods is by credit card. credit card
This is only the first draft of my speech. draft
They used to be friends but they are now sworn enemies (= are determined not to become friends again). enemy
it is essential that...: It is essential that you have some experience. essential
This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence. existence
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. fairly
They remained firm friends. firm
This is my friend Tom. friend
Is he a friend of yours? friend
They had a quarrel, but they're friends again now. be/make friends (with sb)
'You mean you believe all that garbage?' he said. garbage
Are you sure you know what you're getting into? get into sth
We are still friends, though, which is good. good
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
As long as you have your health, nothing else matters. health
If I were you I'd start looking for another job. if I were you
important (to sb): It's very important to me that you should be there. important
intend sth (by sth): What exactly did you intend by that remark? intend
Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything. just
I've known her at least as long as you have. at least
They've been best mates since school. mate
As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. matter
mean sb/sth to do sth: I didn't mean you to read the letter. mean
mean (that)...: The flashing light means (that) you must stop. mean
He's a friend of mine (= one of my friends). mine
It was my natural instinct to defend myself. natural
The compass needle was pointing north. needle
I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again. nonsense
You are welcome to come and stay as long as you give us plenty of notice. notice
The official story has always been that they are just good friends. official
a pity (that...): It's a pity that you can't stay longer. pity
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
The point is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor. point
A compass needle points north. point
point that...: I should point out that not one of these paintings is original. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
This is proof positive that he stole the money. positive
Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. provided
remark that...: Critics remarked that the play was not original. remark
I'm glad you split up. She wasn't right for you. right
I should wait a little longer, if I were you. should
It's good you can see the funny side of the situation. side
It's best if you can get someone local to show you the sights. sight
tell how, if, etc...: 'That's not an original.' 'How can you tell?' tell
The only way to tell if you like something is by trying it. tell
Are you sure you're telling the truth? tell
At one time (= at a period of time in the past) Emily was my best friend. time
turn that...: It turned out that she was a friend of my sister. turn out
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
I wouldn't have any more to drink, if I were you. would
I don't think that hairstyle is you (= it doesn't suit your appearance or personality). you
Is she a friend of yours? yours