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OXF3000N lại nữa lần nữa again
OXF3000N pronhau lẫn nhau each other
OXF3000N pronhau lẫn nhau each other
OXF3000N nhiễm tiêm nhiễm đầu độc lan truyền infect
OXF3000N lẫn lộn pha trộn mixed
OXF3000N hàng xóm vùng lân cận khoảng chừng neighbourhood
OXF3000N nhau lẫn nhau each other
OXF3000N nhau lẫn nhau each other
OXF3000N cuốn cuộn sự lăn tròn lăn cuốn quấn cuộn roll

Do you study Vietnamese the first time? Bạn học tiếng Việt lần đầu tiên hả?

like: lần
letztes lần trước 最后的 zuìhòu de
sich verbreiten lan rộng, mở rộng 散布开来 sànbù kāi lái
sich ausbreiten mở rộng, lan truyền 四肢伸展 sì zhī shēn zhǎn
verbreiten lan rộng 散布 sàn bù
ein Gerücht verbreiten danh tiếng lan rộng 散布谣言 sàn bù yáo yán
noch einmal một lần nữa 再来一次 zài lái yí cì
das nächste Mal lần tới, lần sau
letztes lần trước
sich verbreiten lan rộng, mở rộng
sich ausbreiten mở rộng, lan truyền
verbreiten lan rộng
ein Gerücht verbreiten danh tiếng lan rộng
noch einmal một lần nữa
das Geländer lan can
die Überholspur làn đường vượt phải
das Geländer lan can

Aber dieses Mal zwang Trang ihn, mit ihr mitzukommen, wenigstens für einen Tag. Nhưng lần này Trang buộc anh phải đi cùng cô, ít nhất một ngày. (Lektion 17, Nr. 181)
Trang ruft nochmal an. Trang gọi điện một lần nữa. (Lektion 25, Nr. 313)
Jedesmal wenn ich mein Mobiltelefon benutzen möchte, ist die Karte leer! Cứ mỗi lần cô ấy muốn dùng điện thoại di động là thẻ hết tiền. (Lektion 31, Nr. 399)
Ich kann mich nicht mal dran erinnern, wann wir das letzte Mal da waren. Anh không nhớ được lần trước là phim gì. (Lektion 34, Nr. 459)
Der letzte Film, den wir sahen, war über diesen Prinzen in Indien. Bộ phim lần đó chúng ta xem là về hoàng tử ở Ấn Độ. (Lektion 34, Nr. 460)
Lan ist fünfeinhalb Jahre alt und ein bisschen dick. Lan năm tuối rưỡi và hơi béo. (Lektion 35, Nr. 483)
Trang bringt Lan das Alphabet bei: Trang dạy Lan bảng chữ cái. (Lektion 35, Nr. 493)
Ich war etwa zwanzig Mal verlobt und war am Ende nur einmal verheiratet. Tôi đã đính hôn khoảng hai mươi lần nhưng cuối cùng chỉ có cưới một lần. (Lektion 41, Nr. 590)
Die Begegnung ist eine Herausforderung für beide Mannschaften. Lần gặp gỡ này là một sự thách thức dành cho cả hai đội. (Lektion 49, Nr. 693)
Ich habe schon mehrmals versucht, Sie zu erreichen. Tôi đã cố gắng nhiều lần để điện thoại được cho bạn. (Lektion 58, Nr. 819)
Sie hat ihn mehrmals ausdrücklich aufgefordert, sie in Ruhe zu lassen. Cô đã nhiều lần thẳng thắn yêu cầu anh ta hãy để cô yên. (Lektion 62, Nr. 875)
So lange liegt das letzte Treffen schon zurück. Lần gặp gỡ cuối cùng cách đây cũng đã rất lâu rồi. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1048)
Ich habe sie zuletzt auf der Beerdigung meiner Großmutter gesehen. Lần cuối cùng anh nhìn thấy họ là vào đám tang của bà ngoại. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1100)
Ich rufe meine E-Mails nur noch zwei Mal am Tag ab. Tôi chỉ còn kiểm tra hòm Email hai lần trong ngày. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1397)
Bitte nochmal faxen. Làm ơn fax lại lần nữa. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1420)
Sind Sie zum ersten Mal hier? Anh / Chị đến đây lần đầu tiên phải không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1492)
Ich gehe zwei Mal die Woche ins Fitnessstudio. Tôi đi tập thể hình hai lần một tuần. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1520)
Ich hoffe, dass Sie alle das Protokoll der letzten Sitzung nochmals durchgelesen haben. Tôi hi vọng quý vị đều đã đọc qua biên bản của cuộc họp lần trước. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1652)
Können Sie die letzte Grafik bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể làm ơn giải thích lại lần nữa về biểu đồ vừa rồi không? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2127)
Können Sie mir das bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi một lần nữa được không? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2189)
Das musst du nochmals überarbeiten. Việc này anh / chị phải làm lại một lần nữa. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2231)
Der erste Test war erfolgreich. Lần thử nghiệm đầu tiên đã thành công. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2239)
Ich muss Sie nochmals um die Zahlung der Rechnung bitten. Một lần nữa tôi xin yêu cầu ông /bà / quý vị thanh toán số tiền. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2537)
Da Sie die letzte Rechnung erst nach der 2. Mahnung bezahlt haben, werden wir keine weiteren Bestellungen von Ihnen annehmen. Vì ông / bà / quý vị chỉ thanh toán hóa đơn lần trước sau thư nhắc nhở lần hai, do vậy chúng tôi sẽ không nhận các đơn đặt hàng tiếp theo của ông / bà / quý vị. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2545)

1505 job. Alan không phải làm việc quá vất vả. Thực ra anh ấy có một công việc nhẹ nhàng.
1828 Santo lives in Milan, doesn't he? — Yes, that's right. Santo sống ở Milan đúng không? - Đúng, chính xác.
2634 Yevgeniy doesn't work here anymore. He left last month. But Alan still works here. Yevgeniy không còn làm ở đây nữa. Anh ấy đã đi tháng trước. Nhưng Alan vẫn làm ở đây.

Air pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels. acceptable
Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. access
You've been absent six times according to our records. according to
A grin spread across her face. across
Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. action
They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease. active
Shortly afterwards he met her again. afterwards
Once again (= as had happened several times before), the train was late. again
I've told you again and again (= many times) not to do that. again
I'll have to write it all over again (= again from the beginning). again
Let's do it another time. another
She works in a bank. She did when I last saw her, anyway. anyway
This problem first appeared in the inner cities. appear
The tumour had not spread to other areas of the body. area
The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats. arrival
There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them. atmosphere
I passed my driving test at the first attempt. attempt
They felt a strong mutual attraction. attraction
The name was changed to avoid confusion with another firm. avoid
Once upon a time there was a princess... be
Pause for two beats and then repeat the chorus. beat
believe (that)...: She couldn't believe (that) it was all happening again. believe
He dived below the surface of the water. below
You'd better not do that again. had better/best (do sth)
We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily. between
+ adj.: She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left). boil
Let me know if he bothers you again. bother
He dived in and hit his head on the bottom. bottom
You're bound to be nervous the first time (= it's easy to understand). bound
to pitch/make camp (= put up tents) camp
The cancer has spread to his stomach. cancer
care that...: She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before. care
The central issue is that of widespread racism. central
I'm certainly never going there again. certainly
Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber. chamber
Jeff deceived me once already—I won't give him a second chance. chance
change sb/sth (from A) to/into B: With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince. change
She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman. cheat
The villa is cleaned twice a week. clean
We coasted along the country lanes. coast
Come on! Try once more. come on
For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. command
the Polish community in London community
compare A with/to B: We carefully compared the first report with the second. compare
They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. confidence
A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region. conflict
This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber. confront
They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened. confuse
People often confuse me and my twin sister. confuse
His comments only served to confuse the issue further. confuse
I'm confused—say all that again. confused
There is some confusion about what the correct procedure should be. confusion
a confusion as to what to do next confusion
confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a' confusion
a cool breeze/drink/climate cool
Tickets cost ten dollars each. cost
I've seen her a couple of times before. couple
I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him. crazy
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
He lifted the cup for the fifth time this year (= it was the fifth time he had won). cup
Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. curiously
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun. dark
Take the medicine three times a day. day
The decay of the wood will spread if it is not removed. decay
Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres. depth
a tidal wave bringing death and destruction in its wake destruction
She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit. difference
a direct hit (= a hit that is accurate and does not touch sth else first) direct
Once again her life felt lacking in direction. direction
health measures to prevent the spread of disease disease
an increase in the divorce rate (= the number of divorces in a year) divorce
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place. drop
I only saw her once during my stay in Rome. during
After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again. earth
They expressed mixed emotions at the news. emotion
Let's put an end to (= stop) these rumours once and for all. end
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
Every single time he calls, I'm out. every
Late again! What's your excuse this time? excuse
Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg. exercise
She had to face up to the fact that she would never walk again. face up to sth
A team learns from experience, both successes and failures. failure
a fair complexion fair
Long skirts have come into fashion again. fashion
It's her fifth birthday. fifth
It's the fifth time that I've been to America. fifth
When she last saw him, he was a sad figure—old and tired. figure
Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl. file
'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time. firm
It was the first time they had ever met. first
your first impressions first
His second book is better than his first. first
When did you first meet him? first
The first I heard about the wedding (= the first time I became aware of it) was when I saw it in the local paper. first
On the horizon, she saw a flash of silver—the sea! flash
Is this the first time that you've flown? fly
I'm warning you for the last time—stop talking! for
forget (sb) doing sth: I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. forget
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
Every time she opens the window we all freeze. freeze
Regular facials help to keep the skin looking clean and fresh. fresh
a fresh complexion fresh
a fresh breeze fresh
It's frightening to think it could happen again. frightening
frozen peas frozen
a gentle breeze gentle
get sb/sth doing sth: Can you really get that old car going again? get
I tried calling you several times but I couldn't get through. get through (to sb)
She first got into Parliament (= became an MP) in 2005. get in, get into sth
give sth: I'd give anything to see him again. give
I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone. go
Let's go through the arguments again. go through sth
Could we go through (= practise) Act 2 once more? go through sth
You've grown since the last time I saw you! grow
a chance to hear the first movement again hear
The last I heard of him he was living in Glasgow. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
This is the first I've heard of it! hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. by heart
help sb: We must all try and help each other. help
The aircraft suffered seven hits in the raid. hit
We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses. hit
her hundredth birthday hundredth
I won't be going there again in a hurry—the food was terrible. sb will not do sth again in a hurry
in the immediate vicinity immediate
a weekly disposable income (= the money that you have left to spend after tax, etc.) of £200 income
It was the first time that she had lived independently. independently
to spread an infection infection
an initial payment of £60 and ten instalments of £25 initial
I was driving in the inside lane (= the part nearest the edge, not the middle of the road). inside
The game was interrupted several times by rain. interrupt
She dived into the water. into
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz. introduction
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
What excuse did he invent this time? invent
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
iron gates/bars/railings iron
Don't confuse the issue. issue
The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London. jump
The clock struck six just as I arrived. just
He knocked three times and waited. knock
He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. knock sb down/over
She was a secretary when I first knew her. know
The quickest way is through the back lanes behind the bus station. lane
to change lanes lane
She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane. lane
a four-lane highway lane
She was last to arrive. last
The last time I saw him was in May. last
I saw him last/I last saw him in New York two years ago. last
They last won the cup in 2006. last
These are the last of our apples. last
learn (that)...: We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. learn
Cut the grass at least once a week in summer. at least
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
We first met in 2006, no, I tell a lie, it was 2007. I tell a lie
That was the first in a whole line of mistakes and bad decisions. line
The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other). link
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again. love
The sun sank lower towards the horizon. low
He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more. magic
He made ten mistakes in as many (= in ten) lines. many
New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers. many
'I'm afraid I forgot that book again.' 'It doesn't matter (= it is not important enough to worry about).' matter
We go there maybe once or twice a month. maybe
Where did you first meet your husband? meet
Maybe we'll meet again some time. meet
mind doing sth: Would you mind explaining that again, please? mind
I'll just read through the form again to make sure I haven't missed anything out. miss sb/sth out
Our cat's gone missing again. missing
The waiter made a mistake (in) adding up the bill. mistake
I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. mistake sb/sth for sb/sth
Don't tell me you're mixed up in all of this? be/get mixed up in sth
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
He visits Paris once or twice a month. month
He read the letter more carefully the second time. more
Could you repeat that once more (= one more time)? more
Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program. mouse
I must ask you not to do that again. must
We will contact you again if the need arises. need
Next time I'll bring a book. next
nice (to do sth): Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the first time) nice
I'm always emailing her, but nine times out of ten she doesn't reply. nine times out of ten
I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again. nonsense
She made a mental note (= decided that she must remember) to ask Alan about it. note
Every now and again she checked to see if he was still asleep. (every) now and again/then
I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health. occasion
They have been seen together on two separate occasions. occasion
a first offence (= the first time that sb has been found guilty of a crime) offence
This was her first official engagement. official
Once again the train was late. once again, once more
Let me hear it just once more. once again, once more
One more, please! one
We all try and help one another. one another
The door opened and Alan walked in. open
The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over. over
He repeated it several times over until he could remember it. over
The ball gathered pace as it rolled down the hill. pace
a pale complexion pale
I'm not really expecting to pass first time. pass
payment in instalments/in advance/by cheque/in cash payment
They cost 20p each. penny
The play was first performed in 2007. perform
Can you explain that point again? point
I give it a polish now and again. polish
polish (sth): Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather. polish
We don't want these rumours to spread if we can possibly avoid it. possibly
We'll be better prepared next time. prepared
We had met on two previous occasions. previous
This may be the band's last public appearance together. public
Once again, his quick wits (= quick thinking) got him out of an awkward situation. quick
The disease is spreading at a rapid rate. rapid
He first reached the finals in 2008. reach
I really and truly am in love this time. really
As far as I can remember, this is the third time we've met. remember
This phrase is repeated at intervals throughout the song. repeat
to repeat the class/year/grade (= in a school, to take the class/year/grade again) repeat
She kept repeating his name softly over and over again. repeat
He's already been reported twice for arriving late. report
I'm going to report you if you do that again! report
The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International. represent
A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them. respect
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
This cream claims to restore your skin to its youthful condition. restore
Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again. return
Next time we'll get it right. right
(+ adv./prep.): The car began to roll back down the hill. roll
The traffic rolled slowly forwards. roll
Mist was rolling in from the sea. roll
We watched the waves rolling onto the beach. roll
Tears rolled down her cheeks. roll
roll sth + adv./prep.: Delivery men were rolling barrels across the yard. roll
(+ adv./prep.): a dog rolling in the mud roll
He was rolling a pencil between his fingers. roll
roll over (onto sth): She rolled over to let the sun brown her back. roll
to roll a dice/die (= in a game) roll
She rolled her car in a 100 mph crash. roll
to start/spread a rumour rumour
rumour (of sth): There are widespread rumours of job losses. rumour
Bush ran a second time in 2004. run
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
She moved away like a ship in full sail (= with all its sails spread out). sail
She gets 10% commission on each sale. sale
Same again, please! (the) same again
Fraser scored again in the second half. score
This is the second time it's happened. second
We have one child and are expecting our second in July. second
He scored again in the dying seconds (= the last few seconds) of the game. second
You'll soon be feeling your old self again (= feeling well or happy again). self
It happened on three separate occasions. separate
This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century. settle
This time next week I shall be in Scotland. shall
Let's look at it again, shall we? shall
I was sick three times in the night. be sick
This is a side of Alan that I never knew existed. side
The ship rolled from side to side. from side to side
It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). at first sight
The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease. significant
It was the first time I'd had visitors since I'd moved to London. since
How long is it since we last went to the theatre? since
A piece of glass sliced into his shoulder. slice
A slight breeze was blowing. slight
That's three times she's beaten me—I must be slipping! slip
a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth smooth
Traffic is now flowing smoothly again. smoothly
You've been smoking again.' 'So?' so
soft skin soft
I'll see you again some time, I'm sure. some
His name is Alan something (= I don't know his other name). something
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. somewhat
We're sorry to hear that your father's in hospital again. sorry
spread sth: Why not pay monthly and spread the cost of your car insurance? spread
spread sth (out) (over sth): A series of five interviews will be spread over two days. spread
spread (A on/over B): to spread butter on pieces of toast spread
spread (B with A): pieces of toast spread with butter spread
(+ adv./prep.): The fire rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. spread
Water began to spread across the floor. spread
A smile spread slowly across her face. spread
spread sth: Using too much water could spread the stain. spread
Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind. spread
(+ adv./prep.): The disease spreads easily. spread
Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team. spread
Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. spread
spread sth: to spread rumours/lies about sb spread
The disease is spread by mosquitoes. spread
There's more room to spread out in first class. spread out, spread yourself out
Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? spread out, spread yourself out
The searchers spread out to cover the area faster. spread out, spread yourself out
to prevent the spread of disease spread
to encourage the spread of information spread
Shut doors to delay the spread of fire. spread
the spread of a city into the surrounding areas spread
a confused state of mind state
I'll report you to the police if I catch you stealing again. steal
You'll need a large smooth surface for rolling out the pastry. surface
survive as sth: He survived as party leader until his second election defeat. survive
I go swimming twice a week. swim
She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. swimming pool
He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake. tear
A tear rolled down his face. tear
There once was a poor farmer who had four sons. there
Just think how nice it would be to see them again. think
I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late. think of sth/sb
She threw the ball up and caught it again. throw
Every time I hear that song I feel happy. time
It doesn't matter if you don't win every time (= every time you play). time
Next time you're here let's have lunch together. time
When was the last time you saw her? time
How many times (= how often) do I have to tell you not to do that? time
I remember one time (= once) we had to abandon our car in the snow. time
This time tomorrow I'll be in Canada. time
The children called out their names in turn. in turn
We take it in turns to do the housework. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
The kids took turns on the swing. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
They go there twice a week/month/year. twice
a twice-monthly/yearly newsletter twice
Cats sleep twice as much as people. twice
type sth (out/in/up): This letter will need to be typed (out) again. type
She's late again—typical! typical
I'm not sure that I understand. Go over it again. understand
I don't want you doing that again. Do you understand? understand
efforts to control urban sprawl (= the spread of city buildings into the countryside) urban
Hello, it's us back again. us
a rare variety of orchid variety
view (sb/sth as sth): When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original. view
You should visit your dentist at least twice a year. visit
a warm breeze warm
warn (sb) that...: She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job. warn
She dived under the water. water
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. wave
With a wave and a shout he ran down the road to meet us. wave
He gave us a wave as the bus drove off. wave
Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead. wave
a wave of opposition/protest/violence, etc. wave
a crime wave wave
A wave of fear swept over him. wave
A wave of panic spread through the crowd. wave
It's been quite a day, one way and another (= for several reasons). way
I first met him way back in the 80s. way back (in...)
Education is the only weapon to fight the spread of the disease. weapon
'We lost.' 'Oh, well. Better luck next time.' well
Rain is spreading from the west. west
This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident. wheel
When did you last see him? when
The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. when
win against sb/sth: France won by six goals to two against Denmark. win
It's much easier compared with last time. with
I give you my word that this won't happen again. word
It looks like they got their predictions wrong again. get sth wrong
She stifled another yawn and tried hard to look interested. yawn
I have happy memories of my years in Poland (= the time I spent there). year
It's years since we last met. year
Prices were cut yet again (= once more, after many other times). yet
It's a book for young and old alike. young