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guest khách mời

OXF3000N khách khách mời guest

like: khách mời

Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch die Gästeliste, damit wir die Einladungen verschicken können! Bây giờ chúng ta chỉ còn cần danh sách khách mời để chúng ta có thể gửi thiệp mời đi. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1079)
Trang und Tri gehen die Gästeliste für ihre Hochzeit durch. Trang và Trí đọc kỹ danh sách khách mời cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 77, Nr. 1092)
Bitte seien Sie mein Gast! Hôm nay quí vị là khách mời của chúng tôi! (Lektion 124, Nr. 2460)

more than 100 wedding guests guest
He was the guest of honour (= the most important person invited to an event). guest
Liz was not on the guest list. guest
the guest of honour (= the most important one) honour
May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight... introduce
There was a mystery guest on the programme. mystery
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker. pleasure
He was a guest speaker at the conference. speaker
Our special guest on next week's show will be... special
threaten to do sth: The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met. threaten
The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year. visitor
a welcome guest welcome