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What benefits will I have? Tôi sẽ có những lợi ích gì? Abstract Objects 2

like: lợi ích

Es ist sinnlos, sich gegenseitig die Schuld zuzuschieben. Tôi thấy việc đổ lỗi cho nhau không đem lại lợi ích gì cả. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1713)
Würden Sie sich über Regeln hinwegsetzen, wenn es Ihnen einen persönlichen Vorteil bringt? Anh / Chị sẽ không tuân theo nội quy nếu nội quy đó không mang lại lợi ích phải không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1921)

an unfair advantage (= sth that benefits you, but not your opponents) advantage
Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits. aside
I've had the benefit of a good education. benefit
It will be to your benefit to arrive early. benefit
He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer. benefit
the benefits of modern medicine benefit
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work. benefit
With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently. benefit
For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. benefit
I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week. for sb's benefit
Don't go to any trouble for my benefit! for sb's benefit
We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone. benefit
Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings. calculate
Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. client
They share a common interest in photography. common
This decision was taken for the common good (= the advantage of everyone). common
Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. cost
books of general interest (= of interest to most people) general
Cuts have been made for the good of the company. good
I'm only telling you this for your own good. good
What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? good
the potential benefits of European integration potential
Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. protect
the conflict between regional and national interests regional
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business. serve
share sth: They shared a common interest in botany. share
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
policies that will benefit society as a whole society
families dependent on state benefits (= in Britain, money given by the government to people who are poor) state
visible benefits visible
There are extra benefits for people on low wages. wage