Beginner Level Advanced Level



(1) to pool one’s money
(2) to bend, bow
(3) xanthium

OXF3000N đi theo đi cùng kèm theo accompany
OXF3000N tài khoản kế toán tính toán tính đến account
OXF3000N tố cáo buộc tội kết tội accuse
OXF3000N nhận vào cho vào kết hợp admit
OXF3000N nước đồng minh liên minh liên kết kết thông gia ally
OXF3000N sát cạnh kế bên dọc theo alongside
OXF3000N sự kêu gọi lời kêu gọi kêu gọi cầu khẩn appeal
OXF3000N kết giao liên kết kết hợp cho cộng tác associate
OXF3000N liên kết với associated with
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự liên kết association
OXF3000N sự mặc cả sự giao kèo mua bán bargain
OXF3000N gọi tiếng kêu tiếng gọi call
OXF3000N kẹo candy
OXF3000N kênh eo biển channel
OXF3000N gần (mqh) thân thiết chặt chẽ đóng khép kết thúc close
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự phối hợp combination
OXF3000N kết hợp phối hợp combine
OXF3000N phàn nàn kêu ca complain
OXF3000N kết luận kết thúc chấm dứt (công việc) conclude
OXF3000N sự kết thúc sự kết luận phần kết luận conclusion
OXF3000N kết nối nối connect
OXF3000N sự kết nối sự giao kết connection
OXF3000N kết quả hậu quả consequence
OXF3000N lớn lao to tát đáng kể considerable
OXF3000N đáng kể lớn lao nhiều considerably
OXF3000N hợp đồng sự ký hợp đồng ký kết contract
OXF3000N kem cream
OXF3000N có tội phạm tội kẻ phạm tội tội phạm criminal
OXF3000N khóc kêu la sự khóc tiếng khóc sự kêu la cry
OXF3000N đánh thắng đánh bại sự thất bại (1 kế hoạch) sự tiêu tan (hy vọng) defeat
OXF3000N sự thiết kế kế hoạch đề cương. phác thảo design
OXF3000N cặn kẽ tỉ mỉ nhiều chi tiết detailed
OXF3000N kế sách thiết bị dụng cụ máy móc device
OXF3000N đôi hai kép cái gấp đôi lượng gấp đôi double
OXF3000N bản phác thảo sơ đồ thiết kế phác thảo thiết kế draft
OXF3000N lôi kéo kéo lê drag
OXF3000N vẽ kéo draw
OXF3000N bản vẽ bức vẽ sự kéo drawing
OXF3000N người vẽ người kéo drawer
OXF3000N hiệu ứng hiệu quả kết quả effect
OXF3000N có kết quả có hiệu lực effective
OXF3000N có kết quả có hiệu lực effectively
OXF3000N giới hạn sự kết thúc kết thúc chấm dứt end
OXF3000N sự kết thúc sự chấm dứt phần cuối kết cục ending
OXF3000N kẻ thù quân địch enemy
OXF3000N hứa hẹn cam kết đính ước engage
OXF3000N trừ ra không kể trừ phi except
OXF3000N giơ duỗi ra (tay chân) kéo dài (thời gian) dành cho gửi lời extend
OXF3000N sự giơ duỗi sự kéo dài sự dành cho gửi lời extension
OXF3000N cuối cùng cuộc đấu chung kết final
OXF3000N kết thúc hoàn thành sự kết thúc phần cuối finish
OXF3000N kết bạn với make friends with
OXF3000N đèo lỗ hổng kẽ hở chỗ trống gap
OXF3000N keo hồ gắn lại dán bằng keo hồ glue
OXF3000N thủ lĩnh chủ kẻ thống trị governor
OXF3000N sau đây kể từ đây do đó vì thế hence
OXF3000N sự lôi kéo sự liên can điều gợi ý implication
OXF3000N bao gồm kể cả including
OXF3000N mắt xích mối liên lạc liên kết kết nối link
OXF3000N sự cưới xin sự kết hôn lễ cưới marriage
OXF3000N cưới kết hôn married
OXF3000N kể ra nói đến đề cập mention
OXF3000N địch thủ đối thủ kẻ thù opponent
OXF3000N đinh ghim ghim kẹp pin
OXF3000N bản đồ kế hoạch vẽ bản đồ lập kế hoạch dự kiến plan
OXF3000N sự lập kế hoạch sự quy hoạch planning
OXF3000N đề án dự án kế hoạch dự kiến kế hoạch project
OXF3000N lôi kéo giật sự lôi kéo sự giật pull
OXF3000N kể lại thuật lại liên hệ liên quan relate
OXF3000N kế sách phương kế resort
OXF3000N tài nguyên kế sách thủ đoạn resource
OXF3000N kết quả bởi do.. mà ra kết quả là... result
OXF3000N người cai trị người trị vì thước kẻ ruler
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc bản liệt kê lên thời khóa biểu lên kế hoạch schedule
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sự phối hợp kế hoạch thực hiện scheme
OXF3000N cái kéo scissors
OXF3000N gào thét kêu lên tiếng thét tiếng kêu to scream
OXF3000N kệ ngăn giá shelf
OXF3000N đáng kể significantly
OXF3000N căng ra duỗi ra kéo dài ra stretch
OXF3000N kết cấu cấu trúc structure
OXF3000N thực tế đáng kể quan trọng substantial
OXF3000N nối tiếp kế tiếp kế nghiệp kế vị succeed
OXF3000N người ra mồ hôi kẻ bóc lột lao động sweater
OXF3000N tiếp quản kế tục cái gì chở, chuyển cái gì
OXF3000N thùng két bể tank
OXF3000N kẻ trộm kẻ cắp thief
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc thời gian biểu timetable
OXF3000N lời kết thúc thư (bạn chân thành của...) yours truly
OXF3000N liên hiệp sự đoàn kết sự hiệp nhất union
OXF3000N liên kết hợp nhất hợp lại kết thân unite
OXF3000N liên minh đoàn kết chung thống nhất united
OXF3000N pro bất cứ thứ gì bất kể thứ gì whatever

scissors kéo Objects 2
Now it is twenty to three. Bây giờ là ba giờ kém hai mươi. Places
kém Places
The conference ends at two to two. Hội thảo kết thúc lúc hai giờ kém hai. People
nothing lasts forever. Không có gì kéo dài vĩnh viễn. Verbs 4
This flight will only last two hours. Chuyến bay này sẽ chỉ kéo dài 2 tiếng. Verbs 4
last kéo dài Verbs 4

to narrate Kể * 085

like: ké
nächster kế tiếp 下一个 xiàyígè
Viertel vor drei ba giờ kém mười lăm 三点差一刻 sān diǎn chà yíkè
zehn nach fünf năm giờ kém mười 五点十分 wǔ diǎn shí fēn
fünf vor zehn mười giờ kém năm phút 十点差五分 shí diǎn chà wǔ fēn
beenden kết thúc 结束 jiéshù
planen lên kế hoạch 计划 jìhuà
planen lập kế hoạch 计划 jìhuà
erzählen kế 描述 miáoshù
schreien kêu lên (miền bắc việt nam) hǎn
nächstgelegenes kế tiếp 最近的 zuìjìn de
um Hilfe rufen kêu cứu 喊救命 hǎn jiùmìng
erben thừa kế 继承 jì chéng
ein Haus erben thừa kế nhà 继承一幢房子 jì chéng yí zhuàng fáng zi
planen lên kế hoạch 计划 jì huà
planen lập kế hoạch 计划 jì huà
verbinden kết nối 连接 lián jiē
zwei Punkte verbinden kết nối hai điểm 连接两个点 lián jiē liǎng gè diǎn
schieben kéo, đẩy tuī
verurteilen kết án 判决 pàn jué
holen kêu gọi, lấy
verbinden kết nối 连接 lián jiē
schieben kéo, đẩy tuī
ein Auto abschleppen kéo xe 拖走一辆汽车 tuō zǒu yí liàng qì chē
Wirkung zeigen có hiệu lực, có kết quả 起作用 qǐ zuò yòng
ein allwissender Erzähler một người kể chuyện thông suốt mọi sự 一个无所不知的作家 yí gè wú suǒ bù zhī de zuò jiā
rufen gọi, kêu 叫喊 jiào hǎn
kreischen gào thét, kêu gào 尖叫 jiān jiào
wirkungsvoll có kết quả, có hiệu lực 有效的 yǒu xiào de
erwähnenswert đáng kể đến, đáng đề cập đến 值得一提的 zhídé yī tí de
sich mit jemandem anfreunden kết bạn với ai đó 与某人交朋友 yǔ mǒurén jiāo péngyǒu
Pläne schmieden lập kế hoạch 制定计划 zhìdìng jìhuà
geizig keo kiệt 吝啬的 lìnsè de
kombinieren kết hợp, phối hợp 组合 zǔhé
erheblich đáng kể 可观的 kěguān de
verknüpfen liên kết 连接 liánjiē
einen Plan entwerfen lập kế hoạch 拟定一个计划 nǐdìng yī gè jìhuà
knirschen kêu kèn kẹt, nghiến răng 咬碎 yǎosuì
etwas heranziehen kéo cái gì đó lại gần 拉近某物 lājìn mǒuwù
dröhnen kêu ầm ầm /gõ ầm ầm 发出轰隆声 fāchū hōnglóng shēng
krächzen tiếng kêu của ếch, nhái míng
kriechen bò, kéo lê 匍匐 púfú
kariert kẻ ca-rô 方格的 fānggé de
verbunden sein đoàn kết 有关联 yǒu guānlián
enterben tước quyền thừa kế 剥夺 ... 的继承权 bōduó ... de jìchéngquán
nächster kế tiếp
Viertel vor drei ba giờ kém mười lăm
zehn nach fünf năm giờ kém mười
fünf vor zehn mười giờ kém năm phút
der Kanal kênh
das Eis kem
beenden kết thúc
die Vollpension thuê phòng kèm ăn ba bữa
die Halbpension thuê phòng kèm bữa sáng và bữa trưa hoặc bữa tối
das Eishockey môn hockey trên băng
die Schlagsahne sữa đánh thành kem
planen lên kế hoạch
erzählen kế
die Schere cái kéo
die Sonnencreme kem chống nắng
schreien kêu lên (miền bắc việt nam)
nächstgelegenes kế tiếp
um Hilfe rufen kêu cứu
das Ende kết thúc
der Erzähler người kế truyện
erben thừa kế
ein Haus erben thừa kế nhà
der Plan kế hoạch
planen lập kế hoạch
verbinden kết nối
zwei Punkte verbinden kết nối hai điểm
die Katze miaut mèo kêu
die Ente quakt vịt kêu
der Frosch quakt Ếch kêu
das Schaf blökt cừu kêu bebe
die Zahnpasta kem đánh răng
das Gepäcknetz kệ để hành lý
die Verurteilung sự kết án
der Typ kẻ
verurteilen kết án
der Verbrecher kẻ đột nhập
der Dieb kẻ trộm
der Einbrecher kẻ trộm
die Kasse két tiền
holen kêu gọi, lấy
schieben kéo, đẩy
ein Auto abschleppen kéo xe
die Dauer kéo dài
der Anhänger eines LKW xe kéo của xe tải
die Wirkung hiệu lực, kết quả
Wirkung zeigen có hiệu lực, có kết quả
ein allwissender Erzähler một người kể chuyện thông suốt mọi sự
der Feind kẻ địch
der Bettler kẻ ăn mày
rufen gọi, kêu
kreischen gào thét, kêu gào
das Konzept bản kế hoạch
der Hochzeitsplaner người lập kế hoạch cho lễ cưới
die Verbindung sự kết nối
die Trompete kèn
wirkungsvoll có kết quả, có hiệu lực
der Heiratsantrag giấy đăng ký kết hôn
erwähnenswert đáng kể đến, đáng đề cập đến
das Anführungszeichen dấu ngoặc kép
sich mit jemandem anfreunden kết bạn với ai đó
das Lineal thước kẻ
der Grünschnabel kẻ vắt mũi chưa sạch, người mới
Pläne schmieden lập kế hoạch
die Belanglosigkeit, die Bagatelle việc không quan trọng, việc không đáng kể
der Heuchler kẻ đạo đức giả
der Verräter kẻ phản bội, kẻ tiết lộ
geizig keo kiệt
die Buchhaltung kế toán
kombinieren kết hợp, phối hợp
die Kombination sự kết hợp, hợp chất
erheblich đáng kể
der Anhang einer E-Mail dữ liệu đính kèm thư điện tử
verknüpfen liên kết
einen Plan entwerfen lập kế hoạch
knirschen kêu kèn kẹt, nghiến răng
etwas heranziehen kéo cái gì đó lại gần
dröhnen kêu ầm ầm /gõ ầm ầm
der Grundriss bản vẽ, thiết kế
das Zink kẽm
das Nickel niken
der Gauner kẻ lừa đảo
der Schuft kẻ đểu giả, người đê tiện
der Taschendieb kẻ móc túi
der Bankräuber kẻ cướp ngân hàng
der Schmuggler kẻ buôn lậu
der Heiratsschwindler kẻ lừa gạt hôn nhân
die Sahne steif schlagen đánh kem cứng
der Trüffel kẹo bọc sôcôla
das Bonbon kẹo viên
das Eis lecken mút kem
der Kaugummi kẹo cao su
die Amsel chim két
krächzen tiếng kêu của ếch, nhái
kriechen bò, kéo lê
die Verlängerung sự kéo dài trận đấu
kariert kẻ ca-rô
das Design thiết kế
die Farbkombination sự phối màu, sự kết hợp màu
die Posaune kèn trombone
die Zahnlücke kẽ răng
der Widersacher kẻ thù, đối phương
der Depp kẻ đần độn
der Arsch kẻ ngu
verbunden sein đoàn kết
die Erbschaftssteuer thuế thừa kế
vererben cho hưởng thừa kế
enterben tước quyền thừa kế
der Tyrann kẻ bạo chúa, bạo quân
der Terrorist kẻ khủng bố

Im Winter bieten wir auch Eishockey an. Vào mùa đông chúng tôi có cả môn hockey trên băng. (Lektion 13, Nr. 134)
Zuerst wollte er Fisch und Pommes Frites machen, aber nun plant er, eine griechische Spezialität zu kochen. Lúc đầu, anh ấy muốn làm món cá và khoai tây chiên, nhưng bây giờ anh ấy lại lên kế hoạch nấu món đặc sản Hy Lạp. (Lektion 14, Nr. 141)
Für den Nachtisch: Schokolade, Plätzchen, Süßigkeiten, Kuchen, Schlagsahne, Eiscreme, Apfelkuchen. Cho món tráng miệng: sô-cô-la, bánh giáng sinh, kẹo, bánh ngọt, kem sữa, cà-rem, bánh táo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 146)
Deshalb benötigt er zu Hause immer eine Menge Nahrungsmittel, selbst wenn das viel kostet. Vì vậy anh ấy luôn trữ nhiều đồ ăn trong nhà, cho dù rất tốn kém. (Lektion 14, Nr. 154)
Wenn Sie nach rechts fahren müssen, kommen Sie in einen Stau. Nếu anh phải rẽ phải thì anh sẽ gặp một vụ kẹt xe. (Lektion 19, Nr. 220)
Nichtraucher. Rauchen ist zu teuer. Không hút thuốc. Hút thuốc thì tốn kém lắm. (Lektion 20, Nr. 240)
Trang erzählte mir, dass Sie kommen würden, um den Ring zu holen. Trang đã kế cho tôi rằng anh đến đế lấy chiếc nhẫn. (Lektion 26, Nr. 330)
Er war von der langen Reise sehr müde. Anh ấy mệt do chuyến đi kéo dài. (Lektion 27, Nr. 341)
Tri ging zur nächsten Straße und entschied sich, zur Wohnung seines Bruders zu trampen. Tri đi đến con đường kế tiếp và quyết định đi nhờ xe đến nhà anh trai. (Lektion 28, Nr. 358)
Plötzlich hörten Sie jemanden, der nach Hilfe schrie. Bỗng dưng họ nghe tiếng người nào đó kêu cứu. (Lektion 32, Nr. 420)
Erzählen Sie uns die ganze Geschichte! Ông hãy kế cho chúng cháu nghe toàn bộ câu chuyện. (Lektion 32, Nr. 425)
Jeder rannte und schrie und schlug die Fenster ein. Mọi người chạy và kêu cứu và đập bể cửa số. (Lektion 32, Nr. 429)
Alle sanitären Artikel sind im ersten Fach, z. B. Tampons, Zahnpasta usw. Tất cả các đồ về vệ sinh ở ngăn đầu tiên, ví dụ như: bông, kem đánh răng v.v. (Lektion 33, Nr. 441)
Wenn deine Backen rot und dein Kopf warm wären, würde ich dir ein Thermometer geben. Nếu má anh đỏ và đầu sốt thì em cặp nhiệt kế cho anh. (Lektion 33, Nr. 447)
Sie haben Sonnenbrand und brauchen Sonnencreme oder sie haben eine Allergie. Họ bị cháy nắng và cần kem chống nắng hoặc bị dị ứng. (Lektion 33, Nr. 453)
Sie muss immer Märchen erzählen, weil sie eine sehr gute Geschichtenerzählerin ist. Cô ấy luôn phải kế một câu chuyện cố tích, vì cô ấy là một người kế chuyện rất hay. (Lektion 35, Nr. 487)
Jeder musste ihr erzählen, wie gut sie schmeckten. Nhưng mọi người phải kế cho cô ấy nghe bánh ngon như thế nào. (Lektion 40, Nr. 572)
Vor dem Umzug planen sie die Ausstattung der Zimmer und renovieren das Bad. Trước khi chuyển nhà họ lập kế hoạch cho việc trang hoàng những căn phòng và sữa chữa nhà tắm. (Lektion 45, Nr. 643)
Dein Plan klingt gut. Kế hoạch của em nghe hay đấy. (Lektion 45, Nr. 649)
Sie hören das Quaken der Frösche und das Zwitschern der Vögel. Họ thưởng thức tiếng kêu của những con ếch và tiếng chim hót. (Lektion 52, Nr. 737)
Er schreit und Trang läuft zu ihm. Anh kêu lên và Trang chạy tới bên anh. (Lektion 53, Nr. 744)
Trang rennt zum Bauernhof, um Hilfe zu holen. Trang chạy tới nông trại để kêu sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 53, Nr. 749)
Im Bad sucht Tri nach der Zahnpasta. Trí tìm kem đánh răng trong phòng tắm. (Lektion 54, Nr. 766)
Während der langen Fahrt erzählt Tri von seinem abenteuerlichsten Urlaub. Trong suốt chuyến đi dài Trí kể về chuyến đi nghỉ đầy mạo hiểm của anh. (Lektion 56, Nr. 791)
Trang erzählt Tri mit Tränen in den Augen von ihrer Schwester. Trang kể lể với Trí về người chị gái trong nước mắt. (Lektion 61, Nr. 858)
Die Verurteilung Sự kết án (Lektion 63, Nr. 885)
Brutaler Schläger endlich gefasst, verurteilt und eingesperrt. Kẻ gây rối bạo lực cuối cùng đã bị bắt, bị kết án và bị bỏ tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 888)
Gestern fällte der Richter sein Urteil über einen vorbestraften Gewalttäter. Hôm qua thẩm phán đã tuyên án kẻ phạm tội đã có tiền án. (Lektion 63, Nr. 889)
Er wurde zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Anh ta bị kết án ba năm tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 896)
Das war der Typ aus der Bar! Đó là kẻ ở quán Bar! (Lektion 63, Nr. 898)
Schnell! Erzähl! Nhanh! Kể đi nào! (Lektion 64, Nr. 904)
Heute Nacht sind Diebe in das Büro eingebrochen und haben systematisch alles durchsucht. Đêm hôm nay những kẻ trộm đã đột nhập vào văn phòng và lục lọi toàn bộ hệ thống. (Lektion 64, Nr. 905)
Auch die Kasse haben sie erbeutet. Két tiền cũng bị cướp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 910)
Doch. Er hat die Verbrecher überrascht. Có. Anh ta đột kích những kẻ đột nhập. (Lektion 64, Nr. 912)
Mein Chef hat Anzeige gegen Unbekannt bei der Polizei erstattet. Sếp của em đã tố cáo với cảnh sát về những kẻ lạ mặt. (Lektion 64, Nr. 916)
Während Tri Eis kauft, wartet Trang bei den Giraffen. Trong khi Trí đi mua kem, Trang đợi ở chỗ những con hươu cao cổ. (Lektion 65, Nr. 927)
Sein Auto wurde abgeschleppt. Xe ô tô của anh đã bị kéo đi. (Lektion 67, Nr. 961)
Auch darüber, dass er abgeschleppt wurde, hat er sich sehr geärgert. Và cũng về việc xe bị kéo làm anh rất bực mình. (Lektion 69, Nr. 982)
Tris Anzeige hat Wirkung gezeigt: Mẩu quảng cáo của Trí đã có kết quả: (Lektion 70, Nr. 996)
Es ging um einen König aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. Nó kể về một ông vua vào thế kỷ thứ 12. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1017)
Trang und Tri entwerfen die Einladungen zu ihrer anstehenden Hochzeit. Trang và Trí thiết kế thiệp mời cho lễ cưới sắp tới của họ. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1067)
Kreative Darbietungen während der abendlichen Feier sollten mit dem Hochzeitsplaner abgesprochen werden. Những tiết mục sáng tạo trong bữa tiệc tối, các bạn nên thông báo với người lập kế hoạch cho lễ cưới. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1077)
Als das Orchester sein Stück beendet, warten alle gespannt auf die nächste Überraschung. Khi dàn nhạc kết thúc, tất cả hồi hộp chờ đợi vào sự ngạc nhiên tiếp theo. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1124)
Diesmal wird die Hochzeitstorte angeschnitten, ein mehrstöckiges Wunderwerk mit viel Sahne. Lúc này thì bánh cưới, một tác phẩm tuyệt vời nhiều tầng với nhiều kem tươi sẽ được cắt. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1125)
Bin ich mit der Niederlassung in Berlin verbunden? Có phải tôi đang được kết nối với chi nhánh tại Berlin không vậy? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1213)
Die Verbindung ist schlecht. Đường truyền kém. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1278)
Die Verbindung wird gehalten. Xin bạn chờ máy / Máy đang kết nối. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1281)
Kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer. Không kết nối được với số máy này. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1294)
Diesem Brief habe ich unseren aktuellen Produktkatalog beigelegt. Tôi gửi kèm trong thư quyển catalog giới thiệu sản phẩm mới nhất của chúng tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1354)
Dieses Rundschreiben soll euch über die Planung der nächsten beiden Monate informieren. Bức thư này thông báo về kế hoạch cho hai tháng tiếp theo. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1380)
Im Anhang dieser E-Mail finden Sie das Dokument, das Sie angefragt haben. Trong phần đính kèm của thư này anh / chị sẽ tìm thấy văn bản được yêu cầu. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1381)
Kennen Sie schon meinen Kollegen? - Er arbeitet in der Münchner Niederlassung in der Buchhaltung. Anh / Chị đã biết đồng nghiệp của tôi chưa? – Anh ấy / Ông ấy làm việc tại phòng kế toán tại chi nhánh ở Munich. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1443)
Wer hat Ihnen das erzählt? Ai đã kể cho anh / chị chuyện này? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1491)
Sind Sie verheiratet? Anh / Chị đã lập gia đình / kết hôn chưa? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1522)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Bitte gib diesen Begriff bei einer Suchmaschine ein und schau dir die Ergebnisse der Suche näher an. Hãy gõ khái niệm này trên trang tìm kiếm và tìm hiểu kỹ thêm từ các kết quả hiện ra. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1610)
Ich brauche das Ergebnis deiner Recherche in zwei Stunden. Hãy cho tôi biết kết quả tìm kiếm thông tin sau hai giờ nữa. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1612)
Können Sie mir mehr Einzelheiten zu diesem Thema erzählen? Anh / Chị có thể kể chi tiết thêm về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1620)
Mehr Zahlen und Statistiken findest du in dieser Datenbank. Anh / Chị có thể tìm thấy thêm thông tin và các số liệu thống kê trong ngân hàng dữ liệu này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1624)
Im Folgenden lesen Sie die Ergebnisse meiner Recherchen. Trong phần tiếp theo quý vị sẽ thấy kết quả tra cứu của tôi. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1631)
Nach ausgiebigen Nachforschungen zu diesem Thema komme ich zu diesem Ergebnis: Sau những nghiên cứu chuyên sâu cho đề tài này tôi đi đến kết luận sau: (Lektion 99, Nr. 1632)
Die Kollegin aus der Forschungsabteilung wird uns ihre Ergebnisse in einem Zwischenbericht vorstellen. Đồng nghiệp từ phòng nghiên cứu sẽ trình bày cho chúng ta kết quả nghiên cứu qua một báo cáo ngắn gọn. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1635)
Meine Suche hat keine interessanten Ergebnisse gebracht. Việc tìm kiếm của tôi không đưa lại kết quả thú vị nào. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1639)
Kannst du bitte alle Ergebnisse dieser Besprechung mitschreiben und dann an alle Kollegen schicken? Anh / Chị có thể ghi chép kết quả cuộc họp lại rồi sau đó gửi đến các tất cả các nhân viên được không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1651)
In dieser Tabelle finden Sie die aktuellen Verkaufszahlen für Mai und Juni. Doanh số bán hàng hiện tại của tháng năm và tháng sáu được thể hiện qua bảng thống kê trên đây. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1656)
Wir begleiten Ihr Praktikum mit einem Sprachkurs, der von uns organisiert wird. Chúng tôi có một khóa học tiếng kèm theo khóa thực tập, khóa học tiếng này do chúng tôi tổ chức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1753)
Mit Ihrem Team sind Sie für das Marketing in unserem Unternehmen zuständig. Cùng với nhóm của mình anh / chị chịu trách nhiệm về lĩnh vực marketing trong công ty. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1785)
Seit zehn Jahren arbeite ich in der Branche und kann mich mittlerweile auf ein großes Netzwerk guter Kontakte berufen. Từ mười năm nay tôi làm việc trong ngành và có thể kết nối một mạng lưới quan hệ tốt. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1814)
Mit diesem Schreiben schicke ich Ihnen Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo thư này là bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1828)
Meinen Lebenslauf schicke ich Ihnen mit diesem Schreiben. Tôi gửi kèm theo thư này bản lý lịch tự thuật. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1829)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und Kopien meiner Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản copy các chứng chỉ của tôi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1830)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf und meine übersetzten und beglaubigten Zeugnisse. Kèm theo đây là bản lý lịch tự thuật và bản dịch có công chứng các chứng chỉ. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1831)
Anbei finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf. Kèm theo đây bản lý lịch cá nhân của tôi. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1835)
Ich habe zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und PR. Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực marketing và đối ngoại. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1855)
Erzählen Sie bitte etwas von sich. Xin hãy kể về bản thân. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1869)
Warum hat Ihre Ausbildung so lange gedauert? Vì sao khóa đào tạo của anh / chị kéo quá dài? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1870)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Während des Praktikums habe ich gelernt meine Arbeit gut zu strukturieren und selbständig zu Ende zu bringen. Trong khóa thực tập tôi đã học được cách tổ chức công việc hiệu quả và tự kết thúc công việc độc lập. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1879)
Wie planen Sie Ihr Privatleben in den kommenden Jahren? Anh / Chị lập kế hoạch cho cuộc sống riêng trong những năm tới thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1933)
Zu meinen Stärken zähle ich, dass ich zuverlässig und ergebnisorientiert arbeite. Điểm mạnh của tôi là làm việc có trách nhiệm và có định hướng kết quả. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1936)
Anbei senden wir Ihnen Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zurück. Kèm theo đây chúng tôi xin gửi lại anh / chị hồ sơ xin việc. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1992)
Wo ist die Marketingabteilung? Bộ phận marketing ở đâu? (Lektion 110, Nr. 1996)
Ich werde die Kollegen aus der Marketingabteilung damit beauftragen. Tôi sẽ chuyển cho đồng nghiệp ở bộ phận marketing. (Lektion 110, Nr. 2014)
Kannst du die Lieferscheine bitte dem Datum nach ordnen und abheften? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp giấy giao hàng theo ngày tháng và kẹp lại? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2028)
Heute darf ich Ihnen unsere Marketingstrategie für das kommende Jahr vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi xin phép được trình bày với quý vị chiến lược Marketing trong năm tới của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2090)
Auf dieser Folie zeige ich Ihnen das Ergebnis meiner Analyse. Trong trang này tôi sẽ cho quý vị thấy kết quả phân tích của tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2104)
Diese Ergebnisse sind wissenschaftlich abgesichert. Những kết quả này đã được kiểm chứng một cách khoa học. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2113)
Ich habe gründlich recherchiert und komme zu dem Schluss, dass dieses Projekt zu riskant ist. Tôi đã tra cứu một cách kỹ lưỡng và đi đến kết luận rằng dự án này quá mạo hiểm. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2141)
Das wird zu teuer. Điều đó sẽ trở nên quá tốn kém. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2158)
Wie wollen wir dieses Projekt planen? Chúng ta lên kế hoạch cho dự án này thế nào? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2192)
Die Qualität des Produktes ist mangelhaft. Chất lượng của sản phẩm này vẫn còn nhiều yếu kém. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2237)
Wir brauchen einen Internetzugang und einen Beamer. Chúng tôi cần một kết nối internet và một máy chiếu. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2310)
Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Tagungen und Konferenzen. Kinh nghiệm lâu năm của chúng tôi trong việc lên kế hoạch, tổ chức và điều hành hội thảo, hội nghị sẽ đem lại cho quí vị nhiều lợi ích. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2359)
Ich werde die Ergebnisse meiner Forschungsarbeiten vorstellen. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu các kết quả từ công trình nghiên cứu của mình. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2366)
Bitte organisieren Sie meine An- und Abreise für die Konferenz in Warschau. Xin hãy lên kế hoạch đi lại của tôi cho cuộc hội nghị ở Warsaw. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2375)
Ich möchte auf den erfolgreichen Abschluss dieses Projektes anstoßen. Tôi muốn nâng cốc cho việc kết thúc thành công dự án này. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2453)
Bitte schicken Sie die Ware an uns zurück und legen die eine Kopie Ihrer Rechnung bei. Xin hãy gửi hàng lại cho chúng tôi và gửi kèm một bản sao hóa đơn. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2516)

47 Are you married? Cô kết hôn chưa?
141 Are you married? Cậu kết hôn chưa?
151 Are you married? — No, I'm not. Cậu kết hôn chưa? - Tôi chưa.
160 The phone is ringing. Điện thoại đang kêu.
259 He's eating ice cream. Anh ấy đang ăn kem.
260 He likes ice cream. Anh ấy thích kem.
266 Mike has lunch at home every day. Mike ăn trưa ở nhà hàng ngày.
362 She's married, but she doesn't wear a ring. Cô ấy đã kết hôn nhưng cô ấy không đeo nhẫn.
462 Where's Kelly? — I don't know. Kelly đâu? - Tôi không biết.
579 The party ended at midnight. Bữa tiệc kết thúc lúc nửa đêm.
585 nished at ten pm (10:00). Bộ lm rất dài, nó bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ mười lăm và kết thúc lúc mười giờ tối.
631 I nished work early. How about you? Did you nish work early? Tôi đã kết thúc công việc sớm.Cậu thì sao? Cậu có kết thúc công việc sớm không?
701 He was eating ice cream. Anh ấy đang ăn kem.
706 What was Jose doing when the phone rang? Jose đang làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
708 What did he do when the phone rang? Anh ấy đã làm gì khi điện thoại kêu?
718 at two thirty (2:30), I was in the middle of working. Tôi bắt đầu làm việc lúc chín giờ và kết thúc lúc bốn rưỡi. Nên lúc hai rưỡi tôi đang giữa chừng công việc.
806 She's been married three (3) times. Cô ấy đã kết hôn ba lần.
821 Are you married? How long have you been married? Cậu đã kết hôn chưa? Cậu kết hôn được bao lâu rồi?
892 Remy and Pauline have been married for six (6) months. Remy và Pauline đã kết hôn được sáu tháng.
921 Theo got married. > Theo's gotten married. Theo đã kết hôn. > Theo đã kết hôn rồi.
966 Shakespeare was a writer and wrote many plays and poems. Shakespeare là một nhà văn và đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ.
969 Kenji went home. Kenji đã đi về nhà.
972 My friend has written many books. Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems. Bạn tôi viết đã được nhiều cuốn sách. Shakespeare đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ.
978 Keiko went out at ve [o'clock] (5:00). Keiko đã ra ngoài lúc năm giờ.
1108 Where have Daisuke and Aiko gone? Daisuke và Aiko đã đi đâu?
1145 How long have they bemarried? Họ kết hôn được bao lâu rồi?
1160 Kenichi's in his room. He's listening to music. Kenichi đang trong phòng của anh ấy. Anh ấy đang nghe nhạc.
1188 Have you told Herman about your new job? Cậu đã kể với Herman về công việc mới của cậu chưa?
1211 What time does the movie end tonight? Bộ lm kết thúc lúc mấy giờ tối nay.
1227 ding on Friday. Esteban đang học một khoá tiếng Anh trong kì này. Khoá học sẽ kết thúc vào Thứ sáu này.
I don't think they'll get married.'> 1297 I don't think they'll get married.'> They won't get married. > I don't think they'll get married. I don't think they'll get married.'> ☊ Họ sẽ không kết hôn. Tôi nghĩ họ sẽ không kết hôn.
1306 What are your plans for the weekend? Kế hoạch cuối tuần này của cậu là gì?
1337 Yoshi's going to buy a new car. He told me last week. Yoshi sắp mua xe hơi mới. Tuần trước anh ấy kể với tôi.
1487 married. Nur và Zaina còn quá trẻ. Tôi nghĩ họ không nên kết hôn.
1531 Why did they tell me something I already know? They didn't have to tell me that. Tại sao họ lại kể cho tôi những gì tôi đã biết? Họ không cần phải kể cho tôi những việc đó.
1538 Would you like a piece of candy? Cậu muốn ăn kẹo không?
1619 ʨʊ́k͡p̚ kəʔ̖ w kɔ́ ʨwiəń ɓɐɐj to̪ ́t̚ ɗɛʔ̖ p̚ . ʨʊ́k͡p̚ vuuj vɛ̖ ! Here, have some candy. Đây, làm ít kẹo này.
1731 It's Kelly's birthday today. She's twenty-sev(27). Hôm nay là sinh nhật Kelly. Cô ấy hai mươi bảy tuổi.
1748 Everybody's very nice at work. It's easy to make friends. Mọi người ở cơ quan rất tốt. Kết bạn rất dễ.
1769 I'm not married, but my brother is. Tôi chưa kết hôn nhưng anh tôi thì rồi.
1872 The strike started three (3) weeks ago. It's expected that it'll end soon. Cuộc đình công bắt đầu cách đây ba tuần. Người ta hi vọng nó sẽ kết thúc sớm.
1875 The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. Kế hoạch đáng ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi.
1890 Did I tell you about Luisa? She got her purse stollast week. Tôi đã kể với cậu về Luisa chưa? Tuần trước cô ấy bị ăn cắp mất túi xách.
1905 Michiko asked me not to tell anybody what had happened. Michiko bảo tôi đừng kể với ai những việc đã xảy ra.
1939 Is Pauline married? — I don't think she is. Pauline kết hôn chưa? - Tôi nghĩ là chưa.
1961 Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost. Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ sang sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu.
2093 Keiko had to get used to driving on the left when she moved back to Japan. Keiko đã phải làm quen với việc lái xe bên trái khi cô ấy trở về Nhật Bản.
2109 They accused us of telling lies. Họ kết tội chúng tôi nói dối.
2146 I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me. Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi.
2184 Daisuke failed to solve the problem, whereas Aiko succeeded in solving the problem. Daisuke đã không giải được bài toán trong khi Aiko đã giải thành công bài toán.
2284 Do you know the people who live next door? Cậu có biết những người sống ở nhà kế bên không?
2288 long. Paolo và Giuliana đã cưới nhau nhưng hôn nhân không kéo dài lâu lắm.
2304 Kenya is a country in East Africa. Kenya là một nước ở Đông Phi.
2330 The results of your exams are your exam results. Kết quả của kì thi của cậu là kết quả thi của cậu.
2334 A course that lasts twelve (12) weeks is a twelve-week course. Một khoá học mà kéo dài mười hai tuần là một khoá học mười hai tuần.
2350 long have you known one another? Cậu và Kenichi đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? > Các cậu đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi?
2406 Herman didn't tell anyone about his plans. Herman đã không nói với ai về kế hoạch của anh ấy.
2430 When she got married, she kept it a secret. She didn't tell any of her friends. Khi cô ấy kết hôn, cô ấy giữ một bí mật. Cô ấy không nói với ai trong số bạn bè của cô ấy.
2451 All I've eaten today is a sandwich. Toàn bộ những gì tôi đã ăn hôm nay là một cái bánh mì kẹp.
2474 I don't like stories that have unhappy endings. Tôi không thích những chuyện kết thúc không có hậu.
2503 What's the name of that hotel you told me about? Tên của cái khách sạn mà cậu kể với tôi là gì?
2532 Mr. Lopez, whom I spoke with at the meeting, is very interested in our plan. Ông Lopez, người tôi đã nói chuyện còng tại buổi họp, rất hứng thú với kế hoạch của cậu.
2538 The company has a new business plan, the aim of which is to save money. Công ti có một kế hoạch làm ăn mới mà mục đích của nó là tiết kiệm tiền.
2558 Vitale is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing. Vitale rất giỏi kể chuyện cười. Anh ấy rất hài hước.
They're not old enough to get married.'> 2591 They're not old enough to get married.'> They're too young to get married. > They're not old enough to get married. They're not old enough to get married.'> ☊ Họ còn qua trẻ để kết hôn. > Họ không đủ lớn để kết hôn.
2598 Walter did worse than I did on the test. Walter làm kém hơn tôi trong kì thi.
2611 The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it. Tôi nghĩ càng nhiều về kế hoạch thì tôi càng bớt thích nó.
2687 When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was crazy. Khi tôi nói với họ kế hoạch của tôi, họ nhìn tôi cứ như là tôi bị điên.
2712 Everything began and ended ON time. Mọi thứ bắt đầu và kết thúc đúng giờ.
2753 I've never met the woman IN charge OF marketing, but I've spoken to her ON the phone a few times. Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người phụ nữ chịu trách nhiệm marketing nhưng tôi đã nói chuyện với cô ấy qua điện thoại vài lần.
2769 I nished the race three (3) meters ahead of you. > I won the race BY three (3) meters. Tôi đã kết thúc cuộc đua trước cậu ba metre. > Tôi đã thắng được ba metre trong cuộc đua.
2770 Some American companies give college graduates a check FOR ve thousand dollars ($5000) AS a signing bonus. Một số công ti của Mĩ cho sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học một tờ cheque năm nghìn dollar coi như tiền thưởng kí kết.
2816 The police remained suspicious of the suspect's motives. Cảnh sát vẫn nghi ngờ các hoạt động của kẻ bị tình nghi.
2861 her to see a doctor as soon as possible. Samiya kêu ca về cơn đau dạ dày của cô ấy nên chúng tôi khuyên cô ấy đi khám ngay khi có thể.
2864 She accused me of being sel sh. Cô ấy kết tội tôi ích kỉ.
2865 After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison. Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù.
2866 Some students were suspected of cheating on the exam. Một số học sinh bị kết tội gian lận trong kì thi.
2878 It's di cult to forgive a murderer for his crimes. Khó mà tha thứ cho một kẻ giết người vì tội ác của hắn.
2879 it doesn't bring the victims back. Dù một kẻ giết người có xin lỗi vì những gì hắn làm bao nhiêu đi chăng nữa, nó cũng không thể đưa nạn nhân trở về.
2888 ultraviolet (UV) rays. Kem chống nắng bảo vệ da khỏi những tác động có hại của tia cực tím từ mặt trời.
2924 with murder. Cảnh sát thông minh hơn kẻ sát nhân; hắn đơn giản là không thể thoát khỏi tội giết người.
2935 Please don't stop telling your story, please go on. Làm ơn đừng dừng kể câu chuyện của cậu, hãy tiếp tục đi.
2941 I don't want to keep going on discussing marketing, let's move on to the production issues. Tôi không muốn tiếp tục thảo luận về marketing, hãy chuyển sang các vấn đề sản xuất.
2963 If you can't nd a hotel for the night, you'll end up sleeping on the street. Nếu cậu không tìm được khách sạn để ngủ buổi đêm, kết quả là cậu sẽ ngủ trên đường.
2964 hospital. Có một vụ đánh nhau trên phố và kết quả là ba người đàn ông vào bệnh viện.
2965 Don't argue with the police o cer, or you'll just end up getting arrested. Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi.
2977 Plans to build a new factory have been held up because of the company's nancial problems. Những kế hoạch xây một nhà máy mới đã bị treo vì các vấn đề tài chính của công ti.
2984 My manager pointed out a potential problem with our new marketing plan. Giám đốc của tôi đã chỉ ra một vấn đề tiềm ẩn trong kế hoạch marketing mới của chúng tôi.
2989 They took it out into the street, and Jack let them have it. Jack put them down one by one, and the spectacle really drew a crowd. Họ kéo ra ngoài phố và Jack để họ nắm thế. Jack hạ gục họ từng người một và cảnh tượng thực sự đã thu hút đám đông.

The building plans include much needed new office accommodation. accommodation
Warships will accompany the convoy. accompany
strong winds accompanied by heavy rain accompany
Each pack contains a book and accompanying CD. accompany
Shouts of protest accompanied this announcement. accompany
The text is accompanied by a series of stunning photographs. accompany
Everything went according to plan. according to
the accounts department account
act of sb: The murder was the act of a psychopath. act
She began to explain her plan of action to the group. action
The new plan for traffic control is being put into action on an experimental basis. into action
They're not married, actually. actually
The plan has the added (= extra) advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. add
Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years. advance
Sweden has a reputation for advanced and stylish design. advanced
Val works for an advertising agency (= a company that designs advertisements). advertising
Rub the cream into the affected areas. affect
Tamsin was afraid of making a fool of herself. afraid
I'm afraid that it's not finished yet. I'm afraid
Let's meet the day after tomorrow/the week after next. after
She was forced to marry against her will. against
It's been an age since we've seen them. age
They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met! ago
The agreement (= the document recording the agreement) was signed during a meeting at the UN. agreement
The party was planned weeks ahead. ahead
'What have you done?' Ellie cried in alarm. alarm
By the time the alarm was raised the intruders had escaped. alarm
Many civilians died as a result of allied bombing. allied
I've been so alone since you went away. alone
I looked along the shelves for the book I needed. along
A police car pulled up alongside us. alongside
arranged/listed/stored alphabetically alphabetically
We got there early but Mike had already left. already
Jake's father had also been a doctor (= both Jake and his father were doctors). also
Prices did not alter significantly during 2007. alter
Although small, the kitchen is well designed. although
The server is designed to store huge amounts of data. amount
statistical analysis analysis
announce sth: They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. announce
announce sth to sb: The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs. announce
'Finished?' 'No, I've got another three questions to do.' another
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
appeal to sb: The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. appeal
I am appealing (= asking for money) on behalf of the famine victims. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. appeal
appeal to sb to do sth: Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. appeal
a planning/passport application application
Apply the cream sparingly to your face and neck. apply
The glue should be applied to both surfaces. apply
Do the plans meet with your approval? approval
The plan will be submitted to the committee for official approval. approval
Senior management have given their seal of approval (= formal approval) to the plans. approval
The committee unanimously approved the plan. approve
They walked along arm in arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). arm
The country was arming against the enemy. arm
She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. arm
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
After leaving school, Mike went into the army. army
plans of the possible seating arrangements arrangement
The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves (= be available) early next year. arrive
to arrive at an agreement/a decision/a conclusion arrive at sth
She's good at art and design. art
Have you seen that article about young fashion designers? article
Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker. artist
She pulled the curtain aside. aside
ask sb (about sth): The interviewer asked me about my future plans. ask
The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. assist
Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance. assistance
I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood. associate
Most people immediately associate addictions with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. associate
You wouldn't normally associate these two writers—their styles are completely different. associate
Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially. associated
He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education. associated
They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. association
The book was published in association with (= together with) English Heritage. association
The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. association
The cat soon made the association between human beings and food. association
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. assume
She got married at 25. at
She was delighted at the result. at
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. atom
attach sth: I attach a copy of my notes for your information. attach
I attach a copy of the spreadsheet (= send it with an email). attach
attach sth to sth: Attach the coupon to the front of your letter. attach
They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement (= said that the conditions must be part of the agreement). attach
Please complete the attached application form. attached
to launch/make/mount an attack attack
awake (sb) (from/to sth): I awoke from a deep sleep. awake
the Housing Design Award award
award (sb) sth: The judges awarded both finalists equal points. award
It's going to cost an awful lot of money. awful
I found some old photos at the back of the drawer. back
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
Put the book back on the shelf. back
Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes. back
a United Nations-backed peace plan back
The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys. bad
You're a bad liar! bad
badly designed/organized badly
bake (sth): baked apples bake
bake sth for sb: I'm baking a birthday cake for Alex. bake
bake sb sth: I'm baking Alex a cake. bake
a golf/tennis/cricket ball ball
candy bars bar
The old theatre was pulled down, wasn't it? be
They are to be married in June. be
a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) beach
Where does Europe end and Asia begin? begin
We're behind schedule (= late). behind
She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her. behind
the bell of a trumpet (= the bell-shaped part at the end of it) bell
Her work was well below average for the class. below
The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching. bend
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of all her hard work. benefit
With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently. benefit
the company's best-ever results best
Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet. between
It won't go on beyond midnight. beyond
It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. bit
The exam results went up on the board. board
Terrorists bombed several army barracks. bomb
a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania border
Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. bottom
We came bottom (= got the worst result) with 12 points. bottom
a matchbox box
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
Let me tell you briefly what happened. briefly
to bring a meeting to an end bring
Mismanagement had brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy. bring
a broad smile/grin (= one in which your mouth is stretched very wide because you are very pleased or amused) broad
broadly similar/comparable/equivalent/consistent broadly
Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers. brother
The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned). budget
This information will help us build a picture of his attacker. build
A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre. bus
call (out) to sb (for sth): She called out to her father for help. call
Are you calling me a liar? call
They called for the immediate release of the hostages. call for sth
The opposition have called for him to resign. call for sth
They have called off their engagement (= decided not to get married). call sth off
a call for help call
The police appealed for calm. calm
Are you prepared to tell your story on camera? on camera
We drank a can of Coke each. can
I thought it was going to be difficult to get funding for the project, but in the end it was like taking candy from a baby. be like taking candy from a baby
care that...: She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before. care
to carry out a promise/a threat/a plan/an order carry sth out
It's a classic case (= a very typical case) of bad planning. case
I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money). cash
thieves caught in the act catch
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate. celebrate
a birth/marriage/death certificate certificate
to mount a challenge challenge
challenge sb (to sth): Mike challenged me to a game of chess. challenge
challenge sb to do sth: The opposition leader challenged the prime minister to call an election. challenge
I met her by chance (= without planning to) at the airport. chance
We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. chance
change sth: At half-time the teams change ends. change
change sth (to sth): Marie changed her name when she got married. change
Finishing early was a welcome change. change
Complaints must be made through the proper channels. channel
The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students. channel
The company has worldwide distribution channels. channel
Steps are being taken to implement a ceasefire through diplomatic channels. channel
What's on Channel 4 tonight? channel
a movie/sports channel channel
to change/switch channels channel
terrestrial/satellite channels channel
a plan to crack down on tax cheats cheat
Farmers are being urged to reduce their use of chemicals and work with nature to combat pests. chemical
chew sth (up): teeth designed for chewing meat chew
He is always chewing gum. chew
This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. choice
Sandy had to tell his tale in halting Italian. Since Franco spoke no English, he had no choice in the matter. choice
choose to do sth: Many people choose not to marry. choose
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
Dickens was in a different class from (= was much better than) most of his contemporaries. class
classic design classic
to clear out a drawer/room clear out, clear sth out
By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners. clear
Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized. clearly
click (on sth): I clicked on the link to the next page of the website. click
Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall. clock
The meeting will close at 10.00 p.m. close
It was a very close finish. close
The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). close
The college has close links with many other institutions. close
The two events are closely connected. closely
a coach station (= where coaches start and end their journey) coach
coffee ice cream coffee
Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures. collapse
All opposition to the plan has collapsed. collapse
Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture. colour
She was wearing a cream-coloured suit. coloured
His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. combination
What an unusual combination of flavours! combination
Technology and good management. That's a winning combination (= one that will certainly be successful). combination
Many course combinations are possible. combination
The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. combination
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. combine
combine with sth: Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. combine
combine to do sth: Several factors had combined to ruin our plans. combine
combine sth: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. combine
combine sth with sth: Combine the eggs with a little flour. combine
combine A and B (together): Combine the eggs and the flour. combine
combine sth: We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities. combine
combine A and/with B: The hotel combines comfort with convenience. combine
This model combines a telephone and fax machine. combine
They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. combine
a kitchen and dining-room combined combine
The trip will combine business with pleasure. combine
She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. combine
That comes a long way down my list of priorities. come
At last winter came to an end. come
Everything will come right in the end. come
come to do sth: This design came to be known as the Oriental style. come
The CD comes complete with all the words of the songs. come
She came across some old photographs in a drawer. come across sb/sth
These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. comfort
to take/draw comfort from sb's words comfort
a commission to design the new parliament building commission
commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth): The President is committed to reforming health care. commit
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
commitment (to sb/sth): She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. commitment
the government's commitment to public services commitment
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment. commitment
He's busy for the next month with filming commitments. commitment
Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments. commitment
Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. common
All channels of communication need to be kept open. communication
communication systems/links/technology communication
the Royal Shakespeare Company company
My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's. compare
I enclose the two plans for comparison. comparison
complaint (about sb/sth): The most common complaint is about poor service. complaint
computer-aided design computer
conclude sth (from sth): What do you conclude from that? conclude
conclude (that)...: The report concluded (that) the cheapest option was to close the laboratory. conclude
conclude from sth that...: He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan. conclude
it is concluded that...: It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low. conclude
+ speech: 'So it should be safe to continue,' he concluded. conclude
conclude with sth: The programme concluded with Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring'. conclude
conclude by doing sth: He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home. conclude
conclude sth (with sth): The commission concluded its investigation last month. conclude
She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare. conclude
+ speech: 'Anyway, she should be back soon,' he concluded. conclude
I've come to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job. conclusion
It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty. conclusion
New evidence might lead to the conclusion that we are wrong. conclusion
We can safely draw some conclusions from our discussion. conclusion
The conclusion of the book was disappointing. conclusion
In conclusion (= finally), I would like to thank... conclusion
If we took this argument to its logical conclusion ... conclusion
She was quietly confident that everything would go as planned. confident
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. confine
The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts. conflict
The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty. conflict
These results conflict with earlier findings. conflict
Congratulations on your exam results! congratulation
There was nothing to connect him with the crime. connect
I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before. connect
Click 'Continue' to connect to the Internet. connect
First connect the printer to the computer. connect
We're waiting for the telephone to be connected. connect
The towns are connected by train and bus services. connect
The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary. connect
a connecting door (= one that connects two rooms) connect
The rooms on this floor connect. connect
They are connected by marriage. connected
The two issues are closely connected. connected
We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris. connection
I missed the connection by five minutes. connection
A faulty connection caused the machine to stop. connection
Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days. connection
I'm having problems with my Internet connection. connection
connection (between A and B): Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. connection
connection (with sth): a direct/close/strong connection with sth connection
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
I am writing to you in connection with your recent job application. in connection with sb/sth
He was considering an appeal. consider
consider (that)...: She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion. consider
The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money. considerable
Damage to the building was considerable. considerable
Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. considerable
The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person. considerably
Interest rates on bank loans have increased considerably in recent years. considerably
Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container. container
The trial is expected to continue for three months. continue
The rain has been continuous since this morning. continuous
contract with sb: to enter into/make/sign a contract with the supplier contract
contract sth: The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. contract
contrast (in sth): A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture. contrast
contrast (of sth): Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences. contrast
a substantial contribution contribution
a significant contribution to scientific knowledge contribution
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. contribution
a car with dual control(s) (= one set of controls for the driver and one for the instructor ). control
Price controls on food were ended. control
The children are completely out of control since their father left. be/get/run/etc. out of control
The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election. conversation
He has been cool towards me ever since we had that argument. cool
They copied the designs from those on Greek vases. copy
The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost. cost
He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health. cost
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
All these reforms will cost money (= be expensive). cost
Good food need not cost a fortune (= cost a lot of money). cost
cost sb sth: That one mistake almost cost him his life. cost
to have a dry/persistent/hacking cough cough
We have invited 50 people, not counting the children. count
count from...: There are 12 weeks to go, counting from today. count
count sb/sth doing sth: We can't count on this warm weather lasting. count on sb/sth
to take/do a course in art and design course
He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body. covering
Craft, Design and Technology (= a subject in some British schools) craft
I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him. crazy
strawberries and cream cream
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? cream
fresh/whipped cream cream
cream cakes (= containing cream) cream
double/single cream (= thick/thin cream) cream
hand/moisturizing cream cream
antiseptic cream cream
a cream cleaner cream
Do you have this blouse in cream? cream
a cream linen suit cream
The government plans to create more jobs for young people. create
crime figures/statistics crime
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups. criticism
They crossed the finishing line together (= in a race). cross
We seem to have a crossed line (= a telephone call that interrupts another call because of a wrong connection). cross
a flag with a design of two crossed keys cross
cry for sth: She ran to the window and cried for help. cry
She cried out for help. cry out/cry out sth
With a cry of 'Stop thief!' he ran after the boy. cry
Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage. cry
Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help. cry
to draw/pull/close the curtains (= to pull them across the window so they cover it) curtain
to draw/draw back/pull back the curtains (= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered) curtain
It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn (= closed). curtain
There was tremendous applause when the curtain came down (= the play ended). curtain
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended). curtain
It's time to face the final curtain (= the end; death). curtain
It is the custom in that country for women to marry young. custom
They cut off the enemy's retreat. cut sth off
Using sharp scissors, make a small cut in the material. cut
Invoices are signed on a daily basis. daily
These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up. data
Many believe the peace plan is dead. dead
to make/sign/conclude/close a deal (with sb) deal
A deal was struck after lengthy negotiations. deal
He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ). death
the death of all my plans death
After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. debate
The theatre's future is a subject of considerable debate. debate
Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. decline
Donations have decreased significantly over the past few years. decrease
'Do you plan to have children?' 'Definitely not!' definitely
demonstrate that...: These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working. demonstrate
They had received no news of him since his departure from the island. departure
The depth of the shelves is 30 centimetres. depth
floral/abstract/geometric designs design
The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs. design
a course in art and design design
a design studio design
computer-aided design design
the design and development of new products design
designs for aircraft design
new and original designs design
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
special new design features design
The machine's unique design prevents it from overheating. design
The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. design
design sth (for sth): The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. design
design sth (as sth): This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject. design
design sth to do sth: The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. design
We need to design a new syllabus for the third year. design
design sth: to design a car/a dress/an office design
a badly designed kitchen design
He designed and built his own house. design
design sth for sb/sth: They asked me to design a poster for the campaign. design
design sb sth: Could you design us a poster? design
The dessert can be topped with cream, if desired (= if you like). desire
I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room. desperate
an expedition planned down to the last detail detail
The fine detail of the plan has yet to be worked out. detail
The results are shown in diagram 2. diagram
There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries. difference
There's no difference in the results. difference
American English is significantly different from British English. different
I had considerable difficulty (in) persuading her to leave. difficulty
Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. direct
They are in direct contact with the hijackers. direct
His death was a direct result of your action. direct
They remain directly opposed to these new plans. directly
a serious/severe/considerable disadvantage disadvantage
disadvantage (to sth): There are disadvantages to the plan. disadvantage
disagreement (about/on/over/as to sth): Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show. disagreement
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment. disagreement
disappointed (at/by sth): They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game. disappointed
a disappointing result/performance disappointing
The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved. disappointing
She sounded disapproving as we discussed my plans. disapproving
The plans have been under discussion (= being talked about) for a year now. discussion
These statistics display a definite trend. display
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library. on display
Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance. in/into the distance
Only the cry of seabirds disturbed the silence. disturb
Many divorced men remarry and have second families. divorced
The company ought to do something about the poor service. do
I've had my doubts about his work since he joined the firm. have your doubts (about sth)
Her hair hung down her back to her waist. down
She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness. downward
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
I dragged the chair over to the window. drag
They dragged her from her bed. drag
The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. drag
He quickly dragged a comb through his hair. drag
a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement dramatic
dramatic results/developments/news dramatic
The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices. dramatic
Prices have fallen dramatically. dramatically
Prices have increased dramatically in the last few years. dramatically
I drew my chair up closer to the fire. draw
She drew me onto the balcony. draw
I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately). draw
My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner. draw
The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. draw
in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk drawer
the kitchen drawer (= the one in the kitchen) drawer
It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. dream
dream sth: Who'd have dreamt it? They're getting married. dream
She's been drinking heavily since she lost her job. drink
The temperature has dropped considerably. drop
There was a substantial drop in the number of people out of work last month. drop
Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer, drier parts of North America. dry
I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. early on
This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. ease
The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town. ease
I can easily finish it tonight. easily
We need to make substantial economies. economy
It's a false economy to buy cheap clothes (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long). economy
As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories. efficient
We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time. effort
Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg. egg
election campaigns/results election
Details of Keats' biography are given elsewhere (= in another part of this book, article, etc.) elsewhere
The speech was deliberately designed to embarrass the prime minister. embarrass
They made an emotional appeal for help. emotional
emphasize that...: She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. emphasize
the end of all his dreams end
The meeting came to an end (= finished). end
The war was finally at an end. end
The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end. end
There's no end in sight to the present crisis. end
They have called for an end to violence. end
This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process. end
That was by no means the end of the matter. end
Tie the ends of the string together. end
the end of the book end
It's the end of an era. end
He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant. in the end
The word I'm thinking of ends in '-ous'. end in sth
Their long struggle ended in failure. end in sth
The debate ended in uproar. end in sth
end doing sth: I ended up doing all the work myself. end up
The movie has a car chase to end all car chases. a/the sth to end all sths
He ended his days in poverty. end your days/life (in sth)
His stories usually have a happy ending. ending
the anniversary of the ending of the Pacific War ending
It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. ending
a masculine/feminine ending ending
He has a lot of enemies in the company. enemy
After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager. enemy
They used to be friends but they are now sworn enemies (= are determined not to become friends again). enemy
It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies. enemy
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. enemy
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them). enemy
The enemy was/were forced to retreat. enemy
behind enemy lines (= the area controlled by the enemy) enemy
Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. enemy
They are engaged to be married (= to each other). engaged
I didn't have enough clothes to last a week. enough
ensure sb sth: Victory ensured them a place in the final. ensure
Local entertainments are listed in the newspaper. entertainment
Diet and exercise are equally important. equally
it is estimated (that)...: It is estimated (that) the project will last four years. estimate
Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death. in the event of sth, in the event that sth happens
He's had a car ever since he was 18. ever since (...)
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
One in every three marriages ends in divorce. every
She gave an exact description of the attacker. exact
The colours were an exact match. exact
'You mean somebody in this room must be the murderer?' 'Exactly.' exactly
I got my exam results today. exam
Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination. examination
The chapter concludes with a brief examination of some of the factors causing family break-up. examination
It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre. example
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. for example
With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results. exception
breathing/relaxation/stretching exercises exercise
He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people. exercise
exhibit sth (at/in...): They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs. exhibit
They eke out a precarious existence (= they have hardly enough money to live on). existence
There are no plans to expand the local airport. expand
The results exceeded our expectations. expectation
She always travels first-class regardless of expense. expense
The results are well worth the expense. expense
Making the wrong decision could prove expensive. expensive
The results of the experiment were inconclusive. experiment
He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings. experiment
She was exposed as a liar and a fraud. expose
There are plans to extend the no-smoking area. extend
The show has been extended for another six weeks. extend
Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. extend
The company plans to extend its operations into Europe. extend
a planned two-storey extension to the hospital extension
The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities. extension
Due to the fact that they did not read English, the prisoners were unaware of what they were signing. fact
The result will depend on a number of different factors factor
The success or failure of the plan depends on you. failure
All my efforts ended in failure. failure
In the end, a draw was a fair result. fair
The handle had fallen off the drawer. fall
Do they plan to start a family (= have children)? family
family ties/connections family
Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible. far
far ahead: Let's try to plan further ahead. far
a fashion designer/magazine/show fashion
The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud. fast
He fastened the papers together with a paper clip. fasten
a major fault in the design fault
Few will argue with this conclusion. few
For Liverpool fans, it was a night to remember both on and off the field (= the match was good and so were the celebrations afterwards). field
He finished fifth in the race. fifth
Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically. figure
figure (as sth) (in/on/among sth): Do I still figure in your plans? figure
No one could have predicted the final outcome. final
The players met in last year's final. final
the 2010 World Cup Finals (= the last few games in the competition) final
They will now go through to the final. final
The winner of each contest goes through to the grand final. final
finish (sth): Haven't you finished your homework yet? finish
I thought you'd never finish! finish
+ speech: 'And that was all,' she finished. finish
The play finished at 10.30. finish
finish with sth: The symphony finishes with a flourish. finish
finish sth: A cup of coffee finished the meal perfectly. finish
We might as well finish up the cake. finish
The dollar finished the day slightly down. finish
a dramatic finish to the race finish
It was a close finish, as they had predicted. finish
They won in the end but it was a tight finish. finish
I want to see the job through to the finish. finish
finished with sb/sth: I'm not finished with you yet. finished
Their marriage was finished. finished
fire (sth) (at sb/sth): Missiles were fired at the enemy. fire
a firm of accountants firm
Bake the cakes until they are firm to the touch. firm
firm beliefs/conclusions/convictions/principles firm
With a firm grip on my hand, he pulled me away. firm
Do these plans fit in with your arrangements? fit in (with sb/sth)
to fix a shelf to the wall fix
The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape. flat
an appeal to help flood victims flood
When the Ganges floods, it causes considerable damage. flood
Election results flowed in throughout the night. flow
plans to seize power by force of arms (= by military force) force
Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever. forever
form sth from/of sth: The chain is formed from 136 links. form
A plan formed in my head. form
the secret formula for the blending of the whisky formula
The project will go forward (= continue) as planned. forward
The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. foundation
Pull gently on the free end of the rope. free
A true democracy complete with free speech and a free press was called for. free
The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages. free
a toothpaste that leaves a nice fresh taste in your mouth fresh
Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children. be/make friends (with sb)
a close/lasting/lifelong friendship friendship
He threatened the intruders with a gun and frightened them off. frighten sb/sth away/off, frighten sb/sth away from sth
quotations from Shakespeare from
The kids still weren't full, so I gave them an ice cream each. full
This design aims for harmony of form and function. function
We need to plan for the future. future
The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears. gear
I check the bookings to get a general idea of what activities to plan. general
The plan was generally welcomed. generally
Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article. genuine
They plan to get married in the summer. get
Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000. get away with sth
He gave a loud cry (= cried out loudly) and fell to the floor. give
The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers' demands. give in (to sb/sth)
She gave away state secrets to the enemy. give sth/sb away
She was glad when the meeting was over. glad
The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling. global
a tube of glue glue
synthetic glues glue
He sticks to her like glue (= never leaves her). glue
The whistle went for the end of the game. go
Disease often goes with poverty. go with sth
How much longer will this hot weather go on for? go on
The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned. go ahead
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans go ahead (with sth)
The results were pretty good. good
You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you. good
Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills. goodbye
a grand design/plan/strategy grand
The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues. green
Students stood around in groups waiting for their results. group
growth hormones (= designed to make sb/sth grow faster) growth
The television comes with a year's guarantee. guarantee
guarantee sth: Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final. guarantee
She pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). gun
At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot. guy
At that time, the castle was in enemy hands. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
Her hair hung down to her waist. hang
to be happily married happily
And they all lived happily ever after (= used as the end of a fairy tale ). happily
The story has a happy ending. happy
'When will the job be finished?' 'It's hard to say.' (= it is difficult to be certain) hard
Times were hard at the end of the war. hard
She put the knife in a drawer, out of harm's way. out of harm's way
He was her most hated enemy. hate
hatred (for/of sb/sth): She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker. hatred
She'll have had the results by now. have
This war has got to end soon. have to
hear (that)...: I was surprised to hear (that) he was married. hear
It was good to hear from him again. hear from sb, hear sth from sb
Help, I'm stuck! help
I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
a high branch/shelf/window high
They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system. hire
The wood is held in position by a clamp. hold
I had to hold my stomach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans. hold
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
Let's be honest, she's only interested in Mike because of his money. honest
South Africa hosted the World Cup finals. host
The interview lasted half an hour. hour
'How long did it last?' 'Oh, hours and hours.' hour
However you look at it, it's going to cost a lot. however
He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain. humorous
Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal. hunting
Hurry up with the scissors. I need them. hurry up (with sth)
They lived together as husband and wife (= as if they were married) for years. husband and wife
Desserts are served with cream or ice cream. ice cream
Who wants an ice cream? ice cream
identify sb/sth: She was able to identify her attacker. identify
The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. identity
a plan to strengthen the corporate identity of the company identity
Do you know if he's married? if
Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital. ill
illustrate sth: To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story. illustrate
The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation. implication
The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste. import
a significant/substantial/dramatic improvement improvement
It's in that drawer. in
It will be ready in a week's time (= one week from now). in
Since I started jogging I've lost three and a half inches from my waistline. inch
a significant/substantial increase in sales increase
the first elections since independence independence
Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions. independent
indicate that...: Early results indicate that the government will be returned to power. indicate
indicate how, what etc...: Our results indicate how misleading it could be to rely on this method. indicate
All the indications are that the deal will go ahead as planned. indication
inform sb that...: I have been reliably informed (= somebody I trust has told me) that the couple will marry next year. inform
Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients. ingredient
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. initial
the Institute of Chartered Accountants institute
instruction on how to do sth: The plant comes with full instructions on how to care for it. instruction
intend sb sth: He intended her no harm (= it was not his plan to harm her). intend
As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish? interest
Our survey produced some interesting results. interesting
an Internet service provider (= a company that provides you with an Internet connection and services such as email, etc.) Internet
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press. invention
The FBI has been called in to investigate. investigate
The union plans to raise the issue of overtime. issue
Hello, Peter, it's Mike here. it
It's a long time since they left. it
a jam doughnut jam
jelly and ice cream jelly
She's never had a steady job (= a job that is not going to end suddenly). job
join A to B: Join one section of pipe to the next. join
They finished in joint first place. joint
The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. judge
judge sb/sth (on sth): Schools should not be judged only on exam results. judge
I can't just drop all my commitments. just
keen on sb/sth: Tom's very keen on Anna. keen
keen (to do sth): John was very keen to help. keen
keen (that...): We are keen that our school should get involved too. keen
keen (on doing sth): I wasn't too keen on going to the party. keen
one of the keenest supporters of the team keen
The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night. keep sth up
kick (sb/sth): She was punched and kicked by her attackers. kick
Vandals had kicked the door down. kick
The child was dragged away, kicking and screaming. kick
He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him. knee
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
He'll only wear clothes with a designer label. label
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy. land
She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane. lane
I wouldn't marry you if you were the last person on earth! last
The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes. last
Each game lasts about an hour. last
How long does the play last? last
This weather won't last. last
He's making a big effort now, and I hope it lasts. last
last sb: These shoes should last you till next year. last
She won't last long in that job. last
last (out): Can you last (out) until I can get help? last
last (out) sth: Doctors say that she probably won't last out the night (= she will probably die before the morning). last
last (out): Will the coffee last out till next week? last
last sb (out): We've got enough food to last us (for) three days. last
She married in her late twenties (= when she was 28 or 29). late
She married late. late
British schools are now required by law to publish their exam results. law
The horse laid back its ears. lay
The grapes were laid to dry on racks. lay
lead sb (to sth): What led you to this conclusion? lead
learn (that)...: We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. learn
Take the next road on the left. left
Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you. leg
They are currently facing a long legal battle in the US courts. legal
She's having lunch with the Director, no less. no less
These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. lie
She has been an accountant all her working life. life
She hitched a lift on a truck. lift
On a lighter note, we end the news today with a story about a duck called Quackers. light
the most likely outcome likely
The company's lines have been jammed (= busy) all day with people making complaints. line
They were stuck in a line of traffic. line
Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road). line
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
link (with sth): to establish trade links with Asia link
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
a link road link
a video link link
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
To visit similar websites to this one, click on the links at the bottom of the page. link
link A to B: The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer. link
link A with B: The Channel Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
link A to/with B: Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer. link
link A and B: The two factors are directly linked. link
We were asked to list our ten favourite songs. list
Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically. list
Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. little
We saw a real live rattlesnake! live
These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load. load
She locked her passport and money in the safe. lock
The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic. logic
Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic. logic
It was a logical conclusion from the child's point of view. logical
The party went on long into the night. long
The house was pulled down long ago. long
You made me look a complete fool! look
You should look out for pickpockets. look out for sb/sth
He lost his looks (= became less attractive) in later life. look
I've lost ten pounds since I started this diet. lose
to lose your hair/teeth (= as a result of getting old) lose
If you love each other, why not get married? love
The reservoir was low after the long drought. low
With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time. luck
Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. magazine
The house is not yet connected to the mains. main
There were calls for major changes to the welfare system. major
make sb/sth + adj.: You've made my nose too big (= for example in a drawing). make
make sb/sth + noun: He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure. make
make sb do sth: They made me repeat the whole story. make
make sb: He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him. make
The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted. make
make sth + noun: I made painting the house my project for the summer. make
make sth (out) of sth: What's your shirt made of? make
make sth for sb: She made coffee for us all. make
make sb sth: She made us all coffee. make
I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. make sth up
All the attackers were male, aged between 25 and 30. male
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war mark
to get a good/poor mark in English mark
All of her children's marriages ended in divorce. marriage
My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage. marriage
She's married to John. married
Rachel and David are getting married on Saturday. married
How long have you been married? married
marry (sb): She married a German. marry
He was 36 when he married Viv. marry
The curtains and carpet are a good match. match
Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other. match
to put a match to sth (= set fire to sth) match
a scarf with gloves to match match
The suspects' stories just don't match up. match up (with sth)
She spent the morning matching up orders with invoices. match sth up (with sth)
They've been best mates since school. mate
Planning a project is just a matter of working out the right order to do things in. matter
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
They don't last long no matter how careful you are. no matter who, what, where, etc.
Call me when you get there, no matter what the time is. no matter who, what, where, etc.
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids. may
What time is the meeting? meeting
I quickly committed the number of the car to memory (= learned and remembered it). memory
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
a pull-down menu menu
I like a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. middle
the mildest winter since records began mild
The lecture dragged on and my mind wandered. mind
Are you married, if you don't mind my asking? mind
I just have to finish this—I won't be a minute. minute
Dickens' novels are a mirror of his times. mirror
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
What is missing from the production is any sense of emotional commitment. missing
They don't mix much with the neighbours. mix
If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. mix
mix A with B: I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business). mix
mix sb sth: Why don't you mix our guests a cocktail? mix
Children and fireworks don't mix. mix
The city is a mixture of old and new buildings. mixture
Shakespeare's language can be a problem for modern readers. modern
Her anxiety mounted month by month (= as each month passed). month
a month-long strike month
It will be months before we get the results. month
The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right). moral
Signing the forms is little more than (= only) a formality. more
The sauce is mostly cream. mostly
Rub the cream in with a circular motion. motion
Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law. mount
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition mount
Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position. mouse
move away: She's been all on her own since her daughter moved away. move
to pull/tear/strain a muscle muscle
I must admit (= I feel that I should admit) I was surprised it cost so little. must
'Do we have to finish this today?' 'Yes, you must.' must
nail clippers nail
Are you changing your name when you get married? name
The manager has named his side for the semi-final. name
name sb/sth as sb/sth: The missing man has been named as James Kelly. name
a narrow bed/doorway/shelf narrow
We appealed to his better nature (= his kindness). nature
The box fitted neatly into the drawer. neatly
She summarized her plan very neatly. neatly
He's off work with a trapped nerve in his neck. nerve
nerve endings nerve
a rail/road/canal network network
Since he changed jobs he's looked like a new man. new
the woman in the next room next
Jo was the next oldest after Martin. next
the week after next next
The trip was for ten nights. night
non-committally non-
I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again. nonsense
Mount Kenya is to the north of (= further north than) Nairobi. north
Houses are less expensive in the North (= of England) than in the South. north
A public notice about the planned development was pinned to the wall. notice
a notice saying 'Keep off the Grass' notice
It's been two weeks now since she called. now
The number of homeless people has increased dramatically. number
Glass and plastic objects lined the shelves. object
The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. objective
results based on scientific observations observation
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
The ending was pretty obvious. obvious
the result of the debate of
Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off. off
The wedding is off. off
an offer of marriage offer
according to official statistics/figures official
Officially, he resigned because of bad health. officially
The programme's on Channel 4. on
I'd like an ice cream. Are you having one, too? one
Move the books onto the second shelf. onto
There is a difference of opinion (= people disagree) as to the merits of the plan. opinion
It is time for opposing factions to unite and work towards a common goal. opposing
Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. opposition
Liverpool couldn't match the opposition in the final and lost 2-0. opposition
option (to do sth): A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments. option
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
The course offers options in design and computing. option
The names are listed in alphabetical order. order
The results, ranked in descending/ascending order, are as follows: order
I think you should go back to your original plan. original
At the end of the lease, the land will be returned to the original owner. original
Some designs are better than others. other
We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise. otherwise
Brown goes on to the semi-finals but Lee is out. out
to call/cry/shout out out
You should draw up a plan or outline for the essay. outline
The book describes in outline the main findings of the research. outline
By the time we arrived the meeting was over. over
Thank goodness that's over! over
I was glad when it was over and done with. over
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France. overcome
The runners have noticeably quickened their pace. pace
To be a really good runner he needs to lengthen his pace a little. pace
a pack of cigarettes/gum pack
a cry of pain pain
This cream should help to relieve the pain. pain
a pair of glasses/binoculars/scissors, etc. pair
parallel to/with sth: The road and the canal are parallel to each other. parallel
a marriage partner partner
You'll just have to be patient and wait till I'm finished. patient
Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house. pause
it pays sb to do sth: It would probably pay you to hire an accountant. pay
I'll pay him back for making me look like a fool in front of everyone. pay sb back (for sth)
The company has been performing poorly over the past year. perform
He criticized the recent poor performance of the company. performance
a personal pension plan (= a pension organized by a private company for one particular person) personal
Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally? personally
persuade sb of sth: I am still not fully persuaded of the plan's merits. persuade
the design phase phase
Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself. photograph
The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or physical condition. physical
Work always piles up at the end of the year. pile up
Add half a pint of cream. pint
a football/cricket/rugby pitch pitch
You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
Write on plain paper (= without lines). plain
a savings plan plan
The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices. plan
Plans for our extension have been submitted for approval. plan
a seating plan (= showing where each person will sit, for example at a dinner) plan
a floor plan (= showing how furniture is arranged) plan
a plan of the museum plan
a street plan of the city plan
plan (for sth): Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace. plan
plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. plan
a development/business/peace, etc. plan plan
a five-point plan plan
a three-year plan plan
We need to make plans for the future. plan
a plan of action/campaign plan
Let's hope everything will go according to plan. plan
plan (for sth): Do you have any plans for the summer? plan
plan (to do sth): There are no plans to build new offices. plan
Your best plan (= the best thing to do) would be to go by car. plan
There's been a change of plan. plan
We can't change our plans now. plan
to plan an essay/a garden plan
a well-planned campaign plan
plan on sth/on doing sth: We hadn't planned on going anywhere this evening. plan
plan to do sth: They plan to arrive some time after three. plan
plan sth: We're planning a trip to France in the spring—are you interested? plan
plan sth: to plan a trip plan
Everything went exactly as planned. plan
We planned the day down to the last detail. plan
plan sth for sth: A meeting has been planned for early next year. plan
plan (for sth): to plan for the future plan
plan how, what, etc...: I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day. plan
plan that...: They planned that the two routes would connect. plan
financial planning planning
a play by Shakespeare play
I was pleasantly surprised by my exam results. pleasantly
pleased (with sb/sth): She was very pleased with her exam results. pleased
a pleasing design pleasing
She spends every waking hour plotting her revenge. plot
'He's been married before.' 'That's beside the point ' (= not important). point
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave. policy
the party's poor performance in the election poor
to be in poor health poor
It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. poor
This is one of our most popular designs. popular
By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. popular
The report ended on a positive note. positive
I've lost six and a half pounds since I started my diet. pound
an allied/enemy power power
Nobody could predict the outcome. predict
predict (that)...: She predicted (that) the election result would be close. predict
sb/sth is predicted to do sth: The trial is predicted to last for months. predict
Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan. preference
Police were called to escort her off the premises. premises
pressure (for sth): The pressure for change continued to mount. pressure
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions. previous
a course designed primarily for specialists primarily
Princess Michael of Kent princess
Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable. prior
She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. prior
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
the probable cause/explanation/outcome probable
The two cases are most probably connected. probably
A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted. produce
Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne. produce
a week-long programme of lectures programme
The next edition of the book is projected for publication in March. project
promise yourself sth: I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. promise
These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability. proof
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. proportion
propose sth (to sb): to propose marriage propose
A place in the semi-finals is in prospect (= likely to happen). prospect
In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. prove
prove sb/sth/yourself to be/have sth: You've just proved yourself to be a liar. prove
provide sth: The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. provide
The campaign is designed to increase public awareness of the issues. public
a delay in the publication of the exam results publication
Pull the lever to start the motor. pull
Don't pull the trigger! pull
to pull a muscle/ligament/tendon pull
Pull the curtains—it's dark outside. pull
pull sth/yourself + adv./prep.: The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand. pull
pull sth/yourself + adj.: John pulled himself free and ran off. pull
You push and I'll pull. pull
Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off. pull
pull at/on sth: I pulled on the rope to see if it was secure. pull
pull sth: Stop pulling her hair! pull
pull sb/sth + adv./prep.: She pulled him gently towards her. pull
pull sth + adj.: Pull the door shut. pull
Pull the plug out. pull
She pulled off her boots. pull
He pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me). pull
Pull your chair nearer the table. pull
He pulled on his sweater. pull
She took his arm and pulled him along. pull
In this area oxen are used to pull carts. pull
The doctors think she will pull through. pull through, pull through sth
A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. pull out
They are pulling their troops out of the war zone. pull sb/sth out (of sth)
She saw the ambulance coming up behind her and pulled over. pull over
Stop crying and pull yourself together! pull yourself together
He pulled up at the traffic lights. pull up
The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist. pull
The tides depend on the pull of the moon. pull
I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened. pull
One last pull on the rope should do it. pull
A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer. purpose
For the purposes of this study, the three groups have been combined. purpose
Jake has been pursuing her (= trying to have a relationship with her) for months. pursue
You push and I'll pull. push
a final push against the enemy push
She put the phone down on me (= ended the call before I had finished speaking). put sth down
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence. put sth together
a qualified accountant/teacher, etc. qualified
to be of good/poor/top quality quality
Their quality of life improved dramatically when they moved to France. quality
The programme lasted an hour and a quarter. quarter
The company wants quick results. quick
quit sth: He quit the show last year because of bad health. quit
to quote Shakespeare quote
He was unable to contact Blake by radio. radio
a rail link/network rail
At the rate you work, you'll never finish! rate
rate sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): The schools were rated according to their exam results. rate
to reach a conclusion/decision/verdict/compromise reach
He first reached the finals in 2008. reach
The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions. reader
reason (for sth/for doing sth): This result gives us all the more reason for optimism. reason
receive sth with sth: The statistics were received with concern. receive
Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. reception
to break the record (= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before) record
It was the worst flood since records began. record
a slight/significant/substantial/drastic reduction in costs reduction
She made no reference to her illness but only to her future plans. reference
the President's passing reference to (= brief mention of) the end of the war reference
a government committed to reform reform
She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor. regard
The thermometer registered 32°C. register
relate sth: She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. relate
relate that...: The story relates that an angel appeared and told him to sing. relate
the relative merits of the two plans relative
Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success. relative
The new software is planned for release in April. release
He will remain (as) manager of the club until the end of his contract. remain
There remained one significant problem. remain
The two reports are remarkably similar. remarkably
a repeating pattern/design repeat
The opposition have been repeating their calls for the president's resignation. repeat
The new design will eventually replace all existing models. replace
report (on sth): She reports on royal stories for the BBC. report
The findings are similar to those reported in previous studies. report
The results are represented in fig.3 below. represent
This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy. represent
The peace plan represents (= is the result of) weeks of negotiation. represent
These results represent a major breakthrough in AIDS research. represent
The results are reproduced in Table 2. reproduce
The company enjoys a world-wide reputation for quality of design. reputation
The company has substantial reserves of capital. reserve
This new paint is designed to resist heat. resist
We agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth). resource
There has been little response to our appeal for funds. response
responsible (for doing sth): Mike is responsible for designing the entire project. responsible
This cream claims to restore your skin to its youthful condition. restore
The project is beginning to show results. result
a coach who knows how to get results from his players result
the result of an experiment result
Have you had your results yet? result
They will announce the result of the vote tonight. result
the election results result
the football results result
The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management. result
He made one big mistake, and, as a result, lost his job. result
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
The end result (= the final one) of her hard work was a place at medical school. result
This book is the result of 25 years of research. result
result sb/sth doing sth: These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship. result in sth
retire as sth: He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine. retire
They appealed for a return to work (= after a strike). return
a rich creamy sauce rich
She hitched a ride to the station. ride
The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results. rightly
He called on the people to rise up against the invaders. rise
This latest design has no rivals (= it is easily the best design available). rival
The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces. rock
They were in the next room and we could hear every word they said. room
I pulled the plant up by (= including) the roots. root
This watch is not designed for rough treatment. rough
They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out. round
She rubbed the lotion into her skin. rub
There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals. rule
rumour (that...): I heard a rumour that they are getting married. rumour
All the trains are running late (= are leaving later than planned). run
Can you run as fast as Mike? run
Time is running out for the trapped miners. run out
+ adv./prep.: Don't rush off, I haven't finished. rush
Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart. sadly
Builders were called in to make the building safe. safe
The money is safely locked in a drawer. safely
The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone. satisfy
ice cream with a hot fudge sauce sauce
+ speech: The notice said 'Keep Out'. say
Let's take any writer, say (= for example) Dickens... say
'When will it be finished?' 'I couldn't say (= I don't know).' say
Both plans are drawn to the same scale. scale
I have a hectic schedule for the next few days. schedule
We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time). schedule
The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. schedule
Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. schedule
schedule sth (for sth): The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. schedule
schedule sb/sth to do sth: I'm scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 o'clock. schedule
scheme (for doing sth): a local scheme for recycling newspapers scheme
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes scheme
a pair of scissors scissors
They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch. scratch
The road will remain sealed off until the police have completed their investigations. seal sth off
the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season season
Italy scored a second goal just after half-time. second
Careful planning is the secret of success. secret
The building is secure against intruders. secure
seem (as though...): It always seemed as though they would get married. seem
The new design just didn't sell (= nobody bought it). sell
She has served as a Democratic senator for North Carolina since 2009. senator
The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel. sense
separate from sb: He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage. separate
Prolonged separations of this kind are damaging to very young children. separation
He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. set
When are you going to get married and settle down? settle down
The shadows lengthened as the sun went down. shadow
shake sb: He was badly shaken by the news of her death. shake
shake sb/sth + adj.: She shook her hair loose. shake
Mike cut himself shaving. shave
I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom. shelf
supermarket/library shelves shelf
a dramatic shift in public opinion shift
shoot (sth) (at sb/sth): troops shooting at the enemy shoot
In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. should
show sb/sth to be/have sth: His new book shows him to be a first-rate storyteller. show
Will you tell Mike to shut up? shut up
Each side is capable of destroying the other in a nuclear war. side
A notice was stuck to the side of the filing cabinet. side
satellite links to the other side of the world side
The end is in sight (= will happen soon). sight
Delays are occurring as a result of signal failure on the northbound line. signal
The results of the experiment are not statistically significant. significant
There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. significant
Your work has shown a significant improvement. significant
These views are held by a significant proportion of the population. significant
The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease. significant
It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death. significant
The two sets of figures are not significantly different. significantly
Profits have increased significantly over the past few years. significantly
Food prices are significantly lower in the US. significantly
Your decision will significantly affect your future. significantly
I got used to his long silences. silence
I haven't eaten since breakfast. since
He's been working in a bank since leaving school. since
Since the party she had only spoken to him once. since
'They've split up.' 'Since when? ' since
It was the first time I'd had visitors since I'd moved to London. since
It's twenty years since I've seen her. since
How long is it since we last went to the theatre? since
She had been worrying ever since the letter arrived. since
We thought that, since we were in the area, we'd stop by and see them. since
He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since. since
The drawers slide in and out easily. slide
a slow, lingering death slow
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail. small
a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth smooth
a paint that gives a smooth, silky finish smooth
My job is to see that everything runs smoothly and according to plan. smoothly
Join a social club to make new friends. social
a call for social and economic change social
design/educational/music-sharing, etc. software software
You'll find some in the drawer. some
'We should finish by tomorrow.' 'That's something (= a good thing), anyway.' something
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. somewhat
The story is told through song and dance. song
All too soon the party was over. soon
The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls (= the spirits of dead people who are not in heaven). soul
Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning (= signal the end of our chances). sound
floor/office/shelf, etc. space space
Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. speak
a specially designed diet plan specially
liquid vitamins specifically designed for children specifically
This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. speed
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
split (into sth): The results split neatly into two groups. split
He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. spot
(+ adv./prep.): The fire rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. spread
The product is at the design stage. stage
All vehicles come with a CD player as standard. standard
start doing sth: I started off working quite hard, but it didn't last. start off
state secrets (= information that could be harmful to a country if it were discovered by an enemy) state
We ended up staying for lunch. stay
+ adv./prep.: I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). stay
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
This drawer keeps sticking. stick
He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off. stick
We used glue to stick the broken pieces together. stick
The glue's useless—the pieces just won't stick. stick
She stuck to her story. stick to sth
stop what...: Mike immediately stopped what he was doing. stop
I get off at the next stop. stop
Shall I tell you a story? story
He told us the story of his life. story
She pulled her hat straight. straight
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
a street map/plan of York street
Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness. stress
Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see. stretch
stretch sth + adv./prep.: I stretched out a hand and picked up the book. stretch
He stretched and yawned lazily. stretch
stretch sth: The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles. stretch
stretch sth + adj.: Make sure that the rope is stretched tight. stretch
Is there any way of stretching shoes? stretch
This sweater has stretched. stretch
strike sb: An awful thought has just struck me. strike
strike sb (as sth): His reaction struck me as odd. strike
strike sb/sth: The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. strike
Police fear that the killer may strike again. strike
The molecules join together to form long strings. string
The college has strong links with local industry. strong
They face an uphill struggle to get to the finals of the competition. struggle
substantial sums of money substantial
a substantial change substantial
Substantial numbers of people support the reforms. substantial
He ate a substantial breakfast. substantial
There are substantial differences between the two groups. substantial
Their share of the software market is substantial. substantial
a substantial house substantial
a street of substantial Victorian villas substantial
The costs have increased substantially. substantially
The plane was substantially damaged in the crash. substantially
The company's profits have been substantially lower this year. substantially
Our plan succeeded. succeed
Their plan will probably meet with little success. success
Accountants were boring. Such (= that) was her opinion before meeting Ian! such
Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers. such
suggest sth to sb: What do these results suggest to you? suggest
The following is a summary of our conclusions. summary
In summary, this was a disappointing performance. summary
The enemy won because of their superior numbers (= there were more of them). superior
The results of the experiment supported her theory. support
The statistics offer further support for our theory. support
suppose sb/sth to be/have sth: This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare. suppose
'They're getting married.' 'Surely not! ' surely
To everyone's surprise, the plan succeeded. surprise
They expressed surprise at the outcome. surprise
surprise sb: It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon. surprise
The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings. surroundings
A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. survey
suspect sb/sth to be/have sth: She suspected him to be an impostor. suspect
She swallowed hard and told him the bad news. swallow
a packet of boiled sweets sweet
take sth (as sth): She took what he said as a compliment. take
take sb sth: Shall I take my host family a gift? take
take sb: It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. take
take sb to sth: A boy took us to our room. take
take sb doing sth: I'm taking the kids swimming later. take
Two burgers to take away, please. take sth away
target for sb/sth: Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars. target
This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures. taste
The artist combines different techniques in the same painting. technique
tell sth: to tell stories/jokes/lies tell
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
the end of the term term
The term of agreement can be for either two or three years. term
When can I get my test results? test
I saw them at Christmas but haven't heard a thing since then. then
He drank a glass of whisky, then another and then another. then
In theory, these machines should last for ten years or more. in theory
a car/jewel, etc. thief thief
Things haven't gone entirely to plan. thing
I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week. the thing is
What's this I hear about you getting married? this
He is unlikely to be a threat to the Spanish player in the final. threat
threaten to do sth: The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met. threaten
It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job. through
Don't tell me how it ends—I haven't read it all the way through yet. through
Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals. through
The ceremony lasted two hours and we had to stand throughout. throughout
He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title. thus
The rope was stretched tight. tight
At no time did I give my consent to the plan. time
Mike and I shared some really good times. time
Do it now please—not in three hours' time (= three hours from now). time
Times have changed since Grandma was young. time
By the time you get there the meeting will be over. time
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
Attach this rope to the front of the car. to
She's married to an Italian. to
I am going to tell you a story. to
The exams start a week today/today week (= one week from now). today
I'm leaving a week from today. today
the full rich tone of the trumpet tone
Here are tonight's football results. tonight
the Channel Tunnel tunnel
He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. turn sb/sth down
You can't put all the blame on him. It takes two to make a marriage. it takes two to do sth
He's inclined to put two and two together and make five (= reaches the wrong conclusion from what he sees, hears, etc.). put two and two together
She mixes with all types of people. type
She mixes with people of all types. type
It is the first car of its type to have this design feature. type
A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness. ultimately
He pulled up the covers and crawled under. under
Rescuers found victims trapped several feet underground. underground
unemployment benefit/statistics unemployment
Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment. unemployment
an unexpected result unexpected
He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. unfortunate
uniform lines of terraced houses (= they all looked the same) uniform
sexual union union
unite in sth: Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan. unite
unite in doing sth: We will unite in fighting crime. unite
unite (behind/against sb/sth): Will they unite behind the new leader? unite
Nationalist parties united to oppose the government's plans. unite
unite (sb/sth): A special bond unites our two countries. unite
His aim was to unite Italy. unite
unite (sb/sth) (with sb/sth): She unites keen business skills with a charming personality. unite
They are united in their opposition to the plan. united
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
I have some paperwork to finish up. up
urge sb to do sth: She urged him to stay. urge
Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately. urge
urge that...: The report urged that all children be taught to swim. urge
The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution. urge
The applicator makes the glue easy to use. use
The software is designed for use in schools. use
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. useful
The arrival of canals was of great value to many industries. value
He swept to victory in the final of the championship. roar, romp, sweep, etc. to victory
view (sb/sth as sth): When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original. view
This year's results are virtually the same as last year's. virtually
After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference. visible
I'll wait outside until the meeting's over. wait
wake from sth: She had just woken from a deep sleep. wake
wake sb (up): Try not to wake the baby up. wake
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. warning
There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down. wave
wave sth + adv./prep.: 'I'm rich!' she exclaimed, waving the money under his nose. wave
way to do sth: That's not the right way to hold a pair of scissors. way
I enjoyed the movie but I thought the ending was very weak. weak
the weakness of the dollar against the pound weakness
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
The water had worn a channel in the rock. wear
A spider had spun a perfect web outside the window. web
We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. web
The course lasts five weeks. week
He's put on/gained weight (= become heavier and fatter) since he gave up smoking. weight
She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position). well
Well, thank goodness that's over! well
'I asked her to marry me.' 'You what? ' what?
You have our support, whatever you decide. whatever
This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident. wheel
'I've got a new job.' 'Since when?' when
Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. whereas
Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial. which
He whistled at the sheer audacity of the plan. whistle
Whoever says that is a liar. whoever
The effects will last for the whole of his life. whole
Willing hands pulled him to safety. willing
wish to do sth: This course is designed for people wishing to update their computer skills. wish
She married against her parents' wishes. wish
Are you pleased with the result? with
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. with
Skill comes with practice. with
withdraw (from sth): There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU. withdraw
Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. witness
I'd like to say a few words about future plans. word
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. work
She's planning to return to work once the children start school. work
The accountant described his work to the sales staff. work
Students should discuss any problems or worries they have with their course tutors. worry
Her indecisiveness makes her her own worst enemy. be your own worst enemy
At worst this may mean the end of her playing career. at (the) worst
The trip was expensive but it was worth every penny. worth
She'd be a fool to accept it (= if she accepted). would
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
+ speech: 'Of all my books,' wrote Dickens, 'I like this the best.' write
He writes for the 'New Yorker' (= works as a writer). write
We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. wrong
wrong (about sth/sb): You were wrong about Tom; he's not married after all. wrong
He stood up, stretched and yawned. yawn
It's exactly a year since I started working here. year
It's years since we last met. year
They married young (= at an early age). young
She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience. youth
The thermometer had fallen to zero. zero